US Military Found “Vehicles Not Made On This Earth”

We don’t know what to make of this report, it may be a wind up or an attempt to distract from the COVID – 19 hoax, or there may be something in it … but we know it makes a welcome break from pandemic and Black Lives Matter stories.

Authored by Elias Marat via,

As secretive unit operating within the U.S. Department of Defense that is charged with investigating unidentified flying objects (UFOs) will make some of its findings public after it was revealed that the Pentagon has been recently briefed about “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.”

The once-covert UFO unit, which operates within the U.S. Navy’s Office of Naval Intelligence, will soon begin giving regular biannual updates on its research to the U.S. Senate’s Intelligence Committee, reports The New York Times.

The Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force was formed in 2019 for the purpose of studying strange and inexplicable encounters between U.S. military pilots and unidentified aerial vehicles or UFOs in a bid “to standardize collection and reporting” of the various sightings.

The program is the successor to the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which also investigated UFOs but was dissolved in 2017 due to a lapse of funding. However, the team working on that program continued its work alongside the intelligence community even after it was officially disbanded.

Luis Elizondo, a former military intelligence official who headed the Pentagon program, resigned in October 2017 after a decade with the program. Elizondo, along with a group of former government scientists and officials, remain convinced that objects of unkown origin have crashed on Earth and that these apparently extraterrestrial materials have been the focus of research.

“It no longer has to hide in the shadows,” Elizondo told the Times.It will have a new transparency.”

Former Senate majority leader and retired Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), who led the push to fund the earlier UFO program, also believes that the studies should see the light of day.

“After looking into this, I came to the conclusion that there were reports — some were substantive, some not so substantive — that there were actual materials that the government and the private sector had in their possession,” Reid said.

So far, none of the alleged crash artifacts have been subject to public scrutiny or verification by independent researchers. However, some of the retrieved objects such as strange metallic debris were identified as being manmade – raising the possibility that they could be related to the military of U.S. rivals such as China or Russia.

However, astrophysicist Eric Davis – who served as an advisor for the Pentagon program since 2007 – said that he had briefed the Pentagon in March about material retrieved from “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.”

GREENTEETH Weird & Supernatural  index

Wax My Lady-Scrotum Or I’ll Sue

This blog has always taken the line that tolerance can be taken too far, (and often is in loony – liberal dominated places like Canada and California where laws are being passed almost daily, with the aim of forcing sane people to tolerate the intolerable.) The latest and one of the most grossly stupid examples from this is a story from Vancouver of a girlie man who get upset and litigious when beauty therapists who offer bikini line waxing among their services refuse to was his hairy lady – scrotum, (because in politically correct Canada women can have a scrotum and a dick and balls. It’s not about biology, it’s about feelings, right? Bizarrely (or maybe not, this in loony liberal Canada remember,) the courts are siding with this pathetic, attention seeking idiot, and imposing penalties on women who don’t want to handle this dick’s balls that are putting them out of business.

BTW the man, who calls himself Jessica identifies as a lesbian (i.e. he likes to poke women with his lady – cock.)

Women in Vancouver Lose Their Businesses as a Man Tries to Legally Force Them Into Waxing His LadyScrotum

written by Alex Parker for

In British Columbia, small businesses are facing a gender-identity discrimination lawsuit brought by a man named Jessica Yaniv.
Jessica considers himself a lesbian, and he’s brought over a dozen complaints against women in the Vancouver area who perform female Brazilian bikini waxing but refused to wax his furry female sources of semen.

Five women under the gun are being represented by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.

Very strange — women face the threat of being forced by the government to handle a man’s testicles.

Shouldn’t #MeToo have something to say about that?

Here’s the lesbian Jessica Yaniv, he’s a Lady remember … :


Can’t say anything about a Trans – woman for fear of committing a hate crime of course, but the thread under this Twitter photo shows that before Jessica became such a convincing lady his record of interactions with women and girls (very young girls,) was interesting in a creepy way and gives an insight as to why he might be so keen to  use ladies ‘facilities.’

The JCCF’s president, John Carpay, says the victims of Jessica’s filings are mostly poor, ESL immigrants.

He also believes it’s likely multiple ladies’ve had to shut down their businesses as a result of the apparently-hairy-balled litigator.

That’s certainly the case of Brazilian immigrant Maria Da Silva — she testified Wednesday that she’s had to close up shop.

The girls who’ve declined to grab gonads have explained that they aren’t qualified to deal with the complexities of male genitalia.

Note to all men searching for scrotum service: If a technician tells you she can’t help because she doesn’t know how to properly rip the hair out of your sack, TRUST HER. That’s not something you want done by someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing.

The Daily Stirrer
Greenteeth Digital Publishing


Transgender bullying is scaring respectable old organisations into silence
For years Katie Alcock had helped The Guide movemeny run Brownie and Girl Guide groups in her hometown, Lancaster. Then suddenly she was fired. The reason given in a statement by Girlguiding was that Dr. Alcock, had violated its policies on equality and diversity. Her offence was to suggest that science is correct and fashionable virtue signalling wrong, that people born male must be welcomed by a female-only organisation and, for instance, share tents or bathrooms with adolescent girls.

13-year-old fights school policy allowing ‘trans girls’ into girls’ changing room
February 7, 2020 (Paul Smeaton, LifeSiteNews) – A 13-year-old UK girl is taking her local council to court after it issued guidance that would allow boys who identify as “transgender girls” to access girls’ bathrooms, changing rooms, and dormitory rooms on student trips.
The guidance was issued last year as part of the Oxfordshire County Council’s “Trans Inclusion Toolkit for School 2019” project.


France to lose EU influence in European election as pro EU parties face wipeout

French president Emmanuel Macron faces crushing defeat in European election (Picture: Express )

The rise of Emmanual Macron and his Euro-federalist party, though a temporary aberration in French politics, has forced a realignment of the traditional parties of government, conservative Les Républicains (Gaullists) and the Socialist Party (PS), and they could both become bit-part players in the two biggest blocs in the chamber. This would mean fewer influential posts for lawmakers and far less say in Parliament over crucial decisions shaping Europe.

The Socialist Party is polling at just five percent, and if it falls below that threshold in the election due in May, it will not have any MEPs in the next European Parliament. An official from the French delegation of the centre-left Socialists and Democrats (S&D) bloc in the legislature told Politico: “The risk is that the left is so deeply divided that there won’t be any French person to represent it in the Parliament.

According to forecasts from Politico, the Socialists would drop to just five seats in the next Parliament, having secured 13 spaces during the last election in 2014.

Christine Revault d’Allonnes-Bonnefoy, a Socialist MEP who has been touted as a possible candidate to lead her party in the upcoming election, said: “We are going to lose a lot of MEPs. What we’re facing is a catastrophe. Right now, we are doing the job, we’re getting on with things. It’s not enough, but I don’t have any magic wand to change things.”

Centre-left parties in France have become fragmented recently, with MEPs such as Isabelle Thomas, Guillaume Balas and Edouard Martin quitting PS to join “Générations-s” – the left-wing party created by former Socialist presidential candidate Benoît Hamon.

Other MEPs including Emmanuel Maurel have joined France Unbowed – the far-left party led by former MEP Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

In an interview with French magazine Le Point last month, Françoise Grossetête said: “Their call to reform Europe has become a mantra, and shows the total ignorance of everything that has been carried out in the last five years when the right has led the governing majority in Europe.”

If current projections prove accurate, the Republicans would have a smaller delegation in the European Parliament than Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party, while the once dominant Socialists would bring in the same number of seats as Denmark’s Social Democrats.

This reduction in French influence would be a huge blow to France, which for years has seen its MEPs push for progress on issues deemed in their country’s interests, including a change to the rules on EU citizens working temporarily in another of the bloc’s countries.

According to Politico’s forecasts, the Republicans are set to win 11 seats in the election, but this is still down from the 20 spots five years ago. What is not being mentioned by mainstream media is that Rassemblement National, the Eurosceptic, nationalist, anti immigration party led by Marine Le Pen look set to make massive gains.

Scary science: Fears surrounding human re-animation

I’ve said it before and no doubt I will say it again, many many times. Scientists are insane. What’s more, in their crazy pursuit of fame, glory and world domination they now seem to have thrown any pretence of ethics out of the window. What same human being could possibly think it is a good idea to reanimate human corpses after natural death, or to keep brains alive and fuctioning in a laboratory jar?
Nobody, surely, it is the stuff of ridiculous Hollywood B movies in the 1950s, mad scientists working in forsaken gothic mansions or the holowed out magma chambers of extinct volcanoes. Laboratoies filled bubbling, gurgling jars and the echoing sound of manic laughter as the main character contemplates his army of revenants conquering the world as he plays something spooky by J S Bach on a Cathedral organ. Yeah, it’s effing ridiculous.
Except it’s not.
A Yale University research team claim to have successfully completed and experiment which reanimated the pig brains after the animals had been slaughtered for chops and bacon. Neuroscientists being excitable creatures with all the intellectual depth of an oil stain, this has prompted a  lot of babble and a few research grant applications based on speculation that human trials could be next.  This in turn has reignited ethical concerns  about scientists trying to usurp god and pursue the goal of of immortality.

As the quest for everlasting life appears to be something these science nuts believe could offer great advances for humanity rather than being inevitably catastrophic (imagine if no one died and no one was born, or worse if no one died and the population kept growing ,  what are the key concerns raised by these experiments?

Nottingham Trent University ethics researcher Benjamin Curtis says ending up as a disembodied brain is likely to  be a “living hell.” Writing in The Conversation he suggested that living in total isolation with no external stimuli and without any actual contact with reality could be a fate worse than death.

“Some have argued that even with a fully functional body, immortality would be tedious. With absolutely no contact with external reality, it might just be a living hell,” Curtis has written.

In the Yale University experiments, led by neuroscientist Nenad Sestan, the pigs did not regain consciousness but Sestan acknowledged that restoring awareness is a possibility and that the technique could work on humans, keeping the brain alive indefinitely. We should not forget however, that in a prize winning experiment a few years ago, neuroscientists discovered meaningful brain activity in a dead fish. Now finding meaningful brain activity in the brain of a live fish might be miraculous, but finding it in a dead fish only proves the nerds don’t know much about how atoms work.

Speaking to Curtis explained (rather obviously to those of us who rely on common sense,) that the brain is highly integrated with the rest of the body in both humans and animals. It is constantly receiving and sending signals from and to it. “We have no idea what experiences would occur within a disembodied brain. But those experiences may well be deeply disturbing,” he said.

But what is a brain without a body to host it? Renowned neuroscientist Antonio Damasio says without a constant “feedback loop” between brain and body, ordinary experiences and thought are simply not possible. I remember being told in 1997, while in rehab, recovering 9somwhat surprisingly) from a massive brain haemorr”hage, that “We doctors are only now starting to understand that the brain and the mind are very different things.

Damasio’s view was echoed by Dr. Evan Thompson,  philosophy professor at the University of British Columbia. Thompson told, “Consciousness and mind function are dependent on the brain being functionally integrated with the rest of the body.

In other words, it’s not possible for a disembodied brain to house a normal mind. “The brain and body are in constant electrochemical communication with each other with multiple and dense feedback loops. Take that away, and mental function isn’t likely to be possible,” he said.

Curtis expresses the opinion that the promise of eternal life is not worth the risk of subjecting a disembodied but conscious human brain to “an existence of hellish tedium, or to the mental torture of inescapable madness.”

He said that even if disembodied brains did function more or less as they do now they will still be receiving no input from the outside world whatsoever. “There would be no sights, smells, sounds, or tactile feelings at all. Just an enduring inescapable emptiness,” he said to

“I suppose this might be OK for a short while, but for any length of time I doubt any ordinary person would be able to cope.”

“One could perhaps tell oneself stories, or write poems in one’s mind, but with no-one to communicate them to, I imagine this would be cold comfort. In eternity, one would most likely end up repeating the same kinds of thoughts over and over to oneself, a body-less Sisyphus with no way to bring an end to the futility and meaningless of your situation.”

Mind uploading

The quest for immortality is going in differirections that take it beyond the the ‘brain in a jar,’ concept however, for some the ultimate goal of preserving their brain is at eternal life. Presumably they hope to achieve this by constantly patching us up with second hand parts from a human scapyard, the way old cars have been patched up with spares drom a scrapyard.

In March, startup company Nectome revealed it is aiming to develop technology that could preserve the brain while keeping all memories in tact and then upload these to a server so a person can experience eternal digital life. The team has already managed to fully preserve a rabbit and pig brain.

Head transplants

Meanwhile, Italian surgeon Sergio Canavero is determined to complete the world’s first live human head transplant. Last last year, he claims, he completed the world’s first such operation between two corpses.


A 30-year-old Russian man who suffers from Werdnig-Hoffmann disease put himself forward as a volunteer for the transplant in 2015, prompting ethical concerns from the wider scientific community.

“I would not wish this on anyone,”said Dr. Hunt Batjer, former president of the American Association for Neurological Surgeons. “I would not allow anyone to do it to me as there are a lot of things worse than death.”

In their paper‘Operation Frankenstein: Ethical reflections of human head transplantation,’ Joshua Cuoco and John R. Davy from the New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine argued the procedure could cause substantial psychological difficulty and result in a dramatic alteration of a person’s personality and memories.

“The procedure of human head transplantation dangerously presupposes that transplanting an individual’s head will also transplant an individual’s mind including consciousness, personality, and memories.”

“On the contrary, cognitive sciences have suggested that human cognition does not solely originate within the brain parenchyma; rather, humans exhibit an embodied cognition where our body participates in the formation of self,” the scientists warned.

Let’s talk ethics

Neuroscientists at the fore of this experimental research are calling for discussion around the ethics of their work but argued that these difficult questions should not halt their progress.

In an essay published in Nature, a group of researchers, including Sestan, noted advancements in the field mean tough conversations need to take place: “As brain surrogates become larger and more sophisticated, the possibility of them having capabilities akin to human sentience might become less remote.”

For many on social media the prospect of this Black Mirror-esque concept becoming a reality has left them more than a little unsettled.


A research study led by the University of Edinburgh explored the science behind the biological processes that drive the creation of our memories
The article collapsed when I encountered the abuse of the word science in the above sentence. Biologoy is a natural science, i.e. the study of natural phenomena related to living organisms so in fact the biological processes underlie the science rather that the science driving the biological processes.

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Aliens Are REAL! Sci Fi Film Was A Documentary Says Star.

I love the Before It’s News Website More and More. Take this headline post today for example:

“Former wrestling superstar ‘Rowdy Roddy Piper’ has dropped a bombshell via Twitter, the movie ‘They Live’ was a documentary. “They Live” was a John Carpenter 1988 film that starred Piper as a drifter who fended off an alien invasion and according to recent ‘Rowdy Roddy’ tweets, the movie was not science fiction but actually a documentary. If you don’t remember, Rowdy Roddy’s character was armed with special sunglasses that allowed him to see the aliens walking among us, secretly controlling the media, banking and the government as shown in this first video and second video below. Does Rowdy Roddy know something that we don’t know and is this proof that aliens actually DO control most of our society?

Read full post with Rowdy Roddy Tweets and see a demo of his Alien Spotter sunglasses (which look like ordinary Ray Bans to me)HERE


Alien Life: Who needs lizard men when there is a universe of ideas out there?

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Aliens Discovered Near Earth. Don’t Panic!

Douglas Adams has done it again. While the wankers at CERN were flushing shitloads of taxpayers money down the toilet in their pursuit of a chimera, while the American Church Of Scienceology cult aka SETI are talking about travelling to galaxies 100 light years distant where there might, just might, be stars that might, just might, have planets that might, just might, be capable of supporting life forms similar to those on earth if there is the right balance of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and enough water on the planets surface and the day / night temperature differential is OK and about a billion other things are as they must be, another of Adams’ predictions from Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy turns out to be correct.

Remember the bit in H2G2 when an invasion fleet from a highly advanced alien civilization, en route to earth on a conquer and subjugate mission arrived on our planet only to be swallowed in its entirity by a small dog?

Well read this:

British scientists believe they have found small bugs from outer space in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Tiny organisms were discovered by University of Sheffield experts on a research balloon they had sent 27km (16.7 miles) into the atmosphere during last month’s Perseids meteor shower.

The microscopic bugs were detected when the balloon landed back on the ground in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

But the scientists insist the samples could not have been carried from the Earth’s surface into the stratosphere – the second layer of our atmosphere, which stretches up to 50km (31 miles) from the ground.

Strict tests were taken to avoid any contamination, they said.

(Full story)

So while the science worshippers’ high priest Brian Cox is talking about preparing to travel impossible distances 100 light years when light travels at 186,000 miles per second and our fastest spacecraft goes ten miles per second with a following solar wind, to meet highly advanced aliens like those in Star Trek or Doctor Who, the aliens were within reach for decades. And for once I can’t say scientists never see the big picture because while they were looking at the big Sci – Fi picture on their plasma screen or at the local multiplex, they actually needed a microscope to see our first alien encounter.


US military hiding something? Official explanation for mysterious radar signals falls apart

Alien Life: Who needs lizard men when there is a universe of ideas out there?

Alien In My Bed
The Science Of Spoons

Aliens Are Real Says Former Canadian Defence Minister

I have a couple of bones to pick with those of you who have sneered when I post blogs about aliens. First, WTF do you think you are doing bringing your sense of humour by – pass to Boggart Blog?

Second who do you think your are to be contradicting such an august personage as the former Canadian defence minister?

Canada’s former minister of National Defence Paul Hellyer testified at the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (CHD) last month in Washington D.C. that aliens are living among us and that it is likely at least two of them are working with the U.S. government.

Hellyer, whose beliefs on extraterrestrial life and UFOs are well established, made the statements at the non-governmental hearings chaired by six former U.S. congressmen and aimed at, according to the event’s website, doing “what the U.S. Congress had failed to do for forty-five years — [sic] seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time — [sic] evidence pointing toward an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.”‘

See Hellyer’s evidence to US Congress: Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defence Minister, says Extraterrestrial Visits Are Real (Huffington Post video)

What has David Icke been telling you for decades while you doubters ridiculed him as a nutter in a turquoise shell suit?

Canada is not the only nation that has high ranking government officials who associate with aliens. It is rumoured there was an alien female in Silvio Berlusconi’s Italian government. The lady denies being an extra terrestrial but shows (below) her qualifications to work with Berlusconi


The image embedding tool is not working, you’ll have to make do with a link.

berlusconi's minister for dairy farmingSilvio Berlusconi’s Minister for dairy farming

Quantum Metaphysics or The God Experiments
Alien Life: Who needs lizard men when there is a universe of ideas out there?