The Destabilization of Africa. A Machiavellian Intrigue of Colossal Proportions

by Arthur Foxake


South Sudan, which contains vast oil reserves, borders Ethopia, Uganda, Kenya, Central African ‘Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Spread of its crisis would further destabilize a significant part of Africa. Clearly, Western-style “democratic elections,” the panacea touted by Western agencies such as National Endowment for Democracy, and related Western NGOs, have not only failed to provide stability and enhanced standards of living for many countries where they have been implemented (or imposed, militarily by US-NATO intervention, such as in Egypt, Iraq, Tunisia, Libya and Afghanistan, or by the creation of a new nation, south Sudan after political pressure forced the pretty unpleasant but highly effective regime in Karthoum to agree to dividing the nation), but are beginning to appear to be the precursor of ethnic and social violence and disintegration in many notable instances in Africa, and not only in Africa.

On September 20, 2013, at the opulent Westgate mall in Nairobi, Kenya endured a deadly terrorist attack that slaughtered more than 40 people, including several Europeans. The Al Qaeda affiliated Shabab, the Islamic jihadist group based in Somalia took responsibility for the attack, ostensibly in reprisal for Kenya’s participation in the African Union’s mission to combat Shabab’s domination of large areas of Somalia.’


Some time ago when I mused that western intervention in such places should not stop at overthrowing the old regime, the powers responsible for regime change should take responsibility for the consequences of their actions, I was accused by some professional hand wringers of advocating re – colonisation.

I was not advocating recolonisation, merely recognising that is is happening and the new colonial powers have the welfare of their colonial subjects even less at heart than did the old colonial powers.

Oh and to the bell end who told me a few weeks ago that the Gaddafi regime in Libya could not by any stretch of the imagination be said to have maintained order, in view of the latest news coming out of Libya, if you dare to repeat that sentiment, dickhead, the response might well flay your hide from your body.

It’s time to face reality about Africa. Singing Kumbaya might work in a theoretical perfect world but in real life killing tyrants and then refusing to take any responsibility for the chaos that ensues, while throwing money at the new tryants to finance their genocidal campaigns against anyone they don’t like or regard as a threat is far worse, far more inhumane than the non intervention I have always advocated.

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One thought on “The Destabilization of Africa. A Machiavellian Intrigue of Colossal Proportions

  1. […] The Destabilization of Africa. A Machiavellian Intrigue of Colossal Proportions QUOTE South Sudan, which contains vast oil reserves, borders Ethopia, Uganda, Kenya, Central African ?Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Spread of its crisis would further destabilize a significant part of Africa. Clearly, Western-style ?democratic elections,? the panacea touted by Western agencies such as National Endowment for Democracy, and related … […]


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