Boris Brassed Off With Sunak’s Resistance To Nuclear Revival

20 March 2022 • 7:31am

Speaking at the Conservative spring conference in Blackpool on Saturday, Boris Johnson addressed energy security plans by saying that Britain ‘will make better use of our own naturally occurring hydrocarbons rather than importing them’
Boris Johplns for energy securityanson spoke extensively of the government’s at the Conservative spring conference in Blackpool on Saturday, Credit: REUTERS

The one lesson liberal democracies in the west have learned from the Ukraine conflict, is that virtue signalling committments to ‘net zero’ and saving the planet achieved nothing and only led to the biggest economic powers, by switching to ‘sustainable energy sources’ which could not sustain a constant, reliable output level, making themselves reliant for energy on imported oil and gas from potentially uncooperative governments in nations like Russia, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia and thus now facing energy shortfalls as imports from Russia dry up.

Rather late in the day government’s are waking up to the fact that instead of economic sanctions serving as a weapon against Russia in its conflict with Ukraine, Russia’s retaliatory bans on exports have turned sanctions into a weapon against the people of European Union and NATO member states. Europe and North America facing an energy crisis with spiralling fuel costs driving millions of families into poverty and crippling thousands of businesses, both large and small.

There is little that can be done to avert the worst consequences of the current crisis, the failure of energy policies based on switching from reliable sources like gas, oil, coal and nuclear to unreliable sources like wind turbines and solar panels had already created the crisis before tensions between Ukraine and Russia boiled over, the outbreak of war and imposition of sanctions have only exacerbated the problem.

The solution however, a return to coal in the short term, reopening previously uneconomic oil and gas fields now that financial market prices for these commodities has made them viable again, and a revival of nuclear power, the only reliable and CO2 free fuel for energy generation in the long term, at least until new sources such as thorium reactors, nuclear fission and hydrogen gas are sufficiently developed. But as some elements in the political establishment are taking a realistic line on these future developments, others, worried perhaps by nuclear;s dodgy reputation or its track record of proving far more expensive that estimates suggest, are resisting a move in that direction.

Unnamed sources in Westminster are leaking reports today that suggest that Boris Johnson is at loggerheads with finance chief Rishi Sunak over the Chancellor’s apparent resistance to Johnson’s newly discovered enthusiasm for dramatically increasing the number of nuclear power stations in Britain.

Apparently Sunak’s refusal to support the Prime Minister on a rapid expansion of the Government’s plans for nuclear power is a setback for the key element Boris’ energy strategy announced earlier this month. The Prime Minister believes there is no alternative to nuclear if he is to secure Britain’s energy supplies long-term in the face of a crisis that could have been avoided if politicians and their advisers had thought through their policy proposals properly instead of being influenced by the sentimental screeching of the green lobby.

The Prime Minister reportedly believes that the Treasury was to blame for earlier attempts to get nuclear energy into place, being stymied on account of its likely cost. Johnson is due to meet nuclear power companies on Monday to discuss how quickly new, small nuclear plants could be rolled out.

The bust up between Boris and his right hand man comes days before Mr Sunak’s spring statemen, when he is expected to unveil measures to address the cost of living crisis. 

The tension between Rishi Sunak and Mr Johnson comes days before the Chancellor is due to deliver his spring statement
The tension between Rishi Sunak and Mr Johnson comes days before the Chancellor is due to deliver his spring statement Credit: PA

Last year,when oil and gas were plentiful and cheap, environment minister Lord Goldsmith warned that nuclear was “the most expensive form of energy in the history of energy” – a criticism that Boris Johnson appeared to tackle head on last week. In an article for The Daily Telegraph, the Prime Minister wrote: “So now is the time to make a series of big new bets on nuclear power. The 1997 Labour manifesto said there was ‘no economic case’ for more nuclear – even though nuclear is in fact safe, clean and reliable. But that was long before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine pushed oil and gas prices to multi-year highs.


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