TISA – If you Hated Undemocratic TTIP You’ll Loathe This

Secret WTO Service Industry Trade Deal Leaked – Threatens Internet Freedom, E – Commerce, Free Speech

Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again. - H P Lovecraft
TISA – The Monster That Will Eat The World (actally this in not TISA but Yog – Sothoth, very similar though.) (Source)

Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again. – H P Lovecraft

This web page and its links to many posts around the internet has mainly focused on the Trans Atlantic Trade And Investment Treaty (TTIP), an allegedly benign deal to promote free trade between the USA and EU, and its equally evil twin the Trans Pacific Partnership, which proposes the same for the Pacific Trading Area. In reality what both these treaties do is further the global hegemony that US Corporate business and the US Government have been collaborating to achieve since the fall of the Soviet Union. Read much more about these deals and how they will hit small business, individual freedoms and curtail the right of sovereign nations to make their own fair trade, consumer protection, labour relations and civil rights law.elsewhere on the page.

This story is about another nasty deal corporate business has been cooking up with Washington and The United Nations and with the full complicity of mainstream media, the Yog Sothoth of trade deals in fact.

Governments of nations around the world have for two years been secretly negotiating a little-known mega trade deal that poses a threat to internet freedoms and will serve only corporate interests, analysts have warned, citing a U.S. proposal leaked by a whistleblower.

The Trade in Services Agreement (TISA), currently being negotiated in conditions of the highest secrecy between a 50-country committee of World Trade Organization (WTO) members. Negotiations have been in progress for nearly two years, but have been so secretive that it was unheard of in the public domain until the news was published by Wikileaks in June 2014, making it even more shadowy than the Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

The given reason for the public being kept in the dark about this deal is that ordinary people will not understand it, in fact there is nothing complicated about the fact that internet freedom will disappear as governments take control of all online activity. The freedoms citizens in democracies have enjoyed will simply disappear, free speech, free (as in unrestricted by law if you can afford to buy a newspaper or rent an internet connection will be massively impacted if we the people this undemocractic treaty to be pushed through by the people who have for decades now been advocating global totalitarian government.

“What these closed-door negotiations do is cement in place rules for global governance—rules that affect a whole host of issues that aren’t about trade at all, such as privacy, financial stability and much more,” Melinda St. Louis, International Campaigns Director for Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, told Common Dreams:

“There is extreme industry influence in this closed-door trade negotiation process. On the U.S. side there are more than 500 corporate advisers who have access to these texts while the public and many elected officials are locked out.” (our emphasis)

Despite the leaks little is known about the content of the TISA treaty and what reached the public domain has done so through leaks (see above). one of the most disconcerting clauses revealed in the leaked draft shows that negotiators aim to further deregulate global financial markets.

Among subsequent leaks is information that shows negotiators are aiming to curtail internet freedoms.

TISA’s clauses on “E-Commerce, Technology Transfer, Cross-border Data Flows and Net Neutrality,” proposed by the U.S. Trade Representative in April, was published on 17 December, 2014 by Associated Whistleblowing Press, a non-profit organization with bases in Iceland and Spain.

According to an analysis of the text from watchdog organization Public Citizen:

With respect to privacy protections, the leaked text reveals that the U.S. negotiators are pushing for new corporate rights for unrestricted cross-border data flows and prohibitions on requirements to hold and process data locally, thus removing governments’ ability to ensure that private and sensitive personal data is stored and processed only in jurisdictions that ensure privacy.

Such measures are considered critical to ensuring that medical, financial and other data provided protection by U.S. law are not made public when sent offshore for processing and storage, with no legal recourse for affected individuals. Numerous U.S. organizations are pushing for improvements in such policies, which are considerably stronger in other countries. If the proposed TISA terms on free data movement were to become binding on the United States, such needed progress would be foreclosed.

Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, declared: “Given the raging domestic debate over net neutrality,(mainly a USA problem, the Obama administration has been sucking up to corporate money, the EU has done much better at preserving internet freedom – editor) the growing demands for more data privacy and the constantly changing technology, a pact negotiated in secret that is not subject to changes absent consensus of all signatories seems like a very bad place to be setting U.S. Internet governance policies.”

TTIP Set To Erode Democracy Further, Handing Veto On New Laws To Big Business
We do not yet fully understand what the ‘deal’ negotiated by David Cameron for revised terms of membership actually commit us to, but the general push by the bureaucratic dictatorship in Brussels to abolish the national sovereignty of member states and create a federal European Superstate is well known.
TTIP Set To Erode Democracy Further, Handing Veto On New Laws To Big Business
We do not yet fully understand what the ‘deal’ negotiated by David Cameron for revised terms of membership actually commit us to, but the general push by the bureaucratic dictatorship in Brussels to abolish the national sovereignty of member states and create a federal European Superstate is well known.
US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government.
By now it should be obvious that peacemake, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government’s policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works

EU Bureaucrats To Push TTIP Through Before Obama Leaves Office?
The bad news for us punters, (great for bankers and corporate business) is that the EU bureaucrats intend to push through the ‘free trade’ deal with the USA, the Trans – Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) before Barack Obama leaves office. Supporters of the treaty that will create an environment that is anything but free …

Elsewhere: [Boggart Blog]…[Little Nicky Machiavelli]… [ Ian’s Authorsden Pages ]… [Scribd]…[Wikinut] … [ Boggart Abroad] … [ Grenteeth Bites ] … Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] … [ Tumblr ] … [Ian at Minds ] … [ The Original Boggart Blog] … [ Authorsden blog ]

TTIP democracy

One thought on “TISA – If you Hated Undemocratic TTIP You’ll Loathe This

  1. […] RELATED POSTS: The back story of TTIP TTIP: Corporate sovereignty over national democracy TTIP will make national sovereignty folklore TTIP, the Transatlantic fascism conspiracy The free trade to global government conspiracy By support for TTIP, Labour sells out to corporate money TTIP paves way for corporate owned NHS EU Bureaucrats To Push TTIP Through Before Obama Leaves Office? Controversial TTIP (Global Tyranny) Legislation Held in ‘Secure’ Room to Avoid Leaks Leaked EU – TTIP document: Destruction of Democracy planned The Death Of Democracy – Lobbying For TTIP German Judges rule EU – US TTIP trade deal would undermine national courts More truth about undemocratic TTIP TISA – if you hated undemocratic TTIP, you will loathe this […]


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