‘Models don’t match reality’: White House coronavirus chief rejects scientists doomsday predictions

from RT

Even as the US overtook China in the official number of Covid-19 cases, the top physician leading the White House effort urged Americans not to panic, as models predicting the death of millions keep being proven wrong everywhere.

“The predictions of the models don’t match the reality on the ground in neither China, South Korea nor Italy,” Dr. Deborah Birx told reporters on Thursday. She noted that the alarmist statistics about the spread of the virus said Italy would reach 400,000 deaths by now, but the actual death toll was nowhere near that.

Italy, which has been the hardest-hit in terms of deaths from Covid-19, has reported over 80,000 cases with 8,215 fatalities and counting, just as the US surged to first place in the number of confirmed cases (over 83,000), but with far lower mortality of at least 1,200 deaths attributed to the virus so far … Continue reading


Scientist who convinced Boris lockdown was the only way to beat coronavirus criticised many times for flawed research

The scientist whose mathematical models of how the coronavirus would spread in the UK and the wildly exaggerated estimates of how many deaths might result from the epidemic reportedly led to the decision to implement a countrywide lockdown and trash the economy has been criticised in the past for flawed research.

Our Original Posts On Coronavirus COVID – 19

Is Hatred Of Greta Thunberg Justified?


Greta Thunberg and her cartoon twin Pippi Longstocking

As the backlash against the Greta Thunberg cult gathers momentum a lot of lefties are asking why the little Climate Warriorette is so hated by so many people. As usual with the left, they are asking the wrong question. Just as they asked, “Why can’t you believe the scientists, they spend their lives studying climate, they know what they are talking about, why can’t you just accept the science is settled?” when in fact not only is it always legitimate (and scientific,) to question and challenge scientific theory, so it is perfectly rational and logical to challenge the Cult of Saint Greta.

“The science” on climate change was never settled of course, in fact a lot of it was very dodgy, being based on output from mathematical models run on computers managed by people with a career investment in persuading people to believe the catastrophes forecast by these computer models, which were fed adjusted data rather than information from observations of the real world.

This goes a long away towards explaining why none of the dire predictions of catastrophic natural disasters predicted by Warmageddonists over the past twenty five years has come true. It is 2020, snow is falling in Scotland and Northern England, in the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Scandinavia, yet climate sciencetits (not a typo,) told us with great certainty that snow would be a thing of the past by 2010. Likewise they told us rapidly rising sea levels caused by the melting of the ice caps would submerge low lying nations like The Maldives by 2010. Earlier this week my brother booked his annual post Christmas holiday in The Maldives. He’s pretty certain it will still be there, because he went to the same resort last year and found it above water.

And yet, despite all the demonstrable evidence to the contrary, Warmageddonists still insist we must accept that “the science” is correct because sciencetits (not a typo,) are very clever and they say the science is settled.

The Greta Thunberg thing took off, I believe, because the Warmageddonist movement had lost so much credibility, they were desperate to prevent the wheels coming off their globalist bandwagon. And so they resorted to the dirtiest of tactics. Now that is backfiring too.

I don’t think it is hatred of Little Saint Greta that drives the criticism so much as that people dislike and are angered by the way the girl’s handlers are manipulating her to be the poster child for a campaign based on a particularly nasty kind of emotional blackmail. It is the same kind of blackmail as was used at the height of the European Union’s when pictures of a drowned child lying on a beach somewhere in the Greek Islands was accompanied by screaming headlines in mainstream media about how heartless Europeans were in not welcoming anyone who wanted to come from a third world country to “seek a better life” (a very emotive phrase,) in Europe.

It turned out the boy was not from a migrant family at all, but had been taken along for the ride by his father who was in the human trafficking business and drowned when the overloaded inflatable boat sank on the crossing from Turkey to Greece with a cargo of people who had paid exorbitant fees to be smuggled into the EU illegally.

I believe Greta Thunberg has just turned 17 so I started commenting on her activities when she was sixteen and one of the things I remarked on was that she was like no sixteen year old Swedish girl I encountered when working in that country a few years ago. They are mostly stylish, fashion conscious and desperate to give the impression they are older than their years. Greta Thunberg looked and dressed as a ten or eleven year old would, i.e. as a child. And she conjured childish tears when talking about her childhood being stolen. It was all carefully stage managed to play on the emotions of adults. I actually referred to her as a wannabe Pippi Longstocking, a reference to the children’s fiction character created by Astrid Lindgren (https://www.astridlindgren.com/en/characters/pippi-longstocking) in the 1940s, a little girl with special powers.

If Greta’s childhood has been stolen it is not by climate change, but by the people who are using (or abusing perhaps,) her to advance a political agenda.

So my view, shared by many other people around the web, is criticisms of Greta Thunberg are not motivated so much by anger at her, the socially inept teenager with learning difficulties and Asperger’s syndrome, as anger at the fictional character created by those who are managing her campaign and putting words in her mouth. People are more likely to feel sympathy for her.

Beyond that, there is a growing stack of evidence that the “science” behind the climate change scare is fraudulent, and the fact that United Nations climate experts have confessed that they look at output from mathematical models when formulating their long term forecasts rather than giving priority to real world evidence.

All of this damages the credibility of the case for destroying industrial civilization as does the focus of Ms Thunberg and other activists on demanding that the liberal democracies bear the full burden of reducing CO2 emissions while China (https://originalboggartblog.wordpress.com/2019/11/21/clean-green-power-sucks-china-goes-all-out-for-coal/), India, Brazil, Philippines, Nigeria and other developing nations continue to develop their industrial base without regard for the environmental effects of their economic expansion. The link in this paragraph leads to a page which exposes how many new coal powered generating plants are under construction or planned right now in China, it is more than in the whole of Europe. India is following the same path.

Finally, “the masses” as left wing intellectuals contemptuously refer to us ordinary people who work hard for decent living, do not like being treated as if we are stupid or told what we must think and how we must behave. In a democratic society we have a right to question “the science” of climate change, and when questioned it does not stand up to logical analysis. So Greta Thunberg’s handlers who send her across the Atlantic in a specially built carbon fibre yacht (check out how CO2 intensive the manufacturing process for carbon fibre is,) and the other elitists who fly halfway round the world in their private jets for a lunch meeting (Yes Leonardo DefuckingCaprio, I’m talking about you,) are hardly going the right way about winning the battle for hearts and minds are they? Personally I feel no hatred to Greta (just don’t get me started on Leonardo DefuckingCaprio,) but think the people who turned her into a social media phenomenon should be exposed for the abusive opportunistic charlatans they are.


Is Hatred Of Greta Thunberg Justified?
As the backlash against the Greta Thunberg cult gathers momentum a lot of lefties are asking why the little Climate Warriorette is so hated by so many people. As usual with the left, they are asking the wrong question. Just as they asked, “Why can’t you believe the scientists, when in fact not only is it always legitimate (and scientific,) to question and challenge scientific theory, so it is perfectly rational and logical to challenge the Cult of Saint Greta ….

Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperaturesWe have previously highlighted this report from Finland which exposes the great flaw in “the science” of global warming. The link at the end of this extract takes you to a much more complete account of the research project which, not for the first time debunks the fake science on which the politically – motivate climate change scare.

Fellow Slams The Royal Society as Nothing But a Lobby Group for Climate Change.

Another respected scientist comes out and denounces the science behind the climate change scare as a fraud. The whole thing has been a scam to justify punitive taxes on fuel and enable the rich to make fortunes trading carbon credits. Again it shows what a sack of rogues the climate science community really are.

Clean Green Power Sucks – China Goes All Out For Coal

The lying leftie paskudnyaks clean, green, save the planet machine and the worshippers of Greta Thunberg tell us that China is the world’s biggest investor in sustainable energy and has more wind turnbines installed than any other nation. It is the worst kind of lie because it is true, but only tells half the story. And sometimes being told half the story creates completely the wrong impression …

Paris Climate conference: Scientists Debunk Global Warming Scaremongering

As national leaders and self interested science whore collaborated to impose of the world a United Nations “climate regime” based on the vile and authoritarian Agenda 21 agreement, at the COP21 global-warming summit, a group of internationally respected scientists and environmentalists from various fields presented research at a separate conference in Paris that ridiculed the climate change hysteria.

Fellow Slams The Royal Society as Nothing But a Lobby Group for Climate Change.

Another respected scientist comes out and denounces the science behind the climate change scare as a fraud. The whole thing has been a scam to justify punitive taxes on fuel and enable the rich to make fortunes trading carbon credits. Again it shows what a sack of rogues the climate science community really are.

Another Kick In The Bollocks For Warmageddonists And CAGWARTS*

I’ve had many arguments with the Warmageddonists, the people who have been saying that if we did not shut down all coal, oil and gas related activites the earth was going to turn into a giant furnace and we would all burn. When the scaremongering first started, the deadline for frying was “after dinner”. Then it got to “Tomorrow …… or the day after tomorrow perhaps,” then “next year”, “before 2050,” and eventually “soon.”

What if man-made climate change is all in the mind?

If our view of reality is shaped by the mind and our perceptions of information, how successful are attempts to manipulate the perceptions of the whole populations through manipulated data, spin and assertions of authority likely to be. As scientists and politicians moan that the public no longer take sertiously climate change scare stories, we have to conclude, not very.


Gender Change Giraffe

It’s amazing what people can build out of Lego.

We all had Lego when we were kids, but the extent of our imaginations kept us limited to buildings, cars and planes.

Of course later generations were helped by Lego introducing kits so BBC had an F1 Ferrari, remote controlled to boot, and some space stuff. But he also used to make his own battle vehicles, some designed for land, some for air, some for water and some for all three.

However these designs pale into insignificance compared to what the experts can come up with. Of course you have to remember that the fantastic life size models are created by adults, not 5 to 15 year olds, which may account for the splendour that can be achieved.

Also there’s not many suburban houses where little Johnny could construst a Lego model of a jumbo jet, actual size.

But they’re ever so good aren’t they? They can do people too and whole villages and towns.

Berlin have got a twenty foot high giraffe!

There’s is a slight problem though, because apparently visitors to the attraction keep taking his willy.

The willy in question is 12 inches long and made out of 15,000 bricks.
It costs £2,600 to replace, and he’s onto his fouth one already. So naturally the authorities are getting a little bit concerned and are looking for ways to protect his plastic phallus.

I know I’m no expert in Giraffe anatomy but couldn’t they just leave the missing bit off and say that it’s a girl?