Stories The Media Ignored While Worshipping Greta Thunberg

Authored by Matt Agorist via,

The term pedophrasty is a relatively new word – not currently accepted by an official dictionary – but that has a powerful meaning in today’s political and media environment. Pedophrasty is an “argument involving children to prop up a rationalization and make the opponent look like an asshole, as people are defenseless and suspend all skepticism in front of suffering children: nobody has the heart to question the authenticity or source of the reporting. Often done with the aid of pictures.” We have seen this tactic employed by both the left and the right sides of the political spectrum and it is, unfortunately, highly effective.

If you turned on your television last week, you likely saw 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg. No one here at the Free Thought Project are climate scientists, so we will abstain from commenting on her agenda. However, neither is she. But I digress. The political and mainstream media machine’s exploitation of Thunberg is a perfect example of pedophrasty.

If Thunberg’s activism actually wakes people up to pollution and incites a peaceful and a voluntarily implemented environmental benefit — without ushering in a tyrannical climate change police state — we fully support her endeavors. Wanting to save the world is a noble cause and if children want to try to do that, by all means, have at it—just don’t take away anyone’s life or liberty in the process.

The subsequent sh*t storm that was sparked online by Thunberg’s coverage — entailing both support and hatred — however, is a different story.

It served as a perfect distraction to things that actually matter in our lives. As videos of Thunberg meeting with Barack Obama went viral (I’ll get to that irony in just a second), extremely important events unfolded around us, which were entirely ignored by the mainstream media.

Before I list these major stories passed over by the media, I would be remiss if I failed to point out the irony of the Obama/Thunberg meeting. Sorry.

Barack Obama advocated for, approved, and oversaw eight wars in various different countries which brought death and destruction to millions of innocent people. Under his watch, tens of thousands of warheads fell all over the Middle East ensuring a lifetime of pollution and suffering for the people who managed not to be blown up by them. What’s more, under his (and yes, Trump’s too) presidency, the US military contributed more pollution to the planet than 140 countries, combined. This has made the United States military the largest polluter on the planet. But, by all means, he fist-bumped Greta, so, all good man.

Back to the point.

FIND OUT which stories Saint Greta kept out of your news


Macron Threatens G20 On Climate Then Backs Off
France’s boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth’s soliloquy in Shakespeare’s play turned out to signify nothing.France’s boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth’s soliloquy in Shakespeare’s play turned out to signify nothing.
Climate change catalogue
Climate lies composite

War and Politics Behind Mass Displacement in Africa, Not Climate Change – UCL
A report from a new study conducted by University College London’s may cause a stir in the climate scaremongering industry. The report challenges the academic establishment’s standard narrative of mass displacement in Africa being principally responsible for the creation of refugees in Africa and casts doubt on a number of other assumptions about global problems.

Hurricane Harvey Climate Catastrophe Man Made?As we reported last week the Hurricane Harvey disaster which has hit the U.S. states of Texas and Louisiana has shown characteristics never before observed in any hurricane or tropical storm since records began. Meteorological depressions (because that is what hurricanes, typhoons and other intense storms are,) move and once over land quickly weaken as air pressures become normalised. Harvey has stayed in the same area, dumping massive amounts of rain on the heavily populated coastal strip and causing $$$billionsworth of damage through flooding and high winds.

Trump Announces US To Quit The Paris Climate Accord
Fulfilling another campaign pledge, US President Donald Trump yesterday announced the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris climate pact and that he will work to renegotiate the international agreement in a way that treats American workers better. “So we are getting out, but we will start to negotiate and we will see if we can …

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling you for years …

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling …

Obama’s Climate Change Hypocrisy – The Arrogance Of The New Patricians
It is customary for US Presidents, when they leave office either having served two terms, been defeated in an election, or of their own volition, to fade quietly into the background. This is largely good manners, for an ex President to appear to be trying to intervene on political issues and influence events or public …

Big Business Joins Climate Change Scaremongers
The Paris summit on climate change approasches, which means the tree hugging fascist tendency are turning up the volume to eleven again. Trouble is they cannot produce a shed of evidence to back up their wild claims of imminent catastrophe because global warming only exists in their mathematical models, in the real world it is not happening/

Confusion Reigns As Paris Climate Conference Draws Near
The carbon dioxide driven climate change scam is back on the agenda as yet another monstrously expensive and fossil fulel gobbling jolly for politicians, scientists, freeloaders and general wankers gather to eat, drink, talk a lot and do nothing about a problem that exists in mathematical models but not in the real world.

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal – Is It The Tip Of The Iceberg?
The real problem here is that, driven by the hysterical warnings of self interested pseudo-scientists, politicians have set unachievable targets for reducing emissions while demanding that national economies keep growing.


Scientists create human-sheep chimera with hopes of affordable organ transplants

A team of scientists has grown hybrid embryos in the womb of a sheep that contain human stem cells, moving the sci-fi idea of developing human organs inside animals one step closer to reality, and sparking ethical concerns.

The development could potentially save thousands lives among people who are in a need of vital organ transplants. Many patients die before they reach to the top of a queue, but scientists have long claimed organs like a pancreas for example, grown inside a pig, sheep or some other animal, could possibly not only save a life but also cure a chronic illness such Type 1 Diabetes.

This week, the team from Stanford University announced they had grown a sheep embryo injected with adult human stem cells for 28 days, including 21 days inside a sheep mother. The news was revealed at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Austin, Texas, the Guardian reports. The experiment had to be terminated, as U.S. law forbids developing cross-species embryos, called chimera, for more than 28 days.

Researchers had already created the first human-pig hybrid. The major difference this time is they achieved a much higher ratio of human cells to animal cells in the hybrid embryo, which is one human cell to about 10,000 sheep cells, according to Dr. Pablo Ross from the University of California.

To prevent the natural abortion of the unnatural embryo and create the part-human, part-animal chimera, the researchers use a gene-editing technique. First, they deleted genes needed for developing a certain organ in an animal embryo, then they injected human stem cells to fill the void. In 2010, Japanese scientists were the first to use this method to create a mouse and rat chimera, where the rat cells were introduced into a mouse to form a missing pancreas.

Last year, the same team that is now working on a sheep embryo, announced that it had, for the most part, cured diabetes in mice after transplanting a mouse pancreas it had grown in a rat.

There’s still a long way to go until this could be possible to replicate on humans, the researchers said. Unlike the rats or mice, both sheep and pigs have organs similar in size to those of a human.

“It could take five years or it could take 10 years but I think eventually we will be able to do this,” the study’s co-author Hiromitsu Nakauchi of Stanford University said.

GM babies? How About The Frankenstein Lobby Try A Bit Of Honesty And Call It Eugenics
As the British Parliament debated legalising the use of techniques to create three parent babies and the dishonest champions of scientific fascism claim is is a perfectly safe development to remove faulty genes from humanity and in no way similar to programs with the same aim carried out in Nazi Germany, we challenge them to be honest and admit what they propose is Eugenics, a morally repugnant quest to create a master race. And all three main political parties support it.

Transhumanism and Eugenics
We have said many times that the science community is at war with humanity. Scientists are out of control, evry day we hear of some new scheme to try to control nature, be it human nature or the climate. Given what we ought to have learned from all previous attempts to control nature we can only conclude that scientists are insane psychos willing to risk destroying life to show off how clever they are.
Transhumanism: Join The Resistance
Transhumanism, the creation of – or turning us into – part human, part machine cyborgs is generating a lot of discussion and a lot of spontaneous ejaculations in the scientific community as they contemplate having their brains replaced by a computer. There are no limits on the ambitions of scientists fantasies, they even envisage creating robots that can interbreed with us, but how much is realistic?
Transhumanism: They will get under your skin
We seem to be talking a lot about transhumanism, the process of turing us into human – animal or human -machine hybrids recently. The Daily Stirer thinks such technological visions are nothing more than the fantasies of sick minds, but politicians and corporate leaders, ever eager for more power and control, seem willing to stump up infintie funding.
Technology and Transhumanism
Prof Mark Post, a researcher at the University of Maastricht, has spent several years developing a technique for growing meat in the lab. Yesterday, he unveiled the product of his work: a petri-dish beefburger, grown from stem cells. Genetically, it is beef, but it has never seen a cow. The eye-watering price tag represents the cost of the whole project (Google’s Sergey Brin was picking up the bill). The shamburger was cooked via a live video stream on the internet, and was pronounced as basically meat-like (if lacking salt and fat) by a panel of chefs, who for some reason ate it without ketchup.

Artificial Intelligence: Will It Kill Human Society?
The media, the so called ‘experts’ and politicians hail every technological advance as if it will btransport us from reality to a utopian paradise. but does Artificial Intelligence and related internet and computer technology pose theats to human society that far outweigh any possible advantages? Whateve, Google plan to put machines in our place on top of the food chain.

Is Technology Creating Physical and Psychological Hazards In The Digital Age?
Scientific research used to be the area of work that trailblazers, those with an unquenchable desire for new experience and a hyperactive sense of adventure wanted to be involved in. Now those who label themselves ‘scientists’ seem to have become the high priests of an ultra – conservative religion, determined at all costs to block progess that may lead to understanding that the dogmas of the past are just wrong

The Mummers: The Controlling system And The Illusion Of Freedom
We live in a world of deception, where truth is an ephemeral thing, slippery as an eel and shadowy as a spectre. What we are expected to perceive as reality is just spin and misinformation designed to ensure the elite maintain their control. There’s eff all you can do just get on with your life, say the shills for big government and authoritarianism. But are we really nothing more than slaves of the system?

How many Parents?
A Computer With Human Abilities
Will your brain interface with a computer
Transhumanism in Google’s ambitions
Science and technology
Transhumanism index

Yellowstone Grumbles, La Palma Rumbles – What can we do?


Volcano warning: Canary Islands panic as earthquakes hit La Palma – 40 tremors in 48 hours

FEARS of a volcano erupting on the Canary Islands has sparked panic as the Spanish archipelago was hit by more than 40 earthquake tremors in just 48 hours.

Daily Express

La Palma was rocked by more than 40 seismic movements of low magnitude and intensity between 1.5 and 2.7 on the Richter scale, according to the data of the National Geographic Institute.

The biggest earthquake, recorded at around 1pm on Saturday, had a magnitude of 2.7 and took place in the area of the Natural Park Cumbre Vieja, 28 kilometres deep.

The second largest quake, of 2.6, took place at 1.23pm on Sunday in the same area, while the third quake erupted at midnight on Monday, reaching a magnitude of 2.1, according to the Volcanological Institute of the Canary Islands (Involcan).

The earthquakes from the huge Cumbre Vieja volcano have sparked panic across the Canary Islands, with volcano experts pulled in to examine the unusual seismic activity.

Threat Of Devastating ‘Supervolcano’ Eruption At Yellowstone Is Greater Than Previously Thought

Scientists from the US Geological Survey who breezily informed the public that there’s “nothing to worry about” with regards to the Yellowstone caldera, a supervolcano that should it erupt could cause potentially hundreds of thousands of deaths, should be eating their words.

Since about mid-July, the earth beneath the volcano has been shifting in a sign that magma could be rushing into the caldera’s main chamber. Since then, there have been roughly 2,500 small-scale earthquakes recorded near the volcano, the largest stretch on record. Previous estimates had assumed that the process that led to the eruption took millenniums to occur.

The same estimates that USGS based their warning on.

As the New York Times explains, the Yellowstone caldera is a behemoth far more powerful than your average volcano. It has the ability to expel more than 1,000 cubic kilometers of rock and ash at once, 2,500 times more material than erupted from Mount St. Helens in 1980, which killed 57 people. That could blanket most of the United States in a thick layer of ash and even plunge the Earth into a volcanic winter.

And if these two blow together, there’s only one thing we can do …



Men Menstruate? Latest Dickheadedness From The Legion Of The Dickless

Toni the Tampon (left) and friend. The one on the right looks like the child of an onion ring that mated with a hedgehog (picture source)

Yes you read that headline right, the GayBLTQetc. lobby propagandists are now pushing the most preposterous idea yet in their determination to make unequal things equal. A colouring book aimed at children in the age range that use colouring books floats the idea that men can have periods. The book, which invites kids to colour in images of Toni the Tampon, Marina the Menstrual Cup and Sebastian the Sponge explains to the five to eight year olds that men who have once been ladies and have decided to keep their baby making kit even though they sport facsimile of a man’s dangly bits created by surgery rather than nature, but nontheless are real women, can have periods just like ladies who wear skirts and brassieres and high heeled shoes and lipstick. The narrative such as it is also explains that ladies who were originally men get – well I suppose you’d have to call them virtual periods really, quite how this happens is not clear but I hope these is no tomato ketchup involved. Milo Yiannopoulis reports on this latest insanity from the politically correct brigade .

After giving us the basic, shocking details of this latest display of self regarding stupidity from those who ‘identify’ as left wing, the alt_right movement’s favourite gay man then goes on to explain that the creators of this book were concerned that when the time came to learn about reproductive biology (science, right?)  biological process involved in the female menstrual cycle and how they felt it was important that little boys did no feel left out when the subject was being covered.

If you have been around internet comment threads as long as I have you will have noticed that the people who promote this transgender shite are the same ones who, when anyone raises the topic of the very obvious flaws in climate science that have led to all the predictions of catastrophe being wrong, will call us ‘science deniers’ and scream that people who are not scientists don’t understand how science works so cannot question science or post that quote from the world’s worst scientist Neil DeGrasse Tyson, “science is true whether or not you believe in it,” are the same as those who now try to tell us that somebody who was born male can have peroids, calling it ‘transphobic’ when anyone points out the truth that such a person is not a real biological woman and cannot ever have periods. Likewise these science believers (who are as deluded as Scientologists) tell that someone who has had an imitation penis fashioned from a bit of fat and gristle and takes lots of hormones so she can grow a bit of bumfluff on her chin is a real man even though he/she/zi/it cannot ever produce sperm.  I’m not an expert on biology but my understanding is that the cause of a woman’s period is the breaking down of the NATURAL lining of the NATURAL uterus . Turning a penis inside out does NOT create a NATURAL uterus, with a NATURAL lining to  shed. For the university brainwashed and those who believed the liar, embelzler, fraud, traitor and war criminal Hillary Clinton could have been an adequate President of the United states, no natural uterus means NO BLEEDING!No bleeding equals a very young female, a female past the first flush of middle age or something other than a female.

It’s fucking science you idiots.

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Transgender Oxford University
Transgender Ladies First
Transhumanism omnibus
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OMFG – Yellowstone Eruption In 2016? Can Shakespeare Help Me?

Thanks to Kelli Shrugs for bringing this to my attention (and to Shakespeare for the prescient lines -scroll down past pic.). The full headline reads:

Yellowstone Eruption In 2016? Shocking New Video Shows What Is Really Going On At Yellowstone

Over the past week, our planet has been hit by large earthquake after large earthquake, and according to Volcano Discovery there are 38 volcanoes around the world that are erupting right now.  We have seen a dramatic spike in global seismic activity that is unlike anything that we have seen in ages, and that is why what is going on at Yellowstone, is so incredibly alarming.  Geologists tell us that a full-blown eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano would have up to 2,000 times the power of the Mount St. Helens volcanic eruption of 1980, and approximately two-thirds of the country would immediately become uninhabitable.  As you will see below, there are signs that something big is getting ready to happen at Yellowstone, and if it does erupt all of our lives will be permanently changed forever.
Read full article >>>
Not being a Bible reading type of person, in times of stress I usually turn to Shakespeare for solace or inspiration. And sure enough I found these lines which helped me understand we cannot change the course of nature and must accept the inevitable.

The night has been unruly: where we lay,
Our chimneys were blown down; and, as they say,
Lamentings heard i’ the air; strange screams of death,
And prophesying with accents terrible
Of dire combustion and confused events
New hatch’d to the woeful time: the obscure bird
Clamour’d the livelong night: some say, the earth
Was feverous and did shake.
(Macbeth, 2.3)

Good old Shaky, always hits the spot.

40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now, And 34 Of Them Are Along The Ring Of Fire

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