UN Migration Pact: Which Governments Are Prepared To Sell Out Their People?

by Arthur Foxake, 18 December 2018

merkel and macron, globalist puppets
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and France’s Emmanuel Macron, together they planned to turn Europe into a multicultural utopia, both triggered civil unrest in their homelands.

The United Nation’s Global Compact for migration has sent shock waves through most of the nations in the developed world. Since being discussed and adopted by leaders and opinion makers from around the world at the Marrakech conference in Morocco this month, it has had a very divisive effect around the world and attracted hostility from both the public and their respective governments as wannabe global government The United Nations Organisation seeks to make migration a human right and a vahicle for the replacement of educated westerners in their own native countries with the illiterate masses of the third world.

A clear trend that has emerged since the migration crisis began in Europe after the unelected bureaucrats of the EU imposed an ‘open doors’ immigration policy, ordering members stated to admit anyone who arrived at border control points even if they did not have basic identification documents. Eastern Europe plus Italy, Austria and the Baltic States are resisting this latest push towards Globalism while more prospers Northern and Western European countries alining with the globalist overlords of the corporate – financial cartel.

So which countries are in and who is out? Well the most prominent and influential refusenik is Presodent Trump of the USA, President Putin of Russia and Chairman Xi of China did not even bother to comment on the proposal, their nations will continue to be highly selective about who they admit. And most of the other large poulation nations, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil, Bangladesh, Philippines and Ethiopia being some examples, are such unconscienable shitholes nobody in their right mind would want to move there to ‘seek a better life.’

Portugal and Spain, both with left-leaning socialist governments, already stated that will sign the pact when the time comes. However both have very unstable minority governments and the withdrawal of support from the ruling coalition by a minor party could change the picture.

In France, the unpopular French president Macron already called the deal ‘a good text’, hinting that he will sign the deal. Macron has more pressing problems right now of course, with the ‘Yellow Vests’ protests causing widespread civil unrest and one of the main causes of discontent among the working and middle class being mass immigration and related social problems.

Across the channel, astoundingly given her problems with Brexit, UK prime minister Theresa May confirmed she would sign the document, as for Ireland, the Irelands prime minister, the pouf Varadkar, recently celebrated that “since 2011 about 120,000 people have become Irish citizens, strengthening our economy, running our public services and enriching our society” clearing any doubt he will keep letting people in through the back door.

As for the Benelux countries, Belgium’s prime minister confirmed he will sign the deal, after much confusion and a heated debate around the pact, the nationalist N-VA party leaving the government puts the ruling coalition under pressure, making Charles Michel the head of a minority government. For several years, since a bust up between the French speaking Waloons in the south and the Dutch speaking Phlegms in the north, the country has teetered on the edge of becoming two separate states.

The Netherlands and Luxembourg are also expected to sign the deal though with strong oposition from rising nationalist parties. Germany’s government under Merkel already backed the controversial document, not much surprises from the same leader who opened Europe’s doors to millions of migrants in 2015, but Merkel too heads a fragile coalition as anti – immigration nationalist party AfD (Alternatif fur Deutschland) continue to gain strength. In her current position Merkel cannot pass controversial legislation and dare not risk an election as the AfD could become the largest party in the German assembly.

The Nordic countries, led by the testicularly deficient Swedes, are expected to join the pact, despite the social problems already experienced by Sweden due to uncontrolled immigration, Norway could surprise pundits, while Denmark has refused, with Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen stating “The government would never dream of signing something that weakens our ability to implement the strict immigration policies we have in Denmark.” However, Mr Rasmussen will be attending the conference after Denmark’s immigration minister said she wouldn’t attend the gathering, showing a big divide across the Danish government as well.

All 3 Baltic countries rejected the deal, as well as the Visegrad group comprising Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, following Austria’s example. The populist Italian prime minister Matteo Salvini shunned the deal too while Switzerland had a late withdrawal from the pact after lawmakers insisted they have the final say on the matter.

In the Balkan region, however, Bulgaria already said it would be out of the pact, Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro already showed themselves interested in joining the deal, Bosnia and Albania already signed the document while Serbia Macedonia, Romania and Greece remain ambiguous at this point.

All in all it looks like being a narrow victory for common sense against the dark forces of globbalism and their efforts to create a world government.


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Immigration omnibus

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