Trannies and Feminists fall out over changes to UK’s Gender Recognition Act

by Arthur Foxake


Gay Pride – not as united as they’s like you to think (Photo: Reuters)

Proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) which would make transitioning from one gender to another easier, which will make lefties who claim gender is a social construct happy, and encourage fuckwit schoolteachers who want to teach four year olds that they should change sex, but it has put feminist groups at odds with leaders of the British Snip and Tuck association .

British law currently requires a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria and that the applicant has lived as their preferred gender for two years. They must then undergo a psychological assessment by a panel of medical experts. The person seeking sex change treatment also has to pay a fee of £140 before they can obtain a gender recognition certificate.

Trans ‘rights’ campaigners are demanding that process be made less difficult by introducing the concept of ‘self-identification’ which would essentially allow them to obtain the certificate just by self-identifying as one gender or another, without all the medical assessments and bureaucracy, and then simply present themselves at the nearest national Health Service hospital and demand expensive surgery and hormone treatments paid for by us poor taxpayers, because human rights.

Feminist groups are vehemently opposed to the demand (which exposes the lie of the Gay Prode movement that all sexual minrorities and the three o twenty – six or ninety – two (or whatever number they pulled out of the hat this week,) are solid in support of each other. The more traditional feminists say that a self-identification law could be abused and could even put women at risk if any person could enter a women-only space and claim to be a woman.

They say their concern is for the safety of women and girls, and they are not denying rights to trans people. Some trans activists, however, say that the feminist groups are “transphobic” and perpetuating discriminatory rhetoric.

Lovely to see all these left wing extremist bigots falling out among themselves.

One activist at a protest in Newcastle told Sky News that “no one has the right to tell you how to identify, that is up to you. These [feminist] groups, they sit and perpetuate hateful rhetoric.”  Well there’s nothing like a self pitying whine to alienate people from your cause.

Feminist campaigner Dr Heather Brunskell-Evans, who has written a book on transgender children, told the news outlet that she was “absolutely shocked at the level of vitriol and the level of silencing” being attempted by the trans activists. “Even asking for a discussion is considered transphobic,” she said.

We agree, wile the gays, bisexuals and lesbians can be mildly irritating when they bang on about their rights, the chicks with dicks are a truly obnoxious, self centered, whining, self pitying bunch of (wannabe) cunts.



4 thoughts on “Trannies and Feminists fall out over changes to UK’s Gender Recognition Act

  1. […] Trannies and Feminists fall out over changes to UK’s Gender Recognition Act Gay Pride – not as united as they’s like you to think (Photo: Reuters) Proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) which would make transitioning from one gender to another easier, which will make lefties who claim gender is a social construct happy, and encourage fuckwit schoolteachers who want to teach … Continue reading […]


  2. […] Trannies and Feminists fall out over changes to UK’s Gender Recognition Act Gay Pride – not as united as they’s like you to think (Photo: Reuters) Proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) which would make transitioning from one gender to another easier, which will make lefties who claim gender is a social construct happy, and encourage fuckwit schoolteachers who want to teach … Continue reading […]


  3. […] Trannies and Feminists fall out over changes to UK’s Gender Recognition Act Gay Pride – not as united as they’s like you to think (Photo: Reuters) Proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) which would make transitioning from one gender to another easier, which will make lefties who claim gender is a social construct happy, and encourage fuckwit schoolteachers who want to teach … Continue reading […]


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