Silicon Valley’s War On Free Speech: Google Plays Politics

Google, the biggest search company on the internet by huge margin, has, after allegedly to collaborate with the unelected EU Commission to influence the British Referendum vote on continued membership of the increasingly authoritarian bureaucratic dictatorship that is emerging from what was sold as a simple free trade arrangement between European Nations, buried a popular Eurosceptic website on the second page of search results on the topic, the website’s founder, Dr. Richard North has claimed.

He said the Internet giant is “corrupt” (we’ve been telling you that since 2005, and its not just Google; Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and most ISPs and cellular networks also collaborate with governments and supranational bureaucracies to pervert democracy and advance an agenda that would impose on us a global, totalitarian government.) North’s remarks also implied Google supports a pro-European Union (EU) agenda, just one day after the EU revealed it is working with Facebook, Twitter and (Google-owned) YouTube to promote “alternative narratives” it supports.

Just yesterday, Google’s public policy and government relation’s director, Lie Junius, said the firm was, “pleased to work with the [European] Commission” – the EU’s unelected executive arm.

Over seventy per cent of Internet searches are made on Google (eff knows why, it’s a shitty search technology). It is the primary source of information for low – infoprmation voters today and has been estimated to command the power to decide the voting preference of 80 per cent for some demographics, particularly those under the age of forty.

Its role in the tight-run EU referendum, therefore, could be influential.

So when the popular and eurosceptic EUReferendum website recently disappeared off Google’s first page of results on the topic – after being the top result for the topic on search engines for more than a decade – eyebrows were raised. But Google has a long record of penalizing sites which promote political points of view that differ from the politically correct prejudices of the semi – autistic nerds who control the company.

EU Referendum was founded in 2004 by author and researcher Richard North and was rated by the Financial Times as the UK’s most influential political blog in 2006. It remains the top result for the topic when searched on Yahoo and Microsoft’s Bing (and rates highly on DuckDuckGo, Good Gopher and StartPage.

But on Google now, it appears as either the 13th or 15th result, on the second page – below three government pages on the topic, four links to the pro-EU Guardian and Independent newspapers, one to the BBC, and just one to the more eurosceptic Telegraph.


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