Google Meets White House Officials Every Week Why?

Google is massive. Its dominant position in the internet seach market was achieved with little apparent effort and in a relatively short period. Just over ten years ago Google trailed Yahoo although many self styled experts insisted iut was the best search engine (this was never true, unless you agree that the most viewed or most linked to item must automatically be the best quality information available). That was just over a decade ago.

Since then, while web journalist (who had enjoyed Google’s lavish hospitality or just had sheep like tendencies) continued to insist on google’s superiority even while Google carried on a battle with people who were trying (and often succeeding) in bumping their web sites up the listings by dubious means such as link spamming.

Now Google does everything it seems (but still delivers crap search results based on commercial considerations rather than quality of content). From running the most powerful web ads network in the world (and rigging its search results to ensure the pages that will bring it most revenue get the most traffic) to building “terminator” robots for the government.

Soon, as we have reported Google will use a new algorithm to determine search engine position. This new algorithm is supposed to weed out “false” data. Essentially, at least within the Google world Google is seeking to determine what is “true” online and what is not.

Given the close relationship the company has with the Obama administration, an administration which has shown itself to be severely “truth challenged,” in its dealings with the public, this is of some concern.

(From Venture Beat)

Google’s relationship with the administration runs deeper than mere money. Google chairman Eric Schmidt helped design a get-out-the-vote system for the Obama campaign in 2012, and personally oversaw it on election night. Google employees helped dig out of its painful and glitch-ridden launch phase. Former Google VP Megan Smith is now the CTO for the White House. And, as the WSJ notes, Obama has mentioned Google in half of his State of the Union speeches to date.

Read more on Google unfair business activities below the links for this section >>>


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How Much Power Does Google Wield In Washington?

The question asked by the title is an obvious one in the light of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article linked in part one of this investigation. Supporters of the Obama administration predictably insist that Google are merely providing technical advice on internet matters.

Were that true, it would be bad enough. The possible conflicts on interests in obtaining advice from a commericial organisation that enjoys a near monopoly position in internet search should be completely unacceptable in a democratic nation.

Information we have acquired however suggests the links between Google and Washington are far deeper and more sinister. Because Obama’s sycophantic supporters will try to discredit the WSJ report so we dug a little deeper by looking at the investigatins of the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) into the cosy, crony relationship between Gooogle and The White House.

Here are some significant snippets quoted from the FTC report:

1) The FTC investigated whether Google was unlawfully giving preference to its own products. This document shows that the FTC staff found evidence of monopolistic behavior by Google when it comes to its prize search engine, but recommended not pursuing an antitrust lawsuit. “…we do not recommend that the Commission issue a complaint against Google for this conduct” (Read Read original text, P18 – We cannot link you to the full official report as it is not released into the public domain so links to screenshots of the pdf pages are provided. The WSJ artile is available HERE with material supporting it HERE and HERE and HERE. Should be enough for reasonable people.)

2)While the FTC staff recommended not filing an antitrust case against Google for its search engine business, it uncovered evidence that Google promoted its own search results and demoted those of its rivals. Google “adopted a strategy of demoting or refusing to display, links to certain vertical websites in highly commercial categories.” (Read Original – p28)

3)FTC staff concluded that Google’s conduct harmed consumers and competitors. “Staff concludes that Google’s conduct has resulted – and will result – in real harm to consumers and to innovation…” (Read Original -p116)

4) In a footnote to its report, the FTC staff detailed precisely how Google promoted its own search results over rivals. “Although Google originally sought to demote all comparison shopping websites, after Google raters provided negative feedback to such a widespread demotion, Google implemented the current iteration of its so-called ‘diversity’ algorithm.” (Read Original – p132)

In this footnote, the FTC staff quotes Google’s top economist, Hal Varian, saying that its market share was being underestimated. He added that the artificially low market share estimate could help Google steer clear of antitrust regulators. “From an antitrust perspective, I’m happy to see them underestimate our share.” (Read Original – p144)

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