So What Makes A Leftie Abandon Labour And Support The Conservatives?

When asked why her had turned his back on the Labour Party, psychologist James Francis, wrote this reply:

Member of Parliament (MP) for Bradford West, Naseem Shah (aka Naz Shah)

Here’s the context

Predominantly Pakistani Muslim men were grooming and gang raping young, white British girls on an industrial scale across Britain in (generally) low income towns and cities for decades.

I personally know someone who — fortunately — wasn’t a victim of this abomination, but witnessed the Pakistani Muslim organiser of his local chess club in Oxford sexually assaulting a number of the male and female attendees. He was 11 years old at the time. Years later, he is still bewildered and confused by what he saw, he struggles to come to terms with it till this day.

It really upsets me that such an atrocity was allowed to continue for so long unchecked, but this is a different issue entirely. You asked ‘What was your final straw?’ My final straw was a tweet which was reshared by the MP Naz Shah, which I’ve copied below.

Essentially, the Labour MP Naz Shah reshared a tweet advising girls who’ve been gang raped, some as young as 12, some who’ve endured abuse for years, to “shut their mouths for the good of diversity”.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Just to clarify, this goes beyond the disgusting opinions of one despicable Labour MP, whom happens to also be a Pakistani Muslim whose been caught trying to silence victims of Pakistani Muslim abusers in the public domain.

I am sick of the identity politics.

I am sick of their cultural Marxism.

I am sick of their blind defense of ‘cultural enrichment’.

I am sick to death of their defense of morons like Naz Shah and Diane Abbott.

Well that says it all really. My own rejection of Labour (I never supported them but did not always think they were working class dupes too lacking in education to understand where their interests lay and thus willing to accept a bunch of  elitist intellectual snobs actually represented them in the ‘class war.’ There was no single incident but a gradual realisation that Labour’s leaders were only interested in buying the loyalty of working class voters in order to keep the working classes ignorant and servile while advancing a globalist, authoritarian agenda.

Election 2019: Stupid Labour Leaders And Supporters Just Don’t Get It
Today, as we, Labour haers all, wallow in schadenfreude after the crushing defeat that elitist party suffered in the election, we’ll have to rely on outside help in the form of a brilliant article from Shirelle Jacobs in the Telegraph and an equally brillian comment from Katherine Viners – Payczech (that sounds like a made up name, but whoever she is, congratualtions to the lady for her insight and pespicacity.

Labour Leadership Contest: Bring On The Clowns
After their crushing defeat by Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party, instead of taking time to regroup and, as has been advised by serveral major figures on the centre left who stood down at the election because of the policies of far left leader Jeremy Corbyn, that they must reconnect with working class voters,the party factions are at each other’s throats already while the clowns bid for the leadership.

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