Climate Change Is About To Fry Us But The Gulfstream Slowing Will Freeze Us – WTF?

if you have read the latest research on the Gulf Stream published by Science Advances and are naive enough to believe it, you may have been relieved to learn that the world is getting on with decarbonisation quite nicely.

It warns that the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is closer to a tipping point than feared due to Greenland ice melt, which dilutes seawater salinity and weakens the gyres.

The collapse could come at any time, it could be nonlinear and sudden, and it could lower average temperatures in North European cities by 5 to 15 degrees – turning Britain into southern Alaska. It would set off a global chain reaction and destabilise rainforests.

C02 dogma has been telling us all via net zero myths we will all boil over in the next 100 years if we dont start dropping our western lifestyle of consumption, cars, flights, holidays, food preferences, from farming the countryside etc. etc

The Left and their corporate sponsors and money men love it of course. It helps them predict capital flows and steer them accordingly

Now along comes Science Advances with a paper on the Gulf Stream that says when the ice melts the AMOC will tip over and temperatures will drop in Northern Europe

This is all based on modelling of course

I know of a Physics prof who did a PhD in String theory who subsequently decided, his sister (who was one of my wife’s carers,) told me that the theoretical model of the universe isn’t what it has been cracked up to be.

The romantic film of Hawking’s life showed the moment when a volte face occurred in his field of theory in a College lecture room full of ‘specialists’ and experts and Profs.

Science changes its mind continuously as ‘scienza’, knowledge progresses from one model to another. Money men chase money and really like taxpayers money in particular

Science chases funding and produces papers of fiendish complexity that few can properly digest with conclusions that cause people like Goldman Sachs to jump the gun in their interpretations and flood capital in one direction or another whilst normally hedging their bets in another at the same time. Risk on, Risk off style.

Faites vos jeux.

Physicists accidentally stumble upon mind-blowing new material

Eureka! Physicists accidentally stumble upon mind-blowing new material that could upend physics as we know it

photo © Horst Sollinger / /

Peter Andrews is an Irish science journalist and writer, based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in Genetics

American physicists believe that they have discovered a strange state of matter entirely new to science – and they did it all completely by accident.

Famously, many of the greatest scientific discoveries have been accidental. Alexander Fleming let bread go moldy and discovered penicillin. Archimedes splashing about in the bath stumbled upon how to measure the volume of a solid.

It’s perhaps an indictment of the modern world’s overly-regimented and bureaucratic scientific community that such unintentional breakthroughs never seem to happen anymore. Western university-industrial complexes are burdened with never-ending paperwork, and huge resources devoted to ethical and health and safety requirements. These modern innovations have their benefits, of course, but they do have a major downside, in that they completely smother the more spontaneous side of the scientific method.

But now, a team of scientists at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, have made an exciting and accidental discovery in the often-overlooked field of materials science. This team has previously made several leaps forward in the world of materials science by stacking ultra-thin 2D layers on top of each other to form new structures. These sheets are only a couple of atoms thick – so thin, in fact, that the electrons within them are restricted to movement in just two dimensions (hence their name ‘2D materials’)… Continue reading

FROM our Science & Technology catalogue

Time is NOT real: Physicists show EVERYTHING happens at the same time

The concept of time is simply an illusion made up of human memories, everything that has ever been and ever will be is happening RIGHT NOW. That is the theory according to a group of esteemed physicists who aim to solve one of the universe’s mysteries.
Most people do not even consider the concept of time but there is nothing in the laws of physics to state that it should move in the forward direction that we know. The laws of physics are symmetric ultimately meaning that time could have easily moved in a backward direction as it does forward. Indeed some adherents to the ‘big crunch’ theory say time WILL run backwards when the universe stops expanding and starts contracting back in on itself.

Worst polluting coal and wood fires banned in fight to cut emissions
Domestic coal and certain types of wood are to be banned from sale from next year in a bid to cut air pollution, ministers will announce on Friday.

To Boldly Go – The Infinte Insanity Of The ‘Progressive Left’
As the world celebrates fifty years since the moon landings, and the conspiracy theorists celebrate the biggest hoax ever (before climate change,) the progressive left in the USA have found cause to take offence at one of humanity’s greatest achievements / one of the deep state’s biggest psyops (delete as appropriate) …Left attacks sexist, racist moon landings.

Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures

We have previously highlighted this report from Finland which exposes the great flaw in “the science” of global warming. The link at the end of this extract takes you to a much more complete account of the research project which, not for the first time debunks the fake science on which the politically – motivate climate change scare.

Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures

The Logical Failure Of Science Fans
Thus in essence is the basis on which many science fans argue in internet comment threads.
A question posted on Quora involved me in a discussion with a typical member of this group, he’s besotted with science and argues from the perspective of a religious believer rather that somebody who questions things objectively.

May ‘under incredible pressure’ from colleagues to blame Russia in ex-spy poisoning
In a scathing tirade, British Prime Minister Theresa May came as close as possible to blaming Russia for the murder of former double agent Sergei Skripal and the poisoning of the spy’s daughter Yulia as possible without actually declaring war. The astounding attack is believed to have been a result of intense pressure put on her by members of her government and the political opposition eager to find a scapegoat and mainstream media hungry for sensation.

Relationships between Light & Electricity.
When we open our eyes and view our surroundings this is possible because of a phenomenon we term “light.” What is the origin and cause of this “light” so necessary for optical perception of the objective world? Battles have raged over this question. It has been claimed to have been answered many times over the centuries, but has it truly been answered? Is light a particle, a wave, a Janus-headed aberration mixing the two and confusing the mind, or is the expression of a cosmic force which the gravity-bound viewpoint of modern science is unable to understand …

The Demise Of Nate Silver’s Infallibility And Data-Driven Journalism
In 2012 some little statistics nerd named Nate Silver was elevated to the pantheon of Technological Gods, when he correctly predicted, having modelled the outcome of the vote on his meta – analysis of opinion polls, that Barack Obama would win a second term as US President. That was the election in which Obama’s opponent Mitt Romney famously threw the fat lady off the stage long before she had even done her warm up scales

Chinese Lunar Rover Finds No Evidence of American Moon Landings
As the ‘Science Squad’ (Brian Cox, Dara O’Briain and assorted Star Wars fans) get hyper over Major Tim Peake ‘going into space’ I call for scepticism. He hasn’t gone into ‘space’, the space station is in a fixed orbit 250 miles above the earth and that is within the earth’s atmosphere, in the layer known as The Thermosphere, which is not even the outermost sphere of the atmosphere.

Inferno at 63-story luxury hotel in Dubai, So Why Did It Not Collapse Like The Twin Towers?
‘Address Downtown’ a 5-star hotel in Dubai was engulfed in flames on New Year’s Eve as the city authorities firework display lit up the sky. It was not initially clear what caused the fire, which damaged about 20 stories of the building. Burning debris fell from the structure as firefighters struggled to contain the blaze.

Chinese Lunar Rover Finds No Evidence of American Moon Landings
As the ‘Science Squad’ (Brian Cox, Dara O’Briain and assorted Star Wars fans) get hyper over Major Tim Peake ‘going into space’ I call for scepticism. He hasn’t gone into ‘space’, the space station is in a fixed orbit 250 miles above the earth and that is within the earth’s atmosphere, in the layer known as The Thermosphere, which is not even the outermost sphere of the atmosphere.

How Neo – Con and Neo – liberal Globalism Freaks Are Destabilizing Europe According To Plan
A study by our owner/ editor of how the USA led global markets project has destsbilised the middle easdt and why that outcome looks as if it was the long term plan all along. Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq and now Europe … all are strategically important and all were potential obstacles to Washington’s world domination ambitions.

Red Meat Causes Cancer Says World Health Org. Scientists. They Are Lying Of Course
Science was ever fascism’s whore; it has become a catchphrase of The Daily Stirrer over the years as week after week we report instances of scientists whoring themselves for research grants, produce results that serve the vested inerests of the organisations which provide their funding.

Anti-Science – The Church Of Scienceology’s Latest Pejorative Term For People Who Think And Question.
We are not the only web site to take exception to accusations of being anti – science and all the other pejorative terms used by the Church Of Scienceology disciples to deflect criticism from independent minded people who are smart anough to ask Cui Bono? Which corporate business benefits.

TThe Idea Of An Infinite Universe Is Fashionable Again
The now little discussed (due to the witch hunt tactics employed by the scientific consensus gangsters) idea of an infinite, eternal, self renewing universe makes a lot more sense than a point at which everything suddenly materialises out of nothing.

Eugenics by any other name: Scientists call for ban on editing human genome.
Mention eugenics and the idiotic screechers of the left will start going on about Naziism, although the science of Eugenics would not be a bad idea if scientists, businesses and politicians could be trusted with such power. Power however always tempts the holder to abuse it, and the power to create a master raceby genetic modification of human DNA cannot be entristed to three professions that have always been deficient in ethical awareness.

Could ‘DNA editing’ lead to designer babies?
Designer babies, human / animal hybrids, these things have been in wet dream territory for scientists for a long time. But now due to techniques such as DNA editing, they are getting worryingly close to reality. And as has been demonstrated many times, scientists have zero uderstanding of where the ethical boundaries lie.

Earth’s CO2 Levels Pass Global Warming ‘Milestone’, Nothing Happens – Daily Caller.
After two decades of panic stricken scientists and screeching lefties wailing about the catatrophe that would ensue once the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere passed 400 parts per million, that figure was reached in December 2014.

The Robotification Of Human Society Is being Implemented

Are you ready to surrender your humanity to science, accept having computer chips implanted in your skull that will link your brain to the internet (via a Google server) and let your life be controlled by machines? That’s what The Controllers are planning for you …

Arrogance, Intolerance, Snobbishness and Corrupt, Self Interested Practices. It’s modern science.
The world sems to be waking up the the fact that while in the past scientists tended to be rather detached, slightly obsessive people not driven by material goals, the modern science academy has been very largely corrupted by political patronage and corporate money. The academic field of climate science it especially notable for this.


Climate Denial Finally Pays Off

This blog has always been sceptical of the scientific case for climate change. And we admit that NO we are not climate scientists, NO we have not published research papers in ‘peer reviewed’ science journals. Of the three main contributors (all retired or semi retired) one is an engineer who still lectures in engineering and mathematics, one is a finance expert (considerably more expert that economics academics who advise governments – he managed to predict the dot com bubble bursting, the crash of 2008, the failure of Quantitative Easing and the failure of the Eurozone)and an information technology consultant who is now a writer when he feels like it.

And it looks as if, once again they have been proved right.

As part of a series of Wall Street Journal editorials showing the climate cause in mid-crackup. Holman Jenkins writes :

All of us old gits at Boggart Abroad came to the conclusion that Carbon Dioxide driven Anthropogenic Global Warming was a scam from different directions. Xavier understands the mathematics and physics involved, Phil understands the economics and Ian understands how global corporations and banks operate. And between them they agree it was never about saving the planet and always about money and power.

Everyone who has supported the case for climate chane by saying, “The science is settled,” should read the novel State of Fear by Michael Crichton. Written in 2004 it projects the actions of the enviro terrorists. Particular attention should be given to Appendix 1 at the back of the book about a new scientific theory that arose at the start of the last century and how leading lights bought into it until it was proved it had no scientific basis.

Junk science

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A Definite Maybe Is Scientific ‘Proof’?

Intrigued by this headline, only to find the story under it is another illustration of what a bunch of reality challenged clowns theoretical physicists are.

Lab-Created ‘Sound Black Hole’ Could Prove Hawking’s Theory
Digital facsimile of a black hole (Source: MacDonald Observatory)

Professor Stephen Hawking could finally win a Nobel prize, as an Israeli scientist proves the professor’s theory may be correct by creating a black hole in his laboratory.

A scientist from Israel may have finally helped to prove one of the world’s most famous theories is in fact, correct.

Research by Professor Hawking, a cosmologist at Cambridge University, disputed the notion that black holes are a gravitational sink hole that pulls in matter and never allows anything to escape, even light.

Back in 1974, Professor Hawking made groundbreaking claims that black holes are actually slowly evaporating.

His theory said particles could rob black holes of their energy, making them disappear at a minuscule rate as they release everything they had once swallowed in a trickle of dust.

For years scientists have been plagued by the existence of black holes and have questioned whether Professor Hawking’s theory is in fact true. Read all >>>

So let’s just step back and take another look at that.

“an Israeli scientist proves the professor’s theory may be correct”

He’s proved its may be true? Is that a definite maybe then?


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New Experiment Confirms Reality Doesn’t Exist If You Are Not Looking At It

According to a well-known theory in quantum physics, a particle’s behavior changes depending on whether there is an observer or not. It basically suggests that reality is a kind of illusion and exists only when we are looking at it. Numerous quantum experiments were conducted in the past and showed that this indeed might be the case.

Now, physicists at the Australian National University have found further evidence for the illusory nature of reality. They recreated the John Wheeler’s delayed-choice experiment and confirmed that reality doesn’t exist until it is measured, at least on the atomic scale.

I would take that a stage further. Half an hour on Facebbok shows that for most people reality does not exist even whe I am looking at it.

Read more on Reality Experiment at Collective Evolution

Schroedingers Cat explained:

When not observed a cat is either hungry or sleeping but probably sleeping.

When observed a cat is either hungry or sleeping but probably hungry.

Was CERN A False Prophet – Laugh, I Nearly Shat

Looking for a needle in a haystack the size of the universe (image source)

Some of you may remember the stick we have taken from The Church Of Scienceology Cult member when in taking the piss out of the over educated idiots at CERN, who are looking for “The Answer To Life, The Universe and Everything,” by comparing their quest for The Higgs Boson to someone looking for a needle in a haystack when:

They don’t know if there is a needle in the haystack
They don’t know what a needle looks like
They don’t know what a haystack is.

Turns out that as usual we were right and the people who think we live in a univese made out of scientific theories were wrong.

From Mysterious Universe – Published under Creative Commons licence

On reviewing data from last years discovery by CERN of the Higgs boson particle, an international research team now claim that the particle discovered may not have actually been the mysterious “God Particle”, but instead something quite different.

Last year, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (also known as CERN)revealed that a new sub-atomic particle they had discovered fit into the measurements of the then theoretical Higgs boson particle. However, a new international research team evaluating the data now believes that it may have been something different; something with implications that could alter the fabric of our scientific understanding.

“The CERN data is generally taken as evidence that the particle is the Higgs particle. It is true that the Higgs particle can explain the data but there can be other explanations, we would also get this data from other particles,” explained member of the research team Mads Toudal Frandsen, associate professor at the Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics Phenomenology, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy at the University of Southern Denmark.

“We believe that it may be a so-called techni-higgs particle. This particle is in some ways similar to the Higgs particle — hence half of the name,” says Mads Toudal Frandsen.

The Higgs boson discovery was originally thought to be the missing link in a model for how the universe was created. The Standard Model, as it has become known, postulates that all forms of matter and energy are governed by small set of laws and theories. The major goal of physics working to comprehend this model is to unite all these theories and laws into a “theory of everything”, by which the behavior of all matter and energy can be better understood.

The techni-higgs is something completely different… (Continue reading at Mysterious Universe )

Ah well, back to square one for the pointy heads.

Quantum Metaphysics, not the God particle but…
Quantum soul – the connectedness of everything
Philosophy: Mind outside time
Biocentrism – an alternative theory of everything
Science: Consciousness and the role of the brain

Wormholes: The science behind Interstellar Travel

In a newly released video (embedded below)physicist Dr Simon Foster explains how ‘Wormholes’ the theoretical “shortcuts” through space-time, known as Einstein – Rosen bridges could enable travel across space and time and make interstellar travel possible.

The current interesting in wormholes is inspired by Interstellar, the latest of tat genre of Sci – Fi films that encourages science tits to believe it is a fly on the wall documentary. Directed by Christopher Nolan, Interstellar tells of the adventures of a group of science tit explorers who use newly discovered wormholes to travel through different dimensions and cover vast distances in order to bring back food to their dying planet. Easy to understand how conehead could confuse it with everyday reality then.

The film makers hired acclaimed astrophysicist Kip Thorne as technical adviser. Thorne claims that, in theory, it might be possible to stabilise a wormhole and use it to cross space and time, or to cross over into other universes.

“Wormholes would allow faster than light travel, or we would be able to cheat a little bit, and break the speed of the light,” said physicist Dr Foster explains. It is had to decide what the principle scientific discipline here actually is, the science of talking theoretical bollocks or the science of flushing taxpayers money down the toilet.

And if the scenarion protrayed in this film could possibly happen how long does anyone think it woyld be before a bunch of nine armed, three headed squid like creatures turned up demanding asylum and claiming the authorities in their own dimension were persecuting them by forcing them to work for a living.

Our politicians in collusion with unelected bureaucrats working for the U N (United Nebulae) would declare that in the interests of multiculturalism and diversity we should accept all the aliens demands and pay for everything they wanted.

Watch Dr Foster explain what you would need to do to create such a wormhole, what it might look like and what could be on the other side.

Look humans, this is not going to happen, OK. It’s bollocks, here’s why … Drag yourself six miles into the sky (tho top of Everest and unless your body has the support or prostection of a lot of expensive technology you die slowly.

Sit yourself on top of a bomb that produces thrust by means of a controlled explosion (don’t let anyone tell you rocket science is clever) and fire yourself ten miles above the earth and unless you are protected by a mini-environment costing $£€billions simulator you die very quickly.

Want to experience other worlds? Then get spiritual, study Hindu or Buddhist philosophy (not the Abrahamic religions which are all about paternalism and control freakery) ans set off on your own exploration of inner space. Imagination can put you wherever you want to be, consciousness is not tethered to a specific location or point in time.

In other words if you want to visit Jupiter – just go. Not the best choice for a beach holiday, too many noxious, gaseous vapours surrounded by some pretty uninteresting asteroids. But that’s the beauty of imagination, if you fancy a world of barren rock, with an atmosphere of toxic gas, populated by a race of beautiful alien Mermaids with three breasts bu no vagina, the human mind can create it. Why had your hard earned to science tits who are so lacking in imagination the have to go looking for Utopia.

Philo and Sophia – The Page For Lovers Of Wisdom
You might find some of the more bizarre fringes of philosophy and thought from history and from around the world here here, among the original thinking of our contributors. As with most pages in The Greenteeth Labyrinth this is not a page for academics or conventional students but for explorers and people who like to play with fresh or off – centre ideas.

NASA Engineer Admits They Can’t Get Past Van Allen Belts

Can it be that the conspiracy Theorists have once again been right all along. Or is there another explanation for the apparent contradiction. Thius one is going top have comment threads and social media going crazy.
The truth is not out there, it’s here
Quantum soul
Human DNA Shock: David Icke Was Right all The Time.
How We Create Reality – Part 1
How Fundamentalists Of Materialism Hijacked Science.
Infinity And The Myth Of Space And Time
Can Your Body Sense Future Events Without Any External Clue?
Quantum Metaphysics – the connectedness of everything in the universe
They Who Would Be Gods

Beam Me Up Brian – Scientists Say Teleporation Is Possible

beam me up scotty
Scientifically possible? Ummmmm – not really

Prof. Brian Cox (who believes time travel is possible) will be having spontanous orgasms every time he thinks of it. An its very likely all those other nerds what watched Star Trek thinking it was a reality show will be in the same state. Why?

from Irish Times:

Star Trek-style “beaming up” of people through space could become a reality sometime in the far future, the leader of a landmark teleportation experiment has said.

Nothing in the laws of physics fundamentally forbids the teleportation of large objects, including humans, Professor Ronald Hanson pointed out. In contrast, it is physically impossible for anything to travel faster than light.

“What we are teleporting is the state of a particle,” Prof Hanson, from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, said.

“If you believe we are nothing more than a collection of atoms strung together in a particular way, then in principle it should be possible to teleport ourselves from one place to another.

“In practice it’s extremely unlikely, but to say it can never work is very dangerous,” he said. “I would not rule it out because there’s no fundamental law of physics preventing it. If it ever does happen it will be far in the future.”

Prof Hanson’s team showed for the first time that it was possible to teleport information encoded into sub-atomic particles between two points three metres apart with 100 per cent reliability. The demonstration was an important first step towards developing an internet-like network between ultra-fast quantum computers whose processing power dwarfs that of today’s supercomputers.

Teleportation exploits the weird way “entangled” particles acquire a merged identity, with the state of one instantly influencing the other no matter how far apart they are.

Giving one particle an “up” spin, for instance, might always mean its entangled partner has a “down” spin — theoretically even if both particles are on different sides of the universe. Continue reading

So lets be brutally honest, they haven’t transported any atoms, only quantum states. That was actually done around 30 years ago in a series of tests known as The God Experiments. Those experiments have been widely discussed and commented on, and even featured in science fiction movies and television series. Nothing the get excited about here then.

What effing planet have these dicks been on for the past three decades.


IBM Lays Billion Dollar Bet On Artificial Intelligence System Called Watson: They’ll Lose

The Truth Is Not Out There

Ewwwwww … What Kind Of Dick Would have Sex With A Hornets Nest

Somebody dug up this old story from Ann Brewslaw in Cosmopolitian and I had to spread it round. (h/t to The Tap for putting it in front of my face)

Attempting To Have Intercourse With Hornet’s Nest Is Very Bad Idea

Irrefutable law of physics: If it exists, some dude has tried to have sex with it. And if it has a hole, at least one guy you know personally has totally had sex with it.

Case in point: In a weird, fatal tryst that belongs in the Darwin Awards, a 35-year-old Swedish man we’ll call “Hasse” was found dead on his farm at around noon on Monday. The dead body of this Hasse, who was known in local “tavern circles” (which sort of explains why he might have thought that sticking his knob into a den of hundreds of hornets was a good idea), was found with 146 wasp stings on his body, 54 of which were located on his genitals and scrotum, according to KPC Radio’s Walton and Johnson blog.

Picture this: You’re a hornet, and you’re just chilling at home. Quiet night in. Suddenly, right in the middle of that episode of M*A*S*H you were watching, a Huge Pinkish Turgid Monster crashes through the wall of your house. No wonder they were mad.

don't fuck with the hornets nest

No matter how long you stare at the pic of a hornets’ nest or how long it is since you had sex, it looks nothing like a lady’s naughty bits.

I’ve read Stieg Larssen’s novel from The Millennium Trilogy, The Girl Who Kicked A Hornets Nest, but I never though I’d read the story of The Guy Who Fucked A Hornets Nest.

Step Forward David Icke

I don’t think anyone who reads this blog can still be in any doubt that I think all theoretical physicists are barking mad, completely stark raving bonkers.

If I have not yet presented enough proof to convince you, or you simply have not been paying attention take a look at this, from Nature magazine:

“A team of physicists has provided some of the clearest evidence yet that our Universe could be just one big projection.

In 1997, theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena proposed1 that an audacious model of the Universe in which gravity arises from infinitesimally thin, vibrating strings could be reinterpreted in terms of well-established physics. The mathematically intricate world of strings, which exist in nine dimensions of space plus one of time, would be merely a hologram: the real action would play out in a simpler, flatter cosmos where there is no gravity.

Maldacena’s idea thrilled physicists because it offered a way to put the popular but still unproven theory of strings on solid footing — and because it solved apparent inconsistencies between quantum physics and Einstein’s theory of gravity. It provided physicists with a mathematical Rosetta stone, a ‘duality’, that allowed them to translate back and forth between the two languages, and solve problems in one model that seemed intractable in the other and vice versa. But although the validity of Maldacena’s ideas has pretty much been taken for granted ever since, a rigorous proof has been elusive.

In two papers posted on the arXiv repository, Yoshifumi Hyakutake of Ibaraki University in Japan and his colleagues now provide, if not an actual proof, at least compelling evidence that Maldacena’s conjecture is true.”

Read full article:

Actually this is what David Icke has been saying for years (and Nikola Tesla before him)

OK, bring on the shape shifting lizard men.


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