Starmer’s Big Covid Bet? The Three Legged Donkey In The Derby

As criticism of the government’s “science – led” and therefore utterly idiotic and wrong headed handling of the COVID pandemic gathers momentum the usual suspects in the media are off on their usual path of chanting “Everetything will be hunky dory when Labour are back in power, but it is not necessarily a foregone conclusion that the handling of the Covid-19 crisis will be the deciding factor when voters choose their next government.

Though at this point, less than a year on from the last elections it may be difficult to imagine the 2024 (or even sooner) campaign being about anything else, given the dominance of the issue in the news headlines and in our personal conversations this year, a lot can happen in four years. Suppose, for example, that The Democrats win next months U.S. Presidential Election and the babbling, senile idiot Joe Biden becomes leader of the most powerful free nation on the planet. Biden will of course be a puppet of the far left, the people who have supported extremism both at home and abroad and unleashed a wave of violence and civil unrest, lef by the Maxist organisations Antifa and Black Lives Matter, both of which have openly stated they consider violence a legitimate tactic for advancing their political agendas.

Should the USA fall into civil disorder through the activities of these groups, what kind of problems would a new Prime Minister, elected in 2024 face. Rogue states like Turkey, Iran and North Korea causing problems in sensitive regions, Russia and China extending their economic and military influence in Africa, The Pacific and South America while dickhead organisations like Unite Against Fascism, Extinction Rebellion and the SNP (Scottish Nazi Party?) cause trouble at home?

One of the many negative consequences of social media’s ubiquity and rolling 24-hour TV news is that we are fooled into believing that there is a permanent general election campaign underway and several concurrent global crises in progress. This is not the case of course the things sensationalised in banner headlines and by screaming, hysterical news anchors has little relevance to the lives of most of us but as my dear old Dad, a newsman from the late 1930s and throughout the 1950s and 60s taught me,. sensation sells.

That is why voting intention, as divined by numerous polling agencies and breathlessly reported, analysed and beaten to death in order to predict future political outcomes (sometimes far-flung future outcomes) as if a Labour lead or deficit in October 2020 will have any significance two years hence, thus enabling pundits to confidently predict Predident Biden will be greeting Prime Minister Starmer a few years from now.

I don’t know what reality altering substance journalists who make such predictions using but I’d like a few shots myself.

By 2024 many voters may have forgotten that Labour supported most of the measures introduced in the government’s inept and ineffective response to the scamdemic but you can bet Tory strategists will be eager to remind the electorate that while more of us were coming to the view that lockdows were the exact opposite of what needed to be done, promises of vaccines were just another money grabbing exercise by that peddler of not-fit-for-purpose software, Bill Gates and Test and Trace would inevitably go the way of all other government led technology projects, Starmer and Labour were calling for even stricter controls and more draconian penalties for those who defied them.

Labour are finished, their former base among the working class will not forget how the party has abandoned them in order to support the ‘woke’ agenda of superannuated Californian stoner professors and put issues like transexuals rights ahead of the very genuine concerns of the British working class, and the metropolitian ciltural Marxists who now seem to control the party will not let it return to its working class roots as they despise the working classes, the ignorant, racist xenophobes who voted to take us out of the European Union. The Lib Dems are dead, while trying to be more ‘woke‘ than Labour they were sleepwalking towards oblivion. I just hope Laurence Fox’s new party can gain some traction or we’re a one party state.

Starmer’s strategy throughout the pandemic has been to amplify the notion of governmental incompetence even if that means twisting the truth and lies. For example, with a keen eye on the ongoing development of the necessary infrastructure recommended by “scientists” to tackle Covid-19, he is continually preempting the next stage of development and using the latest recommendations as a basis of his criticisms knowing full well that the government has been working at full speed to develop the necessary infrastructure to deal with covid amidst resource constraints and the fact that the UK State was wholly unprepared for SARS-CoV-2. Unlike most of us in new media, Starmer has not criticised the government’s approach for its failure to address the obvious flaws in the scitentists recommendations, but criticised the government for not going far enough in imposing authoritarian, but completely ineffective restrictions on business and social life.

However, his strategy is likely to backfire, because as usual the university brainwashed clowns who advise Labour have misread the public mood. They are handed results from opinion polls which say that 65% of Britons think the restrictions do not go far enough and because tht is what they want to be told they do not look at the detail which would tell them that 80% of the people approached by the polling company declined to take part. By continually criticising he government on the basis of a belief that most people agree with the snowflakes, he is demonstrably confusing the public by intentionally mixing a notional state of affairs with the realities of ordinary people’s lives. As such, he is never giving the public a chance to come to terms with what is going on because he. This is diluting the effectiveness of measures and arguably making the pandemic worse.

The logic of his strategy therefore is to intentionally cause economic damage and damage to public health and then project the blame on to government and present himself as the saviour. This isn’t constructive opposition but destructive opposition.

Lastly, the Opposition’s role is to debate and offer counter arguments, not blindly oppose for the sake of opposing or to agree and tell the public, “we would do the same but we would do it better,” when the majority of the public think the response has been entirely wrong and more of it could only be more disruptive and damaging.

One of the claims made by supporters of the new Labour leader is that Starmer is not afraid to take short term unpopular decisions. What evidence is there to substantiatne such a claim ?

Starmer was instrumental in trying to subvert the Brexit decision by the british people, a position he thought was popular, having listened to the alternative reality dwellers of the ‘woke’ brigade who seemed to think millions of working class people voted for Brexit because they were too stupid to understand what they were voting for. It’s a kind of populism rooted in insanity.

During his tenure as Director of Public Prosecutions he deliberately ordered police forces to look the other way in the Asian grooming gang child sex scandal. When senior police officers said instructions to avoid raising inter – racial tensions came from ‘the very top’, in the law enforcement system The Director Of Public Prosecutions is the very top.

He remained in Corbyn’s shadow cabinet despite its lunatic policies, putting ambition over integrity. AQll of which does not much recomment his judgement and political integrity.

Since he became Labour Leader the epidemic has shielded Starmer from an examination of his record and his policies, that cannot last. He actively plotted to overturn the Brexit decision which would have been a betrayal of British voters, his leadership manifesto pledged to repeal trade union legislation, give full voting rights to EU citi-zens and to support mass immigration with no skills or qualification needed and full benefits in arrival. Starmer thinks his current tactics of pretence at supporting government COVID policy then sniping from the sidelines is smart, it isn’t, it’s an insult to the intelligence of the British voter. Add all that to the fact he has the charisma of cold porridge. With Keir Starmer as leader, Labour has even bigger problems coming than they had under Corbyn.


Labour Leadership Contenders Agree Stamping Out Transphobobia Most Important Issue

February 13, 2020
Watched the motley crew involved in the Labour leadership race on TV this morning, apart from not having a milligram of charisma between them, they haven’t learned a thing from the election defeat. Their opening pitches sounded like a ravamp of Monthy Python’s “Four Yorkshiremen” sketch… Continue reading

Jess Phillips Labour Leadership Bid Struggling. Stop Starmer Campaign Needed?

January 21, 2020
Reports coming out of Labour Party HQ suggest Jess Phillips was struggling to stay in the Labour leadership race on Monday night after the most likely union to back her opted to support “Sir” Keir Starmer, enabler of rape gangs, friend of terrorists and millionaire lawyer, instead. USDAW, … Continue reading Jess Phillips Labour Leadership Bid Struggling. Stop Starmer Campaign Needed? … Continue reading <!–

LABOUR’S SHAME: Brown’s Government ‘Urged’ Police Not To Investigate Muslim Grooming Gangs

January 11, 2020
We acknowledge this article was authored by Jordan James and originally posted on the Politicalite website. At the time of writing the site is still online and the article can be viewed by clicking the above link.  Not knowing how long … Continue reading LABOUR’S SHAME: Brown’s Government ‘Urged’ Police Not To Investigate Muslim Grooming Gangs


Labour Leadership Contest: Bring On The Clowns

December 18, 2019
The wiser heads in what was the Labour shadow cabinet before the election advised after the crushing defeat by Boris Johnson’s Conssrvatives that he party must shake off its elitist London intellectuals and get back in touch with the working clas core vote. It was wise and good advice, which ensured of course that Labour … Continue reading Labour Leadership Contest: Bring On The Clowns

Labour planned to privatise 40% of NHS as Hypocrite Corbyn accuses Johnson of selling off the health service

December 6, 2019
Labour planned to privatise 40% of NHS as Corbyn takes aim at Johnson Corbyn’s scaremongering preaches to the converted (Picture: Google) One quickly tires of Labour Party candidates and their Jew – hating supporters claiming, every time an election is in the offinge, the “The Wicked Conservatiovs plan to sell the NHS to private enterprise. … Continue reading Labour planned to privatise 40% of NHS as Hypocrite Corbyn accuses Johnson of selling off the health service

I will die an Anti Racist say Jew Hating Racist Labour leader Corbyn

November 7, 2019
  Protest against Labour Party anti – Semitism (Wikimedia commons) As former Labour Party deputy leader Tom Watson rode off into the sunset, a good man but a discredited figure because he was foolish enough to let his hatred of the elite persuade him to believe the incredible allegations of a fantasist and attention seeker … Continue reading I will die an Anti Racist say Jew Hating Racist Labour leader Corbyn

Boris’ cheap political stunt turns out to be a Labour stunt to discredit him

September 18, 2019 Labour supporting bloggers and talking heads are making a big thing of the confrontation between Boris Johnson and “a distressed parent who feels his sick child has been endangered because of Conservative’s neglect of the NHS The man accuse Johnmson of only visiting the hospital as a political stunt. In fact Omar Salem, the man … Continue reading Boris’ cheap political stunt turns out to be a Labour stunt to discredit him

Labour Haemorrhages Support As Party Slumps in Polls

July 5, 2019
Two local Labour figures have defected to the Brexit Party, as Labour sinks to fourth place in a recent YouGov poll. West Heywood councillor Alan McCarthy and former Labour councillor and leader of Rochdale council Colin Lambert defected to the Brexit Party this week. Their constituency of Rochdale voted … Continue reading Labour Haemorrhages Support As Party Slumps in Polls

4 thoughts on “Starmer’s Big Covid Bet? The Three Legged Donkey In The Derby

  1. […] Starmer’s Big Covid Bet? The Three Legged Donkey In The DerbyAs criticism of the government’s “science – led” and therefore utterly idiotic and wrong headed handling of the COVID pandemic gathers momentum the usual suspects in the media are off on their usual path of chanting “Everetything will be hunky dory when Labour are back in power, but it is not necessarily a foregone conclusion … […]


  2. […] Starmer’s Big Covid Bet? The Three Legged Donkey In The DerbyAs criticism of the government’s “science – led” and therefore utterly idiotic and wrong headed handling of the COVID pandemic gathers momentum the usual suspects in the media are off on their usual path of chanting “Everetything will be hunky dory when Labour are back in power, but it is not necessarily a foregone conclusion … […]


  3. […] Starmer’s Big Covid Bet? The Three Legged Donkey In The DerbyAs criticism of the government’s “science – led” and therefore utterly idiotic and wrong headed handling of the COVID pandemic gathers momentum the usual suspects in the media are off on their usual path of chanting “Everetything will be hunky dory when Labour are back in power, but it is not necessarily a foregone conclusion … […]


  4. […] Starmer’s Big Covid Bet? The Three Legged Donkey In The DerbyAs criticism of the government’s “science – led” and therefore utterly idiotic and wrong headed handling of the COVID pandemic gathers momentum the usual suspects in the media are off on their usual path of chanting “Everetything will be hunky dory when Labour are back in power, but it is not necessarily a foregone conclusion … […]


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