‘Everyone Agreed’ on Vaccine Passports, Merkel Announces at EU Coronavirus Summit

Picture: Getty / Christian Marquardt

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany announced to other EU leaders during Thursday’s Zoom meeting on the EU response to Coronavirus that there is a unanimous agreement within the European Union on implementing a coronavirus vaccine passport. It is not clear whether the other 26 leaders agreed with Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel of their own volition or if she simply told them, “Ve haff vays of making you understand der German vay iss der only vay.”

Merkel said that such a system could be implemented as soon as the summer, but claimed that the introduction of a vaccine passport “does not mean that only those who have a vaccination passport are allowed to travel,” according to the German broadcaster DW. If people who do not have a vaccine passport are allowed to travel it is difficult to understand what the point of introducing them would be. On the other hand it’s difficult to see how countries like Spain, Portugal and Greece, with economies that benefit from tourism would want to turn awau thousands of visitors with money to spend.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen praised Israel’s implementation of ‘Green Passes’, a system in which the government tracks and documents an individual’s vaccination history in order to facilitate travel or to attend synagogues, theatres, concerts, or to go to the gym. While Merkel and von der Leyen the EU might harbour ambitions of establishing the kind of police state regulation operated in Israel such authoritarianism would be unlikely to play well in nations like France, Hungary, Poland, Netherlands and Belgium where Germany’s authoritarian tendencies are still regarded with deep suspicion.

While there has so far been no agreement within the EU as far as a standardised system, von der Leyen said that the Commission is working to craft a “gateway for interoperability between nations.” Knowing the way the EU works it is difficult to see a standard procedure being agreed by summer 2021 …….. or by summer 2041 for that matter.

The embattled EU commission president did however note that member states will “have to act fast” in order to implement a vaccine passport for this summer. To date, the European Union has only inoculated eight per cent of its population, compared to nearly 30 per cent in Brexit Britain. It must be remembered thatthe British figure is somwhat distorted because the government is counting all those offered the vaccine as being vaccinated, to admit that around 20% are refusing the shot would destroy the credibility of te “Britain’s Vaccine Miracle” narrative.

The failure across EU member states to vaccinate a significant portion of the population has led to concerns that vaccine passports would be discriminatory. Merkel admitted the concern this week, saying: “As long as the number of those who have been vaccinated is still so much smaller than the number who are waiting for vaccination, the state should not treat the two groups differently.”


Spain Arrests People Traffickers And Drug Smugglers Crossing From North Africa in Speedboats
Spanish police announced the arrest of 90 people involed in a smuggling rackets that moved both people and drugs from Africa to Europe. The Civil Guard released a statement today stating that the smuggling network regularly moved people and drugs from Ceuta, a Spanish enclave in northern Africa to The Costa del Sol in high powered semi inflatable speedcraft of the type often used to move illegal immigrants from Libya to Italy or Turkey to Greece.

EU States Rebel Against Brussels As Van Leyen Demands Borders Stay Open

The cracks in European solidarity are growing deeper by the day as the coronavirus crisis threatens to split the bloc. The response of European leaders has varied from panic, as several member-states have takeen unilateral action including severe border closures, to a laissez – fair attidude, notably from France’s idiot president Emmanuel Macron who favours total inaction, having said complacently that viruses don’t recognise borders.

University free speech society told free speech a ‘red risk’, external speakers must be vetted

Sheffield University’s recently formed Free Speech Society has been warned that free speech is a “red risk” and all external speakers at events it organises will have to be vetted by the University Thought Police squad and the topics they intend to talk about shown to be in line with ideas and opinions the titty – sucking babies who run the Student Union are not frightened by. Coninue Reading

Germany sliding into ‘dangerous’ anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist
As Germany’s economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria” amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti – immigration AfD Party.

Salvini Accuses Leftist Govt of Giving Away Italian Sovereignty to EUMatteo Salvini leader of the hugely popular Populist League (Lega) party, which, despite having a democratic mandate, was excluded from the government of Italy by a stitch up enigineered by the Euronazi EU Commission in Brussels, has accused Giuseppe Conte the Italian prime minister apponted by the EU, of handing over Italian sovereignty to the European Union bureaucrats

EU’s Top Eurofederalist admits EU wants an empire
The leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Europe (ALDE)
told CNN that plans to reform the EU and devolve power from Brussels back to the nation-state proposed by the populist paries that have spring up in member states, and led by Matteo Salvin’s Lega (League) in Italy, Marine le Pen and her Rassemblement National in France and Hungary’s Victor Orban, leader of the Fidesz party would mean that the bloc “will die inside.”

Little Donny Tusk The Polish Has-Been Tells Britain How To Vote.
Donald Tusk, who is the President of the European Council and was the centre-right Europhile Prime Minister of Poland from 2007 to 2014 made the remarks in support of his former Deputy Prime Minister, Anglo-Pole Jan-Vincent Rostowski who is standing as a Change UK candidate in London for Thursday’s election.

EU Dictatorship: German MEP says process of choosing Juncker successor a hoax as European elections near
The process of selecting the person who will succeed Jean-Cluade Juncker as European Commission President is a deeply flawed “hoax” dreamed up by “Eurofanatics” who want to create a United States of Europe, a German MEP said today. Hans-Olaf Henkel made his remarks as the prospective candidates – known as Spitzenkandidaten, in Germany, jockeyed for position.

Europe’s Nationalists Unite Behind Salvini Ahead Of EU Elections

With the EU elections due in May this year expected to deliver another body blow to the dream of a Federal European superstate, Europe’s more conservative nationalist parties have today announced an alliance that is aiming to become the strongest group in the European Parliament, with a view to forcing to radical reform on the EU bureaucracy in Brussels, which dictates policy on security, migration, family and the environment, according to Euro News.

Harold MacMillan’s EU warning revealed
Harold MacMillan, British Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963 gave us a chilling warning about the EEC – (European Economic Community) – before Britain joined the bloc, claiming that Germany had planned on using the trading bloc, as an instrument to assert its supremacy across the continent once more. On Wednesday, 3 April, 2019 The House of Commons voted in favour of legislation which forces the Government to request another extension for ‘Brexit’, giving our current Prime Minister Theresa May more time to show us the comtempt the ruling elite have for the principles of democracy.

Leaked Document Reveals Unacceptable Demands Made By EU Ahead Of Final Talks Before Brexit Deadline
A Secret document has revealed concession the EU is demanding before beginning fresh talks on Brexit ahead of the 12 april dealine. According to a memo seen by the Sunday Times, Brussels is demanding the UK must continue to pay its share of the EU budget, must implement new measures on citizens’ rights, and sign a legally binding agreement to arrangements to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and The Republic.

Merkel: EU Members Must Cede control Of Their Border To Brussels
German Chanellor Angela Merkel sparked outrage today and pushed the EU cloers to its final disintegration when she stated that EU Member states would be forced to surrender on of their most important sovereign powers, control of their borders, to Brussels in order that the unelected bureaucrats of the European commission could ‘manage’ immigration (i.e. open the border crossings and let any criminally inclined bunch of fanatics enter Europe.

Spanish Socialist Budget Fails As Budget Rejected; New Elections Expected

We predicted last year when the socialist leader Pedto Sancjez usurped the Spanish government after the collapse of the minority government led by Mariano Rajoy collapsed, could not last. In a widely expected but destabilizing development, Spanish conservatives and pro-independence Catalonians voted to back a slate of amendments to a government budget on Wednesday by a wide margin of 191 votes out of 350,

EU Stitch Up To Promote Euronazi Selmayr’s Is Typical Of The EU’s Contempt For Democracy
# The former Prime Minister of little Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker to ensure his chief of staff was installed as the new Secretary-General of the European Commission, in what one senior Eurocrat has called “an impeccably prepared and audacious power-grab” at the top of the European Union.

EU “Sounds Alarm” Over New US Sanctions On Russia; Germany Threatens Retaliation
Late on Friday (21/07/17), Congressional negotiators agreed to advance a cross – party bill that would punish Russia for its (alleged) interference in the 2016 election according to the Wall Street Journal. And while it seems improbable that President Trump would sign the bill if it reaches his desk, the loudest complaint about the bill to date has emerged not from the Oval Office, but from US allies in NATO and the European Union …

Fears Over Threat To Sovereignty Could Wreck EU European Army Plan
No they’re not Star Wars Imperial Stormtroopers, they are German soldiers assigned to an international peacekeeping force, showing how like Imperial Stormtroopers a pan European army might look (Image source)

Germany Threatens Sanctions Against Poland Over ‘Lack of Western Values’ (for Western read German)
Last year, Poland’s conservative nationalist Law and Justice party (PiS), led by former Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski, captured both the presidency and parliament at elections in May and November. Since taking office, the party’s lawmakers have used their parliamentary majority to initiate a series of controversial legal reforms, causing concerns both at home and abroad, specifically in Brussels and in Berlin.

Germany sliding into ‘dangerous’ anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist

Isobel Schnable – worried about anti EU mood in Germany

As Germany’s economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria” amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti – immigration AfD Party.

Marcel Fratzscher said the entire European Union would be damaged by the backlash against the ECB’s austerity policies and the cost to Germany of propping up the single currency. Mr Fratscher is chief of the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin and has also been an executive of the Eurozone’s central bank. He told UK financial newspaper The Financial Times: “Germany is sliding into a dangerous anti-Europe, anti-ECB mood, which threatens to damage the ECB’s credibility, the Euro an ultimately all of Europe.”

The warning comes less than two weeks after Chancellor Merkel’s ruling coalition suuffered heavy defeats intwo regional elections and Germany’s newly appointed ECB board member Isabel Schnabel called on her fellow economists to tone down their scathing analysis of the ECB’s performance. Ms Schnabel, an economics professor at the University of Bonn, predicted a crisis for the Euro if Germans did not take a step back to reflect on their country’s direction. Unfortunately for EU fans in Germany, voters have had years to reflect on the direction in which Merkel is leading the country and have decided they do not like it.

In an attempt to appeal to other German economists Schnable tweeted: “Dear fellow German economists, if you are wondering what you can do for Europe: Please help to dispel the harmful & wrong narratives about the ECB’s monetary policy, floating around in political and media circles. These threaten the euro more than many other things.”

This is rather spurious as nobody takes any notice of economists because they are always wrong. And the voters are in no mood to listen.

Unfortunately, the majority of Germans are opposed to further political and economic integration of EU member states, the country is politically polarised and with left and right more opposed to the idea of working with each other to bring down the government than they are to allowing Merkel’s centrist coalition to blunder on with the country politically paralyzed, it seems things can only get worse. In another blow to The Chancellor, her main coalition partner, the Social Democrats (SDP) this week lurched to the left by electing a far left candidate as its leader.


Europe Unglues

German Region Thuringia Election Result Heralds The Collapse Of Germany

We have reported the growing likelyhood of an economic and social collapse in Germany both here and in our Daily Stirrer pages, but nothing has pointed towards that inevitable conclusion to Merkel’s mess and the accompanying disintegration of the European Union more strongly than the results of last weekends regional electioons for the state government of  Thuringia, a province in the north east of the country.

The near collapse of the two centrist parties, Angela Merkel’s CDU and the Social Democrats (SPD), which for decades dominated German politics, looks like a omen of what lies ahead in German politics and EU politics.


A majority in Thuringia, ruled by the CDU since the early 1990’s until 2014 when Die Linke took over with the Social Democrats and the Greens, just voted against the centrist, Merkelist, grand coalition of standing for nothing but globalism and tighter EU integration.

Die Linke (a coalition of hard left Marxists and other left of centre extremists,) and Alternative for Germany (AfD) secured more than 54% of the total vote. Die Linke, the remnant of the East German Communist Party, and AfD, the new face of Eurosceptic nationalism, anti-immigration and fiscally responsible Germans, took first and second place ahead of Merkel’s CDU.

(source Wikipedia via  Thüringer Landesamt für Statistik – Thuringer statistics office)

Whereas in 2014, Die Linke formed a government with the SPD and the Greens, today they cannot, the grouping falls 4 seats short of a majority, and the Greens barely beat the 5% threshold for representation.  Had they not the coalition calculus would be unsolvable.

Merkel and the CDU, though they beat old rivals the SDP by a big margin will exclude themselves from the state government as the Europhile leadership categorically refuse to make a deal with AfD in any capacity, the sticking point being Merkel’s blinkered committent to her open doors immigration policy which has been the cause of so many of the country’;s social and economic problems.  It looks as if Turingia will be without an effective government for some time. The situation is just as bad in Brandenburg which voted in September and where the establishment has effectively blocked a coalition that contains the anti – EU Alternatif fur Deutschland.

This is becoming a trend in the EU where Spain, Belgium, Portugal and Italy are without effective governments because of undemocratic meddling in election results by Brussels.

In both German states, complex coalitions of incompatible parties will be needed the formation of any government and with at least four parties involved, to cobble together a majority on any controversial issue will be almost impossible because the only thing they agree on  is their refusal to collaborate with with AfD.  Lower Saxony will likely retain its current coalition between Merkel’s CDU, the SPD and the Greens after their election last month, although the demands of the Greens as their price for joining such a coalition, environmentalist reforms that will be ruinous for the local economy, are likely to be unacceptable to CDU and SDP representatives. .

These, and other recent regional election results in Germany all highlight the direction the country’s voters are moving, away from Brussels and Euro – Federalism and towards nationalism and a reclamation of national sovereignty. Voters are also repulsed by the mainstream party’s making impossible promises to everyone and reneging on them in order to advance “the European project,” by transforming the 27 member states into a federal republic, and against the Islamification of German society which is Merkel’s legacy.  As Alexander Mercouris of The Duran pointed out the other day, Merkel’s modus operandi is to hold the line on the status quo regardless of the social mayhem her policies are creating around her.

That has created a a situation where an illusion of stability and control is projected on the surface on the surface while is teetering on collapse with every new social development or item of economic news.

For years now, since the immigration crisis broke, the Hausfrau Volksfuhrer has been trying to keep the European project moving towards “ever closer integration” while ignoring domestic problems or pretending all bad news is just a “far right conspiracy theory.”  But in trying to keep things as they are in the world outside Germany, she’s let allowed Germany’s internal problems to run out of control.

Germany’s state elections this autumn in Germany have been not only been a a disaster for Merkel, they have also encouraged an upsurge in opposition to the EU central bureaucracy throughout Europe. Member states know that without German money propping up the EU, the organisation cannot survive. And with the UK, the second largest net contributor to EU funds after Germany about to leave, the burden has become unsupportable for the faltering German economy. And that is making thevpolitical situation even more unstable.

Look back to the aftermath of the 2017 national election and how hard it was for Merkel to put a ruling coalition together, leaving the EU’s most economically powerful member state without an effective government for over six months.  Some commentators predicted the end of Merkelism but somehow Merkel survived at the head of a fragile and unconvincing coalition The problems she’s facing now were just as acute then. but she chose to paper them over with yet another disastrous coalition with the Social Democrats and CSU.

What’s clear is that political opinions about the future of Germany are hardening away from the consensus politics Merkel’s Party and the SDP have been selling in fact the collapse of the SDP, once the default party of government is even more astounding than the decline of Merkel’s CDU.

The event most likely to trigger the collapse and fragmentation of Germany will be the failure of Deutschebank, the financial giant that, saddled with mountains of debt run up by the EU’s basket case economies, has been effectively insolvent for some time. There’s nothing quite as potent in destroying confidence than the failure of a major financial institutions, and in this case, when (not if,) the bank fails, the figer of blame will be pointed at the globalist government in Berlin.


Germany: Economy crisis a growth stalls – car production crashes

Germany Heading For Political Instability After European Assembly Elections?

German Alarm Grows Over EU Determination To Punish Britain For Leaving

German Interior Minister Demands Tougher Asylum Laws After ‘Orgy of Violence’ Mob Attack

Disastrous Manufacturing Figure Herald German Economic Recession

Germany has long been the prop that held up the economically feeble EU, in which more than helf the 27 members that will remain in the bloc after Britain leaves are economic basket cases (some due only to the strictures of Eurozone membership, others because of the traditional weakness of their national economies,) so with Germany slipping towards the recession we and other well informed blogs and news site have predicted since Merkel’s ‘open doors’ immigration policy allowed a couple of million iliterate, uneducated, unskilled and unemployable immigrants to flood into the country, incresing the bill for welfare services exponentially, problems for Germany’s high – tech manufacturing led economy which needs highly skilled, well educated and adaptable workers and professionals was inevitable.

When we wrote about the early signs of recession in the German economy we were scoffed at, called far – right nut jobs and conspiracy theorists, and inevitably, racists because anyone but a racist would know that a couple of millon unemployable immigrants living on benefits can only boost a high – tech economy.

Today, for all the auusurances by Europhile politicians and bureaucrats that everything in the European Union is on the up and up, Germany is on red alert for recession following the biggest collapse in activity for its mighty industrial sector since the financial crisis. Technically Germany already is in recession, they’re just not willing to admit it.

The eurozone’s bigge,t and most powerful economy relies on exports but its car industry has been punished by a slowing global economy,   government policies promoting electric vehichles which nobody want to buy because they are hideously expensive and useless, and the fallout of the trade war between the US and China.

Financial information service IHS Markit’s latest snapshot of Germany’s manufacturing growth – where a score under 50 signals contraction – dipped to 41.4, its worst level since 2009, as demand from non – EU trading partners slumped. There were also worrying signs that the manufacturing slump is spreading to the service sector after firms in that sector experience their first fall in new business since 2014.

Confidence among German businesses is the weakest since 2012, private sector job creation is stalling after six years of growth and companies are eating into backlogs as new orders begin to dry up, the figures showed.

Germany’s economy shrank an overall 0.1pc between April and June. Monday’s dire survey data comes after recent official figures showed a sharp 0.6pc drop in industrial production in July.

Phil Smith, principal economist at IHS Markit, said Germany’s manufacturing data was “simply awful”, with combined readings for services and manufacturers “firmly in contraction territory” and the weakest for almost seven years.

MORE on GermanyEurope
The Daily Stirrer

Little Donny Tusk The Polish Has Been Tells Britain How To Vote.

Senior European Union officials have once again intervened in a British election, as European Council President Donald Tusk urges Londoners to back his preferred candidate when voting on Thursday.

Donald Tusk, who is the President of the European Council and was the centre-right Europhile Prime Minister of Poland from 2007 to 2014 made the remarks in support of his former Deputy Prime Minister, Anglo-Pole Jan-Vincent Rostowski who is standing as a Change UK candidate in London for Thursday’s election.

The top Eurocrat released a statement Tuesday in which he told pro-remain Brits to vote for the recently founded Change UK party, which supports a second referendum as a means to keep the United Kingdom inside the European Union. POLITICO reports Tusk’s remarks as: “Jan Rostowski worked with me as finance minister of Poland for six years and then as my Deputy prime minister.

“Not only was he the best finance minister in Europe during the financial crisis, he is also a very dear friend who would make a great MEP for London, which I know he loves. I urge Londoners who want Britain to stay in the EU to vote for him.”

While Rostowoski was Poland’s Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister under Tusk, he was born educated in London, part of a community of Polish citizens in exile during the Nazi and Communist eras.

The Change UK party has enjoyed a difficult first two months, since it was established by a group of globalist, centrist Labour and Conservative Members of Parliament who left their respective parties citing concern over the nation’s direction over Brexit. Claiming to represent a frustrated sizeable majority of Brits who felt unrepresented after the country voted by a margin of over 1.2 million votes, they are instead polling at less than five per cent.

This failure to resonate with voters has been thrown into particularly sharp contrast by the runaway success of the Brexit Party, which is also less than two months old but is polling in first place for Thursday’s election.

Tusk, who was PM of Poland from 2007-2014 and is a staunch ally of arch Eurofederalist Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel, and has been ‘threatening’ Brexiteers with the torments of Hell, whilst working eagerly to derail/cancel/reverse Brexit, has a big angry – red splodge on his record which should dissuade anybody from giving any credence to anything he says:

He has been accused of responsibility for the Smolensk air crash, which conveniently wiped out practically the leadership of his (and  Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel’s) whole national sovereignty supporting opposition leadership. It is known Tusk engineered the cover not merely the cover-up on the Polish side:

from Wikipedia:

April 2010, a Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft of the Polish Air Force crashed near the Russian city of Smolensk, killing all 96 people on board. Among the victims were the President of Poland Lech Kaczyński and his wife Maria, the former President of Poland in exile Ryszard Kaczorowski, the chief of the Polish General Staff and other senior Polish military officers, the president of the National Bank of Poland, Polish Government officials, 18 members of the Polish Parliament, senior members of the Polish clergy and relatives of victims of the Katyn massacre. The group was arriving from Warsaw to attend an event commemorating the 70th anniversary of the massacre, which took place not far from Smolensk.

The pilots were attempting to land at Smolensk North Airport—a former military airbase—in thick fog, with visibility reduced to about 500 metres (1,600 ft). The aircraft descended far below the normal approach path until it struck trees, rolled inverted and crashed into the ground, coming to rest in a wooded area a short distance from the runway.[2]

Both the Russian and Polish official investigations found no technical faults with the aircraft, and concluded that the crew failed to conduct the approach in a safe manner in the given weather conditions. The Polish authorities found serious deficiencies in the organization and training of the Air Force unit involved, which was subsequently disbanded. Several high-ranking members of the Polish military resigned, under pressure from politicians and the media.

Various conspiracy theories about the crash have since been in circulation, and are promoted by Law and Justice‘s leaders Jarosław Kaczyński (twin brother to Polish President Lech Kaczyński, who died in the crash) and his deputy, Antoni Macierewicz, who claim the crash was a political assassination. Polish and international investigations did not find any evidence supporting this version.[2]

That’s the official story. There is no such thing as a minority report when government inquiries are discussed, but independent investigations have come up with some very interesting findings.






Note how happy Tusk looks in link above, on the very evening of the crash! The expression on his face is similar to that of US President George W Bush on being told of the disaster at New York’s World Trade Center on 11 September 2001. Like he is double-air-punching for joy as he grins at Putin. Incredible! Once he realizes a camera is on him, he wipes the grin and substitutes a look of concern. Talk about a ‘smoking gun’!


The anti – Brexit message from Mr Tusk comes just weeks after the European Union’s Brexit coordinator, Belgian Federalism maniac  Guy Verhofshit  who, critics say, has been deeply antagonistic towards the United Kingdom during Brexit negotiations — travelled to London to campaign for the Liberal Democrats.

Praising the enthusiastically pro-European Union membership party, whose election slogan for this vote is imaginatively titled “Bollocks to Brexit“, Mr Verhofstadt told supporters in a leafy London square: “This is Europe. Europe. It’s all Europe.”

Top European figures did not publicly call on the British people to vote one way or another during the 2016 referendum where Britain chose to leave the European Union, a matter of regret in Brussels where it is apparently believed that instructing voters to stay in Europe could have swayed the decision. European Commission Chief Jean-Claude Juncker said this month that he should have intervened, saying had he done so he could have “destroyed the lies” which he claimed caused Brexit.
Europe Unglues
Brexit and The EU
Europe – Greenteeth catalogue
The Daily Stirrer

After Triggering Mass Migration Crisis, Germany Bribing Foreigners To Leave

Angela Merkel is seen by many Germans as more committed to advancing Islam in Europe than respresenting the wished of German voters. (picture source: www.tapwires.com )

Though Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel only clings to power by her fingernails as the fragile coalition she leads staggers from crisis to crisis, the damaging effects of her ‘open doors’ immigration policy, which triggered the European Union’s mass migration crisis continue to damage Germany. It may be amusing for supporters of national sovereignty to observe her antics as, with one face the pledges support for a United Nations initiative to open all national borders top anybody wishing to cross, while with the other she tries to persuade German voters she has listened to public opinion and understands her mass immigration policy is abhorred by a majority of voters, but it is harming Germany.

The migrant crisis and its effect in destroying the Globalist and Eurocrat dream of merging the EU’s member states into a single federal superstate, a policy of which Merkel has been one a leading supporter, is probably the main, no not the only, thing behind the resurgence of nationalism, and is also credited with revealing to voters just how far out of touch with ordinary people political leaders, media commentators and showbiz luvvies are.

In one of it’s most bizarrre misreadings of the public mood yet, the German government has now mounted an aggressive campaign to encourage illegal migrants to leave germany by bribing them with free rent for a year in their home countries if they return.

“Your country. Your future. Now!” read billboards in seven languages, plastered in nearly 2,500 locations across 80 German cities, reports the National Post.

A series of flags corresponding with the top-destinations – Egypt, Turkey, Afghanistan, Eritrea and Russia – shapes a zigzagging road to a fictional horizon.

The “ReturningfromGermany” ad campaign is the latest tactic by the German government to boost departures and deter migration, in a reversal of Angela Merkel’s controversial welcoming policy of 2015 at the height of the Syrian refugee crisis. The campaign is the brainchild of  interior minister Horst Seehofer, Merkel’s rebellious right-wing rival, who forced a coalition crisis over Germany’s asylum policy last summer. –National Post

New arrivals of undocumented, unskilled and in many cases illiterate people have arrived trying to claim asylum seeker or refugee status, (they are neither, being purely economic migrants,)  have normalized since a flood of 700,000 migrants three years ago,  a backlog of rejected claims has built up due  to the lengthy legal process involved in deporting these people. The billboard campaign is aimed at the estimated 235,000 people who are still required to leave the country according to the interior ministry.

Most asylum seekers whose claims have been rejected can’t return to their country of origin due for several reason; danger, lack of documentation or they suffer from an illness. The German government has dubbed these people “duldung,” which means “tolerated.”

Denied asylum seekers who don’t fit either of those categories typically don’t show up for their deportation. Of more than 20,000 scheduled airport repatriations in 2018, just half of them appeared to take flights back home.

Horst Seehofer, the German interior minister, aims to encourage migrants to leave with the cash-giveaway billboard campaign – offering 1,000 – 1,200 euros for a single person and 3,000 for families to provide for basic needs.

Not everyone is a fan of the new “stepping stone system,” in which “you get more money if you choose to leave earlier on,” according to Meiki Riebau – a lawyer and migration expert at Save the Children Germany.  Riebau’s organisation is still supporting Merkel’s discredited “All migrsnts, refugees and asylum seekers welcome” approach to immigration control. This is going down like the proverbial lead Zeppelin with the families of women, girls and some boys who have been victims of violent sexual assaults by sexually incontinent Muslim males.

Perhaps Germany’s cash incentive will turn out to be more successful than Britain’s approach when Prime Minister Theresa May had vans drive through neighborhoods with billboards reading “Go home or face arrest.” Her initiative resulted in just 11 voluntary departures.Obviously life in a British prison is preferable to life in a third world shithole country. British voters understandably take the view that these people are not our problem.



Germany Heading For Political Instability After EU Elections?
it may be premature to write off the AfD because it is entirely possible their supporters suffered a bout of apathy with regard to the European Parliament, being aware the European Commission will not allow any nationalist grouping to gain influence in the parliament, the Left made some astonishing gains at the expense of Merkel’s CDU and its coalition partners the CSU and SDP. The always fragile coalition is now in even more trouble …

Immigration crisis in Germany
Immigration omnibus
German Interior Minister Demands Tougher Asylum Laws After ‘Orgy of Violence’ Mob Attack
Merkel finally acknowledges no go zones for Europeans in Germany


Euronazi Merkel comes out of the bunker at last.

Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty”, according to The German Chancellor, who told an enthusiatic audience of party members audience in Berlin that nation states must not listen to the concerns of their citizens when it comes to questions of immigration, borders, or even sovereignty.

Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel – something familiar about that salute?
Picture Source: Wikimedia Commons

If you are thinking this was something said by Adolf Hitler at a Nazi party rally in the 1930s, you would be wrong, the words were spoken by German Chancellor Angela Merkel at an event organised by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin. Merkel has announced she won’t seek re-election in 2021 and it seems she now feels sade to come out of the closet and show her true colours in order to push the globalist agenda to its disturbing conclusion of creating a totalitarian world government before she stands down.

In an orderly fashion of course,” Merkel joked, attempting to lighten the mood. But Merkel has always had a tin ear for comedy and she soon launched into a dark speech in support of authoritarianism and the dominance of an academic elite, condemning those in her own party who believe the German government should have listened to public opinion and refused to sign the controversial UN migration pact which seeks to make migration a human right and create a borderless world:

There were [politicians] who believed that they could decide when these agreements are no longer valid because they are representing The People”.

[But] the people are just individuals who are living in a country, they are not a group who define themselves as the [German] people,” she stressed, showing the self righteousness of any Nazi leader or senior officer in Kaiser Bill’s WW1 regime.

Merkel has previously accused critics of the UN Global Compact for Safe and Orderly Migration of not being patriotic, saying “That is not patriotism, because patriotism is when you include others in German interests and accept win-win situations”.

Her words, while ignoring the problems wrought on German society by the consequences of her “open doors” immigration policy, echo recent comments by the deeply unpopular French President Emmanuel Macron who stated in a Remembrance Day speech that “patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism [because] nationalism is treason.”

The French president’s words went down like the proverbial lead zeppelin with the French population, which is more volatile than the German people, and not only caused his approval rating to plunge even further, but also exacerbated the yellow vests protests which have brought civil unrest to France. French cities have experienced problems similar to those of Germany since the mass immigration crisis began in 2015.

Macron, former Goldman Sachs executive who was given a quadruple charisma by – pass before being shoehorned into the presidency, is now proving so utterly devoid of leadership qualities and is totally incapable of dealing with growing protests in France. In spite of that he has not lost his typically French penchant for delusional self – aggrandising and recently told the Bundestag that France and Germany should be at the center of the emerging New World Order.

The Franco-German couple [has]the obligation not to let the world slip into chaos and to guide it on the road to peace”.

Europe must be stronger… and win more sovereignty,” he went on to demand, just like Merkel, that EU member states surrender national sovereignty to Brussels over “foreign affairs, migration, and development” as well as giving “an increasing part of our budgets and even fiscal resources”.

Merkel meanwhile, has pronounced Donald Trump a lame duck president and despite her own position as a lame duck chancellor leading a minority government, has pronounced herself the new de facto leader of the free world.


Immigration Germany
New World Order
A Chronicle Of Decay

MERKEL: Chancellor calls voters in DESPERATE plea days before election

the daily stirrer
ANGELA Merkel has been pictured telephoning residents in the state of Hesse before they head to the polls in a crunch vote, which threatens to tear down the German Chancellor’s government.

The German leader made the unusual step to directly phone voters in a desperate bid to persuade them to back her party CDU’s candidate in Hesse, home to Germany’s financial capital, Frankfurt.

Merkel is desperate to claw back power in the state, one of the CDU’s traditional strongholds.

With support for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the Greens rising, according to opinion polls, it looks increasingly likely the CDU will lose power. Losing Hesse would prompt calls for Mrs Merkel to resign as Chancellor, bringing her 13-year premiership to an inglorious end and prompting a leadership challenge.

Images of Mrs Merkel phoning residents posted on Twitter exposes the chancellor’s fragility as she clings on to power after 18 years at the helm of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Posting the photo

(above), which shows Mrs Merkel on the phone, Nico Lange wrote: “Well, good morning, this is Angela Merkel. “Chancellor, Minister-President Bouffier and Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer are motivating election campaigners of the CDU in Hesse with direct phone calls.”

Angela Merkel’s popularity has taken a battering after her open door policy saw more than one million African and Middle Eastern refugees arrive in Germany in 2015. The German Chancellor’s party is set to receive only 26 percent of the votes at the upcoming state election in Hesse, according to a survey by pollster Forschungsgruppe Wahlen for broadcaster ZDF.

More on Germany

How Many Times Can Lame Duck Merkel Regenerate Her Government?

Dr Merkel-who

This week the new series of Doctor Who launched amid much ballyhoo about the mysterious Doctor being played for the first time by a woman. While many pedantic Whovians (or whatever they call themselves,) are appalled and complain that the lead role belongs to a man, in my not so humble opinion Jodie Whittaker (best know to date for Broadchurch,) the thirteenth Doctor Who, looks as if she may be the best Doctor since David Tennant. She brought to the role a sense of fun which has been missing since Tennant. Both Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi, the two most recently transformed Doctors in what has become a long line of regenerated Doctors are excellent actors, but somehow lacked the charisma to carry off a role that needs to be played with an attitude of, “I know this story is bollocks, but it’s not meant to be taken seriously so let’s have fun.” What has this to do with angela Merkel and Germany? you might well ask. Indulge me, all will become clear.

In the past few years the show had come over all politically correct and disappeared up its own arse. Another field of human endeavour that was in the past a lot of fun but has now fallen into the trap of taking itself too seriously is politics. Take Germany for example. Germans have always been a bit prone to taking silly things seriously. That Master race nonsense a few decades ago is a case in point. Germany was the most prosperous and stable democracy in Europe under Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel until she won her third term as Chanellor. That victory had the same effect as being declared divine once had on Roman Emperors. Merkel began to believe her own publicity, and thought she could change the world by supporting schemes to unite Europe under a single government and flood the continent with third world migrants (aka cheap labour for Germany’s factories). And she believed she could succeed because Germans, the ignorant masses, would march in lockstep behind her.

And that’s when it all started to go wrong. Uncontrolled immigration caused social and economic problems, while Merkel’s popularity slumped so much that in the wake of the inconclusive election of September 2017 her conservative CDU party was forced into a coalition with their traditional rivals the socialist SPD to keep nationalist and Eurosceptic parties out of power. Yet Merkel, who had looked dead in the water, is still afloat, her political career having undergone more regenerations that Doctor Who.

Earlier this year, Merkel managed to avoid a potentially disastrous second election by finally, six months after the election, getting the Social Democrats (SPD) to sign up to a mutual suicide pact in the form of new Grand Coalition. This ensured cartel-style government of the political and business elites reigns in Germany to do the bidding the European Union and march towards political and financial integration which fewer and fewer Germans support.

The results of Merkel’ desperatly clinging to power have been catastrophic for the former dominant parties of Germany. The Social Democrats (SDP)  is spiralling towards minor party status, with recent polling now putting them behind five-year old Alternative for Germany (AfD) nationally, 16% vs. 18.5% in a recent poll by Die Welt. Worse news for the SDP is that the classical liberal Free Democrats are gaining ground on them too.

But, it’s not just the SPD that continues to hemorrhage support. Merkel’s own Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is now below 25% nationally, since its coalition with the Christian Social Union (CSU) now has the support from less than 30% of Germans nationally.

The sister party of Merkel’s CDU, the CSU, which is a regional party operating only in Bravaria,  is usually good for around 8-9% of that total, but their support in Bavaria is down below 40%, dropping to 35% as of last month’s poll numbers. So, only a week before Bavarian state elections, all the traditional parties are seeing their bases eroding.

The CDU are aware Merkel is a lame duck, having nailed her colours to the mast or a raft of deeply unpopular globalist policies, the only thing keeping her in power at this point is that there is little confidence among German voters that a new election would solve the problem, while the one thing Merkel has succeeded in throughout her decline is stabbing potential rivals in the back.

The AfD, not a far right party as mainstream media always claim, but centre – right party that rejects globalism and concepts such as multiculturalism and a borderless world, are not ready for government while the pro – business Free Democrats are natural coalition partners but not coalition leaders. One of the problems for the AfD is that since the ninteen thirties, nationalism has ben increasingly conflated with National Socialism. People who compare AfD, Britain’s UKIP, the Sweden Democrats, the Freedom Party in The Netherlands and France’s Front National and Italy’s ruling coalition to Hitler’s Nazis or Mussolini’s Fascists are poorly informed. Nationalism is not authoritarianism. Mohandas K Gandhi was a nationalist, as were Guiseppe Garibaldi, Mustafa Kemal, Charles de Gaulle and Irish republican leader Eammon de Valera. The politics of these leaders ranges from conservative to democratic socialist.

I have closely watched developments in German politics for some years, just as I have watched developments in other EU nations, having anticipated the break up of the community since I worked in the EU Commission in Luxembourg in the 1980s and learned that the long term plan was political integration and the creation of a European Superstate. It was never going to work of course, the only surprise has been that the reassertion of national independence took so long. But what has become clear recently is that the poll numbers for opposition parties like AfD are under-stated because of real fear of political retribution, and allegedly because of electoral jiggery – pokery. For example, in the recent Swedish election, anti – immigration, Eurosceptic party The Sweden Democrats (SDs) slightly under performed against expectations. In the run up to the election Swedish mainstream media and government figures mounted a massive smear campaign against the SDs, branding them Nazis and racists.

After the election, even though the SDs had come from nowhere to be the third largest party and justifiably claim a place in the governing coalition. This was resisted by the undemocratic parties of the left, and now Sweden faces months of political haggling without a legitimate government just as Germany did because Angela Merkel refused to accept the inevitable.


While all this is going on, democracy is under attack on other fronts.  Germany’s anti-hate speech laws are being used to arrest people for being politically incorrect, while the far left directors of US internet giants such as Google and Facebook are meddling in political matters having appointed themselves censors of news and opinions that does not suit their cultural Marxist agenda. From last year’s GDPR, an attack on free speech disguised as a measure to protect users’ privacy, to the latest rules on sharing memes, the clamp down on speech critical of the political status quo in Europe is happening quickly not just in Germany but across the EU. Even in Britain, where we are on the way out of the EU, these rules are being applied to suppress voices critical of Islam, government immigration policies and telling the truth about immigrant crimes.

How is this affecting the polls? We have seen the reults for ourselves, in the brexir refrendum, in Sweden, Germany, Italy, Poland, Austria and to a lesser extent in other EU member states that have held elections recently. Watch an interview like this one . with a German voter and we have to wonder if there are masses of ‘closet AfD voters’ there are in Germany like there were ‘closet Trump voters’ in the U.S. in 2016 or Brexit voters in the UK referendum?

Being branded racist or xenophobic or an ignorant, uneducated working class oik might not directly put people off holding their opinions, but the sheer nastiness, and sometimes the violence with which supporters of the left respond on finding somebody does not agree with their ideology driven authoritarian agenda can have a very real deterrent affect.

No major national elections are due for a while, but if significant numbers in Bravaria turn out to vote AfD and cause an upset in Bavaria’s state elections on the October 14th that could be the catalyst to nudge AfD forward nationally to seriously challenge Merkel’s own CDU in the polls.

This plays in to the unfolding political crisis in the democratic world that after Trump and Brexit, Merkel’s decline in Germany and victory for the anti – EU coalition in Italy isn’t on the horizon anymore. It is here, throughout the liberal democracies the old elites are on the back foot, the banking cartel and the domiation of the petrodollar are being challenged, political parties that differ only in name, while toeing the globalist line on policy are in decline, and after the failure of the US /NATO allies to dislodge Assad in Syria, the military – industrial complex can no longer use scaremongering to swing public opinion behind regional wars and regime change campaigns.

‘Islam Doesn’t Belong to Germany’ – New Interior Minister
While mainstream media was hailing the political mastery of Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel in negotiationg a new coalition deal to keep her in power for another four years, after Germany had been without a government for almost six months, The Daily Stirrer (and other alt_news sites to be fair) warned that the new government of Europe’s most powwerful economy was fragile and full of holes. Only days after Merkel was sworn in for a fourth term, the holes in her coalition started to appear … Continue Reading”>

German Election: Will Another Term For Merkel destroy German Economy

According to the latest round of opinion polling ahead of the German elections, Angela Merkel looks set to become the joint longest-serving modern German chancellor, that’s despite having been accused of “putting problems on the back burner, and staved off several attempts to indict her on treason charges for her role in the immigrant crisis. Business organisations have also raised doubts about the economic consequences of re-electing her, warning that her new term may bring “stagnation” for Germany.

Majority of Germans Favour Snap Election as Merkel Coalition Talks Stumble
There appears to be no end in sight to Germany’s crisis of democracy as the European Union’s most populous and economically powerful state continues to stumble along without an effective government. Coalition talks between Chancellor Merkel’s CDU/CSU and the left wing Greens and classical liberal Free Domocrats have stalled over irreconcilable policy demands.

Germany Sees Fourfold Rise in Terrorism-Related Cases
According to a report in the Welt am Sonntag, Germany has experienced a huge rise in the number of terror-related cases in just one year, with prosecutors having dealt with more than 900 cases so far in 2017, compared with 250 cases initiated throughout 2016. Around 700 Islamic extremists now living in Germany have been identified by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) as posing a potential terror threat.

A Week Before Election b30% Of German Voters Still Undecided
Polling companies in Germany are indicating that support for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democratic Party is still slipping with the election only one week away. More disturbingly perhaps for Hausfrau – Volkfuhere Merkel is the news that over a third of Germans are still unsure how they will vote. An opinion poll published today (15 September) on Friday showing the number of undecideds was not coming down fueled uncertainty about the kind of coalition that will emerge from an election on September 24.

Merkel Faces Crisis As German Ruling Coalition Collapses

German Chancellor Angela Merkel faces a crisis in her ruling coalition after Bavarian Premier Horst Seehofer demanded she take steps to halt the tide of illegal immigrants entering the country. To have any chance of surviving, the government must present new initiatives for controlling illegal immigration, deal with the critical situation on the Austrian border …

New German Coalition in Peril as Potential Partners Clash over 200,000 Annual Migrant Limit
Reports that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has agreed a proposal from coalition partner and leader of the Christian Social Union (CSU) Horst Seehofer to limit the number of asylum seekers in Germany to 200,000 per year to secure a ruling coalition may be somewhat premature. Other coalition partners are not as positive on the policy.

Merkel Calls for Beginning of Coalition Talks With Greens, Free Democratic Party
German Chancellor Angela Merkel officially announced on Saturday for the first time that her conservative bloc of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party Christian Social Union (CSU) will seek to form a coalition government with the centre right Free Democratic Party (FDP) and left wing loony Greens.

German Elections: Anti – EU party AfD 3rd In Polls

Elections take place in Germany this Sunday, September 24, for the federal assembly (Bundestag) and the presidency (Chancellor). While Angela Merkel looks set to win a fourth term as Chancellor and the most likely outcome of the election is another “Grand Coalition” between Christian Democrats and Social Democrats that coalition will be a much-weakened if late polls are to be believed.
More news from September 2017

Chechen Islamic Police Now Enforcing Sharia Law On Streets Of Berlin
A hundred Islamists are now openly enforcing Sharia law on the streets of Berlin, according to German police officers who are investigating a recent string of violent assaults in the German capital. The self-appointed religious police consist entirely of Salafists (Muslim fundmentalists) from Chechnya, a predominantly Sunni Muslim region in the Caucasus. The vigilantes are name-and-shame tactics and physical violence to intimidate Chechen migrants and dissuade them from integrating into German society;

Is USA Preparing For War Against Russia In The Baltic Region?
The US government has been making preparations for a possible war against Russia in Europe’s Baltic States, German business newspaper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN) reports (link goes to page in original German). The report claims that all the NATO war games organized in the region by Washington have been intended to prepare various military response scenarios.

Controlled Media Blacks out German Mass Opposition to Nonwhite Invasion

U.S. To Station Nuclear Weapons in Germany Against Russia
Germany’s ZDF public television network reported on September 22nd, “New U.S. Atomic Weapons to Be Stationed in Germany,” that the U.S. will station 20 new nuclear bombs in Germany, each being four times the destructive power of the one that was used on Hiroshima . Hans Kristensen, the Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, says, “With the new bombs the boundaries blur between tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.”

Watershed Moment In US – EU Relations, Merkel Says Europe Can No Longer Rely On America
Only hours after Donald Trump infuriated Angela Merkel and the rest of his G-7 peers by refusing to endorse the Paris climate treaty, the US President has done it again. Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel has now decided Europe can no longer rely on the USA to commit military support to EU nations that do not pay their NATO subs, should they come under attack.

Germany offering Britain post-BREXIT access to the European market for an annual “fee”! Who do these sausage scoffers think they are? The German government might like to pretend otherwise but there are twenty six other EU member states involved in negotiating any post – Brexit trade agreement with the UK, and Germany is not overly popular with many of them.

Left Wing Hate Mob Protesting At G20 Turn Hamburg Into An Inferno.
Militant anarchists staged a second day of violent protests in Hamburg as the G20 summit in the city held its first sessions. According to local reports, at least 45 people have been detained and 159 police officers have been wounded in clashes. For the second day, police had to resort to water cannon to disperse protesters from various neo – fascist groups (OK, we know they call themselves anti – fascist but the pathetic little university dumbed down idiots do not understand was fascism is,) while buildings and dozens of cars were set on fire in the suburb of Altona.

EU Euronazis Raise Demand For Brexit ‘Compo’ To €100 Billion.
Tensions between the UK and Europe escalated overnight after EU negotiators increased their demand for compensation from Britain’s for the anticipated effects of Brexit to €100 billion, (You can imagine Juncker and Barnier, dressed in Mao suits, sticking little fingers in the corner of their mouth and in silly voices intoning “One – hundred – billion – Euros.) This latest attempt to bully Britain has only served to widen the divide between Brussels and London.

Frankfurt Becomes First German City Where Natives Are Minority

Non Germans now outnumber Germans in the city of Frankfurt, for the first time in a German city more than half of Frankfurt residents now have a migrant background, according to data from the city’s Office of Statistics and Elections.
Figures show that 51.2 per cent of people living in Frankfurt have a migrant background, the city’s secretary of integration Sylvia Weber said: Well that sounds like a recipe for conflict.

French Prime Minister says: “Europe Is Falling Apart”
After years of blythely ignoring years of economic stagnation, social deterioration, and an unemployment rate which stubbornly refuses to fall below double-digits for countries like Greece, Spain and Italy, Europe appears to have finally been shocked into recognising the reality of its situation by Brexit and the Trump election in the USA. Bureaucrats have responded with their usual tactic, scaremongering.

Somali Rapist Was Not Deported: Rapes Again.
As she campaigns to be elected leader of The Conservative Party and thus Prime Minister, Theresa May glibly promises to be firm in maintaining law and order and to address the problems caused by mass immigration by reforming immigration laws and enforcing border controls. But can she be trusted?

Is Bilderberg A Sinister Group That Runs The World Or Just A Tea Party For Rich And Powerful People
Are the Bilderberg Group meeting, this weekend in Dresden, Germany, really The Shadow Government (the New World Order, The Illuminati,) that rules the world? For years the Bilderberg Group denied its own existence. Now thanks to the diligent work of dedicated investigative journalists we know it is real, yet many ‘liberals’ ‘progressives’, globalists and university dumbed down idiots still insist it is all a conspiracy theory.

BoJo Was Correct – The EU Was A Nazi Idea
The biggest kerfuffle in the EU referedum campaign this week came when the University dumbed Down and brain dead, Labour voting sheeple got their knickers in a twist over comments Boris Johnson made about the E U having originally been a Nazi idea. Boris was accused of misrepresenting or exaggerating the comparison between the EU and the German Nazi’s plan for a union of Europe.

Will Merkel’s Migrant Disaster Drive Germany’s AfD Into Power?
Results from local elections held in Germany last weekend indicate that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is in deep trouble. Her party, the Christian Democrats is losing votes to opponents from the right and left, largely because of the illegal immigrant crisis brought on by Merkel’s crazy ‘open doors’ immigration policy which ahas resulted in Germany admitting criminals, terrorists and many illiterates,

Merkel’s “Common Goal” Duplicity Exposed: CSU Deal Not Final, African Refugee Camps Not Agreed.

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, ambused by reporters as she was leaving a meeting of the Christian Democratic Union in Berlin early Monday said of the deal she claims to have made with coalition partners CSU, “We share a common goal in migration policy. We want to order, control and limit migration to Germany.

When did this become Germany’s goal and who exactly has agreed to it? And what about those refugee camps (or disembarkation points as Merkel prefers to call them,) in Africa, with no African  having agreed to host them?

The New York Times reports Merkel, to Survive, Agrees to Border Camps for Migrants.

Chancellor Angela Merkel, who staked her legacy on welcoming hundreds of thousands of migrants into Germany, agreed on Monday to build border camps for asylum seekers and to tighten the border with Austria in a political deal to save her government.

Although the move to appease the conservatives exposed her growing political weakness, Ms. Merkel will limp on as chancellor. For how long is unclear. The nationalism and anti-migrant sentiment that has challenged multilateralism elsewhere in Europe is taking root — fast — in mainstream German politics.

“Her political capital is depleted,” said Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff, director of the Berlin office of the German Marshall Fund. “We are well into the final chapter of the Merkel era.”

Anti – immigration, Eurosceptic AfD party are the only winners, all Merkel can do is take the CSU and SDP down with her.

Eurointelligence (a paywalled site) made some pertinent comments.

It is pointless to discuss who is the relative winner of this standoff. Both will lose because they have demonstrated that they cannot work together anymore. What it also shows is that attempts to solve the refugee problem, still the number one political issue in Germany, are secondary to the rivalries between CDU and CSU and inside the CSU. The beneficiary of this mess is the AfD. And there are state elections in Bavaria in October.

The deal buys a truce that will last until October. We agree with Berthold Kohler’s assessment in FAZ when he writes that Seehofer shares a large portion of the blame but not all of it. The CSU will increasingly blame Merkel – especially if they do badly at the elections. And the rest of the country has learned that the only way the two parties papered over the crisis is through the Kafkaesque legal fiction which they agreed last night.

But things are not quite as straightforward as spin doctors would have us believe, CDU and CSU may have agreed to this deal but what about the other coalition partner, the SDP?

DW comments Angela Merkel’s Last-Ditch Migrant Compromise Under Scrutiny.

Germany’s conservatives have finally found common ground on migration policy, but skepticism is rife. The proposed measures have also raised concerns over the future of the open-border Schengen Area.

Now the ball is in the center-left court of the Social Democrats (SPD) — the other player in the grand coalition. Without a green light from the SPD, new measures can’t be implemented. SPD party leader Andrea Nahles said there was “still a lot that needs to be discussed.”

In forming the long-awaited new German government earlier this year, the SPD made its opposition to closed migrant centers at borders clear — a stance which was reiterated by several SPD delegates on Tuesday.

“Transit centers are in no way covered by the coalition agreement,” Aziz Bozkurt, the SPD’s expert on migration, told German newspaper Die Welt, adding that the camps were “above the SPD’s pain threshold.”

“The SPD issued a clear rejection of closed camps,” Kevin Kühnert, head of the SPD’s youth wing, Jusos, told the dpa news agency.

So the SDP cannot possibly countenance this deal? What kind of spanners can they throw into the works?

The repercussions of the planned border controls could be felt well beyond the borders of Bavaria. Now the future of open-border travel across the 26 member states of the Schengen Zone could be threatened by stricter controls on the Bavarian-Austrian border.

Responding to the German conservatives’ deal, Vienna said it was prepared to take unspecified measures to “protect” Austria’s southern borders with Italy and Slovenia if its neighbor turns back migrants.

not only does the SPD have a say in this matter, so does Austria.

Merkel repeatedly makes deals that are not hers to make. In fact, this crisis stems from precisely that fact. “We can do this,” she likes to say.

Well, no you can’t Angie, and didn’t.

It will be amusing to see what logic SPD uses to agree to send migrants back to Austria and to refugee camps in Africa when no African nation is willing to even consider the idea.

‘Islam Doesn’t Belong to Germany’ – New Interior Minister
While mainstream media was hailing the political mastery of Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel in negotiationg a new coalition deal to keep her in power for another four years, after Germany had been without a government for almost six months, The Daily Stirrer (and other alt_news sites to be fair) warned that the new government of Europe’s most powwerful economy was fragile and full of holes. Only days after Merkel was sworn in for a fourth term, the holes in her coalition started to appear … Continue Reading”>

German Election: Will Another Term For Merkel destroy German Economy

According to the latest round of opinion polling ahead of the German elections, Angela Merkel looks set to become the joint longest-serving modern German chancellor, that’s despite having been accused of “putting problems on the back burner, and staved off several attempts to indict her on treason charges for her role in the immigrant crisis. Business organisations have also raised doubts about the economic consequences of re-electing her, warning that her new term may bring “stagnation” for Germany.

Majority of Germans Favour Snap Election as Merkel Coalition Talks Stumble
There appears to be no end in sight to Germany’s crisis of democracy as the European Union’s most populous and economically powerful state continues to stumble along without an effective government. Coalition talks between Chancellor Merkel’s CDU/CSU and the left wing Greens and classical liberal Free Domocrats have stalled over irreconcilable policy demands.

Germany Sees Fourfold Rise in Terrorism-Related Cases
According to a report in the Welt am Sonntag, Germany has experienced a huge rise in the number of terror-related cases in just one year, with prosecutors having dealt with more than 900 cases so far in 2017, compared with 250 cases initiated throughout 2016. Around 700 Islamic extremists now living in Germany have been identified by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) as posing a potential terror threat.

A Week Before Election 30% Of German Voters Still Undecided

Polling companies in Germany are indicating that support for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democratic Party is still slipping with the election only one week away. More disturbingly perhaps for Hausfrau – Volkfuhere Merkel is the news that over a third of Germans are still unsure how they will vote. An opinion poll published today (15 September) on Friday showing the number of undecideds was not coming down fueled uncertainty about the kind of coalition that will emerge from an election on September 24.

Merkel Faces Crisis As German Ruling Coalition Collapses

German Chancellor Angela Merkel faces a crisis in her ruling coalition after Bavarian Premier Horst Seehofer demanded she take steps to halt the tide of illegal immigrants entering the country. To have any chance of surviving, the government must present new initiatives for controlling illegal immigration, deal with the critical situation on the Austrian border …

New German Coalition in Peril as Potential Partners Clash over 200,000 Annual Migrant Limit
Reports that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has agreed a proposal from coalition partner and leader of the Christian Social Union (CSU) Horst Seehofer to limit the number of asylum seekers in Germany to 200,000 per year to secure a ruling coalition may be somewhat premature. Other coalition partners are not as positive on the policy.

Merkel Calls for Beginning of Coalition Talks With Greens, Free Democratic Party
German Chancellor Angela Merkel officially announced on Saturday for the first time that her conservative bloc of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party Christian Social Union (CSU) will seek to form a coalition government with the centre right Free Democratic Party (FDP) and left wing loony Greens.

German Elections: Anti – EU party AfD 3rd In Polls

Elections take place in Germany this Sunday, September 24, for the federal assembly (Bundestag) and the presidency (Chancellor). While Angela Merkel looks set to win a fourth term as Chancellor and the most likely outcome of the election is another “Grand Coalition” between Christian Democrats and Social Democrats that coalition will be a much-weakened if late polls are to be believed.
More news from September 2017

Chechen Islamic Police Now Enforcing Sharia Law On Streets Of Berlin
A hundred Islamists are now openly enforcing Sharia law on the streets of Berlin, according to German police officers who are investigating a recent string of violent assaults in the German capital. The self-appointed religious police consist entirely of Salafists (Muslim fundmentalists) from Chechnya, a predominantly Sunni Muslim region in the Caucasus. The vigilantes are name-and-shame tactics and physical violence to intimidate Chechen migrants and dissuade them from integrating into German society;

Is USA Preparing For War Against Russia In The Baltic Region?
The US government has been making preparations for a possible war against Russia in Europe’s Baltic States, German business newspaper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN) reports (link goes to page in original German). The report claims that all the NATO war games organized in the region by Washington have been intended to prepare various military response scenarios.

Controlled Media Blacks out German Mass Opposition to Nonwhite Invasion

U.S. To Station Nuclear Weapons in Germany Against Russia
Germany’s ZDF public television network reported on September 22nd, “New U.S. Atomic Weapons to Be Stationed in Germany,” that the U.S. will station 20 new nuclear bombs in Germany, each being four times the destructive power of the one that was used on Hiroshima . Hans Kristensen, the Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, says, “With the new bombs the boundaries blur between tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.”

Watershed Moment In US – EU Relations, Merkel Says Europe Can No Longer Rely On America
Only hours after Donald Trump infuriated Angela Merkel and the rest of his G-7 peers by refusing to endorse the Paris climate treaty, the US President has done it again. Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel has now decided Europe can no longer rely on the USA to commit military support to EU nations that do not pay their NATO subs, should they come under attack.

Brexit: Is Germany Dictating to Britain How We Will Trade With The World After-Brexit?
Germany offering Britain post-BREXIT access to the European market for an annual “fee”! Who do these sausage scoffers think they are? The German government might like to pretend otherwise but there are twenty six other EU member states involved in negotiating any post – Brexit trade agreement with the UK, and Germany is not overly popular with many of them.

Left Wing Hate Mob Protesting At G20 Turn Hamburg Into An Inferno.
Militant anarchists staged a second day of violent protests in Hamburg as the G20 summit in the city held its first sessions. According to local reports, at least 45 people have been detained and 159 police officers have been wounded in clashes. For the second day, police had to resort to water cannon to disperse protesters from various neo – fascist groups (OK, we know they call themselves anti – fascist but the pathetic little university dumbed down idiots do not understand was fascism is,) while buildings and dozens of cars were set on fire in the suburb of Altona.

EU Euronazis Raise Demand For Brexit ‘Compo’ To €100 Billion.
Tensions between the UK and Europe escalated overnight after EU negotiators increased their demand for compensation from Britain’s for the anticipated effects of Brexit to €100 billion, (You can imagine Juncker and Barnier, dressed in Mao suits, sticking little fingers in the corner of their mouth and in silly voices intoning “One – hundred – billion – Euros.) This latest attempt to bully Britain has only served to widen the divide between Brussels and London.

Frankfurt Becomes First German City Where Natives Are Minority

Non Germans now outnumber Germans in the city of Frankfurt, for the first time in a German city more than half of Frankfurt residents now have a migrant background, according to data from the city’s Office of Statistics and Elections.
Figures show that 51.2 per cent of people living in Frankfurt have a migrant background, the city’s secretary of integration Sylvia Weber said: Well that sounds like a recipe for conflict.