Environmentalists Hype The Summer Heat, Ignore The Winter Chill And Call It Science

You might think the world is burning and we’re all doomed if you beleived the latest hysterical ravings of climate scientists, but while wildfires rage in Greece, here in the north of England it’s so cold I’ve had to put my heating on as we endure the coldest July on record.

 According to Daniel Turner, founder and executive director of the nonprofit climate change scepticism advocacy group Power the Future, who insists that environmental activists are hyping up heat events such as the hot weather parts of the  United States and southern Europe seeing right now. While mainstream media reporters are whipping themselves into a frenzy over the summer’s heat, the kind of temperatures being recorded should not be causing surprise and dismay since since the affected areas are part of the Northern Hemisphere, where the months of July and August “should be hot,” according to Mr. Turner. He accused environmentalist scaremongering groups of hyping up heat while ignoring the  recent intense winters experienced in the same areas of the world.

“It’s very strange, though, that the environmental left loves to talk about the summer, they love to talk about the heat. Because it’s sexy, the heat is oppressive, it’s very uncomfortable. But the cold is actually much more deadly,” he said.

“On average, four times more people die of the cold. And yet when we have terrible winters, we don’t blame that on climate change. We just call that winter because it doesn’t fit the narrative that the planet is getting warmer. So they just ignore the winter.”

This is something my fellow ‘conspiracy theorist’ Graham Lear and I have noticed over perhaps as much as fifteen years now.  While year after year environmentalist groups and government departments claim a new record has been set for the hottest year ever, either the data is being manipulated or these wonderful sciencetits (sic) with their marvellous mathematical models are deficient in basic numeracy skills because they do not understand how to calculate a simple average.

Turner’s stance is refreshing but he faces a tough battle to be heard above the screeching of the numerous climate change alarmist groups such as the one which responded to his criticism of alarmism with predictions of imminent desolation and catastrophe as a result of our climate crimes;


This article makes the statement;

  • ”Unless the world rapidly stops burning fossil fuels, these events will become even more common and the world will experience heatwaves that are even hotter and longer-lasting. A heatwave like the recent ones would occur every 2-5 years in a world that is 2°C warmer than the preindustrial climate.”

When I was working in the nuclear industry in the 1980s the engineers and designers would refer to the academic experts who advised government policy makers as “often in error, never in doubt”. It seems the climate ‘experts’ are cast from the same material, they have no doubt whatsoever that whatever is happening to the climate (if anything) it is all the fault of humanity. 

The more they repeat this mantra with the certainty of zealots, the more it seems like the credo of some weird doomsday cult, there are echoes of the notion of original sin and that we are all sinners and debase ourselves before the righteous and sacrifice all the benefits of civilisation in order to be saved.

 In this respect it echoes the Abrahamic religions in the way it uses guilt to keep they leity in line and preserve the power of the elite priesthood. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all rely on keeping people in fear of divine retribution but having been brought up in what can be loosely described as the Christian tradition I can only comment on the scam that has held Christian churches together for almost 2000 years. When people say to me now, “Jesus died on the cross for your sins,” I will answer, “That’s tough but I didn’t ask him to.”

I refuse to feel guilt about a myth. We are all responsible for our own actions and have a duty to inform ourselves of the likely consequences of what we do and then to behave as decently as we can in the circumstances. But just as I reject allegations that I bear some responsibility for the death of a charcter believed to have lived 2000 years ago, I am no more going to accept responsibility for extreme weather events when those who accuse me are flying around the world in private jets to lecture us more humble folk on the sacrifices we must make in order to ‘save the planet.’

It seems to me that if we do as the doom mongers suggest and immediately and suddenly stop burning fossil fuels, the misery and suffering created will be immense and will hit the poorest in society and the people of the poorest nations hardest.



Another Setback For UK’s Net Zero Green Dreams As Cost Rise Faster Than China’s CO2 Emissions
The UK ruling elite’s dreams suffered another setback today when Swedish energy company Vattenfall announced work on the Norfolk Boreas offshore wind farm is to be suspended. The reasons given are spiralling costs, uncertainty in supply lines and the economic reality that offshore wind farms are hideously expensive to operate as well as being enormously damaging to the marine environment.

Out Of Touch Elites Are Destroying Civilised Society Society With Net Zero Obsession And No Plan B
How good it must have felt for politicians to set those lofty goals, knowing that someone else must deal with the cost and the implementation? But now the bills are now arriving, and they’re bringing a world of hurt. To sum up: Western policy elites have embarked on the electrification of society, replacing hydrocarbons in housing and transport, but without the technology to replace it well.

Implosion of Germany’s Green Party Threatens To Destabilse EU
With the defeat of Donald Trump in the 2020 US election, the far left parties in Liberal Democracies celebrated the defeat of the far right. At around the same time it appeared that Germany’s AfD party, Italy’s Lega and and the Sweden Democrats had been discredited and surges in their popularity had been halted by negative propaganda campaigns while Germany’s Green Party were at the height of their popularity and were hailed as Europe’s great hope for a clean, net zero, woke, gay and trans friendly future.

Climate Scaremongers Have Taken Over Where COVID Scaremongers Left Off
Boggart Blog can announce that the winners of our coveted Scaremongering Bollocks of The Month award goes this month to BBC News. Not only did the BBC report in one of their regular climate catastrophe scare stories that river levels across the UK have been at record lows, they broadcast that news story on the same day as The London Weather Centre announced that March 2023 was set to be the wettest March since records began.

Green Energy & Net Zero: A Herd Of Elephants In The Room

The Cuadrilla Lancashire gas exploration wells yielded very high-quality natural gas from just a few fractures [ … ]Claims that less than 1\100th of the gas resource of 37.6 trillion m3 could be extracted has been shown to be false, no actual UK data on gas recovery is available the claim was based on pre-2010 US data. Just 10% gas recovery from Bowland shale could supply 50 years’ worth of current UK gas demand.

Net Zero Will Lead To The End Of Modern Civilisation, Says Top Scientist
In a recently published science paper, Dr. Wallace Manheimer said Net Zero would be the end of modern civilisation. Writing about wind and solar power he argued it would be especially tragic “when not only will this new infrastructure fail, but will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment, and be entirely unnecessary”.

Just When We Need It Most, Renewable Energy Disappears
In an encouraging sign of a great awakening, million of people in the UK are now, after a week of brutally cold, absolutely windless weather asking “Why have we wasted so much money on wind turbines and harvesting solar energy.”
  Yet when politicians are asked directly: “How do we keep the lights on and our homes warm when the wind does not blow and the sun is too low in the sky to make much impression on photovoltaic cells that do the business in solar panels?

Europe’s Cold Spell Exposes Green Energy Policy Failure
So far the autumn of 2022 has been unusually mild which has had eco-warriors getting worked up and gluing their arses to motorways and airport runways to demand that we stop using oil. However winter temperatures across Europe predictably dropped sharply in late November and through most of December to date have been positively arctic. Scientists have offered the opinion that the cold weather spell the ongoing European gas crisis is now “likely” to worsen significantly as usual seasonal weather spreads across the northern half of the continent, bringing with it an increased need for domestic heating.

Just When We Need It Most, Renewable Energy Disappears
In an encouraging sign of a great awakening, million of people in the UK are now, after a week of brutally cold, absolutely windless weather asking “Why have we wasted so much money on wind turbines and harvesting solar energy.”
  Yet when politicians are asked directly: “How do we keep the lights on and our homes warm when the wind does not blow and the sun is too low in the sky to make much impression on photovoltaic cells that do the business in solar panels?

Europe’s Cold Spell Exposes Green Energy Policy Failure
So far the autumn of 2022 has been unusually mild which has had eco-warriors getting worked up and gluing their arses to motorways and airport runways to demand that we stop using oil. However winter temperatures across Europe predictably dropped sharply in late November and through most of December to date have been positively arctic. Scientists have offered the opinion that the cold weather spell the ongoing European gas crisis is now “likely” to worsen significantly as usual seasonal weather spreads across the northern half of the continent, bringing with it an increased need for domestic heating.

Europe’s Cold Spell Exposes Green Energy Policy Failure
So far the autumn of 2022 has been unusually mild which has had eco-warriors getting worked up and gluing their arses to motorways and airport runways to demand that we stop using oil. However winter temperatures across Europe predictably dropped sharply in late November and through most of December to date have been positively arctic. Scientists have offered the opinion that the cold weather spell the ongoing European gas crisis is now “likely” to worsen significantly as usual seasonal weather spreads across the northern half of the continent, bringing with it an increased need for domestic heating.

Fellow Slams The Royal Society as Nothing But a Lobby Group for Climate Change.
Another respected scientist comes out and denounces the science behind the climate change scare as a fraud. The whole thing has been a scam to justify punitive taxes on fuel and enable the rich to make fortunes trading carbon credits. Again it shows what a sack of rogues the climate science community really are.

Another Kick In The Bollocks For Warmageddonists And CAGWARTS*
I’ve had many arguments with the Warmageddonists, the people who have been saying that if we did not shut down all coal, oil and gas related activites the earth was going to turn into a giant furnace and we would all burn. When the scaremongering first started, the deadline for frying was “after dinner”. Then it goT to “Tomorrow …… or the day after tomorrow perhaps,” then “next year”, “before 2050,” and eventually “soon.” Climate Change Alarmist Lies – Omnibus page The Media’s lies on climate change
Climate catastrophe milestone passed: nothing happens
The ignorance of warmageddonist climate science fans
Golbal Warming hoax: The Real Climate Science
The science scam behind the climate change scare exposed
Is the climate change scare part of a totalitarian globalist agenda

[ Climate change ] … [ Climate science flawed ] … [ Climate and media lies ] … [ Climate lies omnibus ] … [ Green Dreams ] … { Cost of Green Energy ] … [ Green energy meltdown ]

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No Vaccine Passports Anywhere – Join The Resistance

by Coding Nagger at Minds.com

What’s the point of building the infrastructure to have digital vaccine passports when allegedly COVID will go away by June when everyone gets vaccinated?

People say that one can’t let a good crisis go to waste. For a while, I wondered why we still had these lockdowns in the UK when they eased in the US the second Trump lost. I think we may have an answer, maybe the “vaccine passport” to allow/deny people from entering restaurants, pubs, cinemas is a real freedom killer.

Now only the COVID vaccine decides on whether you get allowed to places, what if it extends to credit ratings, whether you got fined or even a judiciary sentence specifically ostracising you without putting you in jail. Maybe it sounds crazy, but too many things that I thought crazy a year ago turned true since then.


basil_hallward, Original Boggart Blog correspondent on Minds notes:

The COVID pandemic was only ever about a power grab and the setting up of a technocratic global government by the power elites. Everything about it was dodgy, from the garbled narrative surrounding its origins and the way it spread far too rapidly to be a ntural epidemic, to the statistical distortions about numbers of people dying, and the highly sophisticated way COVID selected its victims from among the population groups Adolf Hitler’s vile philosophy described as “useless eaters.”

In posting this CodingNagger has hit on a profound truth truth: The reason why there are so many anomalies and and contradictions in the original COVID narrative and now the Vaccine Salvation Narrative is because there is actually no novel coronavirus. Most likely it is a genetically modifies strain of seasonal flu, we have reported here on similarities noted by several highly respected virologists and immunologists with the way HIV first gets past and then attacks the human immune system, and the way the so called SARS – COV2 virus then seeks out and attacks any vulnerabilities in those who develop symptoms.

A major part of the vaccine has been that Herd immunity, i.e. asymptomatic responses to the virus, in effect the action of a fully functional immune system in dealing with it before the virus can reproduce sufficiently to cause illness, has been and still is the case with an overwhelming majority of us. This terrible killer disease, which according to mainstream media was going to wipe us all out if we did not lock ourselves in our homes with oxygen restricting bags over our heads, avoiding all human contact and immersing ourselves totally in disinfectant every 20 seconds (OK, I’m exaggerating for effect,) has now been on the loose in society for over a full year and far from being dead over 99% of us are perfectly healthy, and of those that died, 95% were over the age of 70 and had what the medics are terming co-morbidities, i.e. long term serious illnesses and disorders likely to ultimately prove fatal.

Covid 19 is a made up disease replacing cold, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, anything respiratory, with slightly worse symptoms from an increasingly toxic world. PCR tests return 80% false positives yet every positive test is recorded as a “case” regardless of whether it is confirmed. Sars-Cov-2 is allegedly a computer generated theoretical CRISPR edited genome that is based on unpurified tissue culture experiments feigning as “isolation”. But if you look at the methodologies of any paper claiming to isolate it, not a single one has.

Most people are utterly scientifically illiterate and are too distracted to realize this glaring error in the narrative. There can be no test or vaccine to detect or treat something that’s never been found. Sars-Cov-2 is a frankenstein genome, composed of various genetic sequences found in most people at any given time, microbes, fungi and more. There is nothing unique about any of the sequences. And whether somebody tests positive or not depends on the arbitrary replication amplification cycle on the PCR test.
1. Statement On Virus Isolation https://www.andrewkaufmanmd.com/sovi/
2. Covid 19 doc https://www.bitchute.com/video/bYr98uXIU0x5
3. Rockefeller capture of medicine https://youtu.be/X6J_7PvWoMw
4. Kary Mullis talks about Anthony Fraud-ci https://youtu.be/Oza1j2_WqBk.


Covid virus tests useless

As the Coronavirus rolls on with every trumpeted breakthrough fizzling out into a great big nothing, political leaders and media ‘influencers’ keep telling us we must follow the science. Yet with so much contradictory and conflicting evidence, perhaps it’s time we learned that “following the science” is the worst thing we can do? The Daily Stirrer has been telling you since the start of the farrago that scientist is a synonym of wanker,

Covid 19: Statistics, Lies and the Corruption Of Science.As the COVID — 19 pandemic continues to dominate the news and defy the efforts of researchers to understand its many mysteries, including its origins and why it affects people who contract the virus in wildly different ways, one thing we have learned for certain so far is the extent to which the Pharmaceuticals manufacturers cartel (colloquially Big Pharma,) exercise a pernicious influence over medical research and healthcare.

COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically MeaninglessPoliticians and “experts” scream and shout about testing and isolation being the way to halt the COVID 19 pandemic to a halt, but everything else they hsve told us about the disease has been absolute bollocks, why should this be any different? Well surprise, surprise, it isn’t any different. The idea that testing everybody ten times a day (OK I might be exaggerating for effect,) will do any good is just another diversionary tactic …

Critics Batter The Fake Science Used To Justify The Lockdown As Boris Waffles
Regular readers may recall this blog was among the first to expose the fact that the pandemic model predicting 500,000 COVID – 19 deaths if the entire nation was not placed under indefinite house arrest was based on a deeply flawed mathematical model of the pandemic built by a “scientist” at Imperial College, London, a college heavily reliant on funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. You may also recall we have reported on the determination of psychopathic megalomaniac Gates to insert himself into this phoney crisis

Coronavirus: Fear and Panic and a Globalist Power Grab World Leaders Insist ‘Economic Lockdowns Ravage the Very Fabric of Societies’
An impressive array of more than 500 prominent world leaders, academics, and Nobel Laureates have written “A Call to Defend Democracy” in the face of a worldwide rise in government authoritarianism during the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. The June 25 text declares that beyond health concerns the COVID-19 pandemic is “a political crisis that threatens the future of liberal democracy.”

Oxford Covid Vaccine Fails But Big Pharma Will Sell It Anyway
Many highly – placed members of the lockdown forever cult, Bill Gates among them, have been spreading the idea that lockdown must continue until a vaccine for COVID – 19 is available because only a vaccine can save us. More level headed types (i.e. those of us routinely dismissed as conspiracy theorists, have warned that as the virus affects the upper respiratory tract and nasal passages, where there can be no antibody response it is unlikely there will ever be an effective vaccine …

Greenteeth Digital Publishing
the daily stirrer

Greenteeth and Daily Stirrer posts on Coronavirus. Is it a real, existential threat to humanity, is it an exercise in generating fear and panic in response to the nationalist pushback against globalism, or is it a deep state power grab. We don’t know, but we will report and examine aspects of the story mainstream media will not inform you of.

The Coronavirus Response Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2
Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Boggart Bloggers predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms …

Scientist who convinced Boris lockdown was the only way to beat coronavirus criticised many times for flawed research

The scientist whose mathematical models of how the coronavirus would spread in the UK and the wildly exaggerated estimates of how many deaths might result from the epidemic reportedly led to the decision to implement a countrywide lockdown and trash the economy has been criticised in the past for flawed research.

Has The World Health Organisation Been Helping Chinese Coronavirus Cover Up
Many people suspected as far back as January, when stories about an epidemic of a new virus began to leak out of China that we were not and would not be told the whole story. The virus infecting thousands of Chinese in the large inland city of Wuhan was, we learned, a strain of corona virus, the genre that infects us with the common cold, influenza and a host of other infections of varying seriousness.

Coronavirus deaths: Are The Authorities Deceiving Us?Yesterday we reported that a Canadian outfit had carried out an analysis of China’s response to Coronavirus and concluded that while politicians and academics (aka “scientists” or “experts”) are heaping praise on the way the regime in Beijing has contained and controlled its epidemic, the Chinese have actually been lying, the epidemc is still raging and numbers of infections and deaths from COVID – 19 are far higher than reported,

Is This The Smoking Gun That Proves China Has Lied About The Coronavirus Outbreak
With the number of confirmed cases of, and deaths from coronavirus in Italy, a nation of 63 million people having now surpassed the number of infections officially admitted by the government of China, a nation of 1.4 billion and the nation where the news strain of coronavirus, COVID – 19 was first observed, it was obvious to the realists among us that the Chinese government’s claims to have contained the virus were deeply suspect and further claims that the outbreak were under control were as reliable as reported sightings of The Tooth Fairy …

As We Predicted The Coronavirus bill Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2
Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Along with my fellow Boggart Bloggers I predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of the so – called coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms. And that is exactly what we have seen happening over the past week.

Germany’s Official State TV Channel Cheers Coronavirus For Killing Old People Trawling around the weirder fringes of the web, as we bloggers and cyberjournalists are sometimes obliged to if we want to bring you the news the mainstream will not report, one occasionally comes across something important but disturbing – like being brought face – to – face with how sick and warped the far left ecopsychos really are. Take a sketch recently broadcast as part of a satirical show the title of which translates as Bohemian Browser Ballet, shown by German state broadcaster ARD. UK To Ask Citizens Over 70 To Self – Isolatate For 4 MONTHS As Coronavirus Fails To Kill Zillions UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock today confirmed the government plans to ask people aged over 70 to isolate themselves for up to four months amid a coronavirus pandemic. The goal is to protect them. It’s quite obvious to us, experienced bloggers that we are, that the government, civil service, law encorgement and national security agencies and all the assorted experts and talking heads have forgotten the lesson our generation learned from The Hitch Hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy … Coronavirus: EU States Rebel Against Brussels As Van Leyen Demands Borders Stay Open The cracks in European solidarity are growing deeper by the day as the coronavirus crisis threatens to split the bloc. The response of European leaders has varied from panic, as several member-states have takeen unilateral action including severe border closures, to a laissez – fair attidude, notably from France’s idiot president Emmanuel Macron who favours total inaction, having said complacently that viruses don’t recognise borders. US John Hopkins University Prof Says Don’t Believe Corona Virus Numbers The number of confirmed cases outside of China roughly tripled once again this week, and if this outbreak continues to escalate at this pace there will be more than a million confirmed cases in less than a month. But as bad as the official numbers are, the truth is that there are a whole lot more people walking around out there that have caught the virus but have not been tested. Is the World Health Organization involved in biological warfare research? Dr. Francis Boyle, a professor of international law, talked in a recent interview with about the Wuhan coronavirus now sweeping through the far east, laboratory in Wuhan, China, where the genetically modified virus appears to have originated, and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) clandestine involvement in biological warfare research …Continue reading Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified BioweaponFor the past two weeks mainstream media reporting of the epidemic of a new strain of coronavirus in China has been getting more and more hysterical. However, reports have pushed back against one “conspiracy theory” about the origins of the virus that has now infected as many as 70,000+ people in the central China city of Wuhan alone (depending on whom you believe). Corona Virus: Should We Worry The official data coming out of China and from other sources including the World Health Organisation (WHO) on the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus continues to suggest an exponential growth rate. With more and more infectious disease experts are now openly calling the virus a full-blown global pandemic, many people are asking should we in the west be worried and how bad might things get? Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about

EU States Rebel Against Brussels As Van Leyen Demands Borders Stay Open
The cracks in European solidarity are growing deeper by the day as the coronavirus crisis threatens to split the bloc. The response of European leaders has varied from panic, as several member-states have takeen unilateral action including severe border closures, to a laissez – fair attidude, notably from France’s idiot president Emmanuel Macron who favours total inaction, having said complacently that viruses don’t recognise borders.

US John Hopkins University Prof Says Don’t Believe Corona Virus Numbers
The number of confirmed cases outside of China roughly tripled once again this week, and if this outbreak continues to escalate at this pace there will be more than a million confirmed cases in less than a month. But as bad as the official numbers are, the truth is that there are a whole lot more people walking around out there that have caught the virus but have not been tested.

Fake Statistics? New UK Poll Suggests 65% Think COVID Restrictions Too Lenient

Almost two-thirds of people believe the Government’s latest Covid-19 restrictions do not go far enough. According to a new poll carried out by ORB International for a daily newspaper surveyed over 2,000 British adults of voting age and claims to have found that almost 65 per cent believ the latest neo – fascisdt measures announced last week by the government do not go far enough in advancing the cause of globalist authoritarianism and stronger constraints on freedom should have been taken.

Around 51 per cent of respondents favoured closing gyms and beauty salons now to lower the rate of coronavirus infections, which now, due to the 10:00pm curfew imposed on pubs and restaurants, requires us to believe that Coronavirus is more likely to strike us down if we want to have a drink at 10:30 pm. .

The fact that government sources claim the findings coincide with internal polling that has led ministers to believe that the priority for many members of the public is to see the pandemic brought under control suggests the poll is completely fake as the buzz in pubs and clubs, around the workplace and in internet comment threads suggests there is almost zero support for the new regulations and very few people believe the virus is a serious threat to healthy people under seventy – five.

Further scepticism about the latest round of scaremongerring advised by the lientists of the government’s SAGE panel is shown in concerns raised by many Conservative MPs about the extent of restrictions and what this ludicrous exercise in authoritarianism os doing to British society.

One senior Tory claimed that the public had been forced to accept “authoritarian” measures having been made “fearful” by exagerated government warnings about the threat posed by Covid-19.

Funny that, terrorise the population with hypothetical nonsense (50000 cases) based on highly suspect mass PCR tests, then they beg for more measures. Hermann Goring, architect of the Nazi’s notorious Gestapo and one of the most important officers in Hitler’s regime, when describing at Nuremberg how the Nazis got Germany to vote them into power, said a population can be made to do anything if you scare them enough.

Certainly the pandemic, driven by the United Nations and its World Health Oraganisation (WHO) offshoothas worked hard in collaboration with governments around the world to keep people scared throughout this fake pandemic but now Boris Johnson faces a rebellion over the Government’s approach to the pandemic, with MPs expressing concern that ministers are introducing curbs to basic freedoms without Parliament having a sufficient say. Public support for the authoritarian measures, which in truth was never much more that 50%, is collapsing to be replaced by dissatisfaction and further pulic alienation from the political process. Labour cannot escape its share of blame, the official opposition party, instead of opposing this attack on democracy and civil rights, has broadly supported government actions, only deviating from the official line to call for stronger restrictions and harsher penalties.

The ORB International survey was carried out after Boris Johnson announced a raft of new measures including a 10pm curfew on pubs and restaurants, a 15-person cap on weddings and a return to working at home for office workers, which are likely to remain in place until March, a year on from the start of lockdown.

As I was reading reports on the poll I could not help thinking: “This is a joke right? Some kind of satire.”
All the evidence shows that lockdown failed, that mandatory mask wearing has at best a marginal effect in slowing transmission of viruses (& more likely increases it,) and that vaccines when they are eventually available will only provide temporary immunity.

Evidence also shows that most people who come into contact with the virus will experience no ill effects and that 97.5(ish)% of people who do develop symptoms will recover fully.

I suggest to the editor of The Daily Telegraph he stops wating money on the bunch of con artists who carried out this fake poll and sends his journalists (if the paper still employs any,) out into the real world to ask real people how they feel about being strippeed of their domocratic rights and civil liberties.

People to this day ask, how did evil authoritarians like the Nazis get elected in Germany almost 90 years ago, how did normal Germans allow the mass extermination of Jews, gypsies etc. The answer is ‘fear’,,, give the masses, bread and circuses while peddling lurid scare stories of what might happen to them if they fail to support the government in its efforts to keep them safe from harm, or the most frightening bogeyman of all, the dreadful possibility that if they do not grant government the authority to command them from the cradle to the grave they will have to take responsibility for themselves.

Why are a dwindling but still significat number of people still terrified of a virus that if you are under 50 with no underlying medical conditions you have a 99.99% of survival from even if you are one of the very small number of people that develops symptoms. Even with underlying conditions the survival rate is over 99%. So, what about saving me, Granddad, or save Grannie? Well over 80, no underlying conditions, Female 98% survival, male 96%. Only with underlying conditions does it dip, but even then female 92% male 79%. (statistics: Stockholm University) So, why are the majority of the public wanting more misery to be meted out from this awful government and the lying lientists who advise them? it makes no sense to me.

Polls are not remotely accurate – either in terms of sampling or barometers of public opinion, and pedalling this absolute rubbish, as The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian , The Independent and BBC News are, should be made a criminal offence as it’s wholly irresponsible.

2000 people are not a representative sample, the polling organisation, which on its website does not describe itself as a market research firm but as a “Thought leadership” agency (in itself a confession of malfeasance,) does not randomply sample people but invites them to take part. Thus the sample is self selected and therefore cannot be representative due to a myriad of variables , none of which pollsters mention when they’re spewing out these stats, therefore the results are by and large meaningless.

Journalists who cite this drivel aren’t journo’s at all – they are the wordsmith equivalent of the paparazzi, they do not report facts but look for sensation and amplify it..

One result of this ‘poll’ is significant however, the intensity of scaremongering by Government and mass media now, and the misleading focus on ‘case numbers’ (i.e., those testing positive on the PCR test, which by its creator’s own admission is not fit for purpose and returns 50% false positives) shows that the people behind this global scam are geting despoerate as they see yet another of their schemes to push global government on us about to fail.



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I have a theory, not a conspiracy theory but about those who yell conspiracy theorit whenever government propaganda is challenged. I think these people are profoundly insecure and so afraid of the idea that we are on our own in thid big bad world, they have to convince themselves the government is their bestest friend and will protect them whatever happens. Sad really …

Ebola and the Absent “Humanitarians”
When the FUKUS axis leaders, France, United Kingdom and the Unites States of America were calling for approval to intervene in Libya, Yemen, Syria and Ukraine, they justified their lust for war by claiming that bombing the crap out of those counties was necessary on humanitarian grounds. And the member of the FUKUS axis and their allies spent billions of $£€ on humanitarian bombs that wreaked hiumanitarian havoc among the innocent poor and middle class citizens of those nations. Now they have work out their ‘The Jihad Is Coming’ scare but have a new weapon Ebola …

Don’t Think The US Military Is Concerned With The Climate? Think Again
There are still a great many people that can’t bring themselves to imagine that the mighty US military would have much if any concern with the state of global climate. Many that cannot even begin to believe that the same US military would be actively involved with ongoing climate modification …

Europe’s Bureaucratic Elite Plan More Stitch Ups To Steal E U Member Sovereign Powers.
Good grief, it would be nice to report something funny, but again today we have to deal with the way the corporate – financial elite and their lackeys are tightening the thumbscrews as they seize ever more control of the minutiae of our lives. We are spied on, electronically tracked, nudged into transferring our private lives to digital environments where privacy cannot exist, medicated, and generally shat on in everything we do.

Senior Obama Aide Petraeus Extols North American Superstate.
Why are we bothered about the suicide of the USA as a nation you might well ask. Well the NAFTA which would effectively weld USA, Canada and Mexicio into a single nation on the lines of what EU bureaucrats wouls like to see in Europe is being negotiated in concert with the tans atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trans Pacific Partnership and all of these ‘free’ trade treaties will make trade anything but free. What they are designed to do you see is make global corporations free to do WTF they like by sidelining elected governments

Geoengineeering means shite weather can be guaranteed.
Freak Weather Events In USA Are Due To Geoengineering HAARP ground station in Alaska, Source: molnarfarpad.files.wordpress Recently President Barack …

Has Iran Developed Nikola Tesla’s Star Wars Technology?
It might seem inconceivable that after two decades of panicking about thecoming energy crisis and climate change caused by carbon dioxide from industrial and domestic use of fossil fuel, science academics and businessmen would still be ignoring …

When Supporters of Mainstream Parties Tell You The british Are Little Englanders They Are Lying.
Are we really the only nation resisting greater integration with our EU partners leading eventually to britain being absorbed into a federal European Superstate. Look beyond mainstream media for news of what is going on and you might be surprised.

CIA Black Site and UK Government linked to flight MH370 mystery
Even Malaysian officials are now claiming that the government is withholding information on MH370: “Malaysian politician Anwar Ibrahim recently came forth on the world stage, claiming that Malaysian officials are withholding evidence surrounding flight 370 which went missing Mar. 8, 2014. Ibrahim stated […] “We want to know what happened in terms of the [two] stolen passports. Why were these passports allowed to be used?”, pointed out Ibrahim on Sky News.
Well as nobody is in a hurry to tell them what happened, which makes us wonder could it be anything to do with … ?

Flight MH370 Shock – Not Really, Looks Like Boggart Blog Was Right Again
We told you so weeks ago, , now officials are saying that the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 that disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur LANDED somewhere. Now Boggart Blog is not a global news organisation, we don’t have a multi million dollar news gathering operation but we managed to piece together the available information and come up with a better, truer story than mainstream media …

You Will Be Told Biometric Identification Is For Your Security, But When You Can’t Do business without It, It Becomes An Assault On your Privacy
Latest plans to extend biometric security, allegedly for our safety and protection but really we suspect to extend the powers of surveillance enjoyed by central authority, ought to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back and triggers wholesale resistance to the march of technology. Are you ready to start defending your freedom?

Western intelligence and the mysterious MH370 ping – a conspiracy of intelligence agencies
The mystery of Malaysian Airlines flight 370 deepens as does the ocean in which the authories are pretending to search for the disappeared Boeing 777. The latest reports coming out of the international search effort suggest however that having become a military intelligence operation rather than a civilian aviation matter, the whole thing is descending into farce

Albert Einstein Talks With Jon Rappoport About Newtonian Materialism and Determinism Another page from Greenteeth Labyrinth with shines the light of reason onto the scientific hocus pocus and magical thinking that presents fairy tales as science and asks us to believe things that are obviously not true. To read or listen to some of the convoluted logic used to head off critical analysis of the fallactious belief of science you’d think scientists were priests of some nutty religion. Scienceology?

Foreign Exchange Market Rigging: Another Conspiracy Theory Exposed As Truth
The people who findly imagine themselves to be realists, rationalists and scientific thinkers have been yelling conspiracy theory for a long time now at those of us with the nous to work out what’s really going on. well evidence is overrated because by the time it has come together the scam has been done and the perps (Goldman Sachs and the usual suspects) are away with the money.

Following The Science? What Science?

The Government’s announcement on Wednesday that as part of its new measures to protect us from “the second wave” of the COVID-19 pandemic households may only meet in numbers of up to six persons, exposes the lie we have been told thoughout this manufactured crisis that the theft of our individual freedom and civil liberties is justified by the need to “follow the science.”

The governments insistence that its response to the pandemic lost credibility when the mathematical model on which the decision to lockdown was based had been the work of an incompetent amateur whose previous advice to government on disease epidemics had all been based on sensationalist overestimates of the risk.

Does it really matter if some of us aged over 70 die a few years early? Those who don’t want to take the risk can isolate themselves.

Personally, at 72, although I am not contemplating shuffling of this mortal coil any time soon and will take responsibility for my own wellbeing, I am not, and never have been, afraid of COVID-19, it has not been possible to live normally with so much we have always taken for granted no longer available to us, I have not isolated myself, not worn a mask, I will not accept a vaccine (I’ve never had a flu jab and I haven’t had so much as a cold in decades – that may be coincidence of course,) and I know I will one day die of something. But then I could have died on any of the approx. 26,500 preceding days. My main concern now is not with trying to prolog my natural span by a few months but that my grandchildren lead normal lives, with a full education, sports, extra-curricular activities and, most importantly, normal socialising with their peers – and grandparents.

We ought to be more concerned about Governments’ handling of Covid-19 than of the virus itself.

What scientific evidence can there possibly be that six people meeting in a house is safe is safe, whereas seven would lead to the NHS becoming overwhelmed – which, after all, was the only justification for the emergency measures in the first place?

If this information exists, the government should publish it and expect some very difficult questions from members of the public, otherwise we are entitled to assume that this is another example of using fear and panic to manipulate people into accepting authoritarian government. In the context of the cavalier approach being taken by governments in the liberal democracies to the freedoms and rights associated with living in the developed nations it should be surprising to nobody that right wing militias and vigilante groups are emerging to defend those liberties, particularly when individuals see that the new laws and refulations are not being enforced against far left and terrorist organisations like Black Lives Matter, Antifa and Extinction Rebellion.

When we start having different laws for different groups within society, when governments involve themselves in suppressing free speech, when politicians seek the advice of unqualified corporate pirates like Bill Gates and George Soros we have truly abandoned democracy and the rule of law.

What is the point of imposing random measures to protect the health of the nation if in so doing the nation itself is destroyed both socially and economically?


Latest COVID Scam move a step too far?

The scam goes on with the latest move to keep the coronavirus fear and panic conspiracy afloat being a rumour that the government will ask over 50s in Britain to”shield” (i.e. place themselves under house arrest,) throughout the winter. But it may be the tipping point, public rteaction has been totally negative.

Big Tech tyranny is the biggest threat to democracy in our era
This weeks main story, pushing Coronavirus aside at last, has been the attempt by Twitter to censor U.S. President, classifying his somewhat rabid tweets as misinformation. Whether you love or hate Trump or any other occupant of The White House, their utterings can never be dismissed as ‘misinformation’ because they represent what one of the most powerful people in the world is thinking. Greenteeth Digital Publishing
the daily stirrer

Greenteeth and Daily Stirrer posts on Coronavirus. Is it a real, existential threat to humanity, is it an exercise in generating fear and panic in response to the nationalist pushback against globalism, or is it a deep state power grab. We don’t know, but we will report and examine aspects of the story mainstream media will not inform you of.