Lockdown 2 – Backlash Against Project Fear

In her column for The Daily Telegraph today Juliet hartley Brewer just about summed up the mood in the country after the governments latest moves to turn Britain into a miniature version of Communist China. Ms. Hartley brewer, known for her Consrvative leanings, laid into the government, and its plans for a second lockdown even though the first failed wirh disastrous consequences, and was absolutely ruthless in her destruction of Boris Johnson and his “scientific advisers,” the lying liars whose advice has been wrong at every irrsponsible, incompetent step of way to our current social and economic meltdown.

There was only one point I couldf take issue with. She wrote of the government’s main scientific advisers: “Whitty and Vallance, once two of the most trusted men in the country”

Boris has just blown away his last chance to save his premiership. He likes to say Winston Churchill is his hero, but now history will rate him alongside Neville Chamberlain, a weak, indecisive man who tried to appease everybody when strong, positive leadership was needed.

“Whitty and Vallance, once two of the most trusted men in the country” The only thing intelligent people ever trusted these two lientists to do was tell more lies in order to advance an authoritarian agenda.

Come on everyone, it’s time to start ignoring project fear, they can’t put us all in prison.

BJ and his crew are running the UK as though it is an annex of China. The removal of basic civil liberties, the crashing of our economy and the destruction of our health Service is the kind of thing we would expect an enemy of the UK to do. For those things to be done by our own Government is inconceivable but it is happening. COVID has provided a unique opportunity for the whole structure of the UK to be overturned with a view to it being put back together in a totally alien way at some time in the future. There is much more to the COVID crisis than a major health issue but the Public are obviously being kept in the dark as to what is actually going on. 

from Destroying The Economy, Julia Hartley-Brewer  Daily Telegraph, 22 September 2020 • 12:24am

Julia Hartley-Brewer

There was a time when the sight of two eminent figures in their fields, one a scientist, the other a medic, standing beside our Prime Minister in a wood-panelled room to deliver the daily facts and figures on coronavirus was strangely cathartic.

That time, way back in March, now seems like a lifetime ago and, for far too many families, it is also a lost life or a lost livelihood away. Now, the appearance of Professor Chris Whitty and Sir Patrick Vallance at a Downing Street briefing feels like watching the harbingers of doom return.

The Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Science Adviser were wheeled out of the shadows on Monday morning with one job to do: bring a sceptical public back onside, preparing the ground for Tuesday, when the Prime Minister is expected to send us back into some new-fangled version of the old lockdown. If you thought we’d seen the back of Project Fear once we left the EU in January, think again. This was Project Fear with bells on.

Whitty and Vallance, once two of the most trusted men in the country, delivered a stern briefing to the nation about just how bad things really are and how much worse they could soon get, with the scary “example scenario” of 50,000 new cases a day and 200 deaths a day by mid-October … Continue reading >>>

The fact that this “scenario” – which Vallance twice stressed was not a “prediction” – looks absolutely nothing like the much less worrying Spanish and French trajectories we’re supposed to be following was quietly skipped over. Never mind, the headlines were written and the scaremongering job was duly done.

It’s easy to criticise the Government’s chaotic communications but hiring the best PR agency in the business could not solve this problem. That’s because the real crisis is not in the presentation of their strategy, it’s the total absence of any strategy at all.

The Government’s plan to tackle coronavirus appears to be little more than “we must be seen to do something“. Even if that “something” is not merely useless but is even worse than doing nothing.

So why is the Government so determined to scare us back into our homes when only a few weeks ago they were urging us to go back to work and to school, and to eat out to help out? Have things really taken such a turn for the worse? Has the virus spiralled out of control in a way no one could possibly have predicted?

Yes, coronavirus infections are rising, and with them, although at a far lower rate, are hospitalisations and deaths, but none of this will have been a surprise to Whitty, Vallance or Boris Johnson given the end of lockdown and the knowledge that every seasonal respiratory disease does exactly this every autumn.

Yet, despite the rising numbers, all the evidence points not to a second wave of the pandemic but to a second wave of panic by No 10.

At first all their faith was put into lockdown, quickly followed by testing, and then hopes of a swift vaccine. Yet here we are, six months on, with the virus still here, about to go full circle and head back into lockdown again.

The trouble is, locking down is at best a delaying tactic and at worst a mortal wound to our faltering economy. And, crucially, the justification for it can only work once. Like many millions of Britons, I supported the Government’s first lockdown as a temporary measure to deal with a deadly threat we knew little about, while we got NHS capacity up to speed. Six months on, we know far more about the virus; how it spreads, how deadly it is and who it kills, while NHS beds are lying ready and waiting, so what is the rationale this time?

Despite their best efforts, there was nothing in what Whitty and Vallance had to say, or in any of their doom-laden graphics, to justify a second assault on our liberties.

Now Messrs Doom and Gloom have had their say, scaring the living daylights out of us all once again, it is up to Johnson to convince us that he does indeed have a strategy that is not just about saving lives from Covid, but one that does not cost more lives along the way in untreated cancer or heart disease, or cost millions of jobs and years of economic growth.

The Prime Minister needs to prove to us that he is a man with a plan … Continue reading >>>


“Whitty and Vallance, once two of the most trusted men in the country”
I think not. The only thing intelligent people ever trusted these two lientists to do was tell more lies in order to advance an authoritarian agenda.
Come on everyone, it’s time to start ignoring project fear, they can’t put us all in prison.
Boris has just blown away his last chance to save his premiership. He likes to say Winston Churchill is his hero, but now history will rate him alongside Neville Chamberlain, a weak, indecisive man who tried to appease everybody when strong, positive leadership was needed.

BJ and his crew are running the UK as though it is an annex of Communist China. The removal of basic civil liberties, the crashing of our economy and the destruction of our health Service is the kind of thing we would expect an enemy of the UK to do. For those things to be done by our own Government is inconceivable but it is happening. COVID has provided a unique opportunity for the whole structure of the UK to be overturned with a view to it being put back together in a totally alien way at some time in the future. There is much more to the COVID crisis than a major health issue but the Public are obviously being kept in the dark as to what is actually going on. Enough of the doom mongering, Sweden proved it was all a lie.

The lienentists Whitty and Vallance et al , blew it, project fear has failed, we don’t believe tem any more and they have done irreparable damage to the credibility of all academic research as well as to small busineses, families and individuals. 

How many more families like the one above, and how many more and livelihoods, careers has this despicable Government destroyed in its bid to make us a vassal state to a cabal of sociopathic billionaires? There is no public health emergency, there never has been. There is a new stain strain of flu going around, which because of its seeming ability to to target the old and frail, the chronically sick and those with compromised immune systems,bhas spawned some very credible conspiracy theories about its origins.

And the irrational responses of our government in the UK and others around the world has done nothing to allay those suspecions.

As a result of the lockdowns tens of thousands of people have died from non Covid illnesses. Suicide rates have doubled. 21,000 cancer patients in the UK alone have been condemned to an early grave. 200,000 predicted to die as a direct result of lock down. Thousands of elderly care home residents will die of loneliness. This whole farrago has been an utter disgrace to western civilisation and a stain on humanity.

The fact is we were never going to be in a situation where 500,000 would die of so called Covid-19, the prediction from incompetent discredited mathematical modeller and Gates Foundation protege Neil Ferguson. These murderous bastards must face criminal prosecution for what they have done. It is border line genocide.

Heads need to roll and key ministers and advisers held fully accountable.

Anyone still foolish enough to believe a single word of the authoritarian shite we are being fed by the government and mainstream media needs to read this long comment written by Dr. Michael Yeadon


Those of you who, unaccountably, still believe your Govt is being straight with you, might wish to know how many people in U.K. die each day of various cancers.
It’s about 450.

Re covid19, we’re closer to the end that the middle. It’s completely implausible that any ….”secondary ripple”, which is what the minor re-emergence amounts to, will be even a fraction the size of the likely death toll of the average seasonal influenza outbreak we’re about to face.

Does it not bother you that the CMO/Chief Scientist are lying to you? It does to me. To think that 32y ago, a young medic & a fresh faced post-doc researcher both worked at the now closed Wellcome Research Labs. Pat Valance & Mike Yeadon were their names. We both conducted research in the frontier field of ‘endothelial-derived relaxing factor’ which was soon… …proven to be nitric oxide. Pat was performing ground breaking work on control of blood flow by NO & chemicals which modified this biochemical pathway. I believe he used his own forearm as one of the test beds. Mike was, with two others, the first to discover & quantify… …that mammals breathed out NO: Mike was one of the subjects.

The two researchers enjoyed reasonably successful careers, both in various pharmaceutical companies. Pat rose vertically & became head of research at GSK. Mike specialised, heading respiratory research at Pfizer, …before becoming an entrepreneur (Ziarco).

So, Pat: how has it come to this, that the dynamic, clever young medic I knew (& admired as well as being slightly envious of) has morphed into being a political tool used by others? I know that you’re quite aware that what you are… …part of – whatever that is – has pursued policies that will, in due course, be judged as having been the most catastrophic public health mistakes in U.K. history. Tens of thousands of innocent people have died non-covid19 deaths. And you’re about to do it again. Next time… …you’re shaving, please look into the mirror. Are you at ease with the extent of suffering, pain, death & awful bereavement that has, and continues to visit upon millions of innocent families?

You shouldn’t be. If you genuinely believe that continuing restrictions, including… …to the NHS, which will inevitably add further to the death of tens of thousands of innocents, is in some way is “a price worth paying”, then you appall me. I’m willing, at any time & mode of communication, to discuss this trade off. You’ve certainly not bothered to explain, …let alone to debate or to justify what’s happening. The only science which is being followed has its roots deep in the pre-enlightenment era. I would relish an opportunity to debate with you what you’re doing. I would share my thinking, much of it building on that of others.

My conclusion is that the best path forward is to immediately halt all Pillar 2 testing (because as deployed it generates results most of which are false positives), protect, to the greatest extent possible, the lives of the highly vulnerable, then lift all the restrictions.. … imposed from the centre & cautiously get on with rebuilding our lives, relationships, education, economy & the NHS.

Pat: I don’t know what your role is in all this. I feel that I’m living in an Orwellian world with all the hallmarks of an abusive relationship between… … unelected officials & our citizenry. As you ramp up the needless fear, the useless mask mandates, the fantasy ‘circuit breaker’, already proven not to slow transmission & all the way to grotesque threat of no mixing of households for six months, I recognise this for what… …it is: gross misuse of power & coercive control. There is still time to change what you’re doing. If you can’t persuade others, I urge you to resign as the only chances you have against a lifetime of derp guilt which, over time, I don’t think you’re going to be able to bear.


MORE lockdown scepticism from Dr. Yeadon

Dr. Yeadon is not the only one in the academic community to have serious misgiving, there are many others but either they are not being reported by mainstream media or they are remaining anonymous because they fear for their jobs, and in extreme cases their personal safety. An open letter written by Heneghan, Sikora and Gupta, three professors who are continually assessing and re-assessing data that is clearly being ignored by government advisers, and endorsed by other senior professionals in medical research and other fields, was sent to the Prime Minister and his lience advisers. They explained in forensic detail the harm being done by the government’s “following the science” approach and proposed ways of avoiding the kind of economic and social impact this lockdown stupidity would inevitably have have on the economy and population.  Clearly, the PM has not taken this advice into account, but has been “led by the <del>science</del> lies of people interesting in furthering their own career and financial interests or moving forward on a very unpleasant agenda that has nothing to do with democracy or the liberal values on which our culture is built..

Listening to the weasel words of these slimly little shits it is hard not to be reminded of a character in The Lord of the Rings, Grima Wormtongue, an adviser who poured poisonous thoughts and suggestions into the ear of the ailing King. The advice being given to parliament is clearly not based on what is happening in current society, or on any known science but on political expedients to progress the cause of global governance. As such the adive should be ignored and the adviansors should be removed from office as soon as possible, arrested and charged with sedition, closely followed by the PM, Health Secretary and most of the government.

7 thoughts on “Lockdown 2 – Backlash Against Project Fear

  1. […] Lockdown 2 – Backlash Against Project FearIn her column for The Daily Telegraph today Juliet hartley Brewer just about summed up the mood in the country after the governments latest moves to turn Britain into a miniature version of Communist China. Ms. Hartley brewer, known for her Consrvative leanings, laid into the government, and its plans for a second lockdown even though the first failed wirh disastrous consequences, and was absolutely ruthless in […]


  2. […] Lockdown 2 – Backlash Against Project FearIn her column for The Daily Telegraph today Juliet hartley Brewer just about summed up the mood in the country after the governments latest moves to turn Britain into a miniature version of Communist China. Ms. Hartley brewer, known for her Consrvative leanings, laid into the government, and its plans for a second lockdown even though the first failed wirh disastrous consequences, and was absolutely ruthless in […]


  3. […] Lockdown 2 – Backlash Against Project FearIn her column for The Daily Telegraph today Juliet hartley Brewer just about summed up the mood in the country after the governments latest moves to turn Britain into a miniature version of Communist China. Ms. Hartley brewer, known for her Consrvative leanings, laid into the government, and its plans for a second lockdown even though the first failed wirh disastrous consequences, and was absolutely ruthless in […]


  4. […] Lockdown 2 – Backlash Against Project FearIn her column for The Daily Telegraph today Juliet hartley Brewer just about summed up the mood in the country after the governments latest moves to turn Britain into a miniature version of Communist China. Ms. Hartley brewer, known for her Consrvative leanings, laid into the government, and its plans for a second lockdown even though the first failed wirh disastrous consequences, and was absolutely ruthless in […]


  5. […] Lockdown 2 – Backlash Against Project FearIn her column for The Daily Telegraph today Juliet hartley Brewer just about summed up the mood in the country after the governments latest moves to turn Britain into a miniature version of Communist China. Ms. Hartley brewer, known for her Consrvative leanings, laid into the government, and its plans for a second lockdown even though the first failed wirh disastrous consequences, and was absolutely ruthless in […]


  6. […] Lockdown 2 – Backlash Against Project FearIn her column for The Daily Telegraph today Juliet hartley Brewer just about summed up the mood in the country after the governments latest moves to turn Britain into a miniature version of Communist China. Ms. Hartley brewer, known for her Consrvative leanings, laid into the government, and its plans for a second lockdown even though the first failed wirh disastrous consequences, and was absolutely ruthless in […]


  7. […] Lockdown 2 – Backlash Against Project FearIn her column for The Daily Telegraph today Juliet hartley Brewer just about summed up the mood in the country after the governments latest moves to turn Britain into a miniature version of Communist China. Ms. Hartley brewer, known for her Consrvative leanings, laid into the government, and its plans for a second lockdown even though the first failed wirh disastrous consequences, and was absolutely ruthless in […]


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