So George Orwell Was Right Then

George Orwell said many memorable things and some of his comments on the fascist nature of socialism, big government control of media and the suppression of free speech now seem almost supernaturally prescient. Here’s one of that is particularly germane in the light of a news item in today’s American news (though as us libertarians would expect, it warrants hardly a word in mainstream media):

“Journalism is reporting news somebody does not want reported, everything else is public relations.”

And why is this particularly significant today?

from Jon Rappoport’s Blog

‘Ajit Pai, an FCC commissioner, has blown the whistle on a government plan to put federal monitors in newsrooms.

The plan is billed as a study, to determine how major networks assemble their stories—and also as a teaching program to show newspeople what stories are vital and critical, and what stories aren’t.

The Orwellian op even covers newspapers, to which the FCC has no regulatory connection. Pai writes in the Wall St. Journal:’

Read all: Government monitors in newsrooms – Jon Rappoport

obama statsi

Agenda 21
Barack Obama’s Big Brother Nation
The Importance Of Free Speech
Extended Europe

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