You Don’t Have To Be A Conspiracy Theorist To Find The Death Of Paedo Jeffrey Epstein Too Convenient

We contributors to this site often get called conspiracy theorists, when in fact we are not posting conspiracy theories by merely questioning the narratives promoted by western governments and mainstream media when those narratives simply do not make sense. The most recent example has been the sago of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s rearrest on charges relating to allegations of sex with minors, solicitimg minors for prostitution, trafficking minors for sex purposes and being a general arsehole.
Epstein has never been clear of such allegations since his first arrest in 2008, when in a complete travesty of justice he served a short sentence in a Florida USA jail for sex with a minor to escape far more serious federal charges. Many people have been concerned about the plea bargain that kept Epstein out of a very long stretch in a US Federal prison and saw an FBI investigation into his wider activities as a procurer and pimp to the rich and famous of under age girls. Hiss associates included Hollywood A listers, music industry and showbusiness stars, prominent business people and lawyers, politicians and at least one former US President and his (allegedly lesbian) wife.
The Epstein scandal re – emerged in 2016, when his name and his infamous parties on a private island in the Caribbean  and flights on the ‘Lolita Express’, the private jet used to fly his guests to and from the venue, came up in connection with a presidential candidate whose name was NOT Trump. The scandal has simmered on the back burner since then, overshadowed by the crazy and now completely discredited story of Trump’s collaboration with the Russian state to steal the election from Hillary Clinton and other efforts to remove him from office based on entirely unsubstantiated allegations and in some cases people simply deciding he should not be president because they don’t like him.
The death of the disgraced financier, pedophile and alleged blackmailer, who has been imprisoned and on suicide watch since his arrrest in June this year  came just a day after a batch of  court documents were unsealed, leading to speculation he may have been “suicided” to stop his case from going to trial.

Discussione with other bloggers of the Jeffrey Epstein have usually centred not on b”Is he innocent or guilty but  “When will he be found dead in his cell?” Nobody was willing to bet the case would ever get to court, there were too many names in Epstein’s Little Black Book who simply could not afford to be publicly associated with his activities.

And it wasn’t just the old cynics I associate with. It was quite impossible to find anybody who believed the Epstein case would be resolved with a public trial. The whole thing was quite uncanny. One name which came up again and again was that of the former US president whose name, it is now known, appeared many times on flight logs of the Lolita Express.

Let’s be honest: has there been a death of a high-profile prisoner whose expiration has been so unsurprising?


A suggestion last week that Epstein would never trial because too many rich and influential people would have their names dragged through the mud and their sexual peccadillos exposed to the world during the provceedings would have been subjected to ridicule by the usual suspects, the media pundits who would have us believe the government is our friend and would never do anything that is not in our best interests, that Russia is The Great Satan of Revelations and that Syria’s President Assad is a monster whose idea of fun is to gas his own people and that the child raping, sex slave taking, journalist baking head amputators of ISIS were the right people to liberate the midle east from tyranny,  and called a right wing nut job and a “conspiracy theorist.”

Well now who are looking like naive, stupid, left wing nut jobs?

Most so called conspiracy theories are nothing of the kind. To qualify as a conspiracy theory, a speculation must contain a claim that the proposer has evidence that, for example, the moon landings ere filmed in a redundant sound stage at Universal Studios and that Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins were played by The Three Stooges . The author must then go on cite what he or she (but usually he,) believes is evidence of this.

There is not much point questioning the moon landing, but questioning the supposed chain of events surounding the death of President Kennedy, the World Trade Centre atrocity or the Las Vegas Shooting to cite three examples, should be seen as a good thing, because in each of those cases there were parts of the narrative that simply did not make sense.

Likewise why would Bashar Al Assad launch gas attacks against his own people when no only was he, with the help of his Russian and Iranian allies, winning the war but also, because whatever he may be he is not a stupid man, he must have known such actions would alienate many leaders sympathetic to his cause and would give the western coalition an excuse to launch direct attacks on his regime’s strongholds.

Such questioning of government narratives is a good thing because it encourages discussion. When it comes to conspiracy theories, there are three types of people apart from the media hacks who are paid to prop up the establishment propaganda. First there are the xself appointed ‘voices of reason’ who are quite determined to convince us the government and the global corporations are on our side, there is nothing untoward going on and we are told everything there is to know about every controversial issue. Believe that and you probably also believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy.  T oices of reason are themselves no slouches at pushing conspiracy theories, look back at how they were happy to believe the ‘proof’ of the Trump campaign’s collaboration with Russian agents in 2016 was beyond reasonable doubt, when that ‘proof’ was nothing more that a few unsubstantiated allegations from some very dodgy individuals in the pay of Trump’s opponents, or the way they were absolutely sure the attempted hit on former Russian agent Sergei Skripal was the work of hit men sent by the Russian government, when the main evidence consisted of a photoshopped picture of two vaguely foreign looking guys window shopping in a street that might have been in Britain.

The voices of reason confine themselves to spreading conspiracy theories about “official enemies” like Russia and Iran or personas non grata such as Nigel Farage or Tommy Robinsion. The deadliest conspiracy theory so far this century was the story spread in 2003 that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein  had at his disposal Weapons of Mass Destruction with which he could launch deadly attacks on the west within forty five minutes. This narrative, fabricated for the purpose of justifying war on Iraq was  propagated through mainstream print and broadcast news media and repeated by those who routinely scoff at conspiracy theorists and label them “cranks.” I was told in a comment from somebody who claimed to be a research fellow at one of our top universities on one of my early blogs that only an idiot would disbelieve the threat of Saddam’s WMDs and soon people would see what a gullible clown I am.Seventeen years later we are still looking for Saddam’s secret weapons.

The same people have since then become quick to blame Russia for just about everything bad that happens, regardless of the lack of hard evidence.

The second category are those who seem to believe everything – or at least almost everything – is a conspiracy. The world is run by a kabal of shape shifting reptillians called The Illuminati, the Freemasons and the Elders of Zion are trying to create a New World Order, the aforementioned Moon landings were a Stanley Kubric movie. Every terrorist attack is a “false-flag”. and every mass shooting in the USA is the work of government agents

The third category, the majority most of us will hope, accept that while not everything is a conspiracy, it’s actually quite daft to think conspiracies never occur, especially when people involved are very wealthy and powerful and in some cases criminally insane and the stakes are extremely high.

Did anyone really think, deep down, given who, who and what the people he had dirt on were and the extremely serious nature of the charges he faced that Epstein’s case would ever get to court? Be honest. I’d reckon about 90 percent, even though they might not publicly admit it, would have been willing to bet a substantial portion of their life savings that he wouldn’t. Speaking as the grandson of a bookie, I have to say I grandad would not have taken any bets on it.

Here’s something from Twitter that sums it up perfectly:

Abi Wilkinson


“I’m not a conspiracy theorist” is such a weird assertion when you think about it, the idea there’s a binary between believing all conspiracies and flat out rejecting the very concept of conspiracy in all circumstances”

You really don’t have to be paranoid or  a habitual tin-foil hat wearer to smell a rat in this one. And questioning a narrative that does not make sense does not make one a conspiracy theorist. Let’s review some ofg the questions raised by the official version of events.

It was reported Epstein tried to kill himself about three weeks ago although therewas some speculation as to how he managed to inflict the injuries he received on himself, so if it was a sucide bid, why was he taken off suicide watch six days later? Who made that seemingly baffling decision? If he was still on suicide watch and a source cited in the New York Times was wrong, why wasn’t his death prevented?

If the authorities knew, as they would have, that the first alleged suicide bid was as Epstein himself claimed, the result of an attack by another prisoner, why was Epstein not given special protection?

Once he was a known sex offender, how did he get away with doing the same things as he had once served time for for so long? Who was protecting him and how far would they be prepared to go to ensure what he knew never became public.

These are only a few of the many questions that need to be answered. What is particularly interesting is the kind of people demanding answers. It’s not just the “usual” suspects who are routinely labeled cranks by the gatekeepers. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has called Epstein’s death “way too convenient.”

“How many other millionaires and billionaires were part of the illegal activities that he was engaged in?” he asked. Even the UK establishment’s propaganda agency, The BBC website has as its heading of a news story today “Jeffrey Epstein: Questions raised over financier’s death.”

The FBI is reported to be investigating the case, which in view of their failure to prosecute any member of Hillary Clinton’s campaign team over breches of national security which came to light in 2016 does not fill one with confidence.

Perhaps Epstein did after all, kill himself – prisoners facing the prospect of 45 years in jail are quite likely to be depressed; moreover the sociopathic billionaire might even have relished evading justice and depriving his accusers of their days in court. But until more evidence of his suicide such as CCTV video,  comes to light, it is reasonable to think that some other explanation for his sudden death.

As Third Rate Celebs Are Paid Millions, BBC admits 70% of convicted TV Licence non-payers are women

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), after a long battle was this week forced to publish details of what its top earners are paid. Sure enough, the explosion of outrage following the revelations might even have shocked the smug, self – serving, self – righteous twats who run the corporation or suck up shitloads of licence payers’ money for doing very little.

Foremost among targets for public ire are the Brexit-hating cultural Marxists and left wing propagandists the Corporation passes off as comedy. How, for example, can the £2.2million paid to Chris Evans, a radio presenter of outstanding mediocrity whose main achievement over the past two decades has been to ruin the BBC’s most popular TV show, the long running Top Gear, in just six episodes. There are plenty of other zero talents profiting from Auntie’s profligacy however.

Some of the most hyped autocue parrots have even publicly gloated over their good fortune at the expense of BBC licence fee payer, but perhaps they don’t know just how many lives they are ruining, or their victims?

The BBC licence fee is a coercive, regressive, stealth tax. It costs £145.50 ($189.00) for every television owner in the United Kingdom who watches any live television. If you fail to pay up, the corporation will send round hired goons who get bonuses for catching what they call “evaders” such as a war veteran with dementia, and a young mother in a women’s refuge.

In fact, the BBC disproportionately targets women when it prosecutes for licence fee evasion, as The Register noted just days before the salaries were released:

Of the 184,595 people across the UK charged with non-payment of the TV Licence by Capita TV Licensing, 21,300 were found not guilty – and 90 people were jailed for failing to pay court-issued fines. The figure for charges includes out-of-court disposals.

140,000 of those charged were taken to court, where an astonishing 101,000 women were found guilty.

What the BBC is really prosecuting is the idea that people cannot afford their tax, as Tory MP Andrew Bridgen noted: “If someone cannot afford to pay the £145.50 licence then they are highly unlikely to be in a position to pay a £1,000 fine. People are being criminalised where their only crime is being poor and this needs to stop.”

It is a long established tradition of course that the greedy, faceless bastards who control domocratically elected governments enforce unjust laws involving non payment of taxes more brutally that laws against murder, rape, arson and theft, so it should be no surprise that dozens of people, including single mothers, impoverished var veterans and victims of dementia have been imprisoned for not paying this pernicious tax.

A Daily Mail investigation last year discovered that Capita, the contractor that operates the TV Licensing system as a high-pressure sales operation, with door-to-door salespeople being offered large bonuses for getting people to sign up to the £147/yr licence.

Eleven per cent of TV Licensing prosecutions in 2016 resulted in the defendant being found not guilty.

“This number of unsuccessful prosecutions lends weight to the view that cases are initiated on a speculative basis,” said Caroline Levesque-Bartlett, who gathered the data using Freedom of Information laws. A 2012 study found that one in ten of all criminal prosecutions in England and Wales were brought by Capita TV Licensing, which enforces the Telly Tax on behalf of the BBC.

The TV Licence funds the BBC, including its all-dominant news empire. Failure to pay the Telly Tax, which is payable if you watch live TV or stream BBC iPlayer online, is a criminal offence.


Report Predicts Everyone Will Be a Sexy Millionaire by 2050
History is full of failed predictions from the Oracle at Delphi through Nostradamus, Mother Shipton and just about every twentieth century stargazer and futurologist who ever found an audience. This latest one looks even more likely to fail than most.

Paedophile Former BBC Chauffeur Implicated In Jiummy Savile Scandal Found Dead
The longer this Jimmy Savile paedophile case goes on the worse the stink gets. The establishment is as corrupt as a three month old plague pit.

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Filth Is The Most Popular Thing In Suffolk

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Apprentice Speak: Talking Corporate Bollocks.

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Sexless In The City

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Sugar is Kosher; Stupidity and Michael’s Chicken Aren’t

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Dangerous Musings of a Disturbed Mind

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[ Comedy & Humour ] … [ celebrity ]

It’s A Great Career Move, Britney.

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University of Toronto Learns Why Mandatory Unisex Bathrooms Are A Bad Idea
As new, politically correct laws aimed at sparing the delicate feelings of chicks-with-dicks who face ridicule if they use men’s public toilets and accusation of sexual harassment when they use women’s facilities, demostrate that as Aristotle said, ‘the greatest inequalities arise from trying to make unequal things equal’ and backfire by giving carte blache to perverts and sex pests who only have to …

White Privilege Now Inculdes The Privilege Of Being Fired For being White
Its should be obvious by now that the politically correct left, insaniac sociopaths that they are, have only one emotion at their disposal; hate. Bizarrely the hatered of these predominantly white, middle class people, while of themselves, is mostly racist in nature but directed at members of their own race.

Stephen Nolan’s Pro-Migrant Stance – Boggart Blog Pays Tribute With Fat Bastard by The Macc Lads
The BBC will not accept any criticism when it comes to anything of a political nature. They would never back down.There is, it seems, no one in the entire institution who is not radically left wing and they are waging ideological war against the general population and against British culture and values.

Hungarian Leader Says Soros-Funded Groups Are Making Money From The Immigration Crisis
While Germany pursues its policy of replacing expensive German labour with cheap third woeld labour at act as fodder for its profit hungry factories, and the French government obediently follow their German masters while Britain stands aside, it is the poorer E U nations, led by Hungary, that have at last acted to stop the flood of unskilled, often illiterate refugees from third world nations flooding into EU nations.

Americans Don’t Know that the Rest of the World Views U.S. as Biggest Danger, Rogue State

Americans are stupid, right? Well it is a generalization and generalisations are usually both right and wrong. Not all Americans are stupid of course, I know many who are very intelligent and highly articulate. But as in Britain, France, Austrilia, Russia, Germany, China etc. there are stupid people in America. What we mean however in saying Americans are stupid is that overall American citizens tend to be less well informed on current events and general knowledge that Europeans, Asians and South Americans…

Sham Marriages To Beat Immigration Laws Are Out Of Control
With main immigration news on being dominated by the Mediterranean boat people crisis and the masses at Calais hoping to stow away in a freight container, we forget that another way of getting somebody into the country is the sham marriage. Numbers involved may be small, but it is another indication of our governments’ failure to address the immigration problem.

Electoral Reform in Britain – Is It Time for True Proportional Representation?
After every British election, when around a quarter of voters find the party they voted for is hardly represented in the House Of Commons (In 2015, 8 per cent of the votes equals just 8 of the 650 members, while a party with 13% has just one), people who believe in democracy try to start a debate about reforming the voting system. And as ever, supporters of the two main parties, which benefit most from the current undemocratic system, try to stifle debate.

Elderly face NHS discrimination as new United Nations plan defines death targets for nations
Leaders of the western powers, anxious it seems to divest themselves of responsibility while extending and tightening their grip on power, are happy to promote the United Nations as a de facto World Government. The problem is the United Nations employs as advisers and bureaucrats many people whose authoritarian and racist political position makes Herr Hitler look positively liberal.

EU Refugee Quota Scheme Unravels

The European Union (EU) faces many battles, from the one to stop the sigle currency system falling apart as nations like Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal find the costs ofr membership outweigh the benefits, to it’s latest, the Mediterranean boat people crisis as more and more people try to cross from North African to Europe illegally, with the help of human tafficking racketeers.

Mediterranean Immigrant Crisis – EU plays politics with lives
The story of the migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean from the coast of north Africa to Italy is a humanitarian crisis. But when the British government offered Royal Navy ships to help with rescue operations and in bringing to justice the ruthless criminals who take exhorbitant feees then put hundreds of lives at risk by herding their clients onto unseaworthy, overloaded boats, European Union officials started to attach political conditions to UK help

How Politically Correct Thinking Leads Into A Moral Maze
Being a leftie can be hard work however, with so many of the causes they must embrace being in direct opposition to other favoured causes, lefties encounter a lot of moral dilemmas. So being a believer in all -isms, the kind of idiot who equates calls for immigration controls with South African Apartheid or Stalinist genocide and is quite sure that equality means members of favoured minorities should be given me the privileged status of an elite class, can get hairy at times.

Human Rights – A Straitjacket On Liberty.
We are in a fight to retain our right to free speech in the face of an onslaught of politically correct tyranny. While a speech Barack Obama made in Cairo is celebrated even though it brought back the spectre of medieval Sharia law to secular Muslims, the word liberal is hajacked by authoritarians who ride the political bandwagon and offer doublespeak, ambiguity and weasel words.. We hear much about equality and being fair but see little of either and no common sense.

Whether Tom Chivers Is A Science Writer, A Hack Journalist Or A Cunt Is A Matter Of Semantics
More political propaganda from the loose bowelled left (they pump verbal diorrhea at us all the time) concerning whether it is a ‘hate crime’ to decline to address transgender males as “she”. Once again in something that is a personal matter, the self styled metrosexual elite have elected themselves as guardians of politically correct morality and are trying to impose their emotionally retarded views on all of us.

Gay and same sex marriage: The Bigotry And Intolerance Of Those Who Describe Themselves As The Liberal Left
With same sex marriage made legal in Britain we face the same kind of witch hunts against businesses that do not want to deal with beareded queens in bridal gowns as the liberal bigots and gay nazis are launching in the USA. As many of us new media common sense merchants predicted, once the principle was accepted in law, nobody would be allowed to opt out of supporting these bullies.

Voter Backlash against Media UKIP Smears Is Good For Democracy
Pontificating celebrities and media luvvies, don’t you hate them. What gives these mostly has been the idea that their opinion is worth more than the opinion of everyman and woman. What makes these people who might have been talented before theiy disapeared up their own arses (yes I’m talking about you Eddie Izzard, Lenny Henry, Ben Elton, J K Rowling, just about every Mocker on Mock The Week. Even if you were still funny guys, nobody gives a fuck what you think about politics.

The success of the Queen’s the Diamond Jubilee shows the authoritarian progressives’ efforts to destroy our culture and ancient traditions have failed.

For the past couple of years the ravings of Trotskyites on the ‘progressive left’ has carried an increasing tone of desperation. Oligarchic collectivism failed dismally under New Labour and a backlash against politically correct thinking was gathering momentum. The came Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond jubilee to remind us all of the cultural values our national community is built on and the traditions that the hope and change but mostly change brigade so hate.

The Brave Class Warriors Of UK Uncut

Simon Hope is working-class hero. Who says? Well, he does for a start. Not that Simon is working class himself He is one of the exclusively middle class denizens of the UK Uncut movement which protests against the goverrnment’s austerity programme and policy of cuts to public spending, although no cuts have actually been made yet though the rate of increase in public spending has been slowed. UK Uncut are borderline posh people who have decided to carry fighting the class wars of the past on behalf of …

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Report Predicts Everyone Will Be a Sexy Millionaire by 2050

The Kinks one recorded a song titled ‘Everyone’s In Showbiz, Everyone’s a Star’ and the world’s greatest talentless wanker, Andy Warhol, predicted that ‘in the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes. History is full of failed predictions from the Oracle at Delphi through Nostradamus, Mother Shipton and just about every twentieth century stargazer and futurologist who ever found an audience.

It isn’t just psychics and fortune tellers of course. When I was young there was here in the UK a TV program titled Tomorrows World which looked at the latest technological advances and newly launched gadgets and predicted how we would live in the future. One famous prediction led us to believe by the trun of the millennium we would all be zooming around in private hovercraft.

Its 2016 now and I’m still waiting, where’s my fucking hovercraft?

“Britain and the World in 2050”, a report published by the Adam Smith Institute, predicts that teenagers will be millionaires in the future and will afford the same living standards that wealthy people do today. It also predicts everyone will be good looking.

Despite the growing gap between the rich and poor, Adam Smith Institute president Madsen Pirie predicts economic growth of two percent a year will leave the younger generation richer.

Machines will take over the production of food and clothes and will run households, suggest Pirie.

Look at the first syllable of Mr. Pirie’s forename and you get a clue as to the worth of this report. With central banks and increasingly the commercial banks looking at negative interests rates to restart the economies of the developed world we are looking at a modern version of serfdom as our financial future

I’m not a celebrity, throw me out of here

A bunch of self obsesses airheads only interested in publicity

Confiscate the right’s wealth but not mine, says billionaire leftie

An exclusive on the world’s greatest celebrity

Celebrity Love Island: Reality Rears Its Ugly Head

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The Rweeted Reactions Of Leftie Celebs To Election Result Were Priceless

I’m still not actually thinking due to events not related in any way to the election. So here’s another post full of content gleaned from elsewhere.

Celebrity lefties resposnes to the conservative election victory.

@Kevin Maguire
Most terrifying of all is the Tories won as the Nasty Party. What does that say about Britain?

Well Kev, as it was you dubbed them the nasty party I guess it says Britain thinks you and your ludicrous pastiche of a newspaper are irrelevant

The politics of fear is the politics of control and we’ve given the reigns to the bogey men.

As you’ve blown most of your millions on trying to be a rock chick Charile, I suppose you’re afraid of benefit cuts.

I remember single parenthood under the Tories and @Gingerbread’s going to be very important in the next 5 years.

So what are you saying JK, that all single women are so stupid that having no job and few skills they’ll celebrate the election result by getting up the duff? Was it the fault of the conservatives that you got pregnant?

Don’t mourn. Organise. And this time, let’s actually mean it.

That is actually coming from a prepubescent pustule who can’t even organise his own fake accent so we can tell if he’s pretending to be a Cheshire posh boy, an Oxbridge elitist or a skanky Mank.

Looking over them brings to mind a line from that brilliant American satirist P J O’Rourke (PJ, being American, uses ‘liberalism’ in the sense we use ‘loony left’:

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
― P.J. O’Rourke

Well Bugger Me With The Blunt End Of a Ragman’s Trumpet

I’ve never taken much notice of the ‘reality’ TV show Big Brother or its even more evil twin Celebrity Big Brother but I could not avoid the latest and most stupid to date “Waaaaaaycism” incident.

A short fat man who used to be in Coronation Street was reportedly telling a story about when he was working in panto with former heavyweight boxer Frank Bruno. Big Frank (6’4″) and the short fat actor (about 5’3″) got into a heated discussion. And the story rambled on until the actor said something like ‘The last thing someone like me wants is a confrontation with a big angry negro.’

Upon hearing this a big, stupid (or perhaps partially deaf) negro Afreekaaan Amerikan named Alexander O’Neill (a celebrity whom I’m sure someone somewhere has heard of started screeching “Waaaaaaaaycism”.

“You can’t say Negro in the presence of a black man,” O’Neill wailed.

Bugger me with the blunt end of a ragman’s trumpet, Since when? We know the kind of Premiership footballers who scream “Waaaaaaaaycism” if a European player tackles them think ‘Negro’ is honky slang for ‘nigger’ but the sub Saharan African races are collectively known to anthropologists as African negros just as the European races are know as Europeans and the north African / Middle eastern ethnic groups as Arabs.

I have a few questions, the first about Mr. O’Neill: how did a man who has had his brain amputated get through immigration control. Because whatever O’Neill might once have been momentarily famous for, he’s certainly a word class idiot with a PhD in playing the victim.

Are we to take it now that niggle means to irritate a person of colour, or to call someone niggardly is to suggest they are a tight fisted black person, or night refers to the time of day that is dark suggesting black people are unenlightened or when some nutty preacher says “The end is nigh, he means the blacks are coming to kill us all. Extrapolate such thinking and we quickly see how insane (and racist) it is.

The other questions are for those who scweam and scweam “Wayyyycism” until they’re sick. ‘Do you understand that back and white are not actually races? And have you ever seen a human being who is actually black or white.

I think not. So STF up  until you can act like a human rather than a sheep OK, because if you ignore the rabid rantings of Amereeka’s Obamessiah cult and talk to people from the African continent you will learn that they find references to things African are patronising and dismissive, there are many nations and many races on the African continent. Calling them ‘African’ is rather like if someone were to lump Spanish Flamenco and Scottish reels together as European folk dancing.


Source: Facebook (click image twice for larger view)

A Strange Development In The Case Of Prince Andrew

Prince Andrew sex allegations: Jeffrey Epstein’s butler Alfredo Rodriguez, who stole tell-all ‘black book’, dies age 60

Alfredo Rodriguez, the butler of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, has died, and with him the location of a ‘black book’, which allegedly details “the full scope and the extent of Epstein’s involvement with underage girls”, and contact details of the businessman’s celebrity friends.

Rodriguez died at the age of 60 after suffering from mesothelioma last week, his widow Patricia Dunn told

Dunn alleges that her late husband “knew all about Prince Andrew,” who has been named in the current sex scandal centring on Epstein. Allegations levelled at the Prince are that he was supplied with a teenage girl who was used by Epstein as a “sex slave”. Buckingham Palace has denied the allegation.

The ‘black book’ that Rodriguez had in his possession is journal in which Epstein is understood to have detailed the girls which attended his properties for “massages” for him and his friends, and details of his celebrity friends and associates who had no connection with alleged offences, including Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.

from The Independent

Does it ever strike any of you as a bit more than a coincidence that so many potential witnesses in high profile scandals and corruption cases die suddenly before the case gets to court. Just sayin’

Buggeration! Blair Is Being Rehabilitated


When I heard this morning that GQ magazine had given their prestigious previously unheard of Philanthropist of the Year awarn to Tony Blair for ‘his tireless work on behalf of charity (The charity involved being “Make Tony Blair popular again” we assume?) I thought, “Right, I’ll show those bastards, I’ll never buy their magazine again. Then I remembered I’d never bought it before. Hence my exasperation.

When Blair was improbably named the recipient of the award by GQ magazine in front of a a celebrity-packed, invited audience last night reporters present described the response as ‘muted’. That the honour was in recognition of his ‘philanthropy, establishing three charities’ (all with the goal of promoting the Tony Blair brand peace and understanding. – See ritual arse kissing in GQ)

GQ’s choice drew immediate criticism, Labour MP John Mann commented: ‘It sends the wrong message. This sort of award should go to an unsung hero who has given up their time for charity.’

Given Tony Blair’s pariah status in the UK after the deadly decision to join the US in destroying the Middle East it is hardly any surprise that he could use some good ‘PR’ back at home which raises the question, ‘How much did his ‘Tony Blair Faith Foundation’ spend on schmoozing the adjudication panel’.

And looking back to the good old days of ‘sexing’ up documents, we also have to ask did Blair called up old chum, the spin doctor of spin doctors Alistair Campbell to ‘sex up’ his pitch for the award, old Al being a recently hired employee of GQ. You really couldn’t make it up, could you?

Some unkind souls are already saying that giving the notoriously self interested Blair an award for philanthropy would be as insane and unintentionally ironic as if, for example, the Nobel Prize committee gave the peace prize to warmonger – in chief, Mr. Drone Strike himself, Barack Hussein Obama. Oh ….. erm ….. I might want to rephrase that …
Tony Blair Faith Foundation
Blair’s Journey
Blair’s last audience
Blair Sex Bomb
Former Prime Minister Blair employs tax scam
The Left’s monopoly on goodness and truth
Blair calls for war on Syria
Blair denies responsibility for latest Iraq crisis

Scots Wha Hae When Wallace Bled

I was amused to read this morning that a bunch of English people who cling to celebrity because they used to be talented plus Dame Judi Dench who is still talented and Helena Bonham Carter who is still my favourite fantasy (both should know better), are now so deluded they think the Scots will be so impressed by their fame as to accept guidance from a bunch of superannuated sassernachs on which way to vote in the independence referendum.

robert the bruce defeats the english at bannokburn

from The Daily Telegraph:

Sir Mick Jagger, Dame Judi Dench and Stephen Hawking have joined hundred of celebrities, artists and public figures calling on the people of Scotland to vote to stay in the union.

Over 200 public figures from sport, cinema, television and literature have written an open letter to the people of Scotland in advance of next month’s referendum which says: “Let’s stay together”.

Other signatories include Helena Bonham Carter, the actress, Tom Daley, the Olympian, and singers Dame Vera Lynn and Sir Cliff Richard.

The letter states: “We want to let you know how very much we value our bonds of citizenship with you, and to express our hope that you will vote to renew them.

“What unites us is much greater than what divides us. Let’s stay together.”

read full article in The Daily Telegraph

Is this a sign we are importing another negative trend from the USA where at election times, endorsements from people like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, George Clowney and Brad his name is rhyming slang count for more that the policies offered by various candidates.

Fortunately voters in the Scottish referendum are hard headed Scots, a fiercely independent people who don’t like being told what to do by anyone, especially The English.

So if the celebs letter is truly about keeping the union together it could turn out to be counter productive.

Personally I love Scotland and would be sad to see our nations divided, but I don’t expect the Scots to take any notice of me either. So here, my Scottish readers are words that will inspire you to follow your conscience and put Scotland first. And remember, the British Royal Family are successors of King James VI of Scotland, not Edward Longshanks.

Robert Bruce’s March To Bannockburn

Scots, wha hae wi’ Wallace bled,
Scots, wham Bruce has aften led,
Welcome to your gory bed,
Or to Victorie!

Now’s the day, and now’s the hour;
See the front o’ battle lour;
See approach proud Edward’s power-
Chains and Slaverie!

Wha will be a traitor knave?
Wha can fill a coward’s grave?
Wha sae base as be a Slave?
Let him turn and flee!

Wha, for Scotland’s King and Law,
Freedom’s sword will strongly draw,
Free-man stand, or Free-man fa’,
Let him on wi’ me!

By Oppression’s woes and pains!
By your Sons in servile chains!
We will drain our dearest veins,
But they shall be free!

Lay the proud Usurpers low!
Tyrants fall in every foe!
Liberty’s in every blow!-
Let us Do or Die!

More Burns poetry

Voter Backlash against Media UKIP Smears Is Good For Democracy

Mike Harding

One of the saddest things I have seen on the interweb of Sheeple for a long time was a post yesterday from a comedian who did very well in the 70s and 80s by presenting himself as a working class hero and man of the people. Even though Mike Harding is from a considerably poorer part of Manchester than the one I was born in, and grew up in the Lowryesque streets of Crumpsall where my family moved to green and pleasant Shropshire, in his comedy and music gigs Harding talked about shared experiences of 1950s childhood and sixties adolescence especially the agonies of adolescence because we moved back to Manchester when I was fourteen.

One would think then that somebody like Mike Harding would understand the attitudes of the working class. But no, like so many working class heros he has sold out the the politically correct luvvieocracy of the media and showbiz. There he was on his facebook page, assuming his faded celebrity gave him some kind of authority to tell people what to think, sneering at a UKIP candidate for expressing the view that working class people are sick of the media banging on about homosexuals rights and what a bigoted lot of buggers the masses are, when actually what the working class want politicians and the medias to talk about are things like jobs, immigration, the cost of living, immigration and jobs in that order.

And of course the media and politicians just take a patronising, paternalistic stance: “those things are to complicated for you oiks to be bothering your bigoted little heads with,” they say (well I’m papaphrasing.

Well I live in east Lancashire and I can tell Mike Harding that the opinion expressed by the UKIPper he is sneering at, that dislike of ‘the homosexual community’ is a view that has held sway for a long times and continues to do so.

Good to see then that voters have flicked a very big V sign to Mike Harding and the other media luvvies and in response to the smear campoaign UKIP’s poll rating has risen.

Wealthy, superior luvvies might not be able to think for themselves but the working class voters obviously can.

from The Guardian:
The media’s failure to neutralise Ukip can only be good for democracy

‘The intrusive power of the media, their capacity to lay waste the lives of ordinary people and celebrities alike, has been much aired, before and after Leveson. But there is another form of power, exercised with far greater discretion. This is the ability of the media to shape – and to limit – discussion; a capacity which has in recent weeks become conspicuously transparent, thanks to their efforts to discredit Ukip in general, and Nigel Farage in particular.

The dominant political parties and the mainstream media collusively concerted the attack on Ukip. Never has the management of what is somewhat hyperbolically called “the clash of ideas”, conducted by the opinion-formers and gatekeepers of debate, been so clear. Rarely have the tactics to maintain argument within acceptable bounds been more obvious.’

Continue reading:

I particularly liked this line from the article:

“It may be considered something of an irony that, since all the main parties are, in one way or another, conservative parties, an even more conservative party should be the object of such vilification; and this can be ascribed only to the desire to maintain a monopoly of representation by Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats.”

Absofuckinglutely right.

Euronazi superstate
Eurobureaucratic democracy

Why Is Britain More Elitist Than Ever?

The (still) lovely Helen Mirren, awarded a BAFTA fellowship last night for being all – round wonderful, said in her acceptance speech that acting has become the preserve of kids with rich parents.

Dame Helen said “only kids with wealthy parents can get into the acting profession”, and she is absolutely right of course. Thirteen years of complete misrule by Labour, the party of billionires, lawyers and academics hate the working class so much they deliberately made British society more stratified and hierarchic that it was under the old nobility. All the decent jobs are in closed shop professions.

And the condemed coalition have done nothing to redress the balance.

I’ve nothing against posh kids going into acting of course. Be nice if a few of them could act better than planks however. Here are a few who can’t manage a glottal stop between them.

And now a few from the era when most people were so poor they had the arse out of their trousers, some truly grats whose childhoods were so poor they couldn’t affor to have the arse out of their trousers, so they had to act as if they did.

Michael Caine
Tom Courtnay
Rita Tushingham
Gary Oldman
Christopher Eccleston
Shiela Hancock
Ray Winstone
Bob Hoskins
Gerard Butler
Julie Walters
Sean Connery
Jane Horrocks
Peter O’Toole
Richard Burton
Naomie Harris
And of course Helen Mirren herself – though her Dad was from a wealthy Russian family he worked as a cab driver in Britain.

Not bad from memory.