Western Nations Are Not The Only Ones Having Problems With Islam

Late last month the European Court of Justice (ECJ), an offshoot of the Cultural Marxist empire known as the European Union ruled that a woman who had referred to Mohammed, the prophet of Islam as a paedophile was guilty of blasphemy under Sharia Law it was the most abject, snivelling surrender yet by any western government or judiciary to the bullying and threats of fanatical Muslim hate preachers. Sharia Law has no standing in any non Muslim nation, what’s more it is a barbaric medieval legal codex that imposes sentences of death and torture for trivial offences.

The waily, gnashy – teethy snowflakes who are stupid and emotionally needy enough to believe if we are tolerant of Muslin intolerance we can somehow show them our way is best, refuse to accept that Islam poses any threat to civilised nations. The still insist that the grooming and rape gangs given licence by politically correct politicians in Britain to abuse vulnerable young women is ‘Fake News’ dreamed up by right wing extremists, in spite of two separate independent reports by sociologists finding failings on the part of police, government officials and politicians had allowed the crimes to go uninvestigated and the perpetrator unpunished.

Such people, who claim our culture is enriched by third world criminals, want government to encourage more mass migration form the third world shitholes, and to spend huge fortunes on persuading them to integrate into British society perhaps need to read this article on the problems large Muslim minorities cause, from a nation where an Islamic minority has existed for a thousand years and still has not integrated.

via barenakedislam.com

When India gave up a large chunk of its land to Muslims in order to create Pakistan in 1947, it should have mandated that all Muslims residing in India move to Pakistan

That’s why now, India is having the same problems with their Muslim population that every country with a Muslim minority is experiencing. However, in India, the Muslim minority is nearly 180 million and they are constantly whining that Prime Minister Narenda Modi’s (photo right) India has become a living nightmare for them. How long before India will be forced to give up more of its land to appease the squeaky wheel Muslims? As everyone knows, that is their goal – to create an Islamic state within the Hindu nation, with the ultimate long-term goal of taking over the whole country one day.


  More on Islam

Dutch professor: “Western countries have never managed to integrate Muslims”
Dutch professor of sociology Ruud Koopmans has carried out a 20-year research project embracing several large scale studies on integration and assimilation, and at the end of it all he concludes that Muslims are more difficult to integrate than other migrant groups.

One thought on “Western Nations Are Not The Only Ones Having Problems With Islam

  1. […] Western Nations Are Not The Only Ones Having Problems With Islam Late last month the European Court of Justice (ECJ), an offshoot of the Cultural Marxist empire known as the European Union ruled that a woman who had referred to Mohammed, the prophet of Islam as a paedophile was guilty of blasphemy under Sharia Law it was the most abject, snivelling surrender yet by any western … Continue reading […]


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