Doctor with Bioweapons Expertise Calls COVID-19 Injections ‘Weaponized Medicine’

by Cassie B. in Humans are Free

While some doctors are encouraging people to get in line for their COVID-19 “vaccine,” others are bravely speaking out about why rushing to get an untested shot might not be such a good idea.

Dr. Lee Merritt
Dr Leee Merritt

Dr. Lee Merritt, a former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, has admitted that she believes the current coronavirus “vaccines” are actually very dangerous bioweapons that are being deployed against the population.

Dr. Merritt knows plenty about bioweapons, having studied them while she served as an orthopedic surgeon for the United States Navy for nearly a decade. She has also published several peer-reviewed papers and was on the board of the Arizona Medical Association.

In an interview with The New America, Dr. Merritt said that she believes we’re living in a time of “fifth-generational warfare” where covert biological agents, propaganda and economic warfare are being used instead of weapons on the battlefield to turn the tide of power between nations.

She said that vaccines are most effective when they are used for deadly, untreatable viruses like polio and smallpox. However, scientists have already found some promising coronavirus treatments, such as hydroxychloroquine and intravenously delivered vitamin C, which makes one wonder why a vaccine is so urgent … Continue reading >>>


COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged to Succeed
William A. Haseltine PhD is a scientist, businessman, author, and philanthropist. He was a professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health from 1976-1993 where he was Founder and Chair of two academic research departments, the Division of Biochemical Pharmacology and the Division of Human Retrovirology. As mainstream media go berserk hyping the COVID – 19 vaccines, this article written by Dr Haseltine is essential reading for people with functioning minds.

Labour demands crackdown on vaccine criticism ahead of Covid-19 vaccine rollout
With the UK preparing for a Covid-19 vaccine rollout, the Labour Party is calling for emergency censorship legislation to punish social-media companies if they allow posting of what it considers to be “anti-vax disinformation.” “Social-media companies have a pitiful record of tackling disinformation,” shadow culture secretary Jo Stevens tweeted on Sunday.

Government Admits Using Bad Covid-19 Figures To Justify Second Lockdown
The British government has admitted to showing misleading daily Covid fatality projections in its televised coronavirus briefing last weekend, during which PM Boris Johnson announced a second national lockdown. The revelation comes after the UK stats watchdog criticized the government’s lack of transparency in its use of Covid data …

Britain’s Covid response is utterly mad – here are 10 reasons why
There is no reasonable scientific or medical justification for lockdowns, convoluted social distancing rules, masks or travel restrictions by Dr John Lee in The Daily Telegraph This year, like many years, there’s a new respiratory virus on the block. But this year, unlike any year ever before, the world has gone mad. Governments around the world …

Covid-19 is an ‘unrestricted bioweapon’: Virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan
accuses China of fabricating genomic sequence A report claims that coronavirus is a ‘laboratory product’ created by using a template virus owned by military research laboratories under the control of the Chinese Communist Party By Mihika Basu from meaaw.comChinese virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan from Hong Kong, who has repeatedly questioned the origin of the coronavirus, …

Once Again Independent Research Shows Similarity Of COVID to HIV
The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing …

Starmer’s Big Covid Bet? The Three Legged Donkey In The Derby
As criticism of the government’s “science – led” and therefore utterly idiotic and wrong headed handling of the COVID pandemic gathers momentum the usual suspects in the media are off on their usual path of chanting “Everetything will be hunky dory when Labour are back in power, but it is not necessarily a foregone conclusion …

Biggest Lies About COVID-19 Exposed: But Globalist Elite Will Not Let It Die
Leo Hohmann, Harbingers Daily, 9 October 2020 Since February, the U.S. media has been pounding Americans with non-stop reporting about COVID-19 coronavirus. Eight months later, the data shows everything the media said about the virus was false. Yet, those posing as “journalists” continue to repeat the lies from February and March as if they are …

Critics Batter The Fake Science Used To Justify The Lockdown As Boris Waffles
Regular readers may recall this blog was among the first to expose the fact that the pandemic model predicting 500,000 COVID – 19 deaths if the entire nation was not placed under indefinite house arrest was based on a deeply flawed mathematical model of the pandemic built by a “scientist” at Imperial College, London, a college heavily reliant on funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. You may also recall we have reported on the determination of psychopathic megalomaniac Gates to insert himself into this phoney crisis

The Coronavirus Response Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2
Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Boggart Bloggers predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms …

Scientist who convinced Boris lockdown was the only way to beat coronavirus criticised many times for flawed research

The scientist whose mathematical models of how the coronavirus would spread in the UK and the wildly exaggerated estimates of how many deaths might result from the epidemic reportedly led to the decision to implement a countrywide lockdown and trash the economy has been criticised in the past for flawed research.

Has The World Health Organisation Been Helping Chinese Coronavirus Cover Up
Many people suspected as far back as January, when stories about an epidemic of a new virus began to leak out of China that we were not and would not be told the whole story. The virus infecting thousands of Chinese in the large inland city of Wuhan was, we learned, a strain of corona virus, the genre that infects us with the common cold, influenza and a host of other infections of varying seriousness.

Coronavirus deaths: Are The Authorities Deceiving Us?Yesterday we reported that a Canadian outfit had carried out an analysis of China’s response to Coronavirus and concluded that while politicians and academics (aka “scientists” or “experts”) are heaping praise on the way the regime in Beijing has contained and controlled its epidemic, the Chinese have actually been lying, the epidemc is still raging and numbers of infections and deaths from COVID – 19 are far higher than reported,

Is This The Smoking Gun That Proves China Has Lied About The Coronavirus Outbreak
With the number of confirmed cases of, and deaths from coronavirus in Italy, a nation of 63 million people having now surpassed the number of infections officially admitted by the government of China, a nation of 1.4 billion and the nation where the news strain of coronavirus, COVID – 19 was first observed, it was obvious to the realists among us that the Chinese government’s claims to have contained the virus were deeply suspect and further claims that the outbreak were under control were as reliable as reported sightings of The Tooth Fairy …

As We Predicted The Coronavirus bill Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2
Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Along with my fellow Boggart Bloggers I predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of the so – called coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms. And that is exactly what we have seen happening over the past week.

Germany’s Official State TV Channel Cheers Coronavirus For Killing Old People Trawling around the weirder fringes of the web, as we bloggers and cyberjournalists are sometimes obliged to if we want to bring you the news the mainstream will not report, one occasionally comes across something important but disturbing – like being brought face – to – face with how sick and warped the far left ecopsychos really are. Take a sketch recently broadcast as part of a satirical show the title of which translates as Bohemian Browser Ballet, shown by German state broadcaster ARD.

Last Year’s Flu VCaccine Does Not Work Against This Years Flu.

News reports today, following up the revelation that this year’s massively hyped flu vaccine only works for three per cent of the people who received it, we learn today that the government Ministers reponsible may have known for almost a year ago there was a strain of influenza emerging which the flu vaccine did not protect against …

CDC Whistleblower Links MMR Vaccine to Autism
One day the truth will be revealed about the MMR vaccine and its alleged link to autism as well as a host of other health problems in young children. One question damns the case in favour of MMR as propaganda. If it is as important as health authorities say to vaccinate children against MMR, why insist on the triple vaccine when there was never a problem with a separate measles vaccine? Could Corporate Profits have something to do with it?

New malaria vaccine doesn’t work most of the time, but manufacturer says it’s good enough to sellOnce again we turn our attention to vaccines and the criminality of the drug companies that manufacture and sell them:
There’s a good chance that the vast majority of people who receive it won’t derive any benefits whatsoever. But that isn’t stopping British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) from seeking regulatory approval for a new vaccine for malaria, known as RTS,S, that a recent study determined is only about 30 percent effective at preventing severe cases of the disease, which has no recognized cure.

Real People Are Dying because Drug Companies Publish Fake Statistics
Our National Health Service is run by big Pharma for Big Pharma. The drug companies have the politicians, civil servants, medical professions and media in their pockets. We have reported on how Big Pharma money has corrupted healthcare before and the criminality of the corporate enterpises whose aim is to make us all patients for life. Now we throw more light on the way these crooks and liars work

CDC Admits as Many as 30 Million Americans Could be at Risk for Cancer Due to Polio Vaccine
Vaccine, that great profit driver for the pharmaceutical corporations, are under the spotlight again. This time it is a link between polio vaccine and cancer which makers and medical science has denied for fifty years that has finally been admitted by the US Centre for Disease control. How ironic they have owned up just weelks after the Obama administration granted Pharma corporations immunity from legal actions.

The Vaccine Paradox – When The Only Way To Sell Vaccines Is To Make A Crime Of Being Unvaccinated
The propaganda aimed at convincing us vaccine are safe and totally effective is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. This is why, as vaccine horror stories proliferate and the lies and fraud of vaccine makers are exposed, there has to be talk of making a criminal offence of being unvaccinated. I expect one of my future posts to be titled,’Vaccines, the tool of fascism’

Measles Witch Hunt – Propaganda War Against Parents Who Refuse Vaccine
A witch hunt against parents who decline to have their children vaccinated. Who would think such fascist tactics could be used by democratically elected governments in the twenty first century. Well elected (after a fashion) oiur governments may be, but they are not democratic. It is the bankers and corporate entities who hold the real power. And the pharmaceutical companies who make vaccines are among the most anti social of them.

Swine Flu Scam Exposed: Useless Drugs And Vaccines – Lying Science Whores
The propaganda aimed at convincing us medical science can provide a vaccine to immunise us against death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. Five years after the even the lies and fraud that created the swine flu ‘pandemic’ of 2009 are exposed. It was just a scam to sell a drug the scientists and manufacturers knew was no good.

Opposition To Manadory Vaccinations Coming From Both Left And Right
If vaccines are so great that no doctor or scientist speaks against them why is there so much opposition from both the right and left of the libertarian political persuaion and so much enthusiasm from the authoritarian “progressives whith their love of big government and corporate fascism.

Winter Deaths: Annual Fear And Panic campaign begins
Winter deaths? Why does the government launch this big fearand panic campaign every year, if not to push flu vaccines for their Big Pharma buddies. Do you think it is coincidence that the annual ‘flu’ death toll is the same as the annual Winter Death figure. Yeah, every death from some non specific viral infection during the flu seaon is a flu death. It’s just another fraud, very few people actually die of true Influenza

UK Government Agency Faked Vaccine Safety Data To Sell HPV Virus Against Non Existent cervical Cancer Threat
Cervical Cancer takes centre stage in this latest installment of Vaccine wars. Government, medical professionals and Big Pharma are pushing for manadatory vaccination of pubescent girls but the disease takes decades to develop and the vaccine immunity wears off after five years. It is another scam to steal taxpayers’ money? Find out below …

New Scientific Study Verifies Again That MMR Vaccine Causes Autism
Strangely (or perhaps absolutely predictably) little of this has been reported in mainstream media. And unfortunately I cannot link you to the site that broke the story (but I have linked to the legal rulings which are a meter of public record now) because their page has been down since the news started to go viral. Fortunately other new media publishers were onto the story by then and …

In A Sane World This Should End The Vaccine Scam – but The Lies and Legalised Murder Will Continue.

Vaccine fascists Losing The Fight To Force Vaccines On Parents
We have been warning you about vaccines for years. Now at last people in the health industry are finding enough conscience to stand up and say that vaccine safety problrms have been covered up and it is time to put childrens’ health before corporate profit …

<a href="And the hoax goes on“>And the hoax goes on

The Politicisation Of A Pathogen

Death (mounted on his horse Binky) stalks the altered reality of the new normal
Picture: Death (from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld (source: Silverene, WordPress )

A question being asked frequently in articles and comment threads on COVID 19 responses  at mainstream media website in UK, USA Canada and Australia  is: “Why will conservatives not wear masks to stop the spread of COVID – 19 coronavirus?

This usually triggers a storm of accusations from ‘the left’ suggesting that conservatives are too selfish to care about the wellbeing of fellow citizens.
Has the Covid-19 crisis blown apart the psychological theory that pathogen avoidance conservatism is an evolutionary response and conservatives are more likely to be concerned with  individual freedom while ‘progressives’ think in terms of group survival?It’s bollocks of course, but there is some truth in the suggestion that people on the Left tend to be more in favour of lockdowns, social distancing and mask-wearing, while those on the Right are more likely to think that shutting down the economy will do more harm – and perhaps even cost more lives in the longer term.

This would seem to contradict the theory that behavioural tendencies associated with the Right evolved as a response to the threats. On the assumption that strangers, as well as arriving in wooden horses and armed to the teeth, are more likely to carry pathogens for which tribe members have no immunity, the idea is that xenophobia (literally, “fear of the foreign”) developed as an avoidance mechanism.

But maybe there is another factor that should be considered. Conservatives and libertarians (while being sure the pandemic is a hoax I object to being described as a conservative,) are generally more independent minded and thereforer more likely to have questioned the official narrative and found that for every piece of scaremongering pseudo science trumpeted by mainstream media, there is another, properly conducted and fully documented research project that has produced a contradictory result.

And because of our sceptical, questioning nature we are more likely to have learned that the risk to life from this relatively mild virus is negligible: statistically under 70s have more chance of perishing from a road accident. Therefore suppression is likely to be counterproductive exerting positive selection pressure to enable the spread of more deadly strains: if everyone else is confined the only places where the virus can spread are the hospitals/care homes where people are dying.

This has been argued by any number of professionals – they’re just ignored by media, eg Dr Knut Wittkowski. As Dr Wolfgang Wodarg put it: ‘The emperor has no clothes’, i.e. CV-19 is just another ‘corona’ shaped respiratory virus but with global PR.

Seasonal death rates have been higher in recent years, the 2014 / 15 flu season being an example, yet there was no lockdown, no mandatory mask wearing or trashing of economies,  and nobody panicked. There was no reason in principle why such “deaths” weren’t just as unacceptable as deaths from COVID 19, five years later ‘ or why we shouldn’t have ‘cared’ or worn masks in those years. Even more surprising, why are we not being retrospectively castigated for not ‘saving lives’ by putting entire populations under house arrest in the way we are being castigated now for the historical atrocity that was the slave trade.

We’ve always taken it for granted that some old or otherwise infirm people will perish in flu season while the majority who are infected will merely be out of action for a few days however unpleasant that might be.  I’m old myself but would sooner be free to roam than be guaranteed life in confinement even if it’s ‘only a mask’.

If a virus isn’t deadly surely it’s better to be infected and thereby gain immunity, although for balance I have to mention that some research has shown antibody immunity lasstsonly a few weeks in the case of this virus – which would make the current efforts to rush through the development of a vaccine useless.

We know that respiratory viruses evolve else we couldn’t get cold/flu more than once. We used to have German Measles (Rubella) parties when I was a child for that reason, because the same virus is harmless in children but dangerous later in life – were we ‘left wing’?.

The logic of letting the disease run its course is identical. It’s hard to fathom how otherwise intelligent people can’t comprehend that. On the other hand professional journalists/’scientists’ in our world are de facto propagandists and bound to calibrate their opinions according to the wishes of whoever is paying them.

In fact the published opinions of some scientists contradict their own published work. But the virus has become a political rather than a health issdue: viz the way using HCQ (quinine) in conjunction with zinc and vitamin D supplements has been demonized as quackery in the USA since President Trump spoke in favour of it, while in many nations where Trump is not president it has proved a very effective treatment in relieving symptoms, though it is not a cure. Like ‘carbon’ or Diversity, around which identical ‘globalist’ interests have coalesced, COVID – 19 is now part of the right / left dichotomy and therefore the debate is no longer grounded in reality.

What should dismay us  is they way so many people have so readily surrendered their  their capacity for independent and critical thinking when it comes to this. there is the group trying to control everyone and their enablers, useful idiots, and the rest.

What is becoming obvious to me at least is that while COVID – 19 is now a political rather than a health issue, the terms left and right have become more meaningless than ever. This is now the issue that is dividing us into the fearful who, terrified by an invented risk, are willing to trade independence for the illusion of security provided by an authoritarian state and those who prefer to think for themselves, act on their conclusions and take personal responsibility for their decisions.


Latest COVID Scam move a step too far?
The scam goes on with the latest move to keep the coronavirus fear and panic conspiracy afloat being a rumour that the government will ask over 50s in Britain to”shield” (i.e. place themselves under house arrest,) throughout the winter. But it may be the tipping point, public rteaction has been totally negative.

Coronavirus Pandemic: The Scam Continues
Just when we thought it was safe to go out in the fresh air …… the government and their “scientific advisers have thought of a way to extend the scam. It seems that as we have been saying since March, trashing the economy and destroying the fabric of society is less impoortant to them than advancing their plan for a global, authoritarian government …Continue reading

Covid virus tests useless

As the Coronavirus rolls on with every trumpeted breakthrough fizzling out into a great big nothing, political leaders and media ‘influencers’ keep telling us we must follow the science. Yet with so much contradictory and conflicting evidence, perhaps it’s time we learned that “following the science” is the worst thing we can do? The Daily Stirrer has been telling you since the start of the farrago that scientist is a synonym of wanker,

Covid 19: Statistics, Lies and the Corruption Of Science.As the COVID — 19 pandemic continues to dominate the news and defy the efforts of researchers to understand its many mysteries, including its origins and why it affects people who contract the virus in wildly different ways, one thing we have learned for certain so far is the extent to which the Pharmaceuticals manufacturers cartel (colloquially Big Pharma,) exercise a pernicious influence over medical research and healthcare.

COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically MeaninglessPoliticians and “experts” scream and shout about testing and isolation being the way to halt the COVID 19 pandemic to a halt, but everything else they hsve told us about the disease has been absolute bollocks, why should this be any different?
Well surprise, surprise, it isn’t any different. The idea that testing everybody ten times a day (OK I might be exaggerating for effect,) will do any good is just another diversionary tactic …

Critics Batter The Fake Science Used To Justify The Lockdown As Boris Waffles
Regular readers may recall this blog was among the first to expose the fact that the pandemic model predicting 500,000 COVID – 19 deaths if the entire nation was not placed under indefinite house arrest was based on a deeply flawed mathematical model of the pandemic built by a “scientist” at Imperial College, London, a college heavily reliant on funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. You may also recall we have reported on the determination of psychopathic megalomaniac Gates to insert himself into this phoney crisis

Coronavirus: Fear and Panic and a Globalist Power Grab

World Leaders Insist ‘Economic Lockdowns Ravage the Very Fabric of Societies’
An impressive array of more than 500 prominent world leaders, academics, and Nobel Laureates have written “A Call to Defend Democracy” in the face of a worldwide rise in government authoritarianism during the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. The June 25 text declares that beyond health concerns the COVID-19 pandemic is “a political crisis that threatens the future of liberal democracy.”

Oxford Covid Vaccine Fails But Big Pharma Will Sell It Anyway
Many highly – placed members of the lockdown forever cult, Bill Gates among them, have been spreading the idea that lockdown must continue until a vaccine for COVID – 19 is available because only a vaccine can save us. More level headed types (i.e. those of us routinely dismissed as conspiracy theorists, have warned that as the virus affects the upper respiratory tract and nasal passages, where there can be no antibody response it is unlikely there will ever be an effective vaccine …

Greenteeth Digital Publishing
the daily stirrer

Greenteeth and Daily Stirrer posts on Coronavirus. Is it a real, existential threat to humanity, is it an exercise in generating fear and panic in response to the nationalist pushback against globalism, or is it a deep state power grab. We don’t know, but we will report and examine aspects of the story mainstream media will not inform you of.

The Coronavirus Response Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2
Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Boggart Bloggers predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms …

Scientist who convinced Boris lockdown was the only way to beat coronavirus criticised many times for flawed research

The scientist whose mathematical models of how the coronavirus would spread in the UK and the wildly exaggerated estimates of how many deaths might result from the epidemic reportedly led to the decision to implement a countrywide lockdown and trash the economy has been criticised in the past for flawed research.

Has The World Health Organisation Been Helping Chinese Coronavirus Cover Up
Many people suspected as far back as January, when stories about an epidemic of a new virus began to leak out of China that we were not and would not be told the whole story. The virus infecting thousands of Chinese in the large inland city of Wuhan was, we learned, a strain of corona virus, the genre that infects us with the common cold, influenza and a host of other infections of varying seriousness.

Coronavirus deaths: Are The Authorities Deceiving Us?Yesterday we reported that a Canadian outfit had carried out an analysis of China’s response to Coronavirus and concluded that while politicians and academics (aka “scientists” or “experts”) are heaping praise on the way the regime in Beijing has contained and controlled its epidemic, the Chinese have actually been lying, the epidemc is still raging and numbers of infections and deaths from COVID – 19 are far higher than reported,

Is This The Smoking Gun That Proves China Has Lied About The Coronavirus Outbreak
With the number of confirmed cases of, and deaths from coronavirus in Italy, a nation of 63 million people having now surpassed the number of infections officially admitted by the government of China, a nation of 1.4 billion and the nation where the news strain of coronavirus, COVID – 19 was first observed, it was obvious to the realists among us that the Chinese government’s claims to have contained the virus were deeply suspect and further claims that the outbreak were under control were as reliable as reported sightings of The Tooth Fairy …

As We Predicted The Coronavirus bill Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2
Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Along with my fellow Boggart Bloggers I predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of the so – called coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms. And that is exactly what we have seen happening over the past week.

Germany’s Official State TV Channel Cheers Coronavirus For Killing Old People
Trawling around the weirder fringes of the web, as we bloggers and cyberjournalists are sometimes obliged to if we want to bring you the news the mainstream will not report, one occasionally comes across something important but disturbing – like being brought face – to – face with how sick and warped the far left ecopsychos really are. Take a sketch recently broadcast as part of a satirical show the title of which translates as Bohemian Browser Ballet, shown by German state broadcaster ARD.

UK To Ask Citizens Over 70 To Self – Isolatate For 4 MONTHS As Coronavirus Fails To Kill Zillions
UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock today confirmed the government plans to ask people aged over 70 to isolate themselves for up to four months amid a coronavirus pandemic. The goal is to protect them.
It’s quite obvious to us, experienced bloggers that we are, that the government, civil service, law enforgement and national security agencies and all the assorted experts and talking heads have forgotten the lesson our generation learned from The Hitch Hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy …

Revelations: The Coming Of The Anti Thunberg

It’s not very original to say climate alarmism has turned into a quasi – religioous cult, I was saying it ten years ago and I wasn’t the first. But the activities of climate activists like the middle class crusties of Ekstinktion Rebellion and the followers of the Swedish muppet St. Greta of Thunberg, (She’s not the Messiah, she’s a very naughty girl,) have taken on a very nasty fanaticism that is typical of the tactics favoured by the far left and far right when trying to impose their ideology on the world.

It’s often said that those who do not learn from history are condenmed to repeat its mistakes and it seems the ideologically driven authoritarians of the globalist movement have failed to take heed of the Prostestant reformation that was triggered by the excesses of the Holy Inquisition,  the liberal backlash against Europe’s despotic monarchies in the enlightenment era, thenineteenth century  rise of social democracy (a very different creature to Socialism,) in the face of unregulated capitalism in the second stage of the Industrial Revolution, and now the resurgence of nationalism as a reaction to rampant neo – liberalism.

One of the notable things about the globalists reaction to the success of nationalist politicians, such as U S President Donald Trump, Italy’s Matteo Salvini, Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen in France and parties such as AfD (Alternatif fur Deutschland,) or the Sweden Democrats  is their attempts to smear and discredit any challenges to their idological polics, especially those rooted in the realities of life for middle and working class voters.

It was inevitable then that as the claims of the climate catastrophe scaremongers became more lurid and sensational, the more grounded majority would push back. And as the lies of those who write St. Greta’s scripts, (oh come on, you don’t believe a seventeen year old with leatning difficulties cause by foetal alcohol syndrome writes that Messianic bullshit herself do you?) become more outrageous and more obvious, it was inevitable that an anti – Greta would arise ….

The antidote to @GretaThunberg – Naomi Seibt – former climate alarmist turned climate skeptic

I met this amazing young lady in Madrid last week. At 19 years old; she impressed me with her quiet but powerful understanding of how she had been misled on climate alarmism.

Recorded in Madrid, Spain, the site of the UN’s COP25. Naomi Seibt, a popular YouTube streamer, speaks on her journey to climate realism, the state of science, and more during the United Nations’ COP25.

She closed out the Heartland livestream presentations in Madrid in the opening week of the conference. Continue reading

Meet the 19-year-old ‘anti-Greta’, who warns Thunberg’s ‘alarmism’ must be stopped

With her slight frame, long blonde hair and converse trainers, German teenager Naomi Seibt might not seem the most obvious candidate to front the growing climate scepticism movement. But holding court at America’s largest gathering for grassroots Republicans, expounding her controversial views on global warming, she exudes an air of self-belief that belies her 19 years.

As Greta Thunberg brought her climate awareness campaign to the UK last week – speaking at a rally of some 25,000 striking school children in Bristol – on the other side of the Atlantic, Seibt, dubbed the “anti-Greta”, was propelled onto the world’s stage in Washington, making an appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and firmly positioning herself as the new darling of right-wing climate sceptics.

Thunberg, now the general of a worldwide teen army, was named Time magazine’s ‘person of the year’ after berating world leaders for their inaction at a United Nations summit last year. A video of the Swedish 17-year-old glaring at Donald Trump went viral. Seibt, meanwhile, uses her YouTube channel to challenge what she calls the climate change “alarmism” espoused by Thunberg … Continue reading


Naomi Seibt and Her Journey to Climate Realism



Why Are The World Government Schemes, Agenda 21 and Agends 30 blanked by big media?
Since the early days on the old platform we have from time to time raised the issues of Agenda 21 and Agenda 30, The New World Order, and the push for a global, authoritarian, socialist government. Any mention of these things in online forums is certain to get the author accused of being a conspiracy theorist, a right wing extremist, a nutcase, a young earth creationist and much worse.

Greta Thunberg Slams Australia for Coal Industry, Expands List of Climate Demands

Little Greta Thunberg, who was elected by nobody apparently now speaks for us all on matters relating to climate change. The Swedish climate change hustler who is making a fortune for her handlers from donations to her campaign, again castigated Australia for continuing to mine and export coal despite her previous complaints, adding a call for an end worldwide to the actibity to her list of climate demands to be delivered at the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos …

Another Kick In The Bollocks For Warmageddonists And CAGWARTS*
I’ve had many arguments with the Warmageddonists, the people who have been saying that if we did not shut down all coal, oil and gas related activites the earth was going to turn into a giant furnace and we would all burn. When the scaremongering first started, the deadline for frying was “after dinner”. Then it got to “Tomorrow …… or the day after tomorrow perhaps,” then “next year”, “before 2050,” and eventually “soon.”

What if man-made climate change is all in the mind?
If our view of reality is shaped by the mind and our perceptions of information, how successful are attempts to manipulate the perceptions of the whole populations through manipulated data, spin and assertions of authority likely to be. As scientists and politicians moan that the public no longer take sertiously climate change scare stories, we have to conclude, not very.

Meteorologists Begin To Admit To Climate Engineering
The freethinkers and Libertarians of New Media have been questioning the pseudoscientific certainties of the global warming lobby for a long time. During that often acrimonious process (because the Global Warming lobby are ever bit as organised and as driven by blind hatred of those who question them as the Bearded Queens In Bridal Gowns lobby) and most of us have been accused of infanticide, genocide and worse. At last the respectable climate scientists (the ones who didn’t sell their arse for the corporate dollar) are speaking, and the media are listening.

Mad Scientists Now In A Race To Create Human – Animal Hybrids

Scientists all over the world are busy creating extremely bizarre human-animal chimeras. Once again The Daily Stirrer has to say “We told you so”. There is something very creepy and sinister embedded in the typical scientists desire to play God. It is a complete, psychopathic disregard for moral boundaries. If we can do it that …

Ruling Elites support Extinction Rebellion plan for Marxist world to ‘fight climate change’

Climate change: Electrical industry’s ‘dirty secret’ boosts warming

Scaremongering IPCC Pushes Climate Hysteria with New Doomsday Report

Billionaire Investor Erik Prince Launches Fund For Electric Car Metals

Why Are The World Government Schemes, Agenda 21 and Agends 30 blanked by big media?
Since the early days on the old platform we have from time to time raised the issues of Agenda 21 and Agenda 30, The New World Order, and the push for a global, authoritarian, socialist government. Any mention of these things in online forums is certain to get the author accused of being a conspiracy theorist, a right wing extremist, a nutcase, a young earth creationist and much worse.

Greta Thunberg Slams Australia for Coal Industry, Expands List of Climate Demands

Little Greta Thunberg, who was elected by nobody apparently now speaks for us all on matters relating to climate change. The Swedish climate change hustler who is making a fortune for her handlers from donations to her campaign, again castigated Australia for continuing to mine and export coal despite her previous complaints, adding a call for an end worldwide to the actibity to her list of climate demands to be delivered at the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos …

Ruling Elites support Extinction Rebellion plan for Marxist world to ‘fight climate change’
Climate lies
There is No Climate Emergency Say 500 Climate Scientists

Climate Denial Finally Pays Off

This blog has always been sceptical of the scientific case for climate change. And we admit that NO we are not climate scientists, NO we have not published research papers in ‘peer reviewed’ science journals. Of the three main contributors (all retired or semi retired) one is an engineer who still lectures in engineering and mathematics, one is a finance expert (considerably more expert that economics academics who advise governments – he managed to predict the dot com bubble bursting, the crash of 2008, the failure of Quantitative Easing and the failure of the Eurozone)and an information technology consultant who is now a writer when he feels like it.

And it looks as if, once again they have been proved right.

As part of a series of Wall Street Journal editorials showing the climate cause in mid-crackup. Holman Jenkins writes :

All of us old gits at Boggart Abroad came to the conclusion that Carbon Dioxide driven Anthropogenic Global Warming was a scam from different directions. Xavier understands the mathematics and physics involved, Phil understands the economics and Ian understands how global corporations and banks operate. And between them they agree it was never about saving the planet and always about money and power.

Everyone who has supported the case for climate chane by saying, “The science is settled,” should read the novel State of Fear by Michael Crichton. Written in 2004 it projects the actions of the enviro terrorists. Particular attention should be given to Appendix 1 at the back of the book about a new scientific theory that arose at the start of the last century and how leading lights bought into it until it was proved it had no scientific basis.

Junk science

Elsewhere: [ The Original Boggart Blog] … Daily Stirrer …[Little Nicky Machiavelli]… [ Ian’s Authorsden Pages ]… [Scribd]…[Wikinut] … [ Boggart Abroad] … [ Grenteeth Bites ] … Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] … [ Tumblr ] … [Ian at Minds ] … [ Authorsden blog ] … [Daily Stirrer News Aggregator]


An Elitist Shadow Government Running America

Every now and then we bloggers who take a sceptical line (and I mean true scepticism, i.e. questioning everything, taking as little as possible on trust) will come across a genuine, 24 carat, card carrying barm pot (probably a university lecturer, ‘scientist’ or senior school teacher who thinks he/she though usually he, is being incredibly clever by asking the most naive, stupid arsed questions imaginable of anybody who dares to question of challenge the “gospel truth” of official propaganda.

Yes I am talking about the kind of cupid stunt who still believes carbon dioxide emitted by human activity is causing catastrophic climate change havind read, he claim, a Boggart Blog post that includes a link to a new study which confirmed the finding of a 1951 research project that shows carbon dioxide is not a significant greenhouse gas.

Here’s the Boggart Blog post and Here’s the peer reviewed study it refers to:

‘Determining the Total Emissivity of a Mixture of Gases Containing Overlapping Absorption Bands,’

Right, so my source is rock solid and my somewhat hyperbolic presentation is eff all to do with anybody else, particularly the kind of bell – end who thinks it’s really smart to ask “who exactly are the establishment,” by which question the visitor shows he has no idea how the ordinary punters who read my blogs talk to each other.

I wonder then what this person would make of The Shadow Government, which I am blogging about today:

America Being Run By Unelected Elite

from Dave Stockman’s Contra Corner

America is being run by an unelected gang of essentially self-perpetuating PhDs.

The notion of an economics coup d’ etat is not so far-fetched. After all, the Eccles Building controls the levers of the nation’s fiscal policy; is the pied piper of the entire financial system; intentionally inflates financial bubbles which powerfully impact the distribution of wealth and income; and is the master builder of the nation’s towering edifice of $59 trillion in credit market debt that flattens growth, jobs and incomes on Main Street.”

“To take one case in point, consider further the matter of fiscal policy and the Washington machinery by which $4 trillion of economic resources are allocated directly, and countless trillions more indirectly owing to tax policy and Federal matching grants. This entire apparatus is now frozen in place because the Fed’s QE policy amounts to a giant fiscal fraud. Even if it sticks to the taper, the Fed’s balance sheet will have expanded by 5X—from $900 billion to $4.5 trillion—in 70 months.”

“Yet it has no intention whatsoever of unwinding this stupendous emission of fiat credit. Indeed, selling-down its massive piles of treasuries and MBS would ignite the mother of all melt-downs in the fixed income markets, which have gorged on over-valued paper that was priced by the Fed’s huge, artificial bid in the debt markets.”

“So if this $4.5 trillion balance sheet is permanent, then the Fed’s post-crisis money printing spree amounts to a massive monetization of the public debt. Too be sure, all of this was done in the name of rubbery abstractions like “accommodating” recovery, supporting the “labor market” and “stimulating” consumption and investment spending, but the real world effect was quite different and far more tangible: It allowed Washington to treat the financing cost of our $17.5 trillion national debt as a free good.”

Read more: America being Run by An Unelected Elite

The idea of nations being run in reality not by elected governments but by a cabal of corporate leaders, bankers and for want of a better term, “old money” is hardly novel. For years those naive fools who delude themselves they are intellectuals denied the existence of The Bilderberg Group, now thanks to incessant pressure of “nut jobs and conspiracy theorists” we know it does although they still do not offer press releases, minutes of their meetings or an official annual report. Which gives the real conspiracy theorists, the thickos who support officialdom and worship power and authority trying to sell the line “Ah but you can’t PROVE they are not just a bunch of rich people getting together for a jolly old chinwag over coffee and cake can you?”

Well no, we can’t, and we can’t prove that these wannabe elitists really despise the masses they pretend to care about. But while the science heads and academics ask us to accept their word backed up by the flimsiest of evidence, I go for the legal term “beyond reasonable doubt.” And I can say, on the balance of evidence it is beyond reasonable doubt that whatever the elite (The Establishment) get up to in secret is not in the best interests of we the punters.

So Boggart Blog will keep questioning. Join us.

Bloggies Awards Canel Science Category Because The Wrong People Keep Winning

Boggart Blog and our other half Little Nicky Machiavelli have always (well since we started blogging at least) been sceptical of the kind of climate science that dutifully produces the results politicians need as an excuse for punitive taxes on our basic essentials.

We were amused therefore to see this story from Aussie blogger Jo Nova:

Bloggies 2014 nominations — science category gone due to political correctness, pick a different category

(Bloggies BTW are, according to the organizers the Oscars of the blogosphere)

from Jo Nova:

“Last year the Best Science or Technology Weblog category was dominated entirely by climate science blogs, and 4 of the 5 were skeptics. Not surprisingly Watts Up won for the third time (congrats to Anthony). Tellingly, Skeptical Science withdrew even though the skeptics vote would have been split. (I guess they know their traffic stats.)

“This year, the bloggies has quietly announced “Best Science or Technology Weblog has been discontinued”. Ho hum? Have the organizers succumbed to political correctness for fear of letting skeptics win the award again? Seems so.

“Now we could lodge a protest, or we could just … ” Read all at Jo Nova

The best bit was about the Skeptical Science blog, BTW a sceptic – from latin – is one who neither believes nor disbelieves but questions everything, a skeptic – from Greek – is one who doubts everything. Skeptical Science blog was set up by a warmageddoninst and its routine approach was to unquestioningly accept government propaganda and academic research grant phishing while vehemently denying anything that challenged the propagandists or research grant phishers.

Climate Predictions, Economics and Realities
Wind farms: Is Common Sense Breaking Out In The Warmageddonist Industry?

A Dragon Flies Over Truro

Now I know some among you who have relied on your belief in reason, logic and order to protect yourselves from having to face the fact that we live in a a crazy, insane world in which nothing makes sense will be throwing a hissy fit at the notion that a dragon might have escaped from Arthurian myth to harass the good burghers of Truro, but here’s a video from You Tube that is going viral. And people who post videos on You Tube would not try to deceive us with fakes would they?

On the other hand, as I told those fools from the Merseyside Skepitics Association (who spell sceptic with a k because it look more like magick that way) to be truly a sceptic you have to neither believe nor disbelieve anything but question everything.

But the first thing to do is examine the evidence:


Boggart AbroadDaily Stirrer homeBoggart-Eft at Blogster Greenteeth BitesBoggart BlogGreenteeth LabyrinthIan at WikinutAuthorTold By An IdiotGatherBubblewsAuthorsdenScribdLittle Nicky Machiavelli

 Ian Thorpe at Facebook


Hmmm … So let’s question the video. Do dragons exist? My children tell me they have encountered one such creature, it was called Mrs. Bibby and taught seven to eight year olds at St. Annes school. The Dragon once told my daughter that her daddy would burn in hell because he was not a Roman Catholic. Mrs Bibby was a crap dragon, she could not even breathe fire although she found at the next parents evening that I can.

Now back to the Truro dragon which you will immediately notice in the video looks nothing like John Hurt.

I am very suspicious of this dragon because the way it moves its wings is completely unaerodynamic. Even a Ray Harryhausen dragon moves more realistically than that. To me this creature looks like one of the little buggers that was responsible for wannabe skinny dippers on Hampstead Heath having to don budgie smugglers.


North American crayfish: this creature already boosted sales of budgie smuggers in North London, will it now book tourism in King Arthur country?

Anyone who has seen one of these vicious little willie nippers swimming with recognise the action as being identical to that of the alleged Truro dragon in flight.

We therefore pronounce the Truro dragon a hoax, and being in Cornwall probably a scrumpy related stunt. Unless Mrs Bibby moved down to Cornwall after she retired. She would be in her nineties now, but dragons are immortal aren’t they?

Psychic Power

This is not by best piece ever by a long way but I just had to write that headline.

Lancashire psychic Joe Power (see, I told you I had to write the headline) a wannabe celebrity psychic whose by line is (portentous chords) “He sees dead people didn’t see trouble coming his way from live(ish) people when he fell foul of the Merseyside Skeptics Society who question his claim to have supernatural abilities.

We’d love to be able to tell you Joe’s claim is actually true because he holds down a day job as a morgue attendant but we could get no information to back that up. We do have information on Merseyside Skeptics Society however. They are the arseholes who earlier this year staged a mass overdose protest against homeopathy. As we reported at the time the Merseyside Skeptics Society (calm down, calm down) got very excited about the sale of homeopathic remedies in Boots Chemist. To “prove” homeopathy is a fraud they gathered outside the Liverpool branch of Boots and drank amounts of homeopathic medicine that vastly exceeded the recommended dose. Then they didn’t die and claimed they had proved homeopathic remedies were useless despite the information on the remedies’ packaging clearly stating “There’s one born every minute,” and on the other side “Exceeding the recommended dose will not harm you.”

I would say the sceptics proved at least one claim made by homeopaths is true.

Back to Psychic Power however. He has alleged that Merseyside Skeptics Society have been conducting a campaign of harassment against him. Nonsense a spokesman for the sceptics said: All we have done is say his powers are mythical. Maybe the thkeptic thpokthperthon wath trying to say mystical but had a thpeech impediment. Could a psychics powers be mythical, like King Arthur or Robin Hood or Jason and the Argonauts? Is there anything in classical literature about The Mythical Mystic of Mykonos? No? Oh well, worth a try.

So in the end does Joe Power have the power? We don’t know, nor do we care much in fact we were happy to have never heard of him until the Merseyside Skeptics Society gave the life giving oxygen of free publicity to his career as the man who speaks to the dead.

The Sceptics on the other hand we have to feel sorry for. The irrational faith in reason and logic of people who go to great lengths and waste their hard earned proving something known to be harmless is actually harmless makes them sadder than the people who ask Psychic Power to contact Great Uncle Fred and ask him where he hid the keys to the safe deposit box. On the other hand if the sceptics really want to scupper Psychic Power’s career they could try putting a curse on him.

Zombies Getting Back Together?