Clinton Crime Syndicate Involved In Green Party Recount Scam, But No Evidence Hacking Influenced US Vote.

Yesterday Hillary Clinton’s campaign counsel, Marc Elias, confirmed that Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, who took between one and two per cent of votes cast on November 8 is acting at the direction of the Clintons in demanding recount in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, three stated won by Trump with small, but not marginal, majorities. The role of the Clinton Crime Syndicate was revealed after Elias posted a note to Hillary voters this morning on Medium confirming that they would participate in Stein’s recount efforts even though the Clinton campaign itself had decided against a recount because they had “not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology.” This approach seems to align perfectly with a strategy to overturn the election result <a href=""laid out earlier in the week:

When it was first announced Jill Stein’s effort to raise money for recounts in WI, PA and MI, quite obviously the stunt was being done on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign. It’s a very clever approach (we would expect nothing less, the Clintons are a family of lawyers, i.e. clever crooks,) as it allows Hillary to maintain the high road as the gracious loser while allowing someone else to play the bad guy…typically shitty Clinton politics.

Since Jill Stein decided to act as a Clinton stooge “completely independently” and waste the money of a bunch of left wing idiots who donated more to this attack on the US Constitution than The Green Party managed to raise for its campaign, Team Hillary, all of whom had been relying on getting lucrative sinecures in the Clinton administration ir return for their ‘pay-to-play’ donations to The Clinton foundation have decided they my as well participate in this pointless stunt despite the fact that “the number of votes separating Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the closest of these states—Michigan—well exceeds the largest margin ever overcome in a recount. After all, the mugs have put up the money for the now discredited Stein and her no hoper party, so Clinton supporters have nothing to lose and after Barack Obama has spent eight years assiduously politicising the judiciary and legal system there’s always a chance that they might actually win.

In a statement Elias said, “Because we had not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology, we had not planned to exercise this option ourselves, but now that a recount has been initiated in Wisconsin, we intend to participate in order to ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides. If Jill Stein follows through as she has promised and pursues recounts in Pennsylvania and Michigan, we will take the same approach in those states as well. We do so fully aware that the number of votes separating Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the closest of these states—Michigan—well exceeds the largest margin ever overcome in a recount. But regardless of the potential to change the outcome in any of the states, we feel it is important, on principle, to ensure our campaign is legally represented in any court proceedings and represented on the ground in order to monitor the recount process itself.

Of course, Clinton’s failure to find any evidence of vote tampering was not for a lack of trying. Elias also highlighted the five steps they took, including having “lawyers and data scientists and analysts combing over the results to spot anomalies that would suggest a hacked result,” to come up with some reason to launch their own election challenge. Why is it so hard to accept that Hillary simply lost the election?, a flawed and unpopular candidate whose campaign was surrounded by scandal and whose campaign team so corrupted The Democratic Party that the party’s national committee conspired with Clinton associates to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders, who, as candidate, would have stood a far better chance of beating Trump.

And then of course we have the irony of having witnessed Hillary’s outraged response to Trump’s comment that he wouldn’t blindly accept the outcome of the election if he thought there had been foul play by Democrats.


Former UK Ambassador Says Obama’s ‘Russian Hacking’ Claims Are Bullshit
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