Starmer must purge Corbynites says Telegraph – But Who Would Be Left In The Party

Four years after Jeremy Corbyn lost an election to a Tory landslide (even though the Tory government, in power since 2010, was deeply unpopular,) and finally relinquished the party leadership, to be replaced by Starmer, the Socialist Campaign Group, made up of about 30 far left Labour MPs remains as a thorn in the leadership’s side and a reminder of the kind of extremism the left of the party stands for. These anti – semitic, transgendeism supporting, open borders advocating, terrorist loving loons may be an embarrassment to Starmer as he tries to capture moderate voters, but to mainstream British opinion, to British values themselves the idologies supported by the Socialist Campaign Group are anathema. Whether defending terorists, opposition to NATO, justifying Hamas atrocities in Israel, advocating the abandonment of all immigration controls, defunding the police or supporting the crominal activities of Extinction Rebellion or Just Stop Oil the group is constant reminder of the dark forces within the Labour Party that were became released Corbyn, and of the worst excesses of ‘woke’ Leftism.

But what of the statement that Starmer must purge the Corbynites?

The problem there is that ‘Sir’ Kier SStarmer, the privately educated posh boy is a Corbynite when it suits him, a Blairite when it suits him, a Lib Dem, Scottish or Welsh nationalist or even a Sinn Fein if he thinks it will pull a few votes from their supporters, he dared not define a woman for fear of antagonising Labour’s powerful LGBT lobby and I’m told by reliable sources at the scene that on the one recent occasion when his face appeared to show an emotion he was in fact suppressing an outbreak of flatulence because the noise might have ‘triggered’ snowflakes among his party’s supporters.
What reasonable person could possibly vote for such a creature?

UK Labour Party Chief Clown SStarmer Says UK Needs New Laws To Protect Trans Rights
Not content with being destined to go down in history as the man who enabled the grooming and rape gangs in British towns and cities, Sir Keir SStarmer, leader of The British National Socialist Workers’ Party (formerly known as Labour,) has pledged that under his leadership a socialist governmenr will clear the way for teachers and transgender activists to go into schools and without parental consent coerce children into changing their sex …

SStarmer Outs Himself As More Fascist Than Boris Bonkers or Dementia Joe Biden
The leader of the UK’s official opposition party, Labour, Sir Kier SStarmer after a year of starring in a remake of The Invisible Man has finally decided to let us see who he is. Responding to remarks made by Home Secretary Priti Patel, SStarmer said education authorities should be allowed to use exclusion orders to stop anti-vaccine activists from protesting outside schools … Continue reading >>>

So Was Last Weekend’s Abortive ‘Coup’ In Russia Anything But Theatre?
“It is not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true.’—Henry Kissinger, February 1999” That is very significant quote attributed to Henry Kissinger. Former Uk Prime Minister Tony Blair used a very similar line when selling his ‘New Labour’ schtick to British voters. It has always been the case that perception overrides actuality, were it not so there would never have been any empires, religions or political parties.

Net Zero Ed – The Most Significant British Politician Of The Century?
Have MPs got smaller or has Ed Miliband got bigger? Has he grown into his boots? Has he outgrown them? It’s easy to forget he has had more affect than any Labour politician in living memory. And not just because of his £2 membership drive that put the Labour party into special measures for five years. What other contenders are there? It’s true that Tony Blair’s war in Iraq had a widespread effect on the prospects of hundreds of thousands in the Middle East – but that will be insignificant against the leadership Ed displayed with his Climate Change Act.

Goodbye Freedom, Hello Global Governance.
If at any time during the chaos the past eighteen months you have wondered what kind of idiots are running the world and have gleefully trashed economies, disrupted social and commercial life and stripped citizens of their rights and liberties only to bring us, in late October 2021, right back to where we were in late February 2020 when the words pandemic and COVID crept into our consciousness …Continue reading >>>

SStarmer Outs Himself As More Fascist Than Boris Bonkers or Dementia Joe Biden
The leader of the UK’s official opposition party, Labour, Sir Kier SStarmer after a year of starring in a remake of The Invisible Man has finally decided to let us see who he is. Responding to remarks made by Home Secretary Priti Patel, SStarmer said education authorities should be allowed to use exclusion orders to stop anti-vaccine activists from protesting outside schools … Continue reading >>>

Labour Leadership Contenders Agree Stamping Out Transphobobia Most Important Issue

February 13, 2020
Watched the motley crew involved in the Labour leadership race on TV this morning, apart from not having a milligram of charisma between them, they haven’t learned a thing from the election defeat. Their opening pitches sounded like a ravamp of Monthy Python’s “Four Yorkshiremen” sketch… Continue reading

Jess Phillips Labour Leadership Bid Struggling. Stop Starmer Campaign Needed?

January 21, 2020
Reports coming out of Labour Party HQ suggest Jess Phillips was struggling to stay in the Labour leadership race on Monday night after the most likely union to back her opted to support “Sir” Keir Starmer, enabler of rape gangs, friend of terrorists and millionaire lawyer, instead. USDAW, … Continue reading Jess Phillips Labour Leadership Bid Struggling. Stop Starmer Campaign Needed? … Continue reading <!–

LABOUR’S SHAME: Brown’s Government ‘Urged’ Police Not To Investigate Muslim Grooming Gangs

January 11, 2020
We acknowledge this article was authored by Jordan James and originally posted on the Politicalite website. At the time of writing the site is still online and the article can be viewed by clicking the above link.  Not knowing how long … Continue reading LABOUR’S SHAME: Brown’s Government ‘Urged’ Police Not To Investigate Muslim Grooming Gangs


Labour Leadership Contest: Bring On The Clowns

December 18, 2019
The wiser heads in what was the Labour shadow cabinet before the election advised after the crushing defeat by Boris Johnson’s Conssrvatives that he party must shake off its elitist London intellectuals and get back in touch with the working clas core vote. It was wise and good advice, which ensured of course that Labour … Continue reading Labour Leadership Contest: Bring On The Clowns

Labour planned to privatise 40% of NHS as Hypocrite Corbyn accuses Johnson of selling off the health service

December 6, 2019
Labour planned to privatise 40% of NHS as Corbyn takes aim at Johnson Corbyn’s scaremongering preaches to the converted (Picture: Google) One quickly tires of Labour Party candidates and their Jew – hating supporters claiming, every time an election is in the offinge, the “The Wicked Conservatiovs plan to sell the NHS to private enterprise. … Continue reading Labour planned to privatise 40% of NHS as Hypocrite Corbyn accuses Johnson of selling off the health service

I will die an Anti Racist say Jew Hating Racist Labour leader Corbyn

November 7, 2019
  Protest against Labour Party anti – Semitism (Wikimedia commons) As former Labour Party deputy leader Tom Watson rode off into the sunset, a good man but a discredited figure because he was foolish enough to let his hatred of the elite persuade him to believe the incredible allegations of a fantasist and attention seeker … Continue reading I will die an Anti Racist say Jew Hating Racist Labour leader Corbyn

Boris’ cheap political stunt turns out to be a Labour stunt to discredit him

September 18, 2019 Labour supporting bloggers and talking heads are making a big thing of the confrontation between Boris Johnson and “a distressed parent who feels his sick child has been endangered because of Conservative’s neglect of the NHS The man accuse Johnmson of only visiting the hospital as a political stunt. In fact Omar Salem, the man … Continue reading Boris’ cheap political stunt turns out to be a Labour stunt to discredit him

Labour Haemorrhages Support As Party Slumps in Polls

July 5, 2019
Two local Labour figures have defected to the Brexit Party, as Labour sinks to fourth place in a recent YouGov poll. West Heywood councillor Alan McCarthy and former Labour councillor and leader of Rochdale council Colin Lambert defected to the Brexit Party this week. Their constituency of Rochdale voted … Continue reading Labour Haemorrhages Support As Party Slumps in Polls

Calls To Suspend New Labour MP Before She Is Sworn In …

June 7, 2019
Just when you thought politics could not get any crazier. The Jewish Labour Movement (JLM) today called for the party whip be withdrawn from Lisa Forbes who was elected MP for Peterborough in a by election last night, before she has even been sworn into Parliament. The Jewish Labour Movement (and who would have thought … Continue reading Calls To Suspend New Labour MP Before She Is Sworn In …

So What Makes A Leftie Abandon Labour And Support The Conservatives?

April 19, 2019
When asked why her had turned his back on the Labour Party, psychologist James Francis, wrote this reply: Member of Parliament (MP) for Bradford West, Naseem Shah (aka Naz Shah) Here’s the context Predominantly Pakistani Muslim men were grooming and gang raping young, white British girls on an industrial scale across Britain in (generally) low … Continue reading So What Makes A Leftie Abandon Labour And Support The Conservatives?

Labour Leadership Contenders Agree Stamping Out Transphobobia Most Important Issue

February 13, 2020
Watched the motley crew involved in the Labour leadership race on TV this morning, apart from not having a milligram of charisma between them, they haven’t learned a thing from the election defeat. Their opening pitches sounded like a ravamp of Monthy Python’s “Four Yorkshiremen” sketch… Continue reading

Jess Phillips Labour Leadership Bid Struggling. Stop Starmer Campaign Needed?

January 21, 2020
Reports coming out of Labour Party HQ suggest Jess Phillips was struggling to stay in the Labour leadership race on Monday night after the most likely union to back her opted to support “Sir” Keir Starmer, enabler of rape gangs, friend of terrorists and millionaire lawyer, instead. USDAW, … Continue reading Jess Phillips Labour Leadership Bid Struggling. Stop Starmer Campaign Needed? … Continue reading <!–

LABOUR’S SHAME: Brown’s Government ‘Urged’ Police Not To Investigate Muslim Grooming Gangs

January 11, 2020
We acknowledge this article was authored by Jordan James and originally posted on the Politicalite website. At the time of writing the site is still online and the article can be viewed by clicking the above link.  Not knowing how long … Continue reading LABOUR’S SHAME: Brown’s Government ‘Urged’ Police Not To Investigate Muslim Grooming Gangs


Labour Leadership Contest: Bring On The Clowns

December 18, 2019
The wiser heads in what was the Labour shadow cabinet before the election advised after the crushing defeat by Boris Johnson’s Conssrvatives that he party must shake off its elitist London intellectuals and get back in touch with the working clas core vote. It was wise and good advice, which ensured of course that Labour … Continue reading Labour Leadership Contest: Bring On The Clowns

Labour planned to privatise 40% of NHS as Hypocrite Corbyn accuses Johnson of selling off the health service

December 6, 2019
Labour planned to privatise 40% of NHS as Corbyn takes aim at Johnson Corbyn’s scaremongering preaches to the converted (Picture: Google) One quickly tires of Labour Party candidates and their Jew – hating supporters claiming, every time an election is in the offinge, the “The Wicked Conservatiovs plan to sell the NHS to private enterprise. … Continue reading Labour planned to privatise 40% of NHS as Hypocrite Corbyn accuses Johnson of selling off the health service

I will die an Anti Racist say Jew Hating Racist Labour leader Corbyn

November 7, 2019
  Protest against Labour Party anti – Semitism (Wikimedia commons) As former Labour Party deputy leader Tom Watson rode off into the sunset, a good man but a discredited figure because he was foolish enough to let his hatred of the elite persuade him to believe the incredible allegations of a fantasist and attention seeker … Continue reading I will die an Anti Racist say Jew Hating Racist Labour leader Corbyn

Boris’ cheap political stunt turns out to be a Labour stunt to discredit him

September 18, 2019 Labour supporting bloggers and talking heads are making a big thing of the confrontation between Boris Johnson and “a distressed parent who feels his sick child has been endangered because of Conservative’s neglect of the NHS The man accuse Johnmson of only visiting the hospital as a political stunt. In fact Omar Salem, the man … Continue reading Boris’ cheap political stunt turns out to be a Labour stunt to discredit him

Labour Haemorrhages Support As Party Slumps in Polls

July 5, 2019
Two local Labour figures have defected to the Brexit Party, as Labour sinks to fourth place in a recent YouGov poll. West Heywood councillor Alan McCarthy and former Labour councillor and leader of Rochdale council Colin Lambert defected to the Brexit Party this week. Their constituency of Rochdale voted … Continue reading Labour Haemorrhages Support As Party Slumps in Polls

Calls To Suspend New Labour MP Before She Is Sworn In …

June 7, 2019
Just when you thought politics could not get any crazier. The Jewish Labour Movement (JLM) today called for the party whip be withdrawn from Lisa Forbes who was elected MP for Peterborough in a by election last night, before she has even been sworn into Parliament. The Jewish Labour Movement (and who would have thought … Continue reading Calls To Suspend New Labour MP Before She Is Sworn In …

So What Makes A Leftie Abandon Labour And Support The Conservatives?

April 19, 2019
When asked why her had turned his back on the Labour Party, psychologist James Francis, wrote this reply: Member of Parliament (MP) for Bradford West, Naseem Shah (aka Naz Shah) Here’s the context Predominantly Pakistani Muslim men were grooming and gang raping young, white British girls on an industrial scale across Britain in (generally) low … Continue reading So What Makes A Leftie Abandon Labour And Support The Conservatives?

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Posh Peoples Banker Humbled By Public Backlash To Authoritarian Debanking Policy

Much discussion in UK media and as far away as The USA and Australia this week has focued on the decision by Coutts (the posh people’s bank,) to ‘de-bank’ former UKIP leader Nigel Farage, the political outsider who successfully steered the campaign to take Britain out of the EU to victory in a national referendum. According to Coutts initial responses to media attention the decision was taken  because of reputational concerns. 

Bizarrely, when Farage, now host of a popular radio talk show, took his story to the media Coutts told the BBC that the Farage account closure was due to financial requirements. This was probably was one of the worst corporate cock ups in recent history because it was so easily falsifiable, especially for a skilled operator like Farage whose track record shows he knows how to use the media. After after days of media fury about a corporate war on free speech, stirred up mostly by the former Ukip leader himself, and a genuine public outcry because in this era of automation, digitization and depersonalisation, banking is an essential service and if it can happen to Nigel Farage because his bank don’t like some of his opinions, it can happen to any of us.

Coutts have now caved in following criticism from everybody from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to Stan the bloke in the pub who has an opinion about everything, the bank and its parent company Nat West group have issued a grovelling apology to Farage for comments made about him during a meeting of the bank’s wealth reputational risk committee.

Alison Ross, the chief executive of NatWest  this afternoon released a lengthy apology for the ‘deeply inappropriate comments made in the now published papers. They ‘do not reflect the views of the bank’, she said, adding ‘I believe very strongly that freedom of expression and access to banking are fundamental to our society and it is absolutely not our policy to exit a customer on the basis of legally held political and personal views.’ The bank has now offered ‘alternative banking arrangements’ at NatWest.

It was deeply disturbing that Nigel Farage was debanked by Coutts for his political and social attitudes but becomes truly sinister when we consider that apparently no other bank was prepared to offer him an account and they all marched in lockstep (goose step?) with Coutts.

If he could have easily moved to another bank it would have been shameful that Coutts, the bank that discriminates on the basis of wealth. also discriminates on the basis of politics, while being quite happy to offer services to some of the world’s most brutal authoritarian tyrants, a number of very unsavoury east European oligarchs and authocratic leaders of Arab oil states in which the concept of human rights simply does not exist, but the fact that other banks took a similar stance becomes a matter of totalitarian oppression.

Because of the nature of their business banks should not be able to select their customers on the basis of political positions just as they cannot discriminate on grounds of race, religion, skin colour or sexual orientation. Coutts was wrong to kick NF out for the reasons set out in the report and the other banks should not have been able to so glibly refuse his custom without a sound reason for doing so

As mentioned above banking is an essential service in the modern and increasingly cashless world. To deny anyone access to banking facilities is tantamount to erasing their social existence, hamstringing their ability to earn a living or but essential goods and services and ultimately eliminating them from society. Withdrawing banking facilities in a way which would inhibit that person’s ability to make alternative arrangements without acceptable reasons is an intolerable injustice. 

 This practice is akin to isolating someone, no matter how ill, from access to health services because his/her legitimately stated/held views do not confirm to the ‘diversity, inclusion and equality’ [DIE] narrative promoted by political, media and business establishment organisations. Such cancellation represents a gross violation of that person’s inalienable rights to free speech and personal liberty the fundamental destruction of a basic human right to access an essential service without which normal existence is rendered impossible.

The most alarming thing of all is that leaders of powerful corporate organisations, not to mention public services managers, can so easily terminate individuals’ bank accounts (or access to services) with little or no accountability. 

We associate such tyranny with regimes Nazi Germany, communist Russia, modern China, North Korea or certain Middle Eastern theocracies. The large dossier compiled by Coutts on Nigel Farage without his knowledge is a most sinister development of a kind that we thought was confined to brutal totalitarian police states, not the so-called liberal democracies.



Just Another Day In Bizarro World: Colonel Forced Out Of TheArmy For Saying ‘Men Cannot Be Women’
Dr Kelvin Wright, 54, had been a Reservist commanding officer with 14 years’ unblemished service, including two tours in Afghanistan, before his “honour was attacked” with a transphobia complaint and an investigation he described as “hellish”. In May, he shared a post on his private Facebook account from Fair Play for Women, a group that works to preserve women’s sport for those born female,

Scientists say gruesome cigarette-style warnings on MEAT could be used to shame buyers
Images of black lungs and rotting teeth cigarette packets were intended designed to put smokers off but in fact it is punitive taxes that reduced the prevelance of tobacco smoking. The scare tactics were not 100% effective but they did enough to suggest that that slapping similar stickers on packs of meat in supermarkets could shame buyers into accepting a diet of mashed bugs and plant based gunge like Quorn and Tofu.

UK Conservative MP Claims Cover Up Of Covid Vaccine Related Heart Problems By Big Pharma & Research Organisations
UK Conservative Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen, who has made highly public, ‘off message’ criticisms of the media silence about the harms causede by COVID 19 mRNA vaccines, has now urged the government and British National Health Service to discontinue use of the vaccines as they clearly do not either prevent infection or alleviate symptoms but have so far been linked to far more cases of serious adverse reactions that all other vaccines introduced over the past thirty years.

World Eeconomic Forum Fuhrer Klaus Schwab Says Governments Must Harness A.I. And They Will Be ‘Masters of the World’, MWAH HA HA HARRR
Addressing the World Government Summit in Dubai,World Economic Forum Chairman and Scooby Doo Villain lookalike Klaus Schwab said that emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence which will usher in a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ can become “masters of the world,”

World Economic Forum Calls for Merging of Human and Artificial Intelligence to Censor ‘Hate Speech’ & ‘Misinformation’

Digital Authoritarianism: AI Surveillance Signals The Death Of Privacy

New advances in AI surveilance techniques threaten privacy, civl rights and free speech.

The Great Genocide: Dutch Govt Plans to Shut Down Up To 3,000 Farms To Comply With Euronazi Union Green Law
As we reported earlier in the year, in order to comply with new, economically suicidal European Union environmental laws the Dutch government’s plans to force the closure of thousands of dairy and livestock farms in order to comply with the latest and most insane to date batch of EU environment laws which aim to limit notrogen as well as Carbon Dioxide emissions. The European Union green agenda directive has been branded as the “Great Reset turned up to eleven”.

Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away?
It’s the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible – but time is running out and people are waking up …

Big Tech tyranny is the biggest threat to democracy in our era
This weeks main story, pushing Coronavirus aside at last, has been the attempt by Twitter to censor U.S. President, classifying his somewhat rabid tweets as misinformation. Whether you love or hate Trump or any other occupant of The White House, their utterings can never be dismissed as ‘misinformation’ because they represent what one of the most powerful people in the world is thinking.

Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away?
It’s the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible – but time is running out and people are waking up …

Big Tech tyranny is the biggest threat to democracy in our era
This weeks main story, pushing Coronavirus aside at last, has been the attempt by Twitter to censor U.S. President, classifying his somewhat rabid tweets as misinformation. Whether you love or hate Trump or any other occupant of The White House, their utterings can never be dismissed as ‘misinformation’ because they represent what one of the most powerful people in the world is thinking.

University free speech society told free speech a ‘red risk’, external speakers must be vetted

Sheffield University’s recently formed Free Speech Society has been warned that free speech is a “red risk” and all external speakers at events it organises will have to be vetted by the University Thought Police squad and the topics they intend to talk about shown to be in line with ideas and opinions the titty – sucking babies who run the Student Union are not frightened by.

Big Tech tyranny is the biggest threat to democracy in our era
This weeks main story, pushing Coronavirus aside at last, has been the attempt by Twitter to censor U.S. President, classifying his somewhat rabid tweets as misinformation. Whether you love or hate Trump or any other occupant of The White House, their utterings can never be dismissed as ‘misinformation’ because they represent what one of the most powerful people in the world is thinking.

French Intellectual Jailed for Calling Mass Immigration an “Invasion”
French intellectual Renaud Camus (above) has been conditionally sentenced to 2 months imprisonment for arguing that mass immigration in Europe represents an “invasion.” reports: The writer, who is the author of Le Grand Remplacement (The Great Replacement), was charged with “public incitement to hate or violence on the basis of origin, ethnicity, nationality, race or religion.”

There Is No Freedom Without Transparency

The Democrat / Republican political puppets in the USA would be supported by European leaders including Prime Minister David Cameron in the UK, France’s Francois Hollande and Germany’s Angela Merkel who, even as I type, are preparing massive interventions in Libya and Iraq, both turned into chaotic and lawless failed states by previous US / European interventions
There Is No Freedom Without Transparency

Facebook Declares War On Free Speech

Facebook has for some time had a policy of removing text that the majority of people would consider racist. Now the social media site is now deleting and blocking comments that only one person at Facebook decides is “racist.” The sinister, Orwellian reality of a society in which the expression of majority opinion is being turned into a crime has already been witnessed across Europe. Even more disturbing, social media operators such as Facebook and Twitter appear to be collaborating with governments in the suppression of free speech.
Facebook Declares War On Free Speech

The Great Genocide: Dutch Govt Plans to Shut Down Up To 3,000 Farms To Comply With Euronazi Union Green Law
As we reported earlier in the year, in order to comply with new, economically suicidal European Union environmental laws the Dutch government’s plans to force the closure of thousands of dairy and livestock farms in order to comply with the latest and most insane to date batch of EU environment laws which aim to limit notrogen as well as Carbon Dioxide emissions. The European Union green agenda directive has been branded as the “Great Reset turned up to eleven”.

World Economic Forum Calls for Merging of Human and Artificial Intelligence to Censor ‘Hate Speech’ & ‘Misinformation’

Despite the fact that they represent only the interests of big business, big finance and themselves, the oligarchs of the World Economic Forum are now calling for a policy of merging human and artificial intelligence systems so that computer chips implanted in our brain can edit and censor “hate speech” and “misinformation” online before it is articulated trough spoken of written word online.

We The Good Guys Versus They The Bad Guys Reporting Does Not Make Sense For The Ukraine Crisis
Mainstream media reporting of the conflict in Ukraine has disappointed. Perhaps I was naive to suppose that lessons might have been learned from the hits their print sales and online traffic rates took as a result of their handling the COVID pandemic But instead of focusing on the most obviously newsworthy aspect of the build up to and escalation of the war, Russia’s view of NATO expansion into Ukraine and even further to Georgia and Kazakhstan, news reports have simply demonised Russia and portrayed Ukraine as the good guys.

French Police Use Teargas As Freedom Convoy Brings Thousands Of Protestors To Paris
Inspired by Canada’s freedom Convoy, a sponaneous protest by drivers of heavy trucks against the fasistic and oppressive curtailment of individual freedoms by Prime Minister Trudeau’s regime, French truck drivers protesting President Macron’s similarly authoritarian measures converged on Paris where they were met by riot police enforcing Macron’s ban on protests against government policy …

Negative Interest Rates & The War On Cash, Part 3: “Beware The Promoters”
Bitcoin and other electronic platforms have paved the way psychologically for a shift away from cash, although they have done so by emphasising decentralisation and anonymity rather than the much greater central control which would be inherent in a mainstream electronic currency. Despite the loss of privacy, electronic currency is much favoured by techno-optimists, but not so much by those concerned about the risks of absolute structural dependency on technological complexity.

Beware the dangers of a cashless society
As the country celebrates tradition and prepares for change, one major shift is closer than ever – our move towards becoming a cashless society. It is hard to imagine money without the Queen’s profile proudly embossed, defining our Elizabethan generation in a centuries-old British tradition, but the monarch’s face is fast disappearing from our pockets.

War On Cash Gathers Momentum – Germany Unveils Cash Controls
On Monday (1 February, 2016) just two days ago, Bloomberg called on the central banks of the world to “bring on a cashless future” in an Op-Ed that calls notes and coins “dirty, dangerous, unwieldy, and expensive.” We can imagine it would be quite easy to harm someone by firing large coins at them from a gun and terrorists could probably stuff an improvised explosive device with small coins rather than nails or nuts and bolts. And if …

The Financial Times Calls for Ending Cash, Calls it a “Barbarous Relic”
Earlier this week, as the financial world was in turmoil following a rapid crash and recovery in financial markets. While we the punters shook our heads and wondered how the banksters get away with this kind of shit, The Financial Times published a dastardly little piece of fascist New World Order propaganda.

[ Free Speech Murdered ] … [ Free Speech catalogue ] … [ death of democracy ] … [ Cashless society ]

The Tyranny Of Progressivism And The Cult Of Woke

Since it was first published in 1859, John Stuart Mill’s essay ‘On Liberty’ has become a standard reference for campaigners against censorship, authoritarianism, suppression of dissent and the right to freely express opinions and question dogma (free speech,) and other political or religious constraints on freedom whether political, social, religious, academic or interpersonal. A century and a half after his death, Mill’s argument on behalf of an “atmosphere of freedom”, limited only when words or actions result in harm, has become the central pillar of the liberal thinking.

Yet while Mill’s essay was intended to be a defence of the necessary conditions for a liberal society, today it is more likely to be self-described conservatives who are most likely to invoke its arguments.

Ironically while conservatives, traditional supporters of the rule of law, loyalty to the three Fs (family, faith and flag,) and asdherence to the narratives of state and church, today it seems the conservatives have moved to the left to occupy the void created by liberal and socialist groups embracing the principle of the pensée unique, the French concept of a single thought or idea to which all must pay lip service even if they do not necessarily agree.

If it was the free-thinkers in the Victorian era whom Mill was defending against oppression by religious traditionalists (the Thought Police of the era,) today the situation is the opposite. Conservatives and “classical liberals” of various stripes today regularly invoke Mill as a refutation against the oppressiveness of liberals and progressives.

[We should] go back to John Stuart Mill,” an american religious conservative suggested last year. “Having legal protection for free, robust discourse in place is one thing, and it’s a very important thing, and it’s, as I say, a necessary thing, but it’s not sufficient. In addition to those legal norms protecting free speech, we need to build a culture of free speech.”

The progressives disagree of course: nobody should be allowed to challenge the doctrine of change, we must all accept the rewriting of history in a way that makes Africa the cradle of civilisation, the nursery of literature and the arts and the hub of scientific and technical progress rather than, respectively Mesopotamia, the eastern Mediterranean region and northern Europe. We must accept that such huge cultural figures as Michaelangelo, Shakespeare and Beethoven were black and other such nonsense or be ‘cancelled’ for being racist. We must accept the Islamification of secular Christian societies and support ‘open doors’ immigration policies, because stale, conservative, systemically racist old, whilte European societies need to be culturally revitalised by huge influxes of ignorant, illiterate, ineducable, unemployable mightants from third world shitholes.

We must understand the need for change and willingly accept the change imposed on us by cabals of university brainwashed Cultural Marxist, quasi – intellectual academics, we must celebrate rather than merely tolerate homosexuality. We must ‘follow the science’ on climate change, dysfunctional vaccines, adulteration of our food with toxic shite but not on the impossibility of a human changing sex.

Change is not progress, that is change for the better. /but that begs the question, “What do we mean by “better”?

Is “better” merely the opinion of the rich and powerful or the highly educated? If so, then why should we privilege the contrary opinions of a rival group over our own? Instead, we should engage in a contest of power against them. After all, if there is no transcendental standard of the good, why not choose a standard most congenial to our own natures and devise an ideology that glorifies it?

But what if there is an objective, transcendent good that may conflict with our own inclinations? If we choose to put the “I should” ahead of the “I want” (pace C.S.Lewis), then the wisdom of lived experience may be a surer guide than a library’s worth of books that try their best to evade the hard fact that, if we are to live as human beings rather than clever animals, we have to be willing to suffer ourselves into existence.

Just because the person-on-the-street can’t articulate why a particular custom is valuable, doesn’t mean that it isn’t. However, the first stage of decline is when a society does the right things, but does so blindly, no longer having a deep understanding of the universal principles that underlie a specific custom. As time passes and circumstances change, society can no longer apply those principles intelligently. Customs become inapt or they’re modified in a way that violates their spirit. At that point, the revolutionaries can plausibly claim that custom is mere unthinking conformity that unreasonably constrains behavior. Babies get thrown out with the bathwater; e.g. the norms that build strong families are tossed into the same bin as the abuses that sustain empires.

Progress is not the arrow of time, though it may seem that way because knowledge tends to increase and be retained over time, even allowing for “dark” ages (that turn out no to be so dark.) But knowledge isn’t wisdom. Think of the scene in “2001: A Space Odyssey” where the tossed club becomes an orbiting nuclear bomb.

The opposite to modern progressives is not traditionalism. Politics is not a dichotomy of either-or or ‘which side are you on’. Multiple forms of progress are possible, and we do need to reject a claimed progressive movement that has absolutist and anti-freedom roots as anti-progress.

The illiberalism of modern progressives doesn’t mean that other forms of progress are tainted by the same intolerences. It is possible to believe in progress – reduction in poverty, improved living standards, mutuality and tolerance, avoidance of war – without getting trapped by the segregationalist isms of the SJWs. It is possible to see that long-standing heuristics and principles can still have value and should be tested and retained, while still rejecting ritualism – a ritualism that is being increased by demanding deference to compelled speech and conformity of thought.

That is not to say that there is no traditionalist-versus-progressive argument going on. That is happening too. But Spain’s history of progressives versus traditionalists shows us what happens when the middle ground is denied, and it is precisely a middle of tolerance, fraternity, equality, fairness and freedom that we should seek to defend.


Is Human Consciousness More than 3,000 Years Old?
Biologists are archaeologists have argued for decades about when humans first became true humans, creatures that we would recognise as our direct ancestors. The point at which men first stood erect (oops, pardon) was when we ceased to be hairless apes (or hairy -arsed knuckle draggers) but it still took a while for the self awareness and development of complex languages which enable us to communicate ideas and language are still not clear … MORE>

The Genocide Of Ideas
Interviewed on UK Television the director and former Monty Python Flying Circus member Terry Gilliam said he did not like anything among the recent output from Hollywood. While this made a refreshing change from the usual sycophantic, self regarding babble we hear from Hollywood people, Gilliam’s point was had a wider significance that a mere comment on recent movie releases.
“I don’t know what they are about,” he complained, “there is a car chase, a few fights, a threat to civilisation and the hero saves the world.” Continuing to critique the formulaic Hollywood blockbuster genre Gilliam said films, books and plays ought to be about ideas.
His own work has never been short of ideas … READ FULL ARTICLE >>>

The Charge Of The Anti-enlightenment Brigade
I don’t know if many of you remember London’s Atheist Bus a few years ago. It toured the city bearing adverts that read: ‘There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.’ and was a great success[ … ] this demonstrates the Sheeple – like tendencies of those who claim they have reason on their side: the religious propagandist with the sandwich board saying ‘repent, the end is nigh’ was always the subject of jokes. Why do the opposing side now feel the need to parade high tech sandwich boards saying, “no need to repent, the end isn’t nigh’?

Social Science Degrees Make Great Leaders? More Junk Science.
We’ve had junk science on climate change, genetically modified seeds, many types of medicines and social engineering. The junkiest of junk science however is always commissioned by public service organisations and is aimed at convincing the public that our public servants are doing a good job. Fortunately the public are not as gullible as our leaders suppose.

Electoral Reform in Britain – Is It Time for True Proportional Representation?
After every British election, when around a quarter of voters find the party they voted for is hardly represented in the House Of Commons (In 2015, 8 per cent of the votes equals just 8 of the 650 members, while a party with 13% has just one), people who believe in democracy try to start a debate about reforming the voting system. And as ever, supporters of the two main parties, which benefit most from the current undemocratic system, try to stifle debate.

Reasons Why This Pagan Will Not Vote Labour, Conservative Or Liberal Democrat.
As we prepare to vote in a General Election that we are told will change British Politics forever, Ian looks at a choice of three main parties that basically offer the same set of globalist, multiculturalist policies and consideres which way a pagan should vote.

Elderly face NHS discrimination as new United Nations plan defines death targets for nations
Leaders of the western powers, anxious it seems to divest themselves of responsibility while extending and tightening their grip on power, are happy to promote the United Nations as a de facto World Government. The problem is the United Nations employs as advisers and bureaucrats many people whose authoritarian and racist political position makes Herr Hitler look positively liberal.

Cultural Marxism Curriculum: The Frankfurt School
Western civilization at the present day is in a crisis different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies have changed their social or cultural values under the influence of external forces or by gradual development. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the beliefs and institutions on which the whole fabric of social life rests being imposed …

TThe Idea Of An Infinite Universe Is Fashionable Again
The now little discussed (due to the witch hunt tactics employed by the scientific consensus gangsters) idea of an infinite, eternal, self renewing universe makes a lot more sense than a point at which everything suddenly materialises out of nothing.

To Infinity And Beyond – Big Bang Theory Trashed?
One ‘scientific fact’ Little Nicky has challenged in the past is Big Bang Theory. I have lost count of the times that having offered proof that Big Bang is not a fact, the universe is in reality infinite I have become involved in thousand – comment threads in which the arguments of the Big Bang sceptics were contradicted by science tits screeching, “It is a fact because we say it is.”

Beyond Big Bang: The Idea Of An Infinite Universe Is Fashionable Again
So Big Bang was a proven fact was it. A lot of very noisy science fanboys insisted it was, but of course big Bang was only ever a theory with no more hard evidence to back it up that the biblical creation myth. Perhaps led by the reurn of common sense, the cutting edge research is one again talking about an infinite universe.

Anarchy and Statism: When We Know The Price Of Big Government Is Our Liberty Why Are So Many Prepared To Pay It. Having crossed swords with militant atheists anf fundamentalist science worshippers many times and been gobsmacked by their inability to consider that any opinion other than their own might derserve a hearing, I thought it was time to start demolishing this new quasi – religious faith that spawns so many zealots.

Was CERN A False Prophet – Laugh, I Nearly Shat
Some of you may remember the stick we have taken from The Church Of Scienceology Cult member when in taking the piss out of the over educated idiots at CERN, who are looking for “The Answer To Life, The Universe and Everything,” by comparing their quest for The Higgs Boson to someone looking for a needle in a haystack when …

New Physics Theory Proposes Time Is Disappearing From Our Universe.
I have never understood why we invest so much money in theoretical physics, which basically means blokes with pointy heads sitting around having intellectual wanks as they dream up constantly whackier theories to explain how our universe works. One idea they cling to fondly which I find crazy, is that time is somehow material than can be stretched, compressed, kicked around like a football and made to disappear.

Human DNA Shock: David Icke Was Right all The Time.
Conspiracy theories? A world run by shape shifting lizards? Wearing tinfoil Hats to protect ourselves from radio signals? All craziness? Unfortunately the more we learn the more it seems not. Read below about the mystery non human race that gave us part of our genome.

Britain’s maths policy simply doesn’t add up – but neither does overestimating the importance of maths.
As an engineer, mathematics has been an important part of my career but I have always been aware that it is a tool. In the past there have been many attempts to develop a ‘philosophy of everything’ base on mathematical speculations that took maths into areas it was never designed to go, areas of human thought and enquiry that rightly belong to philosophers. This talk of mathematicians being creative jarrs with me somewhat, inventors, engineers, designers are creative. Mathematics is just part of our tool kit.

[ Evolution and the Big Bang ] … [ Biocentrism ] … [ The Truth Is Not Out There ] … [ The Authoritarianism of Science ]

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The 21st Century American Left Is Now A Cult.

It has been coming a long time, this blog and it’s predecessor Bogart Blog was warning of the increasing tendency of political movements that style themselves ‘liberal,’ ‘progressive’ or ‘left of centre’ were taking on more and more aspects of a religious movement, and now it is so obvious as to be undeniable. Some have called it The Cult of Neoliberalism but a more accurate description would be The Cult of Cultural Marxism.


by Ben Bartee in The Daily Bell

Unlike other cults, The Church of Neoliberalism® represents an unprecedented existential threat to Western civilization. To that end, it enlists the support of the most powerful institutions on Earth including:

US Air Force now offers “Maternity Flight Duty Uniforms” to accommodate “pregnant individuals”

  • The entirety of Western academia
  • The public school system
  • A horde of indoctrinated zealots ready to take to the streets to enforce Neoliberal© Church decrees

Idol Worship

The Christian God forbade idol worship as a blasphemy. However, under Church of Neoliberalism® dogma, Christianity = patriarchy and so they reject its prohibitions.

Accordingly, idolatry is what you get: Slay Queen Pelosi and her band of Slayers – empowered, brave, pioneering. Madam Speaker. Yasss.

Diversity has never been so erotically BDSM. Neoliberal Church® members go wild for a woman in uniform.

Ritualized Obscenity

Neoliberalism® codifies into its dogma sex rituals considered in cultural contexts outside of the community to be distasteful or risqué, as nearly all cults historically have, exemplified in the case of ancient feasts to honor Dionysos, Greek god of pleasure and frenzy:

“The wild flock of maenads (bacchantes), who in their frenzy ripped apart young animals and devoured the raw flesh, was accompanied by nymphs, satyrs, and sirens, who performed openly obscene acts. In the train of the Magna Mater cult, these rites entered Rome in the third century bce. Followers of this cult not only performed sexually excessive acts, but also criminal deeds.”

The modern ritual perversion that Neoliberal Church® members can really sink their teeth is witnessed in “drag queen story hours” for public school kindergarteners wherein the pupils sit on the laps of crossdressing men to receive communion:

“Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is just what it sounds like—drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. Drag Queen Story Hour captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity in childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”

In this context — the exploitation of vulnerable children — the Neoliberal Church® follows a rich legacy of other institutions of noted public record such as the Kidwelly Sex Cult.

Rejection of Out-of-Line Family Members (the Shunning)

Fully indoctrinating new cult members requires a cleansing of the outside cultural filth, a mopping up of the remains of popular resistance to the new state religion.

This includes, critically, severing ties with naughty family members who won’t get on board – in the case of Neoliberalism®, of any #MAGA family members (the ultimate heretics). Consider Alex, a 21-year-old trans TikTok “man” with a message for her satanic #MAGA Daddy:

“I will never forgive you fully for putting this tyrant in office… You, personally, with your voting have directly limited my rights and safety.”

Insular Jargon and Groupthink

Normal people – who don’t brutalize their own psyches by visiting Tumblr and so still have souls – are likely to be unfamiliar with terms like “BIPOC.”

I saw “BIPOC” pop up around 2019 and ignored it for two months, hoping it would go away. It didn’t, and ultimately, I was forced to google the term. … Continue reading >>>

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Covid Cops Catch Couple Having Outdoor Sex on Coldest Night for 26 Years
Several public figures including Nigel Farage and actor (cancelled) Laurence Fox have spoken up in the past few days denouncing the government’s latest crackdown on people who breach the pointless and ineffective restrictions imposed on society as tyranny, but those of us who have no platform in mainstream media must try to draw attention to the absurdity of our COVID response.

Covid Cops Catch Couple Having Outdoor Sex on Coldest Night for 26 Years
Several public figures including Nigel Farage and actor (cancelled) Laurence Fox have spoken up in the past few days denouncing the government’s latest crackdown on people who breach the pointless and ineffective restrictions imposed on society as tyranny, but those of us who have no platform in mainstream media must try to draw attention to the absurdity of our COVID response.

‘Historical Wokery’: British War Hero’s Statue Set to be Removed by BLM Inspired Council

A city council in the UK is set to remove the statue of a British war hero after a Black Lives Matter inspired review determined that he represent colonialism and does not represent women and so-called ‘gender non-binary’ people.

Analysis Shows Only 1 In 6 BLM Protesters Are Black
Analysis carried out by the Pew Research Center has revealed that just one in six protesters turning out at BLM demonstrations in the US are actually black. The research notes that the plurality of those present at the gatherings have been white people. The full breakdown reveals that just one in six is actually black …

Police Ignored Slave Labour in Leicester Sweatshops, Feared Accusations Of Racism
In a scenario resembling the inaction of the authorities in the face of blatantly illegal activities by the notorious grooming gangs that targeted and sexually exploited vulnerable and under — age girls, a newly published report has revealed British police and government agencies have ignored the existence of ‘sweatshops’ full of mostly South Asian heritage workers in the British fashion industry over fears that they would be called racist …

Council Removes “Transphobic” Flags Because They Displayed the Dictionary Definition of the Word ‘Woman’
A left wing council in the UK has removed two flags raised to prote International Womens Day because they were deemed “transphobic” after someone claimed they carried an offensive message by displaying the dictionary definition of the word ‘woman’. The flags, flown outside Bootle & Southport town halls in the Metropolitan County of Merseyside, were a celebration if International Women’s Day.

Minorities ‘See Countryside as a White Environment’, Says BBC
According to its rural affairs programme Countryfile – where, thanks to uber woke presenters like Chris Packham, the emphasis is very much on the first syllable — “many Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups see the countryside as being a white environment.”

U.N. Chief Guterres Wants To Redistribute Power & Wealth and Fight ‘Gender Inequality’
That The United Nations Organisation has ambitions to become a world government is well known, this site and many others have reported it’s moves and agendas for years. Now it seems the U.N. has become part of thatcabal of supra – national bureaucracies and, to borrow a line from a Paul Simon song, loose affiliations of millionaires and billionaires such as The Bilderberg Group and the World Economic Forum. Their latest move to impose cultural uniformity on the world however, is only going to lose them credibility

Sane Democrats See Little To Gain From Impeaching Trump, Fear It Will Backfire
In an opinion poll commissioned by Reuters a majority of US Democrat voters say they fear that the latest m,ove to impeach President Trump over the Biden-Ukraine scandal will backfire, giving him a boost into the 2020 US election. One has to wonder about an epidemic of dementia among leading Democrats who have forgotten that only a few weeks ago

Liberals Scream Everything Is ‘Racist’. Maybe It’s Liberals That Are Racist
This blog, considers its stance to be ‘classical liberal’, that is really liberal in its support of fairness, free speech and personal liberty and above all diversity of opinion and ideas and oppose such political sacred cows of the politically correct left as mass immigration and affirmative action …

Oberlin University Fined $33 Million For Supporting Students Accusations Of Racism Against Bakery

On Thursday, Oberlin College was hit with $33 million in damages when to Ohio jurors found the school participated in protests defaming a local bakery as racist. Oberlin’s vice president, Donica Thomas Varner claimed the jurors ignored “clear evidence” that Oberlin was not at fault and insisting the school was being “held liable for the independent actions of their students.”

Male Privilege Is A Myth (video)

The pushback against politically correct thinking, identity politcs and the hatred from feminists for all things male is probably overdue but it is coming. After the #MeToo campaign tried to return our view of justice to the equivalent of a medieval witch hunt by making accusation of a man by a woman sufficient evidence on which to convict, while the racists of black Lives Matter tried to bully lawmakers into accepting that requiring black and brown people to obey the law is racist, the populist movements in the USA and Europe. which have put Trump in The White House, taken Britain out of the EU and put anti -establishment governments in power in Poland and Italy continue to gain strength.

Dishonesty Of Mainstream Media Revealed
Since Donald Trump, frontrunner in the race to be nominated Rebpublican candidate in the 2016 US Presidental election made some unpolitically-correct comments about stropping followers of Islam entering the USA until a way can be found of identifying the ones who have been radicalised and trained to perpetrate acts of terrorism in the USA, they media have been getting their knickers in a right old twist.

White Privilege Now Inculdes The Privilege Of Being Fired For being White
Its should be obvious by now that the politically correct left, insaniac sociopaths that they are, have only one emotion at their disposal; hate. Bizarrely the hatered of these predominantly white, middle class people, while of themselves, is mostly racist in nature but directed at members of their own race.

Ugly Marxist Lesbians Demand Right To Menstruate In Public
The story of the militant femists munter who ran a marathon on the first day of her ‘monthlies’ without using a tampon or sanitary towel (they’re a sexist symbol or the oppressive patriarchy donchakow) is not new. The London Marathon was run back in April and the story of Kiran Gandhi’s brave stance against male oppression (along with pitures of the dark stain speading across the croth of her leggings) was ignored by mainsteam and alternative media alike.

Social Science Degrees Make Great Leaders? More Junk Science.
We’ve had junk science on climate change, genetically modified seeds, many types of medicines and social engineering. The junkiest of junk science however is always commissioned by public service organisations and is aimed at convincing the public that our public servants are doing a good job. Fortunately the public are not as gullible as our leaders suppose.

Adolescent Girl Raped By 60 Men In Asian Grooming Gang
A trial jury atThe Old Bailey, London, heard yesterday the harrowing ddetails of how two schoolgirls were groomed and raped by an paedophile gang based in Aylesbury, Bucks, while aged just 12 and 13. Eleven gang members, accused of carrying out the crimes between 2006 and 2012 face 49 criminal charges between them including statutory rape, child prostitution and creating child pornography, The Daily Mirror reports.

Poldark female star: Obsession with topless Aidan Turner is ‘sexist and undermines the show’
The latest outburst has come in response to a few tabloid stories of actor Aidan Turner’s ‘topless’ appearances in the BBC television series Poldark. The screeching sisters can’t really complain about male chauvinism as it is women who are lusting for Ross Poldark. So the ladies (?) are upset because they can’t go topless too.

More Swedish PC Madness. Art treasures declared pornographic and offensive to women and Muslims
Crazy California has for many years held the title of global capital of politically correct isanity, but recently Sweden, always a contender, has shown signs of taking the title. The latest example of PC fuckwittery from Sweden’s politically correct in their efforts to sacrifice western civilisation to feminist self righteousness and Muslim extremism left suggests they might be ready to assume the title, craziest place on earth.

Nineteen Eighty-Four: Sweden’s Ministry of Truth to ‘Gender-Adjust’ History Books

Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity.
As racial and sectarian tension increase on the streets of britain while politicians gear up for the election campaign, we take a look at the state of Britain today, Imigrant child abuse gangs, Clerics of alient faiths dictating moral strictures, and everywhere we look, foreigners being given provieged status. Is it any wonder the voters are angry?

“>Mothers banned from breastfeeding at breastfeeding conference
‘Mothers invited to a Scottish Government-backed breastfeeding conference were left angry and bemused after being told that they would not be allowed to breastfeed their babies.

Criminal damage in Cambridge reveals the police soft peddaling on Extinction Rebellion crimes Nobody is allowed to walk on the grass outside Trinity College Cambridge. I suppose an exception might be made if you were a 365-year-old don who once lolled under the famous apple tree with Sir Isaac Newton (probably a couple of those old fellows still holed up in the port cellar).

Corbynistas resort to fascist tactics to shut down opposition
We are just learning that /Nasty, neo – Nazi supporters of the far – left, Jew hating Labour party, it’s Trotskyite leader Jeremy Corbyn and his propaganda chief, the Stalinist John McDonnell, have mobbed the market hall in the small Lancashire town of Westhoughton, where Boris Johnson was due to meet voters and traders today.

SNP: Scottish Nazi Party?
Do you really want a bunch of creepy authoritarians like this pulling Ed Miliband’s strings in a Labour – SNP power sharing deal?

Millie Tant, Tatchell’s Transphobia and Germain Greer’s Big Hairy Smelly Vagina
The well of hypocrisy from which the left, champions of freedom, democracy, equality and free speech in their own estimation, draw their dishonest, self rightoeus views on the world is bottomless, it will never run dry. How else could it have continued to flow during this latest two-faced display of authoritarianism from the lovers of all minoities even when those minoritites hate each other. It is the multual hatred of minorities however that is fragmenting the left.

Tony Benn’s inheritance tax dodge – another leftie hyocrite exposed
Remember the patron saint of loony lefties, Saint Anthony of Wedgewood – Benn, previously known as Viscount Stansgate? Agreeable sort of bloke, pip smokers, great speaker, utterly daft opinions as one would expect from an aristocrat who is so deluded he thinks he understands the working class?

The Left’s Rhetorical Technique Explained
In the first of what might become a long if irregular series of posts with the collective title, “Left Wing Authoritarianism for beginners,” your friend and mentor Little Nicky Nicky Machiavelli will expose the origins of the socialist left’s propaganda technique and its apparent dependence on slogans, dogma and mantras. But first let’s play a little game …

Nato heads of state will meet in Newport, Wales, to discuss the alliance’s future.
This won’t be a standard summit. Nato is in crisis. Faced with an increasingly unstable situation in Ukraine where the neo – Nazi government installed by the USA / NATO and the EU gets loonier by the day, NATO, The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is being presented by mainstream media as in need of a new strategy to deal with what’s described as increasing Russian aggression in eastern Europe. This is in addition to their needing a new strategy to deal with the threat of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

Kick Political Correctness Out Of Football
As another football versus politiocally correct authoritarianist brings ‘the beautiful game’ even further into disrepute, we wonder is it time to kick politically correct authoritarianism out of sport.

Such Nice People Live On The Left Of The Political Spectrum Left wing politics, once the politics of freedom, individualism and self – determination has increasingly over the past few decades become the politics of hate, envy, bitterness, hypocrisy and authoritarianism. Left wing politics has now developed a level of intolerance for those who challenge its idiotic assumptions or moral superiority, it appears to be charging headlong towards fascism.

Propaganda and Journalism: A lesson for the left
A few days ago I posted an article on the significant details regarding the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over Ukraine, and the inconsistencies in the US / EU narrative that the government propaganda was not discussing and that mainstream media were not questioning.

Europe’s Bureaucratic Elite Plan More Stitch Ups To Steal E U Member Sovereign Powers.
Good grief, it would be nice to report something funny, but again today we have to deal with the way the corporate – financial elite and their lackeys are tightening the thumbscrews as they seize ever more control of the minutiae of our lives. We are spied on, electronically tracked, nudged into transferring our private lives to digital environments where privacy cannot exist, medicated, and generally shat on in everything we do.

The Authoritarian Left And The Threat To Personal Liberty
Ian reflects on his political position, has he realy moved from near anarchist left to reactionary right on the political spectrum, or have authoritarians hijacked the language of liberal and libertarian philosophy and perverted it to serve a neo fascist, big government agenda?

Gay and same sex marriage: The Bigotry And Intolerance Of Those Who Describe Themselves As The Liberal Left With same sex marriage made legal in Britain we face the same kind of witch hunts against businesses that do not want to deal with beareded queens in bridal gowns as the liberal bigots and gay nazis are launching in the USA. As many of us new media common sense merchants predicted, once the principle was accepted in law, nobody would be allowed to opt out of supporting these bullies.

Why Do Those On The Political Left Assume They Have A Monopoly On Goodness And Truth
Political philosophy: As politics and society become more binary and polarise so that according to a self sppoined elite there are only two possible points of view on any issue, public debate is stifled and the polarised left and right end up attacking the other’s right to free speech. It has nothing to do with liberal democracy

Homosexuality: As a liberal society we have a duty to tolderate, not celebrate.
Even though the government has accepted a very limited definition of same sex marriage the gay lobby keeps raving on about the greates non issue of all time. But in a free society should we be subjected to bullying if we do not show enough enthusiasm for homosexual and lesbian relationships? When did indifference become a hate crime?

As Alec Baldwin Was Slammed For Saying Cocksucker A Left Wing Cocksucker Was Praised For His Hate Speech
Stirrer has always condemned hypocrisy, particularly that of the liberal left because they use self righteousness to hide their bullying and hatred of those who hold a different opinion. A recent example of a sexist attack on a right wing female politician by a typical double standard deploying left wing media scumsucker shows why the left cannot be trusted anywhere near power.

Workers of the world Unite… to beat the Left

from The Currant Bun, 5 July 2021

THIS morning more than a million letters carrying Unite logos will drop on doormats across the UK.They will offer union ­members a chance to choose their new general secretary.Please don’t throw them in the bin.You have in your hands nothing less than a chance to save British democracy.

This vote will decide if ­Parliament can field a real Leader of the Opposition — a viable alternative to the Tories — or a puppet tied to the purse-strings of hard-left extremists. It would set Keir Starmer free to change Labour Party rules, kick out terrorists’ friend ­Jeremy Corbyn and shunt ­deputy leader and arch-rival Angela Rayner on to the back benches.

All this would be possible under a new general secretary ready to fight for members’ rights instead of plotting non-stop political mayhem.

outgoing Unite General Secretary Len McCluskey
Picture Credit: The Sun

The ballot follows “Red Len” McCluskey’s decision to retire early as the most powerful ­figure in the Labour movement and its biggest cash donor from Unite’s deep pockets.

By-elections come and go, but this little-noticed contest will affect the shape of Britain for decades to come.

Unite members form the backbone of the UK economy in shipbuilding, construction and trucking, including the Sun’s famous White Van Man. Indeed, many members are Sun readers, Brexit supporters and Red Wall Tory converts in the Midlands and the North.

They are being offered three candidates — the Socialist Workers’ Sharon Graham, Communist Party-backed Steve Turner and moderate Gerard Coyne, who almost beat Red Len last time round.

Coyne is fighting for pay, pensions, shop floor rights and working conditions — and immigration controls. Continue reading >>>


Labour Scourge Of Tax Avoiders Is A Tax Dodger? WTF is going on?
We have often made points about the hypocroisy of the left, particularly those lefties, but surely Margaret Hodge (nee Oppenheim – the diamond people) is the undisputed champ of left wing hypocrites. As a senior Labour MP Margaret was always eager to condemn tax avoidance. Unfortunately like most self righteous Labour millionaires she did not practice what she preached.

Britain’s Racist Future:Labour Set To Throw Selection On Merit Out The Window
With four weeks to go until a General Election that could change the face of Britain forever, the Labour Party, which hopes to be elected to govern this great and proud nation, has unveiled a set of policies that would make minorities into privileged castes and relegate the white Working and middle classes to the status of second class citizens.

Once We Respected Red Cross Because The Did Good Work. Now They Promote Politically Correct Tyranny.
The cancer of politically correct thinking has spread throughout British public life. Probably the most perfect illustration of how out of touch the new elite, the Meritocracy (who only merit a kick up the arse) have become with the lives of ordinary people is the politicisation of the institutions of government, local government, education, the law and now even the charity sector. Read what happened to a charity worker who dared to have his own opinion on a gay rights issue

Ed Miliband Sounds Like A ‘Public Schoolboy’ Says Traditional Labour Voter.
With two and a half months still to go until polling day, the election campaign is well and truly underway. Ed Miliband kicked off Labour’s effort with what could turn out to be his bigotgate monent, as he stopped only a nanometer short of telling an aircraft electrician that ordinary people were not intelligent enough to understand politics and should stick to talking about the soaps.

Pink Van Woman In Trouble Again
The Labour Party deputy leader, Little Hattie Harperson, the paedophiles friend, cannot to anything right at the moment. Hattie has of course always been an electoral liability on a par with the racist posh boy Chukka Ummuna, a hot tip to replace Ed (Bacon Sandwich Man) Miliband until Chukka, in a rare moment of honesty said he believed all white people should be killed (or something like that)…

Has ‘Hampstead Socialism’ Lost Labour The Working Class Vote
When a traditionally left wing publication like The New Statesman turns on The Labour leader you can be sure the party is in bigger trouble than anyone involved with it is ever going to admit. This blog has been saying for years Labour is now more elitist than The Conservatives, the party of lawyers, academics and media luvvies. …

Game of Groans: David Cameron and Ed Miliband will be torn apart as the election nears
Will Dave or Ed be Prime Minister after the 2015 general election or will a sicteenth centry witch fould up the best lain schemes of mice and men. 2015 could turn out to be the Demdike Man election, not through macick, but metaphor. The Witch of Pendle representas a communitity and culture that has been abandoned by the self righteous, politically correct concensus politics of the bourgeois establishment. Are the working and middle classes about to strike back.

Derbyshire Chief Constable Claims He Was Forbidden To Arrest Former Labour Minister Or Search His Home”>South Yorkshire Police Commissioner Shaun Wright Finally Resigns Over Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal
Police chiefs blocked a paedophile probe into a top politician 25 years ago, one of the country’s most senior officers said yesterday. Derbyshire Chief Constable Mick Creedon was serving as a detective sergeant in Leicestershire when allegations surfaced against Labour MP Greville Janner in 1989. Mr Creedon said he was ordered to limit his inquiries into the MP, now Lord Janner of Braunstone.

Miliband Promises Same Old Shite – Not A Word About Action Against Paedophile Sex Gangs
Labour leader Ed Miliband’s keynote speech at the Labour Party conference woyuld have to be the best speech of his life if he hoped to be Prime Minister after next years election, the consensus of opinon said. Ed’s friends and opponents awaited the speech with very different hopes and expectations. in the end as Ed dodged the bg issues, the economy and debt, law and order, immigration and Europe, it was probably his enemies who were happier.

Rotherham child sex abuse scandal: More victims identifies, more cover ups exposed.
What immigration has been to the Conservative so the Child Sex Cover Up scandal is proving to be for Labour as the party gets set to tear itself apart. With similar scandals due to be exposed in Rochdale, Bradfor, Oxford and other big towns, the Rotherham case is gathering momentum. So indirectly it looks as if immigration and fear of being called racist will be the downfall of both major parties.

Sex Gangs Operating In The Child Care System – Why Didn’t People Come Forward.
The predicable response from many politicians since the Rotherham Child Care sex scandal blew up in the faces of the smug, self serving establishment has been to feign surprise and say, “But why didn’t people come forward sooner?” The fact is that as we saw in the Jimmy Savile scandal, people were coming forward, people were voicing suspicions and they were insulted, ridiculed and humiliated.

Miss Whiplash Call Girl Agency Owner has compromising picture of Cameron and Osborned, People’s voice alleges
The allegations of senior members of the coalition government having been involved in activities involving drugs, prostitutes, gay sado masochism and sniffing bicycle seats while members of the elitist Bullingdon Club at Oxfor University should have been enough to consign them to obscurity. But the new ruling elite seem to think such degeneracy is a qualification for leadership.

How Little Hattie Harperson and he leftie friends fell in love with paedophilia
A look at the fascination with paedophile rights and the sexualisation of children that seems to have a powerrful grip on left wing politicians in the UK’s Labour Party and Obama’s Democrats in the U.S.A. Trying to pass of the sexualization of childhood as a human rights issue is beneath comtempt.

Ken Livingstone’s Policies Are As Dodgy As His Tax Returns With Easter over the focus for news shifts (we hope) from the middle east, the Eurozone economy and and the decay of western society to the campaign to be elected Mayor of London.With Conservative Boris Johnson opening up a significant lead his Labour opponent Ken Livingstone, having seen a desperate big to woo the Islamist vote backfire as it alienated many white voters while not …

Milliband: Labour Will Demand Equal Rights For Toothpaste.New Labour leader Ed Milliband pledged at his press event relaunching the party under his leadership that Labour will look after the “squeezed middle.” The press, broadcast media and the world of politics have been speculating about what this means. Only Boggart Blog can bring you the exclusive, Ed was talking about family values, sibling rivalry and toothpaste.

Sleeping With Conservatives
Could You Hug A Tory asks a feature in The Guardian some time ago. Several typical Guardian writers describe their feelings of fear and loathing when, purely in the interests of science of course, they hugged prominent members of the Conservative Party. Me? Sex is non political. The last thing I worry about when a woman I fancy smiles at me is her politics

If Sturgeon Is Jerking Miliband’s Strings, Who Will Be Prime Minister
Has Ed Miliband met his Bigotgate already?
Legacy Of Rogernomics
Ten, The First Night
The Gordon Show
Prime Minister Has A Precious Moment
How To Be A Bigot
Clegg To Make Cancer A Crime
Change Can Be Unfair To Everybody
Cameron Pat On The Back
Government internet snooping plans puty on hold Snooping Goes Too Far
After Ashcroft We name Labour Non Dom Dodgy Donor
The Death Of Free Speech
If Only The World Were Fair
Authoritarian Box Ticking
Change They CAn’t Belive In
Government By Fear And Panic
Keep Health Out Of Politics
Poverty: Labour Succeeds Where Thatcher Failed
Social Status Down The Toilet
Surveillance Society

No Whites, No Conservatives, No Dogs: BBC Advertises Jobs For ‘Black, Asian and Ethnically Diverse Candidates Only’

BBC closed shop
BBC shuts out mainstream society – Picture: Olly Scarff, Getty Images

Our taxpayer – funded national broadcester The BBC has warned white people to not bother applying for an entry level job in Glasgow, in the the most blatant to date demonstration of anti-white bigotry from the leftie – run corporation.

A job advert posted by Creative Access — a firm that seeks to increase minority representation in the media and the arts — said that the BBC’s Science Unit in Glasgow was seeking non white applicants for a one-year, £17,810 per year trainee production management assistant position.

A spokesperson for the recruitment agency that placed the ad said the position was “only open to black, Asian and ethnically diverse candidates,” according to The Mail on Sunday. Now a lot of leftoies will chant in chorus “You can’t believe anything you read in the Main, demonstrating again the anti British sentiments that pervade left wing thinking.

Joe Ventre campaign manager for the Taxpayers’ Alliance, said: “BBC bosses shouldn’t be supporting race-based recruiting with taxpayers’ money. Taking an approach like this further undermines confidence in the Corporation and their use of licence fee payers’ cash.”

While positive discrimination was made illegal under the Equality Act of 2010, there is a loophole for ‘positive action’ to discriminate on the basis of race or gender for trainee and internship roles within companies.”

The cooperation between the BBC and the Creative Access agency in discouraging white applicants has been longstanding, with Breitbart London reporting in 2016 that the firm advertised for four positions for the public broadcaster for “Black, Asian and non-white minority ethnic backgrounds”.

What is particularly noticable in this case and others like it is the absence of outrage from feminists, communist, Gay BLT and equal opportunities organisation including the Trade Unions. But then hypocrisy and double standards were always the stock in trade of left wing organisations and their supporters.

What is being proposed in this recruitment campaign is unlawful positive discrimination but subtle obfuscatory terms such as “positive action” are used to circumvent the precison and scepifity of the way discrimination law is worded. Weasel words are another speciality of the racist, virtue signalling left. The BBC and their contractors must be called to accout and requires to explain how “positive action” in favour of one group does not constitute “positive discrimination against another.”

The result is exactly the same. And it is blatantly obvious to every intelligent person old enough to have missed or strong enough to have resisted the indoctrination and brainwashing they are subjected to in the left dominated education and higher education systems.

Has everybody forgotten these words spoken by Martin Luter King slightly over 50 years ago: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.”

To the rabid extremists of the modern left, even the 1960s civil rights leader MLK is a racist now. According to the pseudo – intellectual bullshit passed off as philosophy in academic institutions King was guilty of what they call Colourblind racism and what intelligent, articulate people whose uttering are not tainted by Cultural Marxist bullshit call open mindedness. People who subscribe to colorblind explanations claim they do not see the color of people’s skin and believe everyone to be equal. The cultural Marxists of the far left claim Colorblindness prevents us from seeing the historical causes of racial inequality and how racial inequality persists in our society.

Their fear is that if we treat everybody equally then there are no victims, and those useless whiners who make a nice living in the race baiting industry which has its snout deeply inserted in the trough of taxpayers money will be out on their arses.


[ Race and racial issures ] … [ Politically Correct ] … [ Culture wars ] … [ Humanitas ]
Links to other article on race issues
Far left activists, motivate by hatred of anyone who disagrees with them, campaign against ‘hate speech’ (that’s free speech to you and me.) A Massachusetts USA congressman wants to end sexism by punishing sexist language – specifically the word “b***h” – with fines and even jail. But policing speech doesn’t kill the underlying sentiment – … Continue reading

Frustrated Civil Rights Leaders Say Facebook’s Zuckerberg ‘Lacks The Ability To Understand’ Race Issues We must confess to not understanding this headline, how can any American lack the ability to understand the USA’s deep and destructive race problems when the key to understanding is so simple. If you are white you have no rights and it is your duty to kiss the arse of every black person you meet. … Continue reading Frustrated Civil Rights Leaders Say Facebook’s Zuckerberg ‘Lacks The Ability To Understand’ Race Issues

Union of UK academics says you can identify as any race & sex from RT 18 Nov, 2019 Warwick University graduates on the day of their graduation ceremony in Warwick, Britain July 17, 2017 © Reuters / Russell Boyce Birth race and gender can be thrown out the window as far as the UK Universities and Colleges Union is concerned. The fact that you can just declare yourself … Continue reading  ‘White Racism’ January 27, 2017 For too long the neo – Fascist left have been allowed to get away with dividing all of humanity into two racial groups, black and white. This has allowed those extremists who support the idea of an authoritarian, global government to dub white people generally as racist, because we have (again generally)been more successful throughout … Continue reading    Football really is in big trouble with this race thing. The lastest chapter in the desultory narrative on racism in football was written on Friday night in the FA Cup tie between Oldham and Liverpool. It is alleged a Liverpool fan racially abused Oldham player Tom Adeyemi who was so upset at being called a “b**** cunt” he burst into tears. Boggart Blog thinks this … Continue reading    Council Of Europe Concerned At Rising Racism In Germany: Immigration A Benefit To European Culture A report from Europe’s top human rights watchdog, The Council Of Europe, published Thursday, 1 October raised concerns about the growing incidence of racismracism in Germany, citing a wave of far-right, anti-Islam demonstrations at odds with the more recent image of a country ready to open its doors to hundreds of thousands of refugees (no … Continue reading Council    Even Left Wing News Sites Are Turning On The Bigots Who Screech Racism OUR OTHER SITES
[Daily Stirrer] … [Boggart Aboad] … [ Greenteeth Home ] … [ ]

Covid ivermectin and the crime of the century

Anti-vaccine passport protesters storm Westfield shopping centre as hundreds join Covid demonstration

Signs Of The Times

Today we turn to that venerable newspaper The Times to highlight the latest gobsmackingly stupid idiocy of the ‘woke’ brigade and te wankers (both elected and unelected) in government who prop up the moronic virtue signalling excesses of the politically correct left:

OK, you get the picture, woke fascism is on the march and the only way to make yourself acceptable is through total obedience to their diktat. Don’t hug your loved ones, wear the mask, be happy to get your shot of the killer vaccine, turn off your heating in midwinter, go vegan, hate the country and culture that nurtured you, accept the fat ugly lezza is really a man because she ‘feels’ she’s a man and accept the chick-with-a-dick as a woman in spite of his big hairy bollocks because he ‘identifies as a woman.

Call anyone who questions CO2 driven Anthropogenic Climate Change a “science denier” but deny science that had stood up to all scrutiny for hundreds of years.

The Only Way To Convince The Woke Fascist You Are Sane Is To Be Just As Stark Raving Bonkers As They Are


‘Historical Wokery’: British War Hero’s Statue Set to be Removed by BLM Inspired Council

A city council in the UK is set to remove the statue of a British war hero after a Black Lives Matter inspired review determined that he represent colonialism and does not represent women and so-called ‘gender non-binary’ people.

Analysis Shows Only 1 In 6 BLM Protesters Are Black
Analysis carried out by the Pew Research Center has revealed that just one in six protesters turning out at BLM demonstrations in the US are actually black. The research notes that the plurality of those present at the gatherings have been white people. The full breakdown reveals that just one in six is actually black …

Police Ignored Slave Labour in Leicester Sweatshops, Feared Accusations Of Racism
In a scenario resembling the inaction of the authorities in the face of blatantly illegal activities by the notorious grooming gangs that targeted and sexually exploited vulnerable and under — age girls, a newly published report has revealed British police and government agencies have ignored the existence of ‘sweatshops’ full of mostly South Asian heritage workers in the British fashion industry over fears that they would be called racist …

Council Removes “Transphobic” Flags Because They Displayed the Dictionary Definition of the Word ‘Woman’
A left wing council in the UK has removed two flags raised to prote International Womens Day because they were deemed “transphobic” after someone claimed they carried an offensive message by displaying the dictionary definition of the word ‘woman’. The flags, flown outside Bootle & Southport town halls in the Metropolitan County of Merseyside, were a celebration if International Women’s Day.

Minorities ‘See Countryside as a White Environment’, Says BBC
According to its rural affairs programme Countryfile – where, thanks to uber woke presenters like Chris Packham, the emphasis is very much on the first syllable — “many Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups see the countryside as being a white environment.”

U.N. Chief Guterres Wants To Redistribute Power & Wealth and Fight ‘Gender Inequality’
That The United Nations Organisation has ambitions to become a world government is well known, this site and many others have reported it’s moves and agendas for years. Now it seems the U.N. has become part of thatcabal of supra – national bureaucracies and, to borrow a line from a Paul Simon song, loose affiliations of millionaires and billionaires such as The Bilderberg Group and the World Economic Forum. Their latest move to impose cultural uniformity on the world however, is only going to lose them credibility

Sane Democrats See Little To Gain From Impeaching Trump, Fear It Will Backfire
In an opinion poll commissioned by Reuters a majority of US Democrat voters say they fear that the latest m,ove to impeach President Trump over the Biden-Ukraine scandal will backfire, giving him a boost into the 2020 US election. One has to wonder about an epidemic of dementia among leading Democrats who have forgotten that only a few weeks ago

Liberals Scream Everything Is ‘Racist’. Maybe It’s Liberals That Are Racist
This blog, considers its stance to be ‘classical liberal’, that is really liberal in its support of fairness, free speech and personal liberty and above all diversity of opinion and ideas and oppose such political sacred cows of the politically correct left as mass immigration and affirmative action …

Oberlin University Fined $33 Million For Supporting Students Accusations Of Racism Against Bakery

On Thursday, Oberlin College was hit with $33 million in damages when to Ohio jurors found the school participated in protests defaming a local bakery as racist. Oberlin’s vice president, Donica Thomas Varner claimed the jurors ignored “clear evidence” that Oberlin was not at fault and insisting the school was being “held liable for the independent actions of their students.”

Male Privilege Is A Myth (video)

The pushback against politically correct thinking, identity politcs and the hatred from feminists for all things male is probably overdue but it is coming. After the #MeToo campaign tried to return our view of justice to the equivalent of a medieval witch hunt by making accusation of a man by a woman sufficient evidence on which to convict, while the racists of black Lives Matter tried to bully lawmakers into accepting that requiring black and brown people to obey the law is racist, the populist movements in the USA and Europe. which have put Trump in The White House, taken Britain out of the EU and put anti -establishment governments in power in Poland and Italy continue to gain strength.

Dishonesty Of Mainstream Media Revealed
Since Donald Trump, frontrunner in the race to be nominated Rebpublican candidate in the 2016 US Presidental election made some unpolitically-correct comments about stropping followers of Islam entering the USA until a way can be found of identifying the ones who have been radicalised and trained to perpetrate acts of terrorism in the USA, they media have been getting their knickers in a right old twist.

White Privilege Now Inculdes The Privilege Of Being Fired For being White
Its should be obvious by now that the politically correct left, insaniac sociopaths that they are, have only one emotion at their disposal; hate. Bizarrely the hatered of these predominantly white, middle class people, while of themselves, is mostly racist in nature but directed at members of their own race.

Ugly Marxist Lesbians Demand Right To Menstruate In Public
The story of the militant femists munter who ran a marathon on the first day of her ‘monthlies’ without using a tampon or sanitary towel (they’re a sexist symbol or the oppressive patriarchy donchakow) is not new. The London Marathon was run back in April and the story of Kiran Gandhi’s brave stance against male oppression (along with pitures of the dark stain speading across the croth of her leggings) was ignored by mainsteam and alternative media alike.

Social Science Degrees Make Great Leaders? More Junk Science.
We’ve had junk science on climate change, genetically modified seeds, many types of medicines and social engineering. The junkiest of junk science however is always commissioned by public service organisations and is aimed at convincing the public that our public servants are doing a good job. Fortunately the public are not as gullible as our leaders suppose.

Adolescent Girl Raped By 60 Men In Asian Grooming Gang
A trial jury atThe Old Bailey, London, heard yesterday the harrowing ddetails of how two schoolgirls were groomed and raped by an paedophile gang based in Aylesbury, Bucks, while aged just 12 and 13. Eleven gang members, accused of carrying out the crimes between 2006 and 2012 face 49 criminal charges between them including statutory rape, child prostitution and creating child pornography, The Daily Mirror reports.

Poldark female star: Obsession with topless Aidan Turner is ‘sexist and undermines the show’
The latest outburst has come in response to a few tabloid stories of actor Aidan Turner’s ‘topless’ appearances in the BBC television series Poldark. The screeching sisters can’t really complain about male chauvinism as it is women who are lusting for Ross Poldark. So the ladies (?) are upset because they can’t go topless too.

More Swedish PC Madness. Art treasures declared pornographic and offensive to women and Muslims
Crazy California has for many years held the title of global capital of politically correct isanity, but recently Sweden, always a contender, has shown signs of taking the title. The latest example of PC fuckwittery from Sweden’s politically correct in their efforts to sacrifice western civilisation to feminist self righteousness and Muslim extremism left suggests they might be ready to assume the title, craziest place on earth.

Nineteen Eighty-Four: Sweden’s Ministry of Truth to ‘Gender-Adjust’ History Books

Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity.
As racial and sectarian tension increase on the streets of britain while politicians gear up for the election campaign, we take a look at the state of Britain today, Imigrant child abuse gangs, Clerics of alient faiths dictating moral strictures, and everywhere we look, foreigners being given provieged status. Is it any wonder the voters are angry?

“>Mothers banned from breastfeeding at breastfeeding conference
‘Mothers invited to a Scottish Government-backed breastfeeding conference were left angry and bemused after being told that they would not be allowed to breastfeed their babies.

The Insanity Continues As Woke Idiocracy Rewrites History

As another assault on our culture and history is perpetrated by the ‘woke’ idiots of the far left (now so far left they are to the right of Genghis Knan, we ask is their nobody in the ruling elite who has the testicular fortitude to stand up to these bullying cowards?

Scottish University Will Rename David Hume Tower After George Floyd

ByRichard Moorhead in Big League Politics

The University of Edinburgh in Scotland announced that it would rename a university building after George Floyd on Thursday. The Hume Tower was previously named after Scottish Enlightenment philosopher David Hume, who is thought of as a notable classical liberal political philosopher.

The Hume Tower will now be known as 40 George Floyd. The prestigious university, located in Scotland’s capital city, explained in a statement that the renaming was taking place because “of the sensitivities around asking students to use a building named after the 18th century philosopher whose comments on matters of race, though not uncommon at the time, rightly cause distress today.

The University of Edinburgh claims that the strange renaming is only temporary, but give no timeframe as to when the tower will be reverted to its original name, or changed back at all. They’re probably setting up some clueless, feckless university administrator to back down in the face of militant liberal activists who demand that the Floyd name be honored in perpetuity … Continue reading >>>

U.N. Chief Guterres Wants To Redistribute Power & Wealth and Fight ‘Gender Inequality’
That The United Nations Organisation has ambitions to become a world government is well known, this site and many others have reported it’s moves and agendas for years. Now it seems the U.N. has become part of thatcabal of supra – national bureaucracies and, to borrow a line from a Paul Simon song, loose affiliations of millionaires and billionaires such as The Bilderberg Group and the World Economic Forum. Their latest move to impose cultural uniformity on the world however, is only going to lose them credibility

Sane Democrats See Little To Gain From Impeaching Trump, Fear It Will Backfire
In an opinion poll commissioned by Reuters a majority of US Democrat voters say they fear that the latest m,ove to impeach President Trump over the Biden-Ukraine scandal will backfire, giving him a boost into the 2020 US election. One has to wonder about an epidemic of dementia among leading Democrats who have forgotten that only a few weeks ago

Liberals Scream Everything Is ‘Racist’. Maybe It’s Liberals That Are Racist
This blog, considers its stance to be ‘classical liberal’, that is really liberal in its support of fairness, free speech and personal liberty and above all diversity of opinion and ideas and oppose such political sacred cows of the politically correct left as mass immigration and affirmative action …

Oberlin University Fined $33 Million For Supporting Students Accusations Of Racism Against Bakery

On Thursday, Oberlin College was hit with $33 million in damages when to Ohio jurors found the school participated in protests defaming a local bakery as racist. Oberlin’s vice president, Donica Thomas Varner claimed the jurors ignored “clear evidence” that Oberlin was not at fault and insisting the school was being “held liable for the independent actions of their students.”

Male Privilege Is A Myth (video)

The pushback against politically correct thinking, identity politcs and the hatred from feminists for all things male is probably overdue but it is coming. After the #MeToo campaign tried to return our view of justice to the equivalent of a medieval witch hunt by making accusation of a man by a woman sufficient evidence on which to convict, while the racists of black Lives Matter tried to bully lawmakers into accepting that requiring black and brown people to obey the law is racist, the populist movements in the USA and Europe. which have put Trump in The White House, taken Britain out of the EU and put anti -establishment governments in power in Poland and Italy continue to gain strength.

Dishonesty Of Mainstream Media Revealed
Since Donald Trump, frontrunner in the race to be nominated Rebpublican candidate in the 2016 US Presidental election made some unpolitically-correct comments about stropping followers of Islam entering the USA until a way can be found of identifying the ones who have been radicalised and trained to perpetrate acts of terrorism in the USA, they media have been getting their knickers in a right old twist.

White Privilege Now Inculdes The Privilege Of Being Fired For being White
Its should be obvious by now that the politically correct left, insaniac sociopaths that they are, have only one emotion at their disposal; hate. Bizarrely the hatered of these predominantly white, middle class people, while of themselves, is mostly racist in nature but directed at members of their own race.

Ugly Marxist Lesbians Demand Right To Menstruate In Public
The story of the militant femists munter who ran a marathon on the first day of her ‘monthlies’ without using a tampon or sanitary towel (they’re a sexist symbol or the oppressive patriarchy donchakow) is not new. The London Marathon was run back in April and the story of Kiran Gandhi’s brave stance against male oppression (along with pitures of the dark stain speading across the croth of her leggings) was ignored by mainsteam and alternative media alike.

Social Science Degrees Make Great Leaders? More Junk Science.
We’ve had junk science on climate change, genetically modified seeds, many types of medicines and social engineering. The junkiest of junk science however is always commissioned by public service organisations and is aimed at convincing the public that our public servants are doing a good job. Fortunately the public are not as gullible as our leaders suppose.

Adolescent Girl Raped By 60 Men In Asian Grooming Gang
A trial jury atThe Old Bailey, London, heard yesterday the harrowing ddetails of how two schoolgirls were groomed and raped by an paedophile gang based in Aylesbury, Bucks, while aged just 12 and 13. Eleven gang members, accused of carrying out the crimes between 2006 and 2012 face 49 criminal charges between them including statutory rape, child prostitution and creating child pornography, The Daily Mirror reports.

Poldark female star: Obsession with topless Aidan Turner is ‘sexist and undermines the show’
The latest outburst has come in response to a few tabloid stories of actor Aidan Turner’s ‘topless’ appearances in the BBC television series Poldark. The screeching sisters can’t really complain about male chauvinism as it is women who are lusting for Ross Poldark. So the ladies (?) are upset because they can’t go topless too.

More Swedish PC Madness. Art treasures declared pornographic and offensive to women and Muslims
Crazy California has for many years held the title of global capital of politically correct isanity, but recently Sweden, always a contender, has shown signs of taking the title. The latest example of PC fuckwittery from Sweden’s politically correct in their efforts to sacrifice western civilisation to feminist self righteousness and Muslim extremism left suggests they might be ready to assume the title, craziest place on earth.

Nineteen Eighty-Four: Sweden’s Ministry of Truth to ‘Gender-Adjust’ History Books

Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity.
As racial and sectarian tension increase on the streets of britain while politicians gear up for the election campaign, we take a look at the state of Britain today, Imigrant child abuse gangs, Clerics of alient faiths dictating moral strictures, and everywhere we look, foreigners being given provieged status. Is it any wonder the voters are angry?

“>Mothers banned from breastfeeding at breastfeeding conference
‘Mothers invited to a Scottish Government-backed breastfeeding conference were left angry and bemused after being told that they would not be allowed to breastfeed their babies.

Labour’s Cockfish Reveals How Mainfesto Will Piss You Off.
All three main parties in the UK General Election are campaigning from a Politically Correct Consensus (i.e. Control Freak) platform. But whenm it comes to politically correct control freakery, Labour will always outdo the others. The main early thut of their campaign is a promise to criminalise sugary snacks and breakfast cereals, fatty foods and some fizzy drinks. And they’re serious, they have handed the job of selling this idiocy to The Cockfish of British politics.

Oxford University Bans All Things Pig Related In Support Of Free Speech
When does being reasonable and open minded become cowardice? When academics who pride themselves on intellectual detachment cave in to threats from extremists and try to pass off their pitiful weakness by pretending they are showing sensitivity to the feelings of minorities. Don’t send you little geniuses to Oxfor, they may and up with a PhD in spinlessness.

Liberal Says We Shouldn’t Prosecute Sexual Predators… if They are Black.
There are plenty of examples of the depths of stupidity to which ‘liberals’ or supporters of ‘the progressive left’ will stooop in order to curry favout from members of the darker skinned races, but few are as staggeringly idiot as this one.

The Feminist Witch Hunt That aims To Destroy Ched Evans

British Democracy In Terminal Decline – Voting Is Redundant And Civil Liberties Are So Last Year
When did democracy go out of fashion. I don’t remember voting on whether we wanted to give up our civil liberties or be ruled by a dictatorship of unelected bureaucrats from Brussels, but that is where we are heading, along with the other free nations of Europe. And the USA, so-called land of the free is further along the road to fascism than Europe.

Public backlash as BBC ponders dumping nationalistic songs from Proms ‘in solidarity with BLM protests’

Shock & dismay in UK as BBC considers excluding patriotic hits from Proms ‘over BLM protests’
People wave flags during the last night of the Proms at The Royal Albert Hall in 2015. ©JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP

When news leaked out of taxpayer funded British broadcaster The BBC that certain patriotic anthems, including Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory, which are traditionally performed on the last night of BBC Proms concert season, may be axed from this year’s program.

The Proms or Promenade concerts to use the formal name are a season of musical performances given every summer in London’s Albert Hall, culminating with the tumuluous and tongue in cheek Last Night, a concert that in contrast with much of the highbrow stuff performed throughout the season, is a light hearted celebration of music and its ability to break down barriers and bring people together. It is as much a fancy dress party for 5000 people, who in disparate small groups are there to enjoy themselves. As well as some lighter classical pieces the music performed inclusdes bawdy folk songs, jaunty sea shanties and a chance for the audience to sing along with patriotic songs of the past. This audience participation is one of the most popular features of the concert and closes the season with the songs Rule Britannia, Land Of Hope And Glory, Jerusalem and God Save The Queen.

And nobody takes it seriously. I regularly watch the televised performance and in any year, as the audience wave national flags and sing Rule Britannia, a song about the British Navy’s dominance of international trade routes, people wave national flags, not just The Union Flag, the Cross of St. George, The Scottish Saltire or the Red Dragon of Wales, but The Stars and Stripes, Canada’s Maple Leaf, the tricolours of France, Germany and Italy, Australian Flags, the flags of India, Pakistan, Japan and other Asian nations, African national flags and others. And when the medlody shifts to the rousing Land of Hope and Glory those flags still wave. Land of Hope and Glory is usually interpreted as the ultimate British patriot song but maybe those people singing their hearts out and waving their own national flags are interpreting it a little differently, as I always have:

Land of Hope and Glory, mother of the free,
How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee.
Wider still and wider, let thy bounds be set,
God who made the mighty make thee mightier yet.

Well we all hope the land we call our home will be a symbolic parent of free people, and there is nothing offensive about asking how shall we praise this land. By war and conquest, or by spreading the ideals oif tolerance and openmindedness to promote peacefuk coexistence? Wider still and wider let thy bounds be set? Surely that can only be intended to glorify imperialism, you might suggest. But it can, can it not, be taken as a reference toour cultural horizons. Let’s learn from the whole world and encourage them to learn from us. And the last line? Well I don’t do God, but though this has been interpreted as a reference to military and economic might, it could also be taken as a reference to cultural strength, make us a stronger community so that we lose our natural fear of ‘otherness’ and preserve our own culture and values while respecting other, but not surrendering to the unreasonable demands of extremists.

It only takes a little creative thinking to render that short lyric inclusive and likely only to offend those who are determined to be offended on behald of the majority who simply do not care.

The most genuinely troubling of the patriotic songs that, though patriotism has been unfashionable for at least fifty years, have become an integral part of each year’s Promenade Concerts’ grand finale, Rule Britannia(sic) is the most overtly patriotic of the Last Night favourites though the phrase ‘Britons never ,never, never shall be slaves does not relate in any way to the Atlantic slave trade even though the song originates from the decades at which that trade was at its height. Correctly titled Rule, Britannia! the comma is all important especially now as linguistics professors in the more ‘woke’ university faculties are claiming grammar and punctuation are racist and oppressive. Composed by Thomas Arne in 1744 for a musical pageant on the reign of King Alfred, often mistakenly credited with uniting the various kingdoms of England under a single ruler, but still one of our greatest historical figures because he fought off who fought off the Viking threat by building up the English navy and extended the influence of Christianity to the pagan kingdoms of The Danelaw (the northern part of England ruled by Scandinavian Kings.

The belligerent lyrics touched a nerve because they chimed with the aspirations of mid-18th-century Britain, which was poised to become a mercantile empire based on sea power and was also constantly at loggerheads with France. This is where thone commas in the original title and fist line become important: “Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves!” – meaning, if you don’t rule the waves, and fast, France will crush you.

This year however the jovial mood of the Last Night of the Proms may be spoiled by interference from the appallingly self righteous do – gooderfuckers of the far left, many of whom work for the BBC.   the Times on Sunday has reported these moralistic pokenoses are mounting a campaign to have songs like Rule Britannia, Land of Hope and Glory and possibly the Scottish Hogmanay song Auld Lang Syne banned on the grounds that they are offensive (though who Auld Lang Syne could possibly offend is hard to grasp, apart from the self – elected internet spelling police, Americans who, unable to tolerate English  (i.e. correct) spellings of words like colour and favourite, will cetainly have a massive problem with medieval Scots.

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we’ll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.

 And at midnight, as one year passes and another is born, after a few celebratory drinks, it makes perfect sense.

The official excuse for dropping this feature is that COVID 19, Social distanccing and blah blah means there will be no audience to sing along, but when sports events have been played out in empty stadia, the BBC had no problem about dubbing the soundtrack with audience noise from past events.

Part of the reasoning is that coronavirus restrictions significantly limit the size of the orchestra and the number chorus singers that will be able to safely gather at the Royal Albert Hall, the newspaper explained.

But there is also a feeling among some of the organizers that songs from the glory days of the British Empire would be inappropriate in a year when Black Lives Matter protests are rocking nations on both sides of the Atlantic. In particular, Dalia Stasevska, the principal guest-conductor from Finland, is reportedly a strong supporter of the BLM cause, who is “keen to modernise the evening’s repertoire”.

WTF right has a Black Lives Matter supporter to interfere in a British cultural event. This person should be told to stick to the job they have been hired for. Start bringing politics, particularly the toxic politics of the far left into The Proms and in a few years there will be no proms. And it will not be COVID – 19 keeping paying punters away but the sheer boredom of a program selected for political correctness rather than musical excellence.

Read more on the origins of patriotic songs sung at the Last Night Of The Proms


Trannies and Feminists fall out over changes to UK’s Gender Recognition Act
Gay Pride – not as united as they’s like you to think (Photo: Reuters) Proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) which would make transitioning from one gender to another easier, which will make lefties who claim gender is a social construct happy, and encourage fuckwit schoolteachers who want to teach … Continue reading

Gay Rights Lobby Calls for Ban on LGBT Therapy After Finding Hundreds of Health Workers Believe in a Cure
The Daily Stirrer has noted many times that sheeple on the left of the political spectrum get very confused on finding not everybody agrees with their world view. but rather than accept they are bigots they turn on those who dissent. No surprise then that gay activist working in the NHS are turning on African, middle eastern and east Europan colleagues who believe homosexuality is a sin.

Bakery Sued For Refusing to Produce Pro-Gay Marriage Cake

A Belfast bakery has been threatened with legal action after its owners refused to accept an order for a cake with the words “support gay marriage” on it. Ashers Baking Company staff at first accepted the order but it was later reviewed by the owners who deemed the cake against their Christian beliefs.

Nonconformity and Freethinking Now Considered Mental Illnesses
We’ve been here before of course, shrinks and head quacks are now trying to say everything you do can be interpreted as a sign of mental illness. Its starange but the sickets, most dysfunctional people I’ve met have been psychatrists and psychologists – perhaps they want to make the rest of us as crazy as they are

How the gay-marriage campaign has unleashed a bureaucratic assault on people’s identities
Do gooders, progressives and bleeding hearts hurl hatred at those who question gay mariage. But these politically correct fools have as usual wallowed in their own self righteousness too long without thinking of the social consequences of this law which will devalue mainstream society to set up the gay community as a precious little elite

Universities warned of ‘creeping segregation’ as Sheffield launches LGBT-only student halls
UK Universities have been given a warning about an emerging trend of what is referred to as “creeping segregation” on campus as University of Sheffield became the nation’s first to offer student housing where only gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students are allowed to live. Sheffield University announced it will provide a number of LGBT-only … Continue reading Universities

Far-Left Group Successfully ‘Bullies’ Newspapers Over Migrant, Transgender Stories
Extremists who have been active campaigners against democracy and free speech are attempting to use legal trickery to limit what newspapers report about immigration, Islam, and transgenderism. They have also been found to have successfully “bullied” business into withdrawing ads from publications that defy their diktat and published honest reports on … Continue reading

Homosexuality: As a liberal society we have a duty to tolderate, not celebrate
Even though the government has accepted a very limited definition of same sex marriage the gay lobby keeps raving on about the greates non issue of all time. But in a free society should we be subjected to bullying if we do not show enough enthusiasm for homosexual and lesbian relationships? When did indifference become a hate crime?

Gay and same sex marriage: The Bigotry And Intolerance Of Those Who Describe Themselves As The Liberal Left
With same sex marriage made legal in Britain we face the same kind of witch hunts against businesses that do not want to deal with beareded queens in bridal gowns as the liberal bigots and gay nazis are launching in the USA. As many of us new media common sense merchants predicted, once the principle was accepted in law, nobody would be allowed to opt out of supporting these bullies.

Primary School Teacher Forced Out For Teaching It’s OK To Be Gay
The thought police are well and truly embedded in the education system, the legal system, government and public services, everywhere you look in fact. Their dovtrines of multiculturalism and diversity and they sacred cows of human rights ad equality are suppressing freedom of speech and thought. But what do the politically correct thought police do when two of their sacred cows come into conflict …

Overeducated Elitist Snobs Go For World DominationWe have written many times with tongues in our cheeks of The New World Order but what are we talking about. Is it a conspiracy theory like The Illuminati, are there shape shifting lizards involved. We wish, but sadly it is just a concensus political movement that blurs the lines betwen old parties but hardens those betwee the political, academic and financial elite and the lowrer orders. Find out how it operates below …

These stupid laws insult the public and threaten free speech
When the law forbids us to insult or offend somebody, to insult or offend a religion, race, skin colour or sexual preference, free speech and other important democratic rights are under threat. When the law then goes on to say that anyone accused of these offences has no right to defend themselves and the word of the accuser is sufficient evidence on which to obtain a conviction then we have abandoned justice and are ruled by fascists.

Doctors Back NHS-Funded ‘Womb Transplants’ for Transgender People
Leading doctors working in the UK’s National Health Service have said they back taxpayer-funded womb transplants for biological males who identify as women and think a bit of surgery and a daily does of hormone tablets can turn them into real, child bearing women. Experts at parting the gullible and emotionally immature from their hard … Continue reading Doctors

Transgender trials and Tribulations
Out collective eye was caught by this report today. Caitlyn Jenner Experienced ‘Sex Change Regret,’ Might De-Transition, Biographer Says Caitlyn Jenner, who announced her transition from man to woman last year, has considered de-transitioning, the author of a new book about the Kardashian family told TheWrap on Wednesday. Ian Halperin, the author of “Kardashian Dynasty: … Continue reading

Identities On ParadeEvery day we hear stories of the idiocies perpetrated by the Politically Correct Thought Police who in their zeal for being fair to ethnic, gender and sexual minorities only succeed in being unfair to everybody. This story of a Britisht army military tribunral and a case of discrimination against a woman soldier it is hearing reaches unprecedented levels of stupidity even for the Politically Correct idiots.

The Equalities BillThe Equalities Bill, passed by the previous Labour government before they were ejected from power becomes law today. This farrago is typical of the imbecilic mindset of the self righteous hypocrites who style themselves the progressive left. Presented as a law in support of equality in the workplace , in this era of pandemic joblessness and perpetual financial crisis it is nothing but an attack on the businesses that provide the real, wealth producing, revenue generating jobs in the private sector.

Is Criticising Black Gang Culture Racist

In Britain and America the left are always ready with the knee jerk reaction, crying raceism whjenever there is an opportunity. But do the facts justify the hysteria or is there more racism among poor black communities than mainstream society?

Transgenderism and The Left’s Stuggle Against Reality
‘People with penises are men’ – Lit Fic author Ian McEwan takes on The Politically Correct Though Police in the transgender debate. The much acclaimed and highly respected British author was today facing calls to apologise to those precious little chick-with-dicks like Caitlyn Bruce Jenner after taking a sledgehammer to the politically correct left’s cause … Continue reading

Broken SocietiesAn appraisal of Coming Apart: The State of White America 1960-2010 by Charles Murray. inequality is a very hot topic, Murray is one of the few people looking at it from a conservative point of view, which is strange when one looks at what is most likely causing this divide. Policically nations have never ben more polarised with conservatives and liberals both convinced the other is evil, while the gap between rich and poor widens, the middle class disintegrates and the working class becomes a state dependent underclass.

Liberal BigotsProgressive liberals, or the progressive left, or Trotskyites as the politically correct core of the Labour, Geen and Lib Dem parties would call themselves are quick to accuse their critics of being intolerant bigots. But take a closer look at the state of politics in Britain and you see it is not conservative, old Labour or classical liberals who are bigots but the neo facsists who want to impose their warped views on us by law. …

Transgender Dad leaves family to start new life as six-year-old girl

Contributed by Arthur Foxake I have to admit when I saw the headline for this story I thought it was a joke. And because the website that originally reported it, The Daily Xtra sounded like a spoof news site I’m still not sure about either but The Daily Xtra proclaims itself the news site for … Continue reading Transgender

Equal Rights Campaigners Not Christians Are Imposing Their Belief On OthersWhen head of the Euality and Human Rights Commission Trevor Phillips speaks we should termble. This nasty little race hustler is the de facto head of the thought police and sees his job as to stamp on racism, sexism, homophobia and anything else he and his cronies decide they are not going to tolerate. It is all in the name of tolerance of course, or divesity as Phillips would say. But how does telling people what they can and cannot think promote diversity?

Gay Marriage Row Set To Erupt AgainLed by that evil little crypto – Nazi Peter Tachell they Gay lobby are turning up the whineometer to extra loud as they once again demand that gays be given the same right as the rest of us enjoy, the right to marry. You might think gays already have the right to marry, after alo Hello Magazine is full of pictures of trud burlsar and rug muncher coulpes getting hitched every week. Sadly civil ceremonies are not enough for some …
the hate and hypocrisy of the left

Trannies and Feminists fall out over changes to UK’s Gender Recognition Act
by Arthur Foxake Gay Pride – not as united as they’s like you to think (Photo: Reuters) Proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) which would make transitioning from one gender to another easier, which will make lefties who claim gender is a social construct happy, and encourage fuckwit schoolteachers who want to teach … Continue reading



Yale Professor says HCQ Haters Spewing ‘Misleading And Toxic Disinformation’

Some readers may remember the outcry from libtards and lefties in both the USA and UK when, early in the pandemic President Donald Trump recommended a drug named Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a treatment for Coronavirus.

He’s not a doctor, he should not be giving medical advice screamed the media’s left wing wankerati, going on to spew spiels of irrational hate speech against Trump and decrying this previously unknown and untested drug as dangerous, useless and a quack remedy.

Hydroxychloroquine, or HCQ is neither dangereous (except to the extent that any drug is dangerous if not used properely,) or new. Formerly known as Qunine and before that as The Jesuits Bark, it has been part of western medicine for 400 years (and used by South American tribal healers long before that,) and it is on the World Health Organisation’s list of essential medicines. Furthermore, as we have previously reported, in countries where news media is not controlled by Trump haters, it is proving highly effective as a treatment (NOT a cure,) for the Chinese coronavirus.

For six months of this pandemic, people struck by the disease have been denied the most effective treatment for no reason other than the left’s hatred of Donald Trump is so intense they are incapable of even acknowledging that the president’s doctors gave him god advice. But at last it looks like people are prepared to stand up to the fascistic bulying of lefties.

Yale epidemiology professor Harvey Risch has hit back against critics who say he’s been the subject of personal attacks over his insistence that hydroxychloroquine is highly effective in treating COVID-19 if administered early in the disease’s progression.

In a Washington ExaminerOp-Ed, Risch writes that the pushback against his advocacy for the drug has been “furious.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci has implied that I am incompetent, notwithstanding my hundreds of highly regarded, methodologically relevant publications in peer-reviewed scientific literature. A group of my Yale colleagues has publicly intimated that I am a zealot who is perpetrating a dangerous hoax and conspiracy theory. I have been attacked in news articles by journalists who, ignorant of the full picture, have spun hit pieces from cherry-picked sources. -Harvey Risch

Risch says the personal attacks are a “dangerous distraction from the real issue of hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness, which is solidly grounded in both substantial evidence and appropriate medical decision-making logic.”

He adds that there a no studies – published or in pre-print – which disprove his theory that HCQ should be used on high-risk outpatients, and that “assertions to the contrary, whether by Faucci, the FDA, or anyone else, are without foundation. They constitute misleading and toxic disinformation.

Covid-19 has ‘two main stages’ according to Risch, and HCQ works well in the first, but not the second, later stage of the disease:

At the first stage, it is a flu-like illness. That illness will not kill you. If you are a high-risk patient and begin treatment immediately, you will almost certainly be done with it in a few days. When not treated, high-risk patients may progress. The virus then causes severe pneumonia and attacks many organs, including the heart. In this second stage, hydroxychloroquine is not effective.

So, as Risch points out, it’s important to distinguish which patients HCQ works best for; “Does it not work in those who have just started to have symptoms, or those sick enough to require hospitalization?”

Secondly, Risch notes that most low-risk patients, those below 60 with no underlying comorbidities, typically survive without treatment. High risk patients are those over the age of 60, or those with chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and immunocompromised individuals.



For every 3 COVID19 deaths lockdown may have caused 2 more – Official
The 4 month lockdown imposed by government on the advice of “scientists” while realists in the medical profession said poses almost zero risk to healthy people under the age of seventy, may have indirectly caused 16,000 excess deaths in two months, according to government analysts. This is what those medical realists, predicted at the outset.

Loughborough, Sheffield Universities shows ‘COVID deaths’ fraud
A new study by academics at the School of Business and Economics and The University of Sheffield, and economic consultants at Economic Insight, seeks to provide a more statistically robust approach to the question: “How many deaths in England and Wales are due to COVID-19?”. Currently COVID-associated deaths or excess deaths are … Continue reading

Red Flags Soar As Big Pharma Given Exemption From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims
Last week we warned readers to be cautious about new COVID-19 vaccines, highlighting how key parts of the clinical trials are being skipped as big pharma will not be held accountable for adverse side effects for administering the experimental drugs. A senior executive from AstraZeneca, Britain’s second-largest drugmaker, told Reuters that his company was just granted protection from … Continue reading

Latest COVID Scam move a step too far?

The scam goes on with the latest move to keep the coronavirus fear and panic conspiracy afloat being a rumour that the government will ask over 50s in Britain to”shield” (i.e. place themselves under house arrest,) throughout the winter. But it may be the tipping point, public rteaction has been totally negative.

Coronavirus Pandemic: The Scam Continues
Just when we thought it was safe to go out in the fresh air …… the government and their “scientific advisers have thought of a way to extend the scam. It seems that as we have been saying since March, trashing the economy and destroying the fabric of society is less impoortant to them than advancing their plan for a global, authoritarian government …Continue reading

Covid virus tests useless

As the Coronavirus rolls on with every trumpeted breakthrough fizzling out into a great big nothing, political leaders and media ‘influencers’ keep telling us we must follow the science. Yet with so much contradictory and conflicting evidence, perhaps it’s time we learned that “following the science” is the worst thing we can do? The Daily Stirrer has been telling you since the start of the farrago that scientist is a synonym of wanker,

Covid 19: Statistics, Lies and the Corruption Of Science.As the COVID — 19 pandemic continues to dominate the news and defy the efforts of researchers to understand its many mysteries, including its origins and why it affects people who contract the virus in wildly different ways, one thing we have learned for certain so far is the extent to which the Pharmaceuticals manufacturers cartel (colloquially Big Pharma,) exercise a pernicious influence over medical research and healthcare.

COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically MeaninglessPoliticians and “experts” scream and shout about testing and isolation being the way to halt the COVID 19 pandemic to a halt, but everything else they hsve told us about the disease has been absolute bollocks, why should this be any different?
Well surprise, surprise, it isn’t any different. The idea that testing everybody ten times a day (OK I might be exaggerating for effect,) will do any good is just another diversionary tactic …

Critics Batter The Fake Science Used To Justify The Lockdown As Boris Waffles
Regular readers may recall this blog was among the first to expose the fact that the pandemic model predicting 500,000 COVID – 19 deaths if the entire nation was not placed under indefinite house arrest was based on a deeply flawed mathematical model of the pandemic built by a “scientist” at Imperial College, London, a college heavily reliant on funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. You may also recall we have reported on the determination of psychopathic megalomaniac Gates to insert himself into this phoney crisis

Coronavirus: Fear and Panic and a Globalist Power Grab

World Leaders Insist ‘Economic Lockdowns Ravage the Very Fabric of Societies’
An impressive array of more than 500 prominent world leaders, academics, and Nobel Laureates have written “A Call to Defend Democracy” in the face of a worldwide rise in government authoritarianism during the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. The June 25 text declares that beyond health concerns the COVID-19 pandemic is “a political crisis that threatens the future of liberal democracy.”

Oxford Covid Vaccine Fails But Big Pharma Will Sell It Anyway
Many highly – placed members of the lockdown forever cult, Bill Gates among them, have been spreading the idea that lockdown must continue until a vaccine for COVID – 19 is available because only a vaccine can save us. More level headed types (i.e. those of us routinely dismissed as conspiracy theorists, have warned that as the virus affects the upper respiratory tract and nasal passages, where there can be no antibody response it is unlikely there will ever be an effective vaccine …

Greenteeth Digital Publishing
the daily stirrer

Greenteeth and Daily Stirrer posts on Coronavirus. Is it a real, existential threat to humanity, is it an exercise in generating fear and panic in response to the nationalist pushback against globalism, or is it a deep state power grab. We don’t know, but we will report and examine aspects of the story mainstream media will not inform you of.

The Coronavirus Response Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2
Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Boggart Bloggers predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms …

Scientist who convinced Boris lockdown was the only way to beat coronavirus criticised many times for flawed research

The scientist whose mathematical models of how the coronavirus would spread in the UK and the wildly exaggerated estimates of how many deaths might result from the epidemic reportedly led to the decision to implement a countrywide lockdown and trash the economy has been criticised in the past for flawed research.

Has The World Health Organisation Been Helping Chinese Coronavirus Cover Up
Many people suspected as far back as January, when stories about an epidemic of a new virus began to leak out of China that we were not and would not be told the whole story. The virus infecting thousands of Chinese in the large inland city of Wuhan was, we learned, a strain of corona virus, the genre that infects us with the common cold, influenza and a host of other infections of varying seriousness.

Coronavirus deaths: Are The Authorities Deceiving Us?Yesterday we reported that a Canadian outfit had carried out an analysis of China’s response to Coronavirus and concluded that while politicians and academics (aka “scientists” or “experts”) are heaping praise on the way the regime in Beijing has contained and controlled its epidemic, the Chinese have actually been lying, the epidemc is still raging and numbers of infections and deaths from COVID – 19 are far higher than reported,

Is This The Smoking Gun That Proves China Has Lied About The Coronavirus Outbreak
With the number of confirmed cases of, and deaths from coronavirus in Italy, a nation of 63 million people having now surpassed the number of infections officially admitted by the government of China, a nation of 1.4 billion and the nation where the news strain of coronavirus, COVID – 19 was first observed, it was obvious to the realists among us that the Chinese government’s claims to have contained the virus were deeply suspect and further claims that the outbreak were under control were as reliable as reported sightings of The Tooth Fairy …

As We Predicted The Coronavirus bill Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2
Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Along with my fellow Boggart Bloggers I predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of the so – called coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms. And that is exactly what we have seen happening over the past week.