Obama The Philosopher President

In anew book to be published soon Havard Philosophy Professor James T Kloppenberg (that is not a Boggart Blog piss take, it’s his real name OK)hails Barack Obama as a true intellectual and dubs him The Philosopher President.

It is feasible of course. All intellectuals are useless fuckers when it comes to anything practical and when did philosophy buy any potatoes?

Philosopher President

43 thoughts on “Obama The Philosopher President

  1. Obama you can take or leave, but I wonder who (just as in Cameron’s case), could better him at the job. Basically he has just begun his work and, Tea Party or not, I’ve seen the guys who want to run against him: Boehmer, for instance, can’t make a lucid speech and there are many others like him. Granted, someone may pop up out of the woodwork (remember remarkable John Evans, the ‘saviour’ who was screwing around every hotel in Vegas?). Then there’s Trump the Pump–fuckin’ idiot would build a casino or hotel at the White House.

    As they say in Texas: ‘Y’all know George Yeah.He’ll have a protege, yup. Who?— the guy who rides into the rising sun in a Suburban fixin’ fence posts.

    Whether you or anyone else thinks Obama or Cameron can be replaced by a new ‘saviour’, has their eyes shut. Obama, like Clinton, will ride the wave and make a second term, or I’ll eat my Goldfish.


    • Rob,
      Jeb Bush is lining up a run I hear.

      And we thought Dynasty was a soap opera.

      But really Obama is far worse that you give him credit for. The Americans I talk to tell me things are REALLY bad over there. So what does Obie do, he announces another round of QE and flushes the $ down the toilet, pisses off the chinese and hands the bankers another bundle of taxpayers’ cash at a stroke.

      He may well get re-elected but only because nobody will be fool enough to want to succeed him. I hear though that his biggest threat is not from the Republicans but from the Lady from whom he and his skunk felching supporters stole the nomination in the first place.


  2. I cringed at Obama’s inauguration when they interviewed all those ecstatic people talking about the Man as if it was the Second Coming. He was aware of this; he was careful to invite the nation to help make sacrifices, a bit of that “what you can do for your country” stuff. But Americans are like children; they have limited attention spans. They want their leaders to hit the ground running.
    As for Obama being an intellectual, his recent comment on Indonesia doesn’t say much, does it? Sure, he’s more intelligent that Dubya, but then so is a garden slug.


    • Athelstan,
      The slug is certainly more intelligent than Bush. I’m not sure about Obama.

      It’s true his self portrayal as a messianic character had harmed is Presidency because he could never live up to what he promised, but his inability to learn from mistakes is what damns him.


  3. I agree: Hillary is a most worthwhile opponent.
    Jeb Bush? You’re kidding. What about George Herbert Walker doing a re-run?
    Then there’s Arnie –terminating Afghanistan with his special fire gun?


    • Arnie is not elegible – he is not a natural born citizen. Mind you, if he decides to run the Democrats can hardly complain.
      (NB – its not about where Obie was born but where his parents were born, and by his own admission his Dad was Kenyan.)


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