Has ‘Hampstead Socialism’ Lost Labour The Working Class Vote

When a traditionally left wing publication like The New Statesman turns on The Labour leader you can be sure the party is in bigger trouble than anyone involved with it is ever going to admit.

This blog has been saying for years Labour is now more elitist than The Conservatives, the party of lawyers, academics and media luvvies, of crony corporatism and progressive ideologies taking precedence over pragmatic realism.

Labour has not only lost touch with the working class that always made up its core vote, the intellectuals now despise the working classes whose concernes are casually dismissed as racist and bigoted. Instead they suck up to the gay and lesbian communities, extremists religious minorities (so long as they are not Christian extremists) and corporate businessmen who favour replacing democracy with a totalitarian world government and the kind of strangers to reality who think equal rights for paedophiles could ever be a vote winner.

Miliband: ‘old-style socialist who can’t connect with public’

from The Mole:
Stinging attack from New Statesman as Times claims Labour backbenchers could still ask him to step aside

In a devastating critique of Ed Miliband, the editor of the left-wing weekly, the New Statesman, has accused him of being an “old-style Hampstead socialist who has failed to find an authentic voice to connect with the electorate”.

“He doesn’t really understand the lower middle class or material aspiration,” writes Jason Cowley in this week’s editorial. “He doesn’t understand Essex Man or Woman. Politics for him must seem at times like an extended PPE seminar: elevated talk about political economy and the good society…”

Nor does Miliband have a “back story” that might capture the public imagination, says Cowley. “[He] does not have a compelling personal story to tell the electorate, as Thatcher did about her remarkable journey from the grocer’s shop in Grantham and the values that sustained her along the way, or Alan Johnson does about his rise from an impoverished childhood in west London.

“ ‘I went to Oxford to study PPE, worked for Gordon Brown, became a cabinet minister and then leader of the party’ does not quite do it. None of this would matter were Miliband in manner and approach not so much the product of this narrow background…”

The attack is particularly upsetting to Team Miliband because the Statesman went out of its way to endorse Ed for the leadership in 2010.

Read more at The Week:

When the leading publication among left wing intellectuals is doing a hatchet job like that on the party leader, himself a Fabian Society intellectual, only six months before a general election, it does give the impression they don’t want to win.

Poor Ed, I like him as a person no matter how misguided or daft his politics may be, but he really was handed an impossible task. Nobody could hope to succeed in selling the politically correct idiocies of paedophile loving Harriet Harman and her clique to the down to earth voters of Labour’s industrial strongholds.

The problem with losing your chains is knowing what to do when you are free to act without them. The answer most people choose should not really be all that surprising.

Labour out of the closet
New Allegations – VIP paedophile ring ‘abused teenage boy INSIDE Buckingham Palace and Balmoral Castle’
An epitaph for The Labour Party
Moses Miliband leads Labour into the wilderness
Labour politicians and child abuse in Rotherham
Why do politicians of the left love paedophiles
Ignore self righteous left, they don’t have a monopoly on truth

4 thoughts on “Has ‘Hampstead Socialism’ Lost Labour The Working Class Vote

  1. […] Has ‘Hampstead Socialism’ Lost Labour The Working Class Vote When a traditionally left wing publication like The New Statesman turns on The Labour leader you can be sure the party is in bigger trouble than anyone involved with it is ever going to admit. This blog has been saying for years Labour is now more elitist than The Conservatives, the party of lawyers, academics and media luvvies. … […]


  2. […] Has ‘Hampstead Socialism’ Lost Labour The Working Class Vote When a traditionally left wing publication like The New Statesman turns on The Labour leader you can be sure the party is in bigger trouble than anyone involved with it is ever going to admit. This blog has been saying for years Labour is now more elitist than The Conservatives, the party of lawyers, academics and media luvvies. … […]


  3. […] Has ‘Hampstead Socialism’ Lost Labour The Working Class Vote When a traditionally left wing publication like The New Statesman turns on The Labour leader you can be sure the party is in bigger trouble than anyone involved with it is ever going to admit. This blog has been saying for years Labour is now more elitist than The Conservatives, the party of lawyers, academics and media luvvies. … […]


  4. […] Has ‘Hampstead Socialism’ Lost Labour The Working Class Vote When a traditionally left wing publication like The New Statesman turns on The Labour leader you can be sure the party is in bigger trouble than anyone involved with it is ever going to admit. This blog has been saying for years Labour is now more elitist than The Conservatives, the party of lawyers, academics and media luvvies. … […]


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