Undercover With The Clerics – Iran’s Secret Sex Trade


Picture: Screenshot from BBC iPlayer


I caught a few minutes of a BBC2 documentary last night while looking for the news headlines before going to bed. It was about Iraq’s secret sex trade and what I was watching was Iraqi clerics talking about how Sharia Law justifies sex with children. One guy told how for the equivalent of £200 he arranged a “pleasure marriage” (a temporary marriage,) between a thirtyish man and a 9 year old girl.

The Holy Man also told how in these pleasure marriages the man can do anything he likes with his temporary wife but must not take her virginity (yeah, right!) because that destroys her value to her family. Anal penetration (of a child by an adult) is apparently OK.

Anyone thinking of telling me this is “just a conspiracy theory” should watch the program (on BBC iplayer via the link) before posting ridiculous comments in defence of the indefensible.
Lefties in Sweden, Germany, France and UK tell us we should welcome this culture of child abuse, but do we want to live in societies in which the local religion (and de fact law) permits parents to prostitute their children?

The documentary narrator did say that technically these “pleasure marriages” are illegal, but that was the law as imposed by Saddam Hussein’s regime and, supported by neo – liberal politicians in Europe and North America, he was removed from office to make way for Muslim clerics who say (on rec.ord in the documentary, that secular law is not important and religious law is paramount

MORE on Islam
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Italy PM Giuseppe Conte resigns, launches blistering attack on deputy Matteo Salvini

In another huge blow to the efforts of the Brussels bureaucracy to create an illusion of solidarity among remaining EU member states in the run up to Brexit, Italy’s Prime Minister Guiseppe Conte has resigned, citing the behaviour of his Deputy Matteo Salvini the man who was prevented from assuming the leadership of Italy after his party won the most recent election, by Brussels’ undemocratic refusal to accept a Eurosceptic politician as leader of any member state.

Since then the Brussels elite has constantly interfered in Italy’s political and economic life, in a bid to prevent Salvini, who as leader of League, the largest party in the Italian legislature from carrying out their populist agenda. Salvini, the de facto political leader of Italy as Conte had no party backing him and no electoral mandate has been seeking confrontation with the EU principally over immigration and economic policies.

This development is certain to end the League / Five Star governimg coalition, resulting in a general election in which the hugely popular League is likely to win an overall majority. If that is the outcome Brussels will be powerless to prevent Salvini becoming Prime Minister and his party assuming overall control. And that would certainly result in Italy Leaving the European Single Currency system (the Euro,) as a step towards quitting the EU entirely. READ MORE at Vanguard News


Quitaly Back On As Salvini Prepares To Take On The EU
While the bureaucraps of Brussels were still congratuating themselves on forcing Matteo Salvini’s Lega party out of Italy’s governernment, mainstream media barely bothered to cover the news that Lega won the state elections in Umbria towards the end of October 2019. Thus the story that should have had Europhiles like Emmanuel Macron and Guy Verhofshit crapping themselves was barely noticed.

Salvini Accuses Leftist Govt of Giving Away Italian Sovereignty to EUMatteo Salvini leader of the hugely popular Populist League (Lega) party, which, despite having a democratic mandate, was excluded from the government of Italy by a stitch up enigineered by the Euronazi EU Commission in Brussels, has accused Giuseppe Conte the Italian prime minister apponted by the EU, of handing over Italian sovereignty to the European Union bureaucrats

Europe: after Brexit,Quitialy next

Europe – catalogue

European Democrascy?

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The EU can go and F*** itself!’ Politician’s Outburst Rallies Support In Italy

Calls To Suspend New Labour MP Before She Is Sworn In …

Just when you thought politics could not get any crazier.

The Jewish Labour Movement (JLM) today called for the party whip be withdrawn from Lisa Forbes who was elected MP for Peterborough in a by election last night, before she has even been sworn into Parliament. The Jewish Labour Movement (and who would have thought the Jew – hating Labour Party would have a jewish section?) want Ms. Forbes investigated and possibly kicked out of the party over her alleged anti – Semitism.


Ms Forbes won the seat by a small majority on Thursday, holding off the challenge from Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party whose candidate, local celebrity Mike Greene, had been tipped by polling firms to be heading for a landslide victory. Greene was beaten into second place by just 683 votes. However, a series of antisemitic posts from the newly elected Member of Parliament has led the JLM to call for her suspension.

Forbes reportedly ‘liked’ a Facebook post which said that Prime Minister Theresa May was pursuing a “zionist slave-masters agenda”. She also commented approval on a post that claimed that Mossad were responsible for creating Islamist terrorist groups such as ISIS.

The newly minted MP has also declined to accept the definition of antisemitism as put forward by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, something which other parties including the Conservatives have adopted as policy.

The JLM issued a statement saying Forbes was a “perfect example” of a Labour member who “rejected the accepted definition of antisemitism and supported anti – Semitic causes yet was still welcomed in the Labour Party and is allowed to seek public office as a candidate for the party.

“Ms Forbes should have the whip suspended immediately,” the statement continued, calling for the EHRC’s investigation into Labour’s institutional racism to be accelerated and widened in scope. The party is simply incapable of dealing with racism internally the JLM statement concluded.

The Jewish Chronicle reports that two senior Labour MPs, Dame Margaret Hodge, who last year accused party leader Jeremy Corbyn of being an antisemite, and Dame Louise Ellman, vice-chairman of the Labour Friends of Israel, have formally complained to the Labour Party about Ms Forbes.

Labour anti Semitism
Labour’s racist future
Labour loves Islam
Left’s culture wars
Why are the left racist?
The left’s hate and hypocrisy
The Daily Stirrer



Election fraud allowed to take place in Muslim communities because of ‘political correctness’, report warns

Election fraud has been allowed to take place in Muslim communities because of “political correctness”, a major report finds as it calls for unprecedented reforms to the British voting system.

In a report commissioned by the Government, Sir Eric Pickles, the former Conservative Cabinet minister, today warns that the authorities are in a “state of denial” and are “turning a blind eye” to election fraud.

He said that there is evidence of voter fraud “especially in communities of Pakistani and Bangladeshi background” but that the cases have been ignored because of “over-sensitivities about ethnicity and religion”.

Sir Eric warns that “challenging issues” over community cohesion should never be an “excuse” for failing to “uphold the rule of law and protect British liberties”.

Lutfur Rahman with supporters after being elected Tower Hamlets Mayor

Lutfur Rahman with supporters after being elected Tower Hamlets Mayor Credit: Nigel Howard

Sir Eric’s report makes a series of recommendations to Theresa May, the Prime Minister, and calls for people to require identification when they are voting and for police cordons around polling stations to prevent intimidation.

He also calls for officials at polling stations to be banned from speaking any language other than English and says that it should be made a criminal offense to attempt to influence someone to vote for a candidate because of their religion … READ MORE >>>


LABOUR’S SHAME: Brown’s Government ‘Urged’ Police Not To Investigate Muslim Grooming Gangs
The Former North West Chief Prosecutor alleged that the Home Office, under Gordon Brown’s Labour Government, ordered police to ignore grooming gang claims in 2008. Nazir Afzal, told the BBC that in 2008 the Home Office sent a circular email to all police forces calling on them to not investigate the sexual exploitation of young girls in towns and cities across the UK …

Electoral Fraud Scandal In Peterborough By – election Being Covered Up?
Thanks to Politicalite’s groundbreaking exclusive coverage of the crooked Peterborough By-Election so far, the Daily Mail have picked up on our story and have revealed a fresh incident of alleged electoral fraud being investigated by the Police …

Immigration omnibus
Islam catalogue
Electoral Fraud Scandal In Peterborough By – election Being Covered Up?
“>Death of Democracy

Sri Lanka Police Hunt Islamic Cleric Who Released A Video Justifying Easter Terror Attack

A search operation has been launched to arrest a Maulvi (Chief Islamic Cleric) of Vavuniya and Chettikulam divisional mosques who released a eight-minute long video clip via internet justifying the Easter bomb attacks on Sunday, Sri Lanka Mirror reported.

Vavuniya police announced that they plan to arrest the Maulvi for justifying the horrific terror attack.


Maulvi Munajit – He ate all the pies, but they weren’t pork pies (Picture: Sri Lanka Mirror)


When as ISIS had claimed the responsibility of this attack, the Tamil speaking Maulvi Munajit, who wields considerable influence in Vavuniya region and has a significant social media footprint, released an incendiary video. Maulvi Munajit is said to have close ties to National Tawheed Jamaat, the Islamic terror organisation suspected to be behind the Easter Sunday bombings.

In the video, after a cursory mention about the victims, Maulvi Munajit cites an example from the life of Muhammed to justify the terror attack. Maulvi is heard saying that the attack is a consequence of Muslims losing their patience. He cites the example of Mohammed who kept quiet for the first 13 years of Islam despite intense persecution from Quraysh people but then launched the battle of Badr. Maulvi also had said in the video that to build an Islamic state is just thing and the struggle has just commenced for that.

Several Tamil organizations in Vavuniya, angered by seeing the video, immediately reported it to the local authorities. The investigation is being currently done by the Chettikulam police.

The Daily Stirrer
Greenteeth Digital Publishing

Hijab wearing, Jihad supporting U.S. Congresswoman refuses to condemn stoning of gays.

Ilhan Omar (with Bernie Sanders behind thinking “I wouldn’t mind giving her a taste of my pork sausage) – picture credit http://www.thenation.com

It had to happen, and it was always going to be great comedy value when it did. U.S Liberals were always going to face the moment when their love of Gays, Lesbians and Trannies clashed head to head with their love of terrorists and the Islamic Jihad.

When hijab wearing, Jihad supporting Muslim woman Ilhan Omar was elected to the US Congress in spite of her strongly anti – American opinions, Liberals were creaming their  pants and hailing a great victory in the struggle for equality, diversity and multicultruralism. Poor fools are terminally hypocritical in their virtue signalling, how else could they simultaneously claim to support gay rights clauses and the fanatical supporters of a religious sect that imposes a death sentence on gays.   Anyone with more brain cells than testicles or tits as the case may be, would have to be aware that support for the LGBT community and support for fundamentalist Islam are incompatible.

The new intake of elected represenatatives were sworn in and took office in late January, so it has not taken long for the truth of Islam top bite the minority loving liberals on the arse.

Condemned many times by Democratic colleagues for her  anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, repeating arguments used by Nazi Germany to jusify anti – Semitism and using anti-Semitic tropes. Omar has compared Israel to the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism in media interviews where she also suggested that Israel should not be allowed to exist as a Jewish state.

Conservative news site The Daily Wire contacted Omar’s office on Friday  to give them a chance to respond to allegations that she had expressed support for the stoning and flogging of homosexuals in compliance with Sharia law, and notified them that a non-response would be considered a ‘refusal to condemn’ these acts. Omar’s office again did not respond to the inquiries.”

Omar’s obviously realizes that she is widely regarded as anti-Semitic, and if she isn’t, should have responded to the allegations and made that clear. Her non-response is in keeping with the Leftist and Islamic supremacist practice of never according opponents even basic human respect and courtesy, a Leninist/Alinskyite practice that has echoes in Muhammad’s behavior toward Infidels, and is intended to dehumanize and marginalize them.

But Omar does not just imply her guilt by silence, she also actively expresses her support for the vile, inhumane treatment of certain minorities under Islamic Sharia Law:

“Omar Refuses To Condemn Gays Being Stoned To Death Under Sharia Law, Violence Against Israel From Hamas,” by Ryan Saavedra, Daily Wire, March 29, 2019:

“This is abhorrent and inhumane,” Omar tweeted of the conditions in which a group of detained migrants was being kept. “It’s without a doubt a reflection of what white nationalism is doing to our country. As a country, we have to acknowledge that this is how people are being treated here and decide that we are better and we must do better.”

Following Omar’s remarks, The Daily Wire reached out to her office via phone and email to get her thoughts on two recent news items.

The first story comes from Brunei, where Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah has said that new Sharia laws that are going into effect are a form of “special guidance” from God, according to Sky News.

The nation is going to introduce death by stoning as a punishment for gay sex and “amputation for those guilty of theft under sharia law, with both penalties to also apply to children once implemented.”

The second story comes out of the Middle East, where the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas recently fired 20 rockets into Israel and destroyed the homes of innocent civilians.

The Daily Wire asked Omar if she could provide comment on either story and if she found either of these acts to be “abhorrent and inhumane.”

The Daily Wire also asked Omar if she would say that these acts are due to radical Islam.

Omar and her office refused to respond to multiple requests for comment.

So which way do American liberals (and certain university brainwashed idiots in Britain (yes Owen fucking Jones I mean you and the negative – IQ morons who follow you, which way do you jump. Is killing people for being gay OK with you, or do you finally agree with the wiser voices you have spent so long condemning and accept there is no room for a religion that advocates barbaric treatment of women and sexual minorities in civilised society.


Muslim Intolerance

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Media Silence Surrounds Muslim Massacre of Christians

Sweden: Authorities cancel traditional Christmas concerts, promote Islamic events

Sweden’s, and perhaps the world’s largest outdoor Christmas concert “Oh Holy Night”, which traditionally airs on Swedish national TV on Christmas Eve each year, has been cancelled, SVT news reports.

This is most likely yet another example of the Swedish governmenmt’s policy of suppressing ancient European traditions in order not to offend migrants who don’t hold Christian beliefs (a.k.a. Muslim extremists who hate everything Christian and European, who steal, rape and murder in the knowledge that even if the police bother to investigate their crimes – asking immigrant to obey Swedish law is racist according to left wing politicians in Sweden – can rely on the courts acting with extreme leniency in response to even the most serious of crimes.

Earlier incidents of this state sponsored de-Swedenication of Sweden include: replacing the image of Santa Lucia (December 21st), who according to the ancient Swedish Pagan Yule tradition always has been a long haired, blonde, beautiful woman, with a black boy.

Putting a woman in a hijab on the annual Advent/Christmas calendar.

Cancelling the traditional student choirs’ appearance on TV at Valborg (Swedish Pagan spring celebration).

Principals forbidding students to wave the Swedish flag on graduation day.

Insisting on prayer for diversity at National Day celebration events.

Left-wing Swedes promoting the idea that Sweden’s National Day should not be celebrated, on TV and in national papers.

At the same time Muslim culture and traditions are being intensely promoted:

On Midsummer’s Day (Sweden’s celebration of the sun at its height, the most culturally significant traditional holiday in the Swedish calendar) TV4 decided to let a woman in a hijab teach the Swedes how to cook kebab properly in preparation for Ramadan, the holy month of the Islamic calendar. It was a political gesture of course, cooking a kebab is not difficult. Ramadan is also celebrated with state funded public events in all Swedish cities with large migrant communities as well as on TV. In spite of protests from Christian and secular Swedes, authorities are allowing the Islamic call to prayer to be played through loudspeakers (at 110 dB), while at the same time banning bell rining in Christian churches (presumably bells are an abomination to Allah.)

Sadly, this is not confined to Sweden. Similar things are occurring throughout the liberal democracies of Western Europe, and will continue to occur as long as the ruling elites pursue immigrant friendly policies aimed at replacing the educated, well informed working classes of Europe with ignorant, illiterate (and therefore not capable of dissent) third world peasants.

In order to save ourselves we need to stand up for national cultures and traditions, and to stop accepting government’s efforts to force us to accept Islamic values and morals, ignore pro – Islamic laws such as the recent judgement in the European Court which makes ALL criticism of Islam subject to charges of blasphemy (meanwhile Muslims can say what they like about Christianity, Atheism, Paganism, humanism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism,) In counties all over the European continent, along with the United States, Canada, Australia and South East Asia resistance to the ruling elite’s efforts to inject Islam into our way of life is growing. Join the resistance NOW. Islam is a brutal, primitive religion that treats women as property, executes people for having sex outside marriage and imposes the death penalty for homosexuality. We must act, in a few more years it will be too late.

More on Islam’s eradication of Swedish culture via Swedish school bans centuries-old Christian tradition but celebrates Muhammad’s journey to heaven

Prohibition of the Swedish Christmas tradition Lucia has sparked debate in Sweden. In Motala, the Lucia celebration has been cancelled at Kärrbacken School. According to preschool manager Anna Karmskog, they want to avoid discrimination, offensive treatment and do not want to “exclude” anyone.

It is also seen from an “equality perspective”. Many people buy Lucia costumes for one occasion. It does not feel right to force the parents to buy these, she says, untruthfully. I have worked in Sweden and been involved in a Lucia celebration (festival of light celebrating the day on which the sun passes its lowest point on the noon horizon and days start to lengthen. Special costumes are optional, all that is needed is a candle and something to catch wax, which can be fashioned out of tinfoil.

Left wing activist teachers, honouring the killjoy spirit we traditionally associate with the virtue signalling, politically correct left, say many children are rendered anxious and sad in a large crowd, and the “gender perspective” as the children “walk in a row” is questioned. In other words boys walk in one line, girls in another. The school did not discussed the cancellation with the parents, the leftist teachers simply imposed their prejudices.

In Mellerud, Åsen’s school decided to boycott the Lucia celebrations altogether, at both primary and middle school. A parent at the school, Ingrid Stewart, believes the ban has to do with religion and the hated of left wing staff towards Christianity and Swedish culture.

“I suspect it. Everyone does not feel comfortable with Lucia celebrations according to the school. But last week, the school celebrated Muhammad’s journey to heaven without even informing us.”, she says.

Some now say that the cancelled Lucia celebration is a prelude to cancel Christmas and force Swedes to adapt to Islam. Recently, to prevent terror attacks, barriers have also been set up at Christmas Markets in Malmö.Organi. Fortunately all this is strengthening the Sweden Democrats, the nationalist political party.


Uproar as Islamists Reportedly Spotted at Muslim Meeting in Cologne, Germany
Leading representatives of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, an organisation with known links to terrorism, fow whichj it is banned in some countries, have been identified at a recent conference in Cologne, dedicated to the future of European Muslims.

Western Nations Are Not The Only Ones Having Problems With Islam

Late last month the European Court of Justice (ECJ), an offshoot of the Cultural Marxist empire known as the European Union ruled that a woman who had referred to Mohammed, the prophet of Islam as a paedophile was guilty of blasphemy under Sharia Law it was the most abject, snivelling surrender yet by any western government or judiciary to the bullying and threats of fanatical Muslim hate preachers. Sharia Law has no standing in any non Muslim nation, what’s more it is a barbaric medieval legal codex that imposes sentences of death and torture for trivial offences.

The waily, gnashy – teethy snowflakes who are stupid and emotionally needy enough to believe if we are tolerant of Muslin intolerance we can somehow show them our way is best, refuse to accept that Islam poses any threat to civilised nations. The still insist that the grooming and rape gangs given licence by politically correct politicians in Britain to abuse vulnerable young women is ‘Fake News’ dreamed up by right wing extremists, in spite of two separate independent reports by sociologists finding failings on the part of police, government officials and politicians had allowed the crimes to go uninvestigated and the perpetrator unpunished.

Such people, who claim our culture is enriched by third world criminals, want government to encourage more mass migration form the third world shitholes, and to spend huge fortunes on persuading them to integrate into British society perhaps need to read this article on the problems large Muslim minorities cause, from a nation where an Islamic minority has existed for a thousand years and still has not integrated.

via barenakedislam.com

When India gave up a large chunk of its land to Muslims in order to create Pakistan in 1947, it should have mandated that all Muslims residing in India move to Pakistan

That’s why now, India is having the same problems with their Muslim population that every country with a Muslim minority is experiencing. However, in India, the Muslim minority is nearly 180 million and they are constantly whining that Prime Minister Narenda Modi’s (photo right) India has become a living nightmare for them. How long before India will be forced to give up more of its land to appease the squeaky wheel Muslims? As everyone knows, that is their goal – to create an Islamic state within the Hindu nation, with the ultimate long-term goal of taking over the whole country one day.


  More on Islam

Dutch professor: “Western countries have never managed to integrate Muslims”
Dutch professor of sociology Ruud Koopmans has carried out a 20-year research project embracing several large scale studies on integration and assimilation, and at the end of it all he concludes that Muslims are more difficult to integrate than other migrant groups.

Barmpot Sinead O’Connor Converts to Islam, Becomes Shuhada’ Davitt

Sinead O’Connor

One hit wonder and general barmpot has once again given us all a belly laugh with her bizarre antics.

Sinead who scored a worldwide hit with her 1990 single “Nothing Compares 2 U” has undergone a public conversion from Catholicism to Islam, sharing her progress to the Twitter platform, reports The Irish Post.

Writing online, the musician announced that she had converted to Islam, chronicled getting her first hijab, and posted a video of her singing the Islamic call to prayer.

Shuhada’ also posted an image in imitation of the Nike tick logo which implored followers to “wear a Hijab. Just do it.”

The Irish Post reports:

Irish singer Sinead O’Connor has revealed she has renounced Catholicism and
converted to Islam, taking the new name “Shuhada’ Davitt”.

O’Connor, who last year changed her legal name to Magda Davitt, said she had ditched the Catholic Church for good in a message to fans on Twitter.

The 51-year-old was previously ordained a priest by a breakaway Catholic sect, the Irish Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church, in the late 1990s.

Original boggartblog has this message for Sinead. Once upon a time your craziness was amusing love, now it’s just boring. Put a bag over your head if you like but shut the fuck up. Just do it.

Daily Stirrer

Government Fund Launched To Help Preserve Decaying Churches

St Chahttps://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/news/2018/09/01/TELEMMGLPICT000173057493_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqeCwD--eYyhoJsbXUMQsWbRYttIy5bmvXE6XMwzZiu3k.jpeg?imwidth=1400's, Rochdale
St. Chad’s Rochdale – Picture credit: Credit: Alamy Stock Photo via Daily Telegraph

Launching a government funded £1.8m scheme to maintain and preserve some of Britain’s most beautiful churches that are at risk, Historic England Chief Executive, Duncan Wilson, said: “ We are committed to supporting congregations who care for these extraordinary buildings and pleased that the pilot will be looking not only at the buildings themselves, but also at how they can be imaginatively used so they can once again be at the heart of local communities.”

The scheme, to be managed by Historic England, will pay for urgent repairs and support the efforts of volunteers to maintain listed buildings including churches, synagogues, and meeting houses in two pilot areas, Suffolk and Greater Manchester. The tasks involved often require specialist skills.

The pilot regions were chosen because one is more urban and other other more rural, and the scope of the project has been based on the recommendations of last year’s Taylor Review which examined the sustainability of English churches and cathedrals. The report stated that church buildings play a “vital role” in offering public services, and give communities a sense of identity.

It recommended that they should be opened up for other uses, such as Post Offices, flu jabs and youth clubs to help ensure a more sustainable future for the buildings. The Daily Stirrer and our predecessor were, as usual, way ahead of the game when we suggested ten years ago that such a scheme was needed.

The diocese of Manchester has already earmarked for help from the scheme, Anglican churches which could benefit from the fund, including St Chad’s, Rochdale (above), a Grade I listed church in need of repair, and St Thomas, Halliwell which needs modernising and plans to work with a local school.

Manchester’s churches are already used to host foodbanks, breakfast and holiday clubs, credit unions and debt advice centres and support services for refuges and asylum seekers.

Now we will make another suggestion that we hope politicians and bureaucrats might one day catch up with. Part of the cost of this scheme could be offset if government departments and local councils stop giving generous grants to Muslim organisations for the building of Mosques and ‘Islamic Study Centres (aka training schools for jihadists.) There is no place in civilised, tolerant Britain for the brutal and primitive laws and customs of a medieval religion like Islam.