Labour Elite Thinks Northerners Are Thick – I Told You So

Just when Labour leader Ed Miliband thought it was safe to go back to the transport cafe …

A strong feeling is starting to emerge that whatever the Labour leadeship does, the party are not going to win May’s election. In spite of the unpopularity of the Conservative led coalition, the feeling is taking hold that Labour is no longer the party of the working class, instead they represent professionals (particularly lawyers) and academics and are thus an elitist movement.

In a debate on the Labour Party’s rapidly diminishing chances of winning the general election in May, Labour MP Ian Lavery said he was “frightened” by the ruling “elite” in Westminster, elitists who have never held a proper job and and look down on the working class.

This hardly-a-shock revelation came as Labour MPs embarked on a renewal of the party’s internecine warfare between elite Fabian socialists and the working class grassroots over the direction the party should take, after Tony Blair, its most electorally successful (and most business friendly and Thatcherite) leader, warned Mr Miliband is leading it to defeat.

MPs like Mr. Lavery along with campaigners against paedophile cover ups such as John Mann (Bassetlaw) and Simon Danczuk (Rochdale), are firm supporters of a return to solid working class values, while the pensée unique Fabians led by the Earl of Longford’s niece (a fact she is rather coy about in her Wikipedia entry) Hattie Harman favours avoiding future paedophile scandals by lowering the age of sexual consent to FOUR and solving Britain’s economic woes by returning to a policy of uncontrolled mass immigration and funding the deficit by borrowing from international bankers.

Mr Lavery, the MP for Wansbeck in Northumberland, is a former president of the National Union of Mineworkers, taking part in the 1984-85 strike. He was elected in 2010.

His comments came during a fringe event at a conference organised by left-wing think tank CLASS, which is funded by the trade unions. He was speaking during a discussion on Labour’s welfare policy, in which he said the Labour Party is “in the wrong place” on the issue.

While his words spell trouble for Ed Miliband (and early retirement for some labour MPs), they must be music to the ears of Nigel Farage, Wee ‘Eck, The UDP (who could hold the balance of power) and the Conservative leadership.

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