De – dollarization Moves Ahead – Once Again We Told You So,

by Phil T Looker

Forgive us a little self indulgent gloating, after all it was back in 2005, way ahead of the other contenders, we told you that moves were under way in the east to dump the US dollar as global reserve currency. That was when China, Russia and Iran abandoned the Petrodollar and started to trade in the currency of the vendor nation.

Our mate Ian had spotted the vulnerability of the US dollar and wrote about a move made by the old Iraqi tyrant Saddam Hussein in the 1990s, that showed the way.

How Saddam Hussein May Posthumously Win His War With The USA

Since then, here and on Little Nicky Machiavelli as well as at The Daily Stirrer we have reported the gradual erosion of the US grip on world trade as American international bullying and worries about their debt saw support for the Petrodollar steadily eroded.

And now from The Australian Financial Review via Zero Hedge, we have this:

US Officially Loses Battle Over China-Led Investment Bank

Add the IMF to the (now long) list of those who apparently share the UK’s view that joining the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is an “unrivaled opportunity,” as Christine Largarde says her institution not only sees a “massive” opportunity for cooperation with the AIIB but is also “delighted” to explore the possibilities.

International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde has said the IMF would be “delighted” to co-operate with the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank…

Mrs Lagarde said there was “massive” room for IMF co-operation with the AIIB on infrastructure financing.

Mrs Lagarde, speaking at the opening of the China Development Forum in Beijing, also said she believed that the World Bank would co-operate with the AIIB.

Meanwhile, Switzerland is now on board and India, Indonesia, and New Zealand are reportedly set to follow. As a reminder, the deadline for applications is the end of this month and it appears that the UK’s move to become a founding member has suddenly made the AIIB the coolest club on the block. Australia is expected to tender a “qualified yes” tomorrow.

We have reported the who saga of how Obama tried to bully the world on this, and how one by one, the nations of the world gave him the finger. It’s all in our Currency Wars paged and its related links.

Gotta have a grin at the ineptitude of politicians, haven’t you?

China – UK dump the US dollar for bilateral trade
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