Undercover With The Clerics – Iran’s Secret Sex Trade


Picture: Screenshot from BBC iPlayer


I caught a few minutes of a BBC2 documentary last night while looking for the news headlines before going to bed. It was about Iraq’s secret sex trade and what I was watching was Iraqi clerics talking about how Sharia Law justifies sex with children. One guy told how for the equivalent of £200 he arranged a “pleasure marriage” (a temporary marriage,) between a thirtyish man and a 9 year old girl.

The Holy Man also told how in these pleasure marriages the man can do anything he likes with his temporary wife but must not take her virginity (yeah, right!) because that destroys her value to her family. Anal penetration (of a child by an adult) is apparently OK.

Anyone thinking of telling me this is “just a conspiracy theory” should watch the program (on BBC iplayer via the link) before posting ridiculous comments in defence of the indefensible.
Lefties in Sweden, Germany, France and UK tell us we should welcome this culture of child abuse, but do we want to live in societies in which the local religion (and de fact law) permits parents to prostitute their children?

The documentary narrator did say that technically these “pleasure marriages” are illegal, but that was the law as imposed by Saddam Hussein’s regime and, supported by neo – liberal politicians in Europe and North America, he was removed from office to make way for Muslim clerics who say (on rec.ord in the documentary, that secular law is not important and religious law is paramount

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