It’s Been A Bad Week For The Green Blob – And Now This …

First the farmers’ protests against higher taxes, reduced subsidies and restrictive policies imposed by the EU in pursuit of a rainbow coloured unicorn called net zero forced the Brussels Bureaucrats to cave in, reverse some policies and offer concession on punitive taxes. Then came news that in 2023 the share of new vehicle sales claimed by electric cars and vans had dropped against earlier years after projections earlier in the year that it would increase by ten per cent or more. Another story, played down by mainstream media, concerned the withdrawal by London Transport Authority of its entire fleet of electric buses after three spontaneously combusted within a week.

And now we have the latest blast of pseudo scientific flatulence from the wind power business:

Wind farm operator forced to cut hundreds of jobs

Ørsted quits several global markets and scales back offshore projects.

Orsted operates the Walney Extension offshore wind farm off the coast of Blackpool
Orsted operates the Walney Extension offshore wind farm off the coast of Blackpool Credit: REUTERS/Phil Noble

One of Britain’s largest offshore wind developers has been forced to cut hundreds of jobs and quit several global markets as it battles spiralling costs. 

Ørsted, which operates 12 wind farms in the UK, announced a raft of cost-cutting measures after posting around £2.2bn worth of losses for 2023.

This includes halting dividend payments until 2025 and pulling out of several international markets, including in Norway, Spain and Portugal. 

Ørsted’s cash crunch comes after the business abandoned several uncompleted projects in the US last year after incurring billions of pounds of losses.  … Continue reading >>>

All we long – term climate change sceptics at Boggart Blog can say is, WE TOLD YOU SO.

Britain’s Net Zero Disaster & The Wind Power Scam

Authored by Rupert Darwall via The Epoch Times,

“This is not about complicated issues of cryptocurrency,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Nicolas Roos declared in the Sam Bankman-Fried trial, after accusing the defendant of building FTX on a “pyramid of deceit.” Much the same can be said about the foundations of Britain’s net-zero experiment. Energy is complicated, and electricity is essential to modern society and our quality of life, but as with FTX, the underlying story is straightforward: Wind power and net zero are built on a pyramid of deceit.

Net zero was sold to Parliament and the British people on claims that wind-power costs were low and falling. This was untrue: Wind-power costs are high and have been rising. In the net-zero version of “crypto will make you rich,” official analyses produced by the Treasury and the Office for Budget Responsibility rely on the falsehood that wind power is cheap, that net zero would have minimal costs, and that it could boost productivity and economic growth. None of these has any basis in reality.

The push for net zero began in 2019, when the UK’s Climate Change Committee produced a report urging the government to adopt the policy. Part of the justification was historic climate guilt. In the words of committee chair Lord Deben, Britain had been “one of the largest historical contributors to climate change.” But the key economic justification for raising Britain’s decarbonization from 80 percent to 100 percent by 2050—i.e., net zero—was “rapid cost reductions during mass deployment for key technologies,” notably in offshore wind. These illusory cost reductions, the committee claimed, “have made tighter emission reduction targets achievable at the same costs as previous looser targets.” It was green snake oil.

During the subsequent 88-minute debate in the House of Commons to write net zero into law, the clean-energy minister, Chris Skidmore, also asserted that net zero’s cost would be the same as the previous 80 percent target, which Parliament had approved in 2008. Challenged by a Labour MP on the absence of a regulatory-impact assessment, Mr. Skidmore misled Parliament, saying that there had been no regulatory-impact assessment in respect of raising the initial 60 percent target to 80 percent.

The regulatory-impact assessment that Mr. Skidmore says doesn’t exist gave a range of £324 billion (about $412 billion) to £404 billion when the target was raised to 80 percent—an estimate that excluded transitional costs—and cautioned that costs could exceed this range. Unlike today’s political pronouncements, the assessment was honest about the consequences of Britain acting if the rest of the world didn’t. “The economic case for the UK continuing to act alone where global action cannot be achieved would be weak,” it warned.Continue Reading >>>


Germany Burns Net Zero Pledges And Fires Up Coal Generating Plants Ahead Of Winter Peak Electricity Season
On Wednesday this week Germany’s coalition government approved putting coal power plants back online until the end of March 2024 to ensure energy security when natural gas supplies cannot meet demand. Though Germany has for at least a decade vied with Britain to claim leadership of Europe’s ill – advised push for net zero, the Berlin government has been forced into this move

The Offshore Wind Fiasco Sets New Records For Government Incompetence
In an article on wind powered generators last week a science & technology writer showed himself in need of remedial education in basic literacy:”Meanwhile, 14GW of installed capacity puts us second in the world behind China,” he burbled The problem here is inability to understand the meaning of ‘installed capacity.’ If it means a capability of generating 14GW of electricity, as it would if we were discussing gas, nuclear or coal that would be lovely …

Millions Of Brits Told Not To Heat Homes At Night As Part Of ‘Net Zero’ Push
No, they aren’t urging elites to ditch their private jets for commercial, or not to burn 1,000 of fuel taking the yacht out for a jaunt. Chris Stark, head of the UK’s Climate Change Committee, wants ordinary citizens to turn off their electric heaters (heat pumps) at night as part of a wider drive to deliver “emissions savings,” which includes a shift away from gas boilers – which Chris, a hypocrite, still has.


Another Setback For UK’s Net Zero Green Dreams As Cost Rise Faster Than China’s CO2 Emissions
The UK ruling elite’s dreams suffered another setback today when Swedish energy company Vattenfall announced work on the Norfolk Boreas offshore wind farm is to be suspended. The reasons given are spiralling costs, uncertainty in supply lines and the economic reality that offshore wind farms are hideously expensive to operate as well as being enormously damaging to the marine environment.

How Germany’s open door to migrants and mad dash to Net Zero Brought Down The Establishment
Friedrichstrasse in Berlin is one of Europe’s most renowned shopping streets. Lined with glitzy stores, from Galeries Lafayette to Karl Lagerfeld it is on a par with Avenue des Champs-Élysées, London’s Regent Street or Via Montenapoleone in Milan, teeming with shoppers eager to spend their hard earned or ill – gotten cash and flowing with cars, buses and taxis.

Out Of Touch Elites Are Destroying Civilised Society Society With Net Zero Obsession And No Plan B
How good it must have felt for politicians to set those lofty goals, knowing that someone else must deal with the cost and the implementation? But now the bills are now arriving, and they’re bringing a world of hurt. To sum up: Western policy elites have embarked on the electrification of society, replacing hydrocarbons in housing and transport, but without the technology to replace it well.

Implosion of Germany’s Green Party Threatens To Destabilse EU
With the defeat of Donald Trump in the 2020 US election, the far left parties in Liberal Democracies celebrated the defeat of the far right. At around the same time it appeared that Germany’s AfD party, Italy’s Lega and and the Sweden Democrats had been discredited and surges in their popularity had been halted by negative propaganda campaigns while Germany’s Green Party were at the height of their popularity and were hailed as Europe’s great hope for a clean, net zero, woke, gay and trans friendly future.

Climate Scaremongers Have Taken Over Where COVID Scaremongers Left Off
Boggart Blog can announce that the winners of our coveted Scaremongering Bollocks of The Month award goes this month to BBC News. Not only did the BBC report in one of their regular climate catastrophe scare stories that river levels across the UK have been at record lows, they broadcast that news story on the same day as The London Weather Centre announced that March 2023 was set to be the wettest March since records began.

Europes Tractor Protests Spread To Germany And Now Include Fishing Trawlers
Hundreds of farmers have descended in their tractors on a small German coastal town to protest measures imposed by the European Union as part of the bid to ‘save the planet’ by reducing CO2 emissions from cow farts. 400 tractors reportedly gathered in Büsum on Wednesday to protest what is probably the most insane environmentalist policy dreamed up by the EU idealogues to date …

Green Energy & Net Zero: A Herd Of Elephants In The Room

The Cuadrilla Lancashire gas exploration wells yielded very high-quality natural gas from just a few fractures [ … ]Claims that less than 1\100th of the gas resource of 37.6 trillion m3 could be extracted has been shown to be false, no actual UK data on gas recovery is available the claim was based on pre-2010 US data. Just 10% gas recovery from Bowland shale could supply 50 years’ worth of current UK gas demand.

Net Zero Will Lead To The End Of Modern Civilisation, Says Top Scientist
In a recently published science paper, Dr. Wallace Manheimer said Net Zero would be the end of modern civilisation. Writing about wind and solar power he argued it would be especially tragic “when not only will this new infrastructure fail, but will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment, and be entirely unnecessary”.

The Offshore Wind Fiasco Sets New Records For Government Incompetence

Out Of Touch Elites Are Destroying Civilised Society Society With Net Zero Obsession And No Plan B

Europes Tractor Protests Spread To Germany And Now Include Fishing Trawlers

Green Energy & Net Zero: A Herd Of Elephants In The Room

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Destroying The Planet To Save It

15 November 2023
In the unthinking stampede of politicians and ‘scientists’ towards achieving ‘Net Zero’ and thus ‘saving the planet’ from death by human civilisation, perhaps a reality check is long overdue for the delusional Green Blob and the virtue signalling politicians. In order to save the planet from a largely imaginary threat based on an ideology behind which there is very little scientific and absolutely zero empirical evidence.

And as if that was not enough to make any sane person stop and think, the solutions proposed by the Green Blob, apart from being so expensive they would destroy every functioning national economy on the planet, are going to be more damaging to the planet than continuing to burn coal and gas as our main source of energy and fuel out vehicles with oil.  The Blob propose abandoning this reliable, consistent source in favour of intermittent, unreliable sources, primarily wind and solar powered generators. The Boggart Bloggers have written on the shortcomings of these technologies many times.

A small, clean, green, and utterly reliant on the vagaries of the weather, 100-megawatt wind farm needs 30,000 tons of iron ore; 50,000 tons of concrete and 900 tons of non-recyclable plastic.

For the same power from an ever-so-green solar farm you need to increase those figures by 150 per cent.

An battery pack for a small electric car weighs half a ton, to make just one requires the mining of 250 tons of bedrock somewhere on the planet, and the smelting and refining processes consume vast amounts of energy mostly derived from oil, natural gas and coal.

All these ‘clean, green, renewable’ methods of generation require what are called ‘rare earth metals,’ which are actually quite plentiful but occur in such low concentrations that separating them from the ores in which they are found makes them phenomenally expensive, as well as resulting in vast quantities of toxic shite (including cyanide, arsenic, nitric and hydrochloric acid,) so a phenomenal 2000 tons of toxic waste is produced and most of it is dumped in the environment, just to produce one ton of the any of the rare earth metals needed to make wind turbines, solar panels or lithium ion batteries. On top of all this, processing and shipping is required to the developed nations, and this is usually provided from companies based in from unregulated regimes (e.g. Liberia,) with very lax environmental standards.

As mentioned above Solar and wind generation is limited by its dependence on weather conditions, another issue we have commented on many times, but we need energy ALL the time, so we have to have permanent back-up of a type that can kick in instantly because both cloud cover and wind speeds can change very quickly and it is not possible to turn a key or press a button and start a combined cycle gas generator they way we start our car or switch on the vacuum cleaner.

And then there is the land requirement because the amount of productive land lost to production of food due to the spread of ‘renewables’ is astounding.

To accommodate 2,000 MW of gas or nuclear power generation requires the same area of two 18-hole golf courses. Whereas, accommodating 2,000 MW of wind power requires an area the size of Belgium!

Then, of course, you still need 2,000 MW of gas or nuclear power to accommodate those hundreds of occasions each year when wind and solar power is producing absolutely nothing.

One of the proposed solutions is to build vast battery farms to store surplus energy when wind and sunshine give us a surplus, but apart from their not being enough known lithium reserves in the world to provide adequate backup for just on developed nation, a statistic I read recently claims the giant Tesla factory in Nevada would take 500 years to make enough batteries to supply the USA with electricity for 1 day!

After 30 years of development and countless billions of £$€ in grants, subsidies and incentive payments, wind and solar still supply less than 5 per cent of the world’s energy. You may have seen screaming headlines in mainstream media proclaiming that on a particular day ‘renewables’ generated over 50% of the UK’s consumed electricity, b.ut contrast that with the deafening silence when on cold, windless winter days when solar and wind between then provide less than 5%.

On top of that, in common with all technology, wind turbines and solar panels  are built from non-renewable materials, and they break down, parts wear out or break and have to be replaced time and time again, so installation is definitely not a one-off cost. Instead of ‘saving the planet’ the Green Blob and their rampaging renewables are actually devouring it!


Just When We Need It Most, Renewable Energy Disappears
In an encouraging sign of a great awakening, million of people in the UK are now, after a week of brutally cold, absolutely windless weather asking “Why have we wasted so much money on wind turbines and harvesting solar energy.”
  Yet when politicians are asked directly: “How do we keep the lights on and our homes warm when the wind does not blow and the sun is too low in the sky to make much impression on photovoltaic cells that do the business in solar panels?

Europe’s Cold Spell Exposes Green Energy Policy Failure
So far the autumn of 2022 has been unusually mild which has had eco-warriors getting worked up and gluing their arses to motorways and airport runways to demand that we stop using oil. However winter temperatures across Europe predictably dropped sharply in late November and through most of December to date have been positively arctic. Scientists have offered the opinion that the cold weather spell the ongoing European gas crisis is now “likely” to worsen significantly as usual seasonal weather spreads across the northern half of the continent, bringing with it an increased need for domestic heating.

Minister’s Claim That 40% UK Energy Comes From Renewables Is Technically Illiterate
Britain’s newly installed Secretary of State for Energy, Grant Shapps, is still learning the job so perhaps we should cut him some slack, but even so a statement he made on our energy supply today shows astounding ignorance of technical details relating to his portfolio.
Answering a question in Parliament this morning about Britain’s ability to reach its target of getting 40% of our energy needs from sustainable sources, Shapps sneered that it was not possible for us to reach 40% now as we already get 43% from wind. Unfortunately the sneering sarcasm was misplaced but served to reveal the man in charge of energy policy does not know the difference between energy and electricity.

Common Sense Prevails: Germany Is Dismantling Wind Turbines To Make Room For Coal Mining
We have learned vial a piece in that turbines at a wind farm in western Germany are being dismantled to allow for the expansion of open cast coal mining operations at an adjacent site. The propsal to increase output at the Garzweiler open-pit lignite coal mine has been described as a “paradoxical” situation given that in recent years the German government has been pushing ahead with the closure of coal and nuclear generating plant to appease its nutty but powerful Green party … Continue reading >>>

The True Cost Of The Green Energy Boom Is Now Being Realized
For four decades we have been fed a constant stream of propaganda assuring us that green energy was the only way forward if we wanted to secure supplies of the energy essential to a modern society while preventing the environmental catastrophes that would be the inevitable consequence of climate change caused by the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emitted by human industrial, commercial and social activity. … Continue reading >>>

Do We Have A Winter Of Civil Disobedience Ahead?
As many people in Britain slap on the apres sun gloop in the wake of what passes for a heatwave in these cool cloudy climes, our inept politicians caught with their pants down by unusual weather as usual have heard that that winter is coming and are making plans for a coldwave. We are in the grip of an energy crisis at the height of summer. Last week, it was reported that the UK government is laying down plans for a “reasonable worst-case scenario” including blackouts for industry and even households. And this is as energy prices spiral out of control to new records every day.

The Truth About Coal And The Lies Of The Elite
So much for all the COP 26 banter late last year. Let me remind you. The elites all flew in on their private jets and promptly told us we’re all (royal we) getting off fossil fuels and killing coal.So how’s that turning out? The usage of coal is now at record highs:

Official Advice – Prepare For Blackouts This Winter
The UK government is putting plans together for days of organised blackouts this winter, in what they call a “reasonable worst-case scenario” for energy shortages, according to reports in manstream media. Naturally they are blaming this on the embargo on importing gas from Russia but in reality Britain has never imported any more than a small amout of its gas from Russia. The real reason politicians and energy company CEOs are panicking is entirely due to their obession with obtaining all our energy from intermittent sources like wind and sunshine …

UK Households Are Paying Wind Turbine Owners To Not Generate Electricity
On another near windless day here in the United Kingdom, Boggart Blog came across a very interesting piece if news. According to figures published by the business and management consultancy LCP, british taxpayers have been paying operators of wind turbines farms for the time their windmills were NOT generating electricity increased to record levels last year …

“Our Country Is Facing The Biggest Crisis The Crisis We Ever Had”: German Employers’ Association Warns Over Russian Gas Cut
With the Nord Stream 1 pipeline closed for maintenance, with the possibility that President Putin will not allow it to reopen at the end of the scheduled 10 days downtime in retaliation for the EU’s continued support or Ukraine in their conflict with Russia, Germany is facing an unprecedented crisis that could erase the prosperity Germans have grown accustomed to, warned Rainer Dulger, head of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations.

Net Zero Is A Dangerous Fantasy, But Scientists Believe In Fairies It Seems
With oil and gas prices rocketing and the highly propted sustainable energy sources performing way befow expectations the energy crisis currently gripping Europe (with worse to come as food shortages start to bite, polticians still seem more intent on pandering to the green lobby and chasing the dream of a fossil fuel free world rather securing the energy and food supplies needed by the people they serve.

Shock for The Green Blob – Rewilding is to blame for Mediterranean forest fires
Or at least, to be acccurate, rewilding is partially to blame for Mediterranean forest fires. Which is darkly amusing as that man most insistent upon rewilding, George Monbiot, is trying to tell us that it’s all about climate change.

Climate Change Research Paper Censored by The British Hydrological Society For Telling The Truth

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling you for years …

America and UK Lead the World in Climate Scepticism Several times now it has looked as if the climate change scare was over as the enthusiasm of climate scitentists for changing real world data to fit in with the predictions of their mathematical models has been exposed. But as the scare was never about the environment, but was a scam to redistribute wealth from rich to poor countries, the politicians are throwing their propaganda budgets behind it again.

Global Warming Is Not Causing Any Polar Ice Cap Meltdown Says NASA
Updated data from NASA satellite instruments reveal the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since the satellite instruments began measuring the ice caps in 1979. Since the end of 2012, moreover, total polar ice extent has largely remained above the post-1979 average. The updated data contradict one of the most frequently asserted global warming claims – that global warming is causing the polar ice caps to recede.

Polar Temperature Data ‘Proving’ Climate Change Nothing More than a Guess
Dr Benny Peiser who heads up the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), has said temperature readings from the Arctic and Antarctic used to estimate the effects of global warming are nothing more than guesswork. GWPF last month announced its intention to carry out a wide-ranging review of the data underpinning claims on global warming.

Another Kick In The Bollocks For Warmageddonists And CAGWARTS
I’ve had many arguments with the Warmageddonists, the people who have been saying that the ‘scientific consensus’ had agreed if we did not shut down all coal, oil and gas related activites (that is, just about all human activities except unprotected sex and sleeping) the earth was going to turn into a giant furnace and we would all burn. Those of us audacious enough to ask when this was going to happen felt the horizon shifting.

U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare
We said it was a scam, now a United Nations official has admitted the whole climate change scare was really about destroying capitalism. But what doo the elites plan to replace it with, A Corporaite Global Dictator ship in which the world is run by unelected bureaucrats selected from withing a small, elite class? Actually we predicted that as well.

Green Energy & Net Zero: A Herd Of Elephants In The Room

The Cuadrilla Lancashire gas exploration wells yielded very high-quality natural gas from just a few fractures [ … ]Claims that less than 1\100th of the gas resource of 37.6 trillion m3 could be extracted has been shown to be false, no actual UK data on gas recovery is available the claim was based on pre-2010 US data. Just 10% gas recovery from Bowland shale could supply 50 years’ worth of current UK gas demand.

UK Energy Crisis Deepens as prices and demand skyrocket while supplies shrink to critical levels
It is ironic that in the week world leaders and flat faced Swedeish trolls are gathering in Glasgow for an orgy of virtue signalling that will inevitably drive millions of people in the developed world into fuel poverty and result in more industrial jobs being exported from the west to the world’s major produceres of Carbon Dioxide emissions, China and India, the energy crunch that is affecting the whole of Europe is about to hit the United Kingdom extremely hard. … Continue reading >>>

Shale Gas Salvation? Frack Off ….
A few months ago, before the June oil prices crash, the US oil industry was ebullient. “It is too late for OPEC to stop the shale revolution”, industry pundits squawked, “OPEC can’t stop the shale industry” – screamed banner headlines in the usually restrained financial press. But if a week is a lon=g time in politics, three months is eternity in the oil business.

House battery to store energy will ‘change entire infrastructure of the world’ – or maybe not
Another costly new product hailed as a breakthough in technology, this time a clutching-at-straws exercise from the failing electric car company Tesla, completely fails to live up to the hype under scrutiny. Hailed as a super battery, a mjor advance in battery technology that will change the world to store power for a household, it turns out to be nothing more than a streamined car battery. It will run the average home for about 2 hours.

Researchers Discover How to Use Living Plants to Generate Electricity.
Most of the hyped green energy solutions to generate electricity from wind or sunshine are so obviously flawed the only thing that makes them economically viable is that governments offer huge subsidies to generators. This in turn makes the sustainables so expensive that consumers cannot afford the intermittent energy they produce.

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Net Zero and The Great Renewables Deception

Accoring to former prime minister Theresa May, tying the government and by default the long suffering taxpayers of this country into a legally binding commitment to achieve ‘net zero’ by 2050 was one of the crowning achievements of her time in office although how she could possibly know what would happen several decades in the future is a mystery, especially as she clearly did not know what was going on around her at the time. Well let’s be honest, the Maybot screwed up every contemporary policy action so there were no other achievements with which anyone who cared thirty years in the future could compare. There was no outcome May would ever have to deal with so I suppose a meidocre, incompetent politician like May would consider having got away with making a law that was guaranteed to trash the national economy and drive millions of Britons into third world levels of poverty an achievement.

The green revolution which Theresa May and her government embraced was only ever an illusion given false credibility by promise: of cheaper energy, of greener jobs, and of a cleaner environment. 

Only five years down the line and that wildly optimistic and myopic view of the net-zero myth is rapidly collapsing into ruins. Last month’s auction of licences for offshore wind farm developments – where no bids to build new offshore wind were submitted – served as a heads up not just to the wind industry, but to everyone individual and organisation with a financial interest the net-zero transition. 

This was a profound humiliation for the renewables industry and its supporters, and was understood to be due to costs spiralling out of control and output from all types of renewables technologies falling far short of levels predicted by scientists and their mathematical models. This week Tom Glover, chair of RWE Renewables UK arm, has suggested that prices per megawatt hour will need to rise substantially, from £44 to somewhere between £65 and £75. 

In other words: wind farms might generate energy at zero cost if we ignore the initial capital investment in manufacturing and erecting the turbine and the very high maintenance costs, but for it to be economically viable once capital investement, maintenance and distribution costs are accounted for it is almost double the price of power generated in gas, nuclear or coal powered generators. And higher costs mean higher bills.

It turns out energy policy isn’t as straightforward as the greener we get, the cheaper things get. Glover’s comments are a far more honest assessment than the eco-equivalent of “have your cake and eat it” line we’ve been fed for years. But with that honesty also comes some mandatory reassessment.

We have been totally misled by politicians and vested interests (grant phishing scientists, profiteering ‘green blob’ corporations,) about the likely consequences of what is if we’re honest, a trivial fkluctuation in global average temperatures.

Wind energy – once you include the required grid upgrades, storage and backup requirement – are multiples more expensive than the demonised fossil fuel and nuclear resources that currently generate most of our energy.

We have been deceived by Levelised Cost of Energy (LCOE) figures that don’t include any of the major cost factors for renewables, most blatantly the huge upfront capital investment. We should be furious. We should be out in the streets demanding that Energy Department ministers and civil servants’, senior executives of renewable energy businesses’ and the mad scientists mad scientists’ heads be displayed on spikes around the perimeter railings of The Palace of Westminster! (metaphorically of course.) They have all betrayed the public and serve political agendas nobody ever has or would vote for.

Once you include those and the required grid, storage and backup, the LCOE rises from the advertised $40/MWh, to nearer $300/MWh. (coal power being around $60)

To embezzle taxpayer’s money in the way all these people have is a heinous crime by any standards. This money is forcibly taken from all of us on pain of imprisonment. Students pay tax (VAT), pensioners also. Car owners pay road tax, fulel tax and excise duty (and VAT on all those taxes,) people who enjoy a beer or a glass of wine or spirits pay tax and duty on their pleasure, people who like a bet on the horses or other sporting events pay betting tax. There are myriad other taxes, licence fees, duties, tolls etc. that we pay to national and local government. In total almost half of our hard – earned goies back to these self serving scumbags. Our money should be treated with respect. The fact that dishonest con artists in government, business, academia and media have all had their snouts in the trough we so generously fill, promising energy security but actually delivering us into energy poverty and ruin is an insult to all of us.

The True Cost Of The Green Energy Boom Is Now Being Realized
For four decades we have been fed a constant stream of propaganda assuring us that green energy was the only way forward if we wanted to secure supplies of the energy essential to a modern society while preventing the environmental catastrophes that would be the inevitable consequence of climate change caused by the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emitted by human industrial, commercial and social activity. … Continue reading >>>

Electricity cuts and power crisis predicted for Britain’s New Year Holiday
Shapps carefully omits to mention that the government’s only contingency plan for providing the power needed to meet peaks of demand (a sudden cold snap for example) is to spark up the thousands of diesel generators the earth loving politicians have concealed in goods containers on compounds sited around the country. Yes you read that right, diesel generators …

Now Even ‘Hockey Stick’ Mann Admits The ‘Pause’ In Global Warming Is Real
“It has been claimed that the early-2000s global warming slowdown or hiatus, characterized by a reduced rate of global surface warming, has been overstated, lacks sound scientific basis, or is unsupported by observations. The evidence presented here contradicts these claims,” the paper in Nature Climate Change says.

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling you for years …

It Looks As If Carbon Credits Scam Has INCREASED CO2 Emissions
As the climate change scare becomes more and more exposed for the money making fraud it always was, they green weirdie beardie, rope sandal wearing tree huggers get more hysterical and stupid in their arguments that we must all return to medieval lifestyles, the billionaires like Al Gore who hope to profit from it keep flogging the dead horse and the angrier and more vicious the left wing hate mobs become in their witch hunts.

After a personal admission that he ‘went soft’ on the elitist malfeasance, misinformation and power grabbing which poses a much greater threat to civilisation than any pandemic, climate event or political coup ever can, the auhor takes aim at the loonytoons plan to control climate change by blocking the sun’s rays with chemical dust … Continue reading >>>

The Truth About Coal And The Lies Of The Elite
So much for all the COP 26 banter late last year. Let me remind you. The elites all flew in on their private jets and promptly told us we’re all (royal we) getting off fossil fuels and killing coal.So how’s that turning out?
The usage of coal is now at record highs:

Electricity cuts and power crisis predicted for Britain’s New Year Holiday
Shapps carefully omits to mention that the government’s only contingency plan for providing the power needed to meet peaks of demand (a sudden cold snap for example) is to spark up the thousands of diesel generators the earth loving politicians have concealed in goods containers on compounds sited around the country. Yes you read that right, diesel generators …

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal – Is It The Tip Of The Iceberg?
The real problem here is that, driven by the hysterical warnings of self interested pseudo-scientists, politicians have set unachievable targets for reducing emissions while demanding that national economies keep growing.

America and UK Lead the World in Climate Scepticism
Several times now it has looked as if the climate chance scare was over as the enthusiasm of climate scitentists for changing real world data to fit in with the predictions of their mathematical models has been exposed. But as the scare was never about the environment, but was a scam to redistribute wealth from rich to poor countries, the politicians are throwing their propaganda budgets behind it again.

p>Global Warming Is Not Causing Any Polar Ice Cap Meltdown Says NASA
Updated data from NASA satellite instruments reveal the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since the satellite instruments began measuring the ice caps in 1979. Since the end of 2012, moreover, total polar ice extent has largely remained above the post-1979 average. The updated data contradict one of the most frequently asserted global warming claims – that global warming is causing the polar ice caps to recede.

The Truth About Coal And The Lies Of The Elite
So much for all the COP 26 banter late last year. Let me remind you. The elites all flew in on their private jets and promptly told us we’re all (royal we) getting off fossil fuels and killing coal.So how’s that turning out?
The usage of coal is now at record highs:

Britain is Breaking Down; The Economy Is Struggling, Living Standards Are Falling, Institutions Are Failing
Successive governments have brought Britain to its knees.This article will focus on Britain as representative of the general malaise that is afflicting almost all the developed world. Our current crop of politicians have discarded the resources that brought the country out of the post war decline … In spite of being rich in energy resources Britain is now in an energy crisis, our leaders have sacrificed prosperity on the altar of Net Zero, committing the nation to our reducing our 1% contribution to harmful emissions still further …

Official Advice – Prepare For Blackouts This Winter
The UK
government is putting plans together for days of organised blackouts this winter, in what they call
a “reasonable worst-case scenario” for energy shortages, according to reports in manstream media. Naturally they are blaming this on the embargo on importing gas from Russia but in reality Britain has never imported any more than a small amout of its gas from Russia. The real reason politicians and energy company CEOs are panicking is entirely due to their obession with obtaining all our energy from intermittent sources like wind and sunshine …

“Revolution Has Begun”: 75,000 Brits Plan To Stop Paying Power Bills In Protest At Energy Rip Off
Resistance is growing to spiralling domestic energy costs in Britain as more than 75,000 irritated people in the UK have pledged not to pay their electricity bill this fall when prices jump again. 

If the government & energy companies refuse to act then
ordinary people will! Together we can enforce a fair price and affordable energy for all,” tweeted “Don’t Pay UK,” an anonymous group spearheading the effort to have more than one million Brits boycott paying their power bill by Oct. 1.

UK Energy Crisis Deepens as prices and demand skyrocket while supplies shrink to critical levels
It is ironic that in the week world leaders and flat faced Swedeish trolls are gathering in Glasgow for an orgy of virtue signalling that will inevitably drive millions of people in the developed world into fuel poverty and result in more industrial jobs being exported from the west to the world’s major produceres of Carbon Dioxide emissions, China and India, the energy crunch that is affecting the whole of Europe is about to hit the United Kingdom extremely hard.
Continue reading >>>

Shale Gas Salvation? Frack Off ….
A few months ago, before the June oil prices crash, the US oil industry was ebullient. “It is too late for OPEC to stop the shale revolution”, industry pundits squawked, “OPEC can’t stop the shale industry” – screamed banner headlines in the usually restrained financial press. But if a week is a lon=g time in politics, three months is eternity in the oil business.

House battery to store energy will ‘change entire infrastructure of the world’ – or maybe not
Another costly new product hailed as a breakthough in technology, this time a clutching-at-straws exercise from the failing electric car company Tesla, completely fails to live up to the hype under scrutiny. Hailed as a super battery, a mjor advance in battery technology that will change the world to store power for a household, it turns out to be nothing more than a streamined car battery. It will run the average home for about 2 hours.

Researchers Discover How to Use Living Plants to Generate Electricity.
Most of the hyped green energy solutions to generate electricity from wind or sunshine are so obviously flawed the only thing that makes them economically viable is that governments offer huge subsidies to generators. This in turn makes the sustainables so expensive that consumers cannot afford the intermittent energy they produce.

Wind farms paid £43million to stand idle because on windy days they produce more power than the National Grid could handle
But you can’t switch the coal, gas ans nuclear plants off becausethe wind can drop very suddenly. John Constable, of the Renewable Energy Foundation has said too many wind farms have been built too quickly, without the infrastructure to cope with the power. Officials are also pandering to suppliers running the Government’s ‘pet technology’, he said, allowing them to charge whatever they wanted to switch off, he said.

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Having A Heat Pump Installed Is A Waste Of Time And Money

Heat pumps are currently the government’s preferred technology to replace gas boilers which will no longrer be available to buy in a few years as the country moves towards net zero. In fact the Government wants 600,000 of the devices installed each year by 2028, while gas boilers will be phased out. By 2035, households will be banned from replacing gas boilers like-for-like, although that will not mean having a pre-existing gas boiler will suddenly become illegal.

This patricular section of ‘Net Zero policy lunacy is proving even more conrovesial than wind turbines and electric vehicles: around four in 10 households do not support the boiler ban, according to research by Boiler Guide, a network of both gas and heat pump engineers.

Some 80pc of homes think the Government needs to offer more financial help to ease the transition. As things stand, households must pay much higher upfront costs to install the devices – and not adopting the green technology could cause you problems when trying to sell your home.

And then there is the Elephant In The Room, the fucking things simply don’t work in the British climate. Oh, its a well established technology, having been around for a hundred years, and its great in places like Arizona or southern Spain. But they are a long way from Britain and their climates are very different. But the impending disaster this policy will cause if not reversed is another case of stupid politicians blindly following ‘The Science’ as if scientists are some kind of omniscient, semi divine creatures who must never be qyestioned. In fact most of the many scientists I’ve met in a long career as an IT consultant that took me through spells in nuclear, electricity, petrochem and aeonautics, as well as banking and finance, the EU and a few other ventures, have been idiots when only one step away from their very narrow speciality, and quite a few have been certifiable lunatics.

With timebrunning out to apply for cost-cutting state vouchers for switching to heat pumps, and a price war kicking off between providers, here are six reasons why a heat pump might not be the best option for your home.

  1. Cost is prohibitive
  2. They are slow to warm up the house / water
  3. They are expensive to run, electricity bills increase up to fourfold
  4. There’s a 50%+ chance your home is not suitable for one
  5. They’re noisy
  6. They only work if your home is new and insulated to the highest standard

Mike Foster from the Energy and Utilities Alliance, has some thoughts on heat pump technology problems that added to the cost appear to make them a non starter. He said: “It is clear that the cost of installing heat pumps is many times higher than that of installing a gas boiler or replacing a gas boiler.

“As a consequence that affordability gap cannot be met by consumers. Therefore looking at alternatives such as keeping boilers but changing the gap that goes through the natural gas pipeline to something like hydrogen got to be the most sensible way forward.

“I believe that for the majority of homes currently on the gas grid, having a boiler-based alternative in the form of hydrogen-ready boilers has to be the most logical approach a government can take.”

Mr Foster slammed heat pumps, claiming that the technology will never reach the same cost as a gas boiler. Meanwhile, he noted that boiler manufacturing companies have already committed to ensuring that hydrogen-ready boilers cost the same as gas boilers. 


Green dreams of Heat Pumps
When Boris Johnson revealed the UK Government plans for achieving ‘net zero’ carbon emissions by 2050 it emerged the much teased clean, green replacement for gas boilers as our main source of domestic heating is to be heat pumps. The Daily Stirrer counters the pseudo-scientific bollocks and reveals this ‘new technology has been around for a hundred years.

Governments’ obsession with climate pseudoscience over economically and social viable solutions is leading to disaster
The government’s current obsession with pursuing the target of net zero carbon emissions in order to claim the UK leads the world in green wankery is more to do with virtue signalling that governing, but with the complicity of mainstream media, particularly The BBC, climate scaremongering is providing a convenient diversion from this governments abject failure to address and of the very real economic and social problems facing us.

Globalist Elites Now Pushing For Lockdowns Save You From Climate Change
Elite globalists are now proposing that lockdowns be imposed to protect us punters from climate change. Did we ask for this? Did we vote for this?

Governments’ obsession with climate pseudoscience over economically and social viable solutions is leading to disaster
The government’s current obsession with pursuing the target of net zero carbon emissions in order to claim the UK leads the world in green wankery is more to do with virtue signalling that governing, but with the complicity of mainstream media, particularly The BBC, climate scaremongering is providing a convenient diversion from this governments abject failure to address and of the very real economic and social problems facing us.

Globalist Elites Now Pushing For Lockdowns Save You From Climate Change
Elite globalists are now proposing that lockdowns be imposed to protect us punters from climate change. Did we ask for this? Did we vote for this?

Europe’s Depleted Gas Storage Might Not Get Refilled Ahead Of Next Winter
While mainstream news reporting of the conflict in Ukraine continues to pump out a torrent of anri – Russia, pro – war propaganda the catastropic effects of this war that could so easily have been avoided are not mentioned. Well why would warmongering governments admit they have inflicted an energy crisis, food shortages and soaring living costs on their people for no good reason …

Europe’s Depleted Gas Storage Might Not Get Refilled Ahead Of Next Winter
While mainstream news reporting of the conflict in Ukraine continues to pump out a torrent of anri – Russia, pro – war propaganda the catastropic effects of this war that could so easily have been avoided are not mentioned. Well why would warmongering governments admit they have inflicted an energy crisis, food shortages and soaring living costs on their people for no good reason …

Minister’s Claim That 40% UK Energy Comes From Renewables Is Technically Illiterate

by Xavier Connolly, 29 November 2022

Britain’s newly installed Secretary of State for Energy, Grant Shapps, is still learning the job so perhaps we should cut him some slack, but even so a statement he made on our energy supply today shows astounding ignorance of technical details relating to his portfolio.

Answering a question in Parliament this morning about Britain’s ability to reach its target of getting 40% of our energy needs from sustainable sources, Shapps sneered that it was not possible for us to reach 40% now as we already get 43% from wind. Unfortunately the sneering sarcasm was misplaced but served to reveal the man in charge of energy policy does not know the difference between energy and electricity.

In fairness to Grant Shapps, he is not alone when it comes to misunderstanding what role renewables play in our national energy supply. Ministers or seldom experts in their own righ on the topic their ministry looks after, instead  receiving briefings from civil servants on matters they are required to pontificate on. And for thirty years Department of Energy civil servants have been promoting wind power above all else as it provides the easiest opportunities for corporate investors and the rich to steal taxpayers money.

We understand that in fact, somewhat inconventiently for Mr Shapps renewables create around a notional 43% of our electricity, not our energy. Even then the figures are dodgy because biomass (i.e. burning wood pellets,) is counted as a renewable even though it takes trees years to grow, takes fertile land away from food production and emits more Carbon Dioxide per ton of fuel than either coal or gas. The true figures on how our electricity is sources are: Gas – 47%, Nuclear – 16%, Wind – 15%, Solar – 7%, Biomass – 7%, and the rest from hydro, coal and other fringe sources.

But that is just electricity and it is easy to understand that confusion in terms between energy and electricity when mainstream media talking heads use them interchangably. However the idea that Britain is almost halfway to being powered completely by renewables adds to the great, green delusion of energy independence. is dangerous in that it fuels the scientific delusion that we are halway to ‘net zero’ already.

Electricity only accounts for 20% of our total energy supply. The rest comes from filthy fossil fuels, and will for the foreseeable future. So, renewables provide 40% of 20% which is a mere 8% of our energy needs.

As a further necessary point, quite a decent proportion of that 8% comes from burning dirty, CO2 producingt wood pellets and even more comes from nuclear, which though a zero carbon dioxide source is and even bigger bogeyman for the Exstinktion Rebellion crusties than burning old car tyres.

So, the idea that we are nearly halfway to no-carbon renewable energy paradise is just more gaslighting of a population gullible enough to trot off and get a vaccine that doesn’t work in order to protect themselves from a disease that is less likely to kill that tripping on your pajama trousers and falling downstairs. And how much CO2 does that amount of gaslighting generate?



The True Cost Of The Green Energy Boom Is Now Being Realized
For four decades we have been fed a constant stream of propaganda assuring us that green energy was the only way forward if we wanted to secure supplies of the energy essential to a modern society while preventing the environmental catastrophes that would be the inevitable consequence of climate change caused by the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emitted by human industrial, commercial and social activity. … Continue reading >>>

Do We Have A Winter Of Civil Disobedience Ahead?
As many people in Britain slap on the apres sun gloop in the wake of what passes for a heatwave in these cool cloudy climes, our inept politicians caught with their pants down by unusual weather as usual have heard that that winter is coming and are making plans for a coldwave. We are in the grip of an energy crisis at the height of summer. Last week, it was reported that the UK government is laying down plans for a “reasonable worst-case scenario” including blackouts for industry and even households. And this is as energy prices spiral out of control to new records every day.

A Mostly Wind- & Solar-Powered US Economy Is A Dangerous Fantasy
When President Biden and other advocates of wind and solar generation speak, they appear to believe that the challenge posed is just a matter of currently having too much fossil fuel generation and not enough wind and solar; and therefore, accomplishing the transition to “net zero” will be a simple matter of building sufficient wind and solar facilities and having those facilities replace the current ones that use the fossil fuels.

Debunked: The Great Renewable Green Delusion
The war in Ukraine has not caused the global energy crisis of early 2022 byt merely exacerbated it. Currently the nations currently in conflict with Russia over its incursion into Ukraine are those which are most dependent for their energy needs on Russian oil and gas. And now their loonytoons ‘net zero’ green energy policies have failed they are biting the hand that feeds them.

Even If The War In Ukraine Ends, Sanctions Will Stay – So How Bad Will The Food Crisis Get?
Western leaders, desperate to show their own countries they were taking a firm stance on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, were quick to impose economic sanctions … so quick in fact that they acted before they had though things through. While freezing Russia out of the global finance system they have exacerbated the wests energy crisis, while Russia’s retaliatory ban on raw materials (fertiliser) exports will create extra problems on top of those we already had …

Has The Green Blob’s War On Fossil Fuels Been Lost On The Battlefields Of Ukraine
With some energy sector opinion makers already pronouncing the ‘net zero’ agenda is already dead as oil and gas supplies from Russia dry up due to NATO / EU sanctions and Moscow’s retaliatory export bans which have only been in force a week at the most, governments in the liberal democracies of Europe and North America are already talking about starting up redundant coal and nuclear power stations, the UK, Netherlands and other nations with offshore gas operations in the North Sea are suddenly finding that it may now be economically viable to start pumping again and (whisper it ever so quietly,) coal is coming back into the reckoning as an energy source …

Continue reading >>>

We Told You So – Government-funded Report Confirms World’s Largest offshore Wind Farm is UnprofitableA report commissioned by the Norwegian government has contradicted Boris Johnson’s recent claim that offshore wind costs have fallen by 70% in a decade. The report also blows a huge hole in Johnson’s grandiose pledges to the COP26 conference that offshore wind power would propel Britain to its net – zero target for Carbon Dioxide emissions well before 2050, the target set by the climate conference for achieving that target.

COP26 Climate Conference – Just Another Elitist Scam To Steal Your Money
If you are one of the people who still relies on mainstream media for information, the ‘on – message’ news reports coming from the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow this week, and during the build up to the conference, might have convinced you that the entire world (barring a few crazy conspiacy theorists,) is signed up to the ‘net zero’ agenda and believes that destroying the economies of the developed nations while exporting our jobs, business and prosperity to places like India and China is the only way to save the planet. Continue reading >>>

Green dreams of Heat Pumps Continue reading >>>
When Boris Johnson revealed the UK Government plans for achieving ‘net zero’ carbon emissions by 2050 it emerged the much teased clean, green replacement for gas boilers as our main source of domestic heating is to be heat pumps. The Daily Stirrer counters the pseudo-scientific bollocks and reveals this ‘new technology has been around for a hundred years.

Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels
Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco – crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation …

The True Cost Of The Green Energy Boom Is Now Being Realized
For four decades we have been fed a constant stream of propaganda assuring us that green energy was the only way forward if we wanted to secure supplies of the energy essential to a modern society while preventing the environmental catastrophes that would be the inevitable consequence of climate change caused by the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emitted by human industrial, commercial and social activity. … Continue reading >>>

Do We Have A Winter Of Civil Disobedience Ahead?
As many people in Britain slap on the apres sun gloop in the wake of what passes for a heatwave in these cool cloudy climes, our inept politicians caught with their pants down by unusual weather as usual have heard that that winter is coming and are making plans for a coldwave. We are in the grip of an energy crisis at the height of summer. Last week, it was reported that the UK government is laying down plans for a “reasonable worst-case scenario” including blackouts for industry and even households. And this is as energy prices spiral out of control to new records every day.

A Mostly Wind- & Solar-Powered US Economy Is A Dangerous Fantasy
When President Biden and other advocates of wind and solar generation speak, they appear to believe that the challenge posed is just a matter of currently having too much fossil fuel generation and not enough wind and solar; and therefore, accomplishing the transition to “net zero” will be a simple matter of building sufficient wind and solar facilities and having those facilities replace the current ones that use the fossil fuels.

Debunked: The Great Renewable Green Delusion
The war in Ukraine has not caused the global energy crisis of early 2022 byt merely exacerbated it. Currently the nations currently in conflict with Russia over its incursion into Ukraine are those which are most dependent for their energy needs on Russian oil and gas. And now their loonytoons ‘net zero’ green energy policies have failed they are biting the hand that feeds them.

Even If The War In Ukraine Ends, Sanctions Will Stay – So How Bad Will The Food Crisis Get?
Western leaders, desperate to show their own countries they were taking a firm stance on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, were quick to impose economic sanctions … so quick in fact that they acted before they had though things through. While freezing Russia out of the global finance system they have exacerbated the wests energy crisis, while Russia’s retaliatory ban on raw materials (fertiliser) exports will create extra problems on top of those we already had …

Has The Green Blob’s War On Fossil Fuels Been Lost On The Battlefields Of Ukraine
With some energy sector opinion makers already pronouncing the ‘net zero’ agenda is already dead as oil and gas supplies from Russia dry up due to NATO / EU sanctions and Moscow’s retaliatory export bans which have only been in force a week at the most, governments in the liberal democracies of Europe and North America are already talking about starting up redundant coal and nuclear power stations, the UK, Netherlands and other nations with offshore gas operations in the North Sea are suddenly finding that it may now be economically viable to start pumping again and (whisper it ever so quietly,) coal is coming back into the reckoning as an energy source …

Continue reading >>>

We Told You So – Government-funded Report Confirms World’s Largest offshore Wind Farm is UnprofitableA report commissioned by the Norwegian government has contradicted Boris Johnson’s recent claim that offshore wind costs have fallen by 70% in a decade. The report also blows a huge hole in Johnson’s grandiose pledges to the COP26 conference that offshore wind power would propel Britain to its net – zero target for Carbon Dioxide emissions well before 2050, the target set by the climate conference for achieving that target.

COP26 Climate Conference – Just Another Elitist Scam To Steal Your Money
If you are one of the people who still relies on mainstream media for information, the ‘on – message’ news reports coming from the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow this week, and during the build up to the conference, might have convinced you that the entire world (barring a few crazy conspiacy theorists,) is signed up to the ‘net zero’ agenda and believes that destroying the economies of the developed nations while exporting our jobs, business and prosperity to places like India and China is the only way to save the planet. Continue reading >>>

Green dreams of Heat Pumps Continue reading >>>
When Boris Johnson revealed the UK Government plans for achieving ‘net zero’ carbon emissions by 2050 it emerged the much teased clean, green replacement for gas boilers as our main source of domestic heating is to be heat pumps. The Daily Stirrer counters the pseudo-scientific bollocks and reveals this ‘new technology has been around for a hundred years.

Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels
Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco – crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation …

Worst polluting coal and wood fires banned in fight to cut emissions
Domestic coal and certain types of wood are to be banned from sale from next year in a bid to cut air pollution, ministers will announce on Friday.

Is Hatred Of Greta Thunberg Justified?
As the backlash against the Greta Thunberg cult gathers momentum a lot of lefties are asking why the little Climate Warriorette is so hated by so many people. As usual with the left, they are asking the wrong question. Just as they asked, “Why can’t you believe the scientists, when in fact not only is it always legitimate (and scientific,) to question and challenge scientific theory, so it is perfectly rational and logical to challenge the Cult of Saint Greta ….

Ruling Elites support Extinction Rebellion plan for Marxist world to ‘fight climate change’
Climate change: Electrical industry’s ‘dirty secret’ boosts warming

[ Net Zero ] … [ Wind Turbine Truth ] … [ Science ecocide ] … [ Green Energy delusion ] … [ Oil ] … [ Biofuel folly ] … [ ] … [Green dreams ]

UK Government Belatedly Discovers The Uselessness Of Sustainables In Relation To Energy Security

Pcture soiurce:


UK Energy Secretary Jacob Rees Mogg, writing in the Daily Telegraph today set out the government’s approach for dealing with the energy crisis brought about by decades of green wokery – wankery in the political and media communities but, conveniently, blameable on Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

 Mogg praised the Government (well he would, he’s part of it,)  for last week belatedly launching a ‘ground-breaking’ scheme offering equivalent support to all UK businesses, charities, and public sector organisations to protect those at the beating heart of the economy against rising bills. Emotoive stuff, but WTF does it actually mean?

The Energy Secretary continued:

From the local fish and chip shop, to churches, schools, care homes and GP surgeries, we are stepping in to support growth, prevent unnecessary insolvencies and protect jobs.

The Energy Bill Relief Scheme provides businesses with the protections and certainty they need over the next six months, with savings to be first seen in bills for October.

This is supposed to reassure us that come April when the energy proce cap is due to be reviewed, businesses and other non domestic users will not fall over a cliff edge. While such temporary and short term schemes may be a lifeline to many families and businesses, it is not going to solve the problem created by our energy infrastructure being allowed to degenerate over decades as politicians, seeking kudos with the noisy but small and unrepresentative green lobby, chased green dreams like ‘net zero’ and the fatuous promises of scientists that wind could be persuaded to blow at a constant 18mph 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Successive UK Governments of all political colours have always lacked a cohesive, and publishable, long term Energy Policy, being more concerned with news headlines, TV airtime and short term popularity than the needs of future generations.

Until recent adventures in flushing money down the toilet of ‘sustaiables’, intermittent and high maintenance methods of generating electricity from wind and sunshine, UK Governments have, inevitably in the main, gone along with only incremental changes to the power grid to meet ever increasing demand.

The UK is a highly developed nation commercially and socially and Electricity and energy supply should always, as far as possible, be based upon 24 hour dependable Energy sources under the control of and available to be exploited within the UK by the government and iuts agencies; and this should not change radically, nor quickly, when necessity does not require it to be so.

Nuclear baseload, supplemented by “clean” utilisation of fossil fuels, will have their part to play in the UK Energy Policy within the foreseeable future but because the nuclear programme was abandoned in order to appease environmentalist lobbies which, when their wailing and gnashing of teeth is subjected to scrutiny, simply do not like any viable method of generating current.

UK Energy Policy should also make use of gaseous, liquid, and solid, hydrocarbon resources (gas, oil and coal,) sourced from under the UK mainland, and within UK territorial waters, however the coal kines have been closed and the oil and gas wells in the North Sea have been capped, again to appease environmentalists (the raffia mafia) who demanded a clean, green Britain but offered no suggestion as to how we might earn our living or feed and warm ourselves if the foreign sources on which their virtue signalling had made us dependent for energy needs should dry up.

It is time that the UK Government made a policy decision to provide positive support to the energy industry in the development of effective methods to environmentally cleanly obtain, and then utilise as a viable energy source, the hundreds of years of resource usage availability of coal beneath the UK, and UK offshore waters.

The first step in rebuilding our energy independence is the urgent need to pause – then stop – the drive to achieve ‘net zero’ the elimination of carbon emissions from all human activity. 

We are told that most scientists agree on climate change, but we can’t be sure of what question they were asked, how many were qualified to answer and how many might lose their funding by giving the “wrong” answer although we do know that significant statistical frauds were deployed in obtaining results from mathematical models predicting catastrophe, which are the only evidence to support the doomsday narratives of the green lobby.

However, since the climate has always changed over time, this is surely about what causes it and how much humans influence it. So here is an unambiguous question for British scientists.

“In 2020 the net global increase in atmospheric CO2 levels went up – from a 60 year average of 1.6ppm pa – to 2.5ppm. That was 4,600 times the U.K.’s average annual emissions over that time. *

It came after a FALL in human emissions showing just how insignificant the U.K.’s emissions are.

In 12 days, China emits the same amount of CO2 as the UK does in a year and is building 3 times more coal fired power stations than the rest of the world. 

So do you think that paying around £5 trillion (£200,000 per household) to win this global race to the bottom is justified – when more U.K. businesses will move overseas – only to emit more CO2 than before?”

Before answering, recall i) that there is no global warming model which factors in all drivers and feedback loops ii) that IPCC predictions have been flawed iii) that the sun is the primary driver of climate, iv) that natural CO2 levels folllow global temperature and v) that water vapour has a bigger greenhouse impact than CO2.

Power stations are closing/have closed,  – coal plants like West Drayton, Radcliffe, Fiddlers Ferry, nuclear plans like Hinckley B, Hartlepool, Heysham etc. even though it should be clear to everyone, the tunnel visioned retards we are obliged to call scientists included, that no matter how many windmills are installed they cannot generate a single watt of energy when there is insufficient wind. What is happening to replace that “guaranteed” generation capacity before next winter? Former Energy Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng obviously thought it wasn’t important enough to replace them before this winter. Well with an baseload requirement of around 30 Gw and installed potential generating capacity of 27Gw for wind and 14Gw for solar energy Kwasi probably thought, “What can possibly go wrong?” Someone should send him a dictionary with the word ‘potential’ heavily underlined and the page bookmarked. With a potential generating capacity about 150% of baseload, renewables regularly manage to contribute less than 10% of actual requirement, with gas, nuclear and coal (the latter two set to be phased out by 2028,) providing the bulk of our needs.

Ironically Kwarteng failed so conspicuously as Energy Secretary that he was promoted to an even more important job, Chancellor of the Exchequer, a position in which he has managed to destroy UK financial stability after less than a month in the job.

The problem with wind is it doesn’t blow all the time (and you have to have equal back -up capacity ,online because a gas power station takes hours to crank up, coal takes days and nuclear takes weeks. This little fact which the green wankers and the politicians do kot allow public discussion of, destroys the economics of wind. It is a hugely expensive and wasteful energy source and ultimately does not reduce carbon dioxide emissions by one cubic nanometre. Of course the  Civil Servants at the Department of Energy did not tell Kwasei about that, and despite his degree in Classics (Cambridge) and Economic History (Harvard,) he is obviously not bright enough to work it out for himself, let alone ask someone to show him a graph of how little power solar produces in the winter. 

We are told that most scientists agree that climate change is an existential threat to something, but we can’t be sure of what question they were asked, how many were qualified to answer and how many might lose their funding by giving the “wrong” answer.

However, since the climate has always changed over time, this is surely about what causes it and how much humans influence it.

Here is an unambiguous question for British scientists. 

“In 2020 the net global increase in atmospheric CO2 levels went up – from a 60 year average of 1.6ppm pa – to 2.5ppm. That was 4,600 times the U.K.’s average annual emissions over that time. 

It came after a FALL in human emissions showing just how insignificant the U.K.’s emissions are.

In 12 days, China emits the same amount of CO2 as the UK does in a year and is building 3 times more coal fired power stations than the rest of the world. 

So do you think that paying around £5 trillion (£200,000 per household) to win this global race to the bottom is justified – when more U.K. businesses will move overseas – only to emit more CO2 than before?”

Before answering, recall i) that the only evidence that current changes in climatic conditions comes from mathematical models and there is no global warming model which factors in all drivers and feedback loops ii) that IPCC predictions to date have all been wrong  iii) that empirical evidence shows the sun is the primary driver of climate, iv) that natural CO2 levels folllow global temperature and v) that water vapour has a bigger greenhouse impact than CO2. 

Ordinary punters might like to consider that though the question has been asked thousands of times, the only answer ever offered is the arrogant, dismissive and totally disingenuous, “You’re not a scientists so you can’t possibly understand how science works.” Well I’m   not a beefstock farmer either but I recognise bullshit when I smell it. And this latest load is no better smelling that all the previous shite from previous governments.




An Energy Crisis In Tandem With A Food Crisis On Top Of An Economic Crisis And A War. This Cannot End Well
As politicians in North America and Europe try to deflect from their own failure that have contributed to the current plethora of crises by blaming Russia and Vladmir Putin for all the current problems, while the war in Ukraine is a contributory factor in each, the real blame lies closer to home.

Swedish Media Outlet Publishes Leaked U.S. Document On How to CRUSH Europe Economy via Ukraine War Effort
Swedish news organisation Nya Dagbladet has published a leaked top secret US plans to use the war in Ukraine and an induced energy crisis to destroy European economies. The report claims the RAND Corporation a defence and foreign policy think tank founded by military aircraft maker Douglas has the official aim of improving policies and decision-making, is the source of its evidence.

Has Putin Has Pushed Europe Into Economic Depression, Hyperrinflation and Currency Collapse?
Though it was entirely predictable and indeed had been expected for some time, the news over the weekend that the Nord Stream 1 pipeline which feeds gas from Russia to northern Europe via The Baltic route had been shut down completely by The Kremlin in retaliation for the continued financial and military support given by NATO and EU member states to Ukraine in the conflict with Russia. The European Commission, governing body of the EU, immediately put the community on something close to a war footing, …
Continue reading >>>

The True Cost Of The Green Energy Boom Is Now Being Realized
For four decades we have been fed a constant stream of propaganda assuring us that green energy was the only way forward if we wanted to secure supplies of the energy essential to a modern society while preventing the environmental catastrophes that would be the inevitable consequence of climate change caused by the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emitted by human industrial, commercial and social activity. … Continue reading >>>

Do We Have A Winter Of Civil Disobedience Ahead?
As many people in Britain slap on the apres sun gloop in the wake of what passes for a heatwave in these cool cloudy climes, our inept politicians caught with their pants down by unusual weather as usual have heard that that winter is coming and are making plans for a coldwave. We are in the grip of an energy crisis at the height of summer. Last week, it was reported that the UK government is laying down plans for a “reasonable worst-case scenario” including blackouts for industry and even households. And this is as energy prices spiral out of control to new records every day.

The Truth About Coal And The Lies Of The Elite
So much for all the COP 26 banter late last year. Let me remind you. The elites all flew in on their private jets and promptly told us we’re all (royal we) getting off fossil fuels and killing coal.So how’s that turning out? The usage of coal is now at record highs:

Britain is Breaking Down; The Economy Is Struggling, Living Standards Are Falling, Institutions Are Failing
Successive governments have brought Britain to its knees.This article will focus on Britain as representative of the general malaise that is afflicting almost all the developed world. Our current crop of politicians have discarded the resources that brought the country out of the post war decline … In spite of being rich in energy resources Britain is now in an energy crisis, our leaders have sacrificed prosperity on the altar of Net Zero, committing the nation to our reducing our 1% contribution to harmful emissions still further …

Official Advice – Prepare For Blackouts This Winter

The UK government is putting plans together for days of organised blackouts this winter, in what they call a “reasonable worst-case scenario” for energy shortages, according to reports in manstream media. Naturally they are blaming this on the embargo on importing gas from Russia but in reality Britain has never imported any more than a small amout of its gas from Russia. The real reason politicians and energy company CEOs are panicking is entirely due to their obession with obtaining all our energy from intermittent sources like wind and sunshine …

“Revolution Has Begun”: 75,000 Brits Plan To Stop Paying Power Bills In Protest At Energy Rip Off
Resistance is growing to spiralling domestic energy costs in Britain as more than 75,000 irritated people in the UK have pledged not to pay their electricity bill this fall when prices jump again. 

If the government & energy companies refuse to act then ordinary people will! Together we can enforce a fair price and affordable energy for all,” tweeted “Don’t Pay UK,” an anonymous group spearheading the effort to have more than one million Brits boycott paying their power bill by Oct. 1.

Is Russia Selling Its Oil To The World Through An Obscure Egyptian Port?
As this blog predicted when NATO and EU member states shot themselves in the foot by reacting to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with sanctions that prevented Russia from selling oil, gas and vital raw materials to the countries that needed them most, the NATO and EU member states, the Russians have had no problems finding alternative customers for their gas and oil and no problem getting oil into the world’s commodity markets through the back door.

Are US Supplied Long Range Missiles Really Winning The War For Ukraine?
Since very soon after the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine western powers, USA, UK, EU and NATO have been doing everything possible to prolong and escalate the war. The latest move is to provide the Ukrainian military with long range HIMARS missile. Mainstream media are claiming this has tilted the balance in Ukraine’s favour. But for what? To prolong the slaughter? …

UK Households Are Paying Wind Turbine Owners To Not Generate Electricity
On another near windless day here in the United Kingdom, Boggart Blog came across a very interesting piece if news. According to figures published by the business and management consultancy LCP, british taxpayers have been paying operators of wind turbines farms for the time their windmills were NOT generating electricity increased to record levels last year …

“Our Country Is Facing The Biggest Crisis The Crisis We Ever Had”: German Employers’ Association Warns Over Russian Gas Cut
With the Nord Stream 1 pipeline closed for maintenance, with the possibility that President Putin will not allow it to reopen at the end of the scheduled 10 days downtime in retaliation for the EU’s continued support or Ukraine in their conflict with Russia, Germany is facing an unprecedented crisis that could erase the prosperity Germans have grown accustomed to, warned Rainer Dulger, head of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations.

Net Zero Is A Dangerous Fantasy, But Scientists Believe In Fairies It Seems
With oil and gas prices rocketing and the highly propted sustainable energy sources performing way befow expectations the energy crisis currently gripping Europe (with worse to come as food shortages start to bite, polticians still seem more intent on pandering to the green lobby and chasing the dream of a fossil fuel free world rather securing the energy and food supplies needed by the people they serve.

A Mostly Wind- & Solar-Powered US Economy Is A Dangerous Fantasy
When President Biden and other advocates of wind and solar generation speak, they appear to believe that the challenge posed is just a matter of currently having too much fossil fuel generation and not enough wind and solar; and therefore, accomplishing the transition to “net zero” will be a simple matter of building sufficient wind and solar facilities and having those facilities replace the current ones that use the fossil fuels.

Europe’s biggest economy would suffer a 6.5pc contraction if Russian energy is suspended, experts warn 
Even though the sanctions already imposed on Russia in respondse to the invasion of Ukraine are hitting the nations that imposed then harder that their intended target, the EU is preparing to committ economic suicide in an orgy of virtue signalling …

We need energy security – not Net Zero
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted a major rethink in the West. We have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable not just to rising prices in oil and gas, but also to inflation in other commodities – such as food and fertiliser. Of all these problems, the security of our energy supply has most exercised minds.

p>The True Cost Of The Green Energy Boom Is Now Being Realized
For four decades we have been fed a constant stream of propaganda assuring us that green energy was the only way forward if we wanted to secure supplies of the energy essential to a modern society while preventing the environmental catastrophes that would be the inevitable consequence of climate change caused by the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emitted by human industrial, commercial and social activity. … Continue reading >>>

1,200 Scientists and Professionals Go Public With: “There is No Climate Emergency”
As it happens the narrative promoting the risible idea that “The Science Is Settled,” and a few other trains of misinformation to keep ramping up the fear level among the general public have been rocked by the publication of The World Climate Declaration (WCD) a study and report signed by over 1,100 scientists and professionals. The authors, meteorologists, physicists, biologists, naturalists and well qualified people drawn from a host of other professions and academic disciplines and from all around the world conclude there is no climate emergency.

The Truth About Coal And The Lies Of The Elite
So much for all the COP 26 banter late last year. Let me remind you. The elites all flew in on their private jets and promptly told us we’re all (royal we) getting off fossil fuels and killing coal.So how’s that turning out? The usage of coal is now at record highs:

Britain is Breaking Down; The Economy Is Struggling, Living Standards Are Falling, Institutions Are Failing
Successive governments have brought Britain to its knees.This article will focus on Britain as representative of the general malaise that is afflicting almost all the developed world. Our current crop of politicians have discarded the resources that brought the country out of the post war decline … In spite of being rich in energy resources Britain is now in an energy crisis, our leaders have sacrificed prosperity on the altar of Net Zero, committing the nation to our reducing our 1% contribution to harmful emissions still further …

Climate Scientists’ Mathematical Models Of Reality Wrong Again…New Study Shows Jet Stream Strengthening, Not Weakening
recent research  by Samantha Hallam et al published in the journal Climate Dynamics looks at the seasonal variations over decades in Northern Hemisphere jet stream latitude and speed over land for the period 1871–2011. The authors report that they found no evidence of weakening of the sort climate alarmists have been warning about for the past three decades.

Official Advice – Prepare For Blackouts This Winter

The UK government is putting plans together for days of organised blackouts this winter, in what they call a “reasonable worst-case scenario” for energy shortages, according to reports in manstream media. Naturally they are blaming this on the embargo on importing gas from Russia but in reality Britain has never imported any more than a small amout of its gas from Russia. The real reason politicians and energy company CEOs are panicking is entirely due to their obession with obtaining all our energy from intermittent sources like wind and sunshine …

UK Households Are Paying Wind Turbine Owners To Not Generate Electricity
On another near windless day here in the United Kingdom, Boggart Blog came across a very interesting piece if news. According to figures published by the business and management consultancy LCP, british taxpayers have been paying operators of wind turbines farms for the time their windmills were NOT generating electricity increased to record levels last year …

Net Zero Is A Dangerous Fantasy, But Scientists Believe In Fairies It Seems
With oil and gas prices rocketing and the highly propted sustainable energy sources performing way befow expectations the energy crisis currently gripping Europe (with worse to come as food shortages start to bite, polticians still seem more intent on pandering to the green lobby and chasing the dream of a fossil fuel free world rather securing the energy and food supplies needed by the people they serve.

New UN Report on Climate Change – Nothing New, Nothing True
The latest United Nations (“UN”) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) report, published this week, once again, in scaremongering tone and the language of the panic stricken, claims that the planet is in peril (we are facing climate disaster, the clock is at one minute to midnight, we must take urgent action to destroy civilisation if we are to save the planet, the usual over – dramatised guff designed to spread fear and panic,) basically the same claim as they have been making at least twice a month for the past 20 years.

We need energy security – not Net Zero
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted a major rethink in the West. We have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable not just to rising prices in oil and gas, but also to inflation in other commodities – such as food and fertiliser. Of all these problems, the security of our energy supply has most exercised minds.

Net Zero Gone With The Wind – Boris Johnson Plans Seven New Nuclear Plants And Shelves Wind Expansion
Reports in mainstream media suggest Boris Johnson has done a U turn on his recently announced massive expansion of wind powered generating capacity. Sources in Westminster claim Boris has shelved his masterplan for a giant, floating wind farm in The North Sea and the government will reconsider plans to double or even treble the number of wind turbines in the countryside and approve plans for up to seven new nuclear reactors instead.

Climate Change Research Paper Censored by The British Hydrological Society For Telling The Truth
The Daily Sceptic today published an article by retired research scientist James Dent, whose specialist field was hydrology and meteorology. Mr. Dent was involved in research projects aiemd at understanding the factors influencing climate, and their effects on environments, [ … ] he was the World Meteorology Organisation Chief Technical Advisor to the Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre in Bangladesh, a low lying nation especially prone to flooding ….

Rolls Royce Plans Mini Nuclear Reactors For UK

Amid all the huff and puff about wind farms and the moonshine about solar power, this blog, while deeply sceptical of Carbon Dioxide driven climate change has always said if there is a need to move to clean technologies for generating electricity, nuclear was the only viable solution.

Nuclear power has of course faced implacable opposition from the Green Blob, whose opposition to anything with any chance of reducing CO2 emissions without destroying western civilization has blocked progress on nuclear, tide power, wave power and river barrages (sorry, can’t raise the river level a couple of inches, the mud flats are a habitat for two toed toads.”)

So where do we go now? Here’s one idea guaranteed to enrage the Green Blob. For that reason alone it must be worthy of consideration.

from New Atlas

Rolls-Royce plans to build up to 15 mini nuclear reactors in Britain

Artist's concept of a Rolls-Royce SMR plant

Artists impression of one of the  planned Nuclear Plants, source Rolls Royce via New Altas

Rolls-Royce has announced that it plans to build, install, and operate up to 15 mini nuclear reactors in Britain, with the first set to go online in nine years. In a BBC Radio 4 interview with business journalist Katie Prescott on January 24, 2020’s Today program, Paul Stein, chief technology officer for Rolls-Royce, said that the company is leading a consortium to produce factory-built modular nuclear reactors that can be delivered for assembly by ordinary lorries.

Currently, the world is undergoing a boom in nuclear power. According to the World Nuclear Association, there are 448 operating civilian reactors and another 53 under construction. However, almost all of these are being built in Eastern Europe and Asia, with China alone building more reactors than the entire Western world combined.

Part of the reason for this is political with every reactor program in Europe or North America facing implacable environmentalist opposition and part of it is the expense of building and operating large reactors in an energy economy now dominated by cheap natural gas. However, one technology trend that could reverse this stagnation is the development of small, modular nuclear reactors that could be mass-produced in factories, carted to the site by ordinary lorries, and then assembled to generate cheap carbon-free electricity.

This approach, too, has its drawbacks, but Rolls-Royce believes that its consortium has got its sums right and can restart Britain’s nuclear industry by building up to 15 Small Modular Reactors (SMR) with an expected value to the UK economy of £52 billion (US$68 billion), another £250 billion (US$327 billion) in exports, and 40,000 new jobs by 2050.

Each power station is projected to have a service life of 60 years and generate 440 MW of electricity, or enough to power a city the size of Leeds. The estimated cost of the electricity generated is £60 (US$78) per MWh.

“Our plan is to get energy on the grid in 2029,” Prescott told the BBC. “The obvious sites to put them are what we call brown-field sites – sites where we’re running elderly or decommissioned nuclear power stations. There are two sites in Wales and one in the northwest of England. Eventually in the UK, we’ll be rolling out 10 to 15. We’re also looking to a significant export market. In fact, the current estimate for the export market for SMRs is £250 billion, so this could be a huge industry.”

According to a previous press release from Rolls-Royce, the British government has already promised £18 million in matching funds, or about half the present costs of the endeavor, with the consortium partners providing the rest. Prescott says that the advantage of the Rolls-Royce plan is that it doesn’t involve building a whole new reactor, as other companies have tried to do, but rather to adapt a present design. In addition, the reactors will be built along manufacturing lines rather than civil construction, which the company claims will drive down costs rather than inflating them.


Is Hatred Of Greta Thunberg Justified?
As the backlash against the Greta Thunberg cult gathers momentum a lot of lefties are asking why the little Climate Warriorette is so hated by so many people. As usual with the left, they are asking the wrong question. Just as they asked, “Why can’t you believe the scientists, when in fact not only is it always legitimate (and scientific,) to question and challenge scientific theory, so it is perfectly rational and logical to challenge the Cult of Saint Greta ….

Ruling Elites support Extinction Rebellion plan for Marxist world to ‘fight climate change’

Climate change: Electrical industry’s ‘dirty secret’ boosts warming

Scaremongering IPCC Pushes Climate Hysteria with New Doomsday Report

Billionaire Investor Erik Prince Launches Fund For Electric Car Metals

Why Are The World Government Schemes, Agenda 21 and Agends 30 blanked by big media?
Since the early days on the old platform we have from time to time raised the issues of Agenda 21 and Agenda 30, The New World Order, and the push for a global, authoritarian, socialist government. Any mention of these things in online forums is certain to get the author accused of being a conspiracy theorist, a right wing extremist, a nutcase, a young earth creationist and much worse.

Greta Thunberg Slams Australia for Coal Industry, Expands List of Climate Demands

Little Greta Thunberg, who was elected by nobody apparently now speaks for us all on matters relating to climate change. The Swedish climate change hustler who is making a fortune for her handlers from donations to her campaign, again castigated Australia for continuing to mine and export coal despite her previous complaints, adding a call for an end worldwide to the actibity to her list of climate demands to be delivered at the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos …


Clean Green Power Sucks – China Goes All Out For Coal

The lying leftie paskudnyaks clean, green, save the planet machine and the worshippers of Greta Thunberg are always eager to tell us that China is the world’s biggest investor in sustainable energy and has more wind turnbines installed than any other nation on earth. It is the worst kind of lie because it is true, but only tells half the story. And someytimes being told half the story creates completely the wrong impression in the mind of the audience.

In this case the weirdie bearies and tree shaggers are giving the impression that by trashing our economies in the west, trying to meet unrealistic targets for eliminating carbon emissions we are being good global citizens, while by pointing out the stupidity of such ambitions shows we are evil capitalist sociopaths intent on destroying the planet.

So what is the full story?

While it is true that China has installed huge numbers of wind turbines, this is nothing to do with cleaning up the environment. China is installing wind turbines because then need electricity, end of story. At the same time China is planning to massively increase its coal-fired energy production. This makes a nonsense of claims by gullible Western politicians and dishonest environmental activists that China is as keen as anyone to do its bit to ‘combat climate change.’ by reducing CO2 emissions.

A report from Bloomberg reveals that China now has enough coal-fired generating plants in the various stages of planning and construction to match the entire capacity of the European Union, and that’s on top the ones they already have up and running. So much for doing their but to clean up the environment and show support for the movement against highly polluting fossil fuel.’

Bloomberg tells us:

“The nation has almost 148 gigawatts of coal-fired capacity under active construction or likely to be resumed after being suspended, Global Energy Monitor, a non-profit group that tracks coal stations, said in the press release Thursday based on plant-by-plant data. That’s almost equivalent to 150 gigawatts of existing coal fleet capacity in the EU and more than the combined 105 gigawatts under construction in the rest of the world, it said.”

China’s plans contrat with those of many other countries, including France’s goal of being a zero carbon economy by 2040 and the U.K.’s pledge to close all coal plants by 2025, (both of which cannot be achieved without irreversible damage to the economies of those countries. Beijing remains committed to coal as its biggest and cheapest source of electrical power, and also to sidelining the developed economies and achieving global economic hegemony. In effect The People’s Republic has thrown down a major challenge to global emissions reduction targets. Its additions in the 18 months to June dwarf declines elsewhere in the world, according to the report. Meanwhile western leaders are intent on taking orders from the Sewedish baby troll and destroying civilisation, all are so firmly committed to helping China’s world domination bid carbon free economies with the exception of Donald Trump who doesn’t seem to be committed to anything except making The Democrats look stupid.

None of this is news to climate realists, I have been warning for ten years that China was rapidly expanding coal fuelled energy generation while western leaders were talking about returning to medieval technologies like windmills. One of the main arguments put by climate change sceptics against concerted government action by the West to decarbonise its economies is that it takes no account of emerging economies like Nigeria’s, Pakistan’s Indonesia’s, India’s and, especially, China’s. Any attempts to cut carbon dioxide production in Western economies are more than offset by the growth in China’s CO2 output alone. And China’s is matched by the others mentioned.

This latest development was predicted in a report published last year by the Global Warming Policy Foundation.


Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Interfered In Irish Abortion Vote
After three years of Facebook campaigning for the impeachment and firing of Trump because of alleged cooperation with the government of Russia in the 2016 US election, the Social Media giant’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg has at last admitted what many of us suspected all along, that it is Facebook, rather that hostile governments which interferes in the political processes of democratic nations.


While Eco Loons Worship Fairies, Reality Exposes Real Cause Of Amazonian Fires/

While Pippi Longstocking lokalike and eco – activist wunderkind Greta Thurnberg is schlepping her climate change schtick round New York, preaching her net zero carbon emissions gospel after crossing the Atlantic in a ‘zero emissions’ superyacht made of carbon fibre, a material which in its manufacture produces shitloads more carbon emissions than my or your car or even my brother’s V8 Range Rover will in their entire useful lives,) back home the Extinction Rebellion wankers have been getting their knickers in a twist about some fires (allegedly wildfires until it was reported they are started deliberately and are not destroying the rainforest, but areas of former forest now cleared for cultivation.

Macron Threatens G20 On Climate Then Backs Off
France’s boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth’s soliloquy in Shakespeare’s play turned out to signify nothing.France’s boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth’s soliloquy in Shakespeare’s play turned out to signify nothing.

War and Politics Behind Mass Displacement in Africa, Not Climate Change – UCL

A report from a new study conducted by University College London’s may cause a stir in the climate scaremongering industry. The report challenges the academic establishment’s standard narrative of mass displacement in Africa being principally responsible for the creation of refugees in Africa and casts doubt on a number of other assumptions about global problems.

Trump Announces US To Quit The Paris Climate Accord

Fulfilling another campaign pledge, US President Donald Trump yesterday announced the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris climate pact and that he will work to renegotiate the international agreement in a way that treats American workers better. “So we are getting out, but we will start to negotiate and we will see if we can …

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam

Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling you for years …

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam

Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling …

Big Business Joins Climate Change Scaremongers

The Paris summit on climate change approasches, which means the tree hugging fascist tendency are turning up the volume to eleven again. Trouble is they cannot produce a shed of evidence to back up their wild claims of imminent catastrophe because global warming only exists in their mathematical models, in the real world it is not happening/

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal – Is It The Tip Of The Iceberg?

The real problem here is that, driven by the hysterical warnings of self interested pseudo-scientists, politicians have set unachievable targets for reducing emissions while demanding that national economies keep growing.

Climate Denial Finally Pays Off

This blog has always been sceptical of the scientific case for climate change. And we admit that NO we are not climate scientists, NO we have not published research papers in ‘peer reviewed’ science journals. Of the three main contributors (all retired or semi retired) one is an engineer who still lectures in engineering and …

Nobel Laureate Smashes the Global Warming Hoax VIDEO
Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever’s speech at the Nobel Laureates meeting 1st July 2015. Ivar points out the mistakes which Obama makes in his speeches about global warming, and shares other not-well known facts about the state of the climate.

Climate Lies (omnibus)

Ruling Elites support Extinction Rebellion plan for Marxist world to ‘fight climate change’

Climate change: Electrical industry’s ‘dirty secret’ boosts warming

Scaremongering IPCC Pushes Climate Hysteria with New Doomsday Report

Billionaire Investor Erik Prince Launches Fund For Electric Car Metals

Climate change: Electrical industry’s ‘dirty secret’ boosts warming

by <a href=""Matt McGrath,

It’s the most powerful greenhouse gas known to humanity, and emissions have risen rapidly in recent years, the BBC has learned.

Sulphur hexafluoride, or SF6, is widely used in the electrical industry to prevent short circuits and accidents.

But leaks of the little-known gas in the UK and the rest of the EU in 2017 were the equivalent of putting an extra 1.3 million cars on the road.

Levels are rising as an unintended consequence of the green energy boom. Cheap and non-flammable, SF6 is a colourless, odourless, synthetic gas. It makes a hugely effective insulating material for medium and high-voltage electrical installations. It is widely used across the industry, from large power stations to wind turbines to electrical sub-stations in towns and cities. It prevents electrical accidents and fires.

So why are we using more of this powerful warming gas? The way we make electricity around the world is changing rapidly. Where once large coal-fired power stations brought energy to millions, the drive to combat climate change means they are now being replaced by mixed sources of power including wind, solar and gas.

This has resulted in many more connections to the electricity grid, and a rise in the number of electrical switches and circuit breakers that are needed to prevent serious accidents. Collectively, these safety devices are called switchgear. The vast majority use SF6 gas to quench arcs and stop short circuits.

Lovely thing, irony, isn’it?

<div align="center

Clean Green Power Sucks – China Goes All Out For Coal

The lying leftie paskudnyaks clean, green, save the planet machine and the worshippers of Greta Thunberg are always eager to tell us that China is the world’s biggest investor in sustainable energy and has more wind turnbines installed than any other nation on earth. It is the worst kind of lie because it is true, but only tells half the story. And sometimes being told half the story creates completely the wrong impression in the mind of the audience.

Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Interfered In Irish Abortion Vote
After three years of Facebook campaigning for the impeachment and firing of Trump because of alleged cooperation with the government of Russia in the 2016 US election, the Social Media giant’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg has at last admitted what many of us suspected all along, that it is Facebook, rather that hostile governments which interferes in the political processes of democratic nations.

Macron Threatens G20 On Climate Then Backs Off
France’s boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth’s soliloquy in Shakespeare’s play turned out to signify nothing.France’s boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth’s soliloquy in Shakespeare’s play turned out to signify nothing.

War and Politics Behind Mass Displacement in Africa, Not Climate Change – UCL
A report from a new study conducted by University College London’s may cause a stir in the climate scaremongering industry. The report challenges the academic establishment’s standard narrative of mass displacement in Africa being principally responsible for the creation of refugees in Africa and casts doubt on a number of other assumptions about global problems.

Hurricane Harvey Climate Catastrophe Man Made?As we reported last week the Hurricane Harvey disaster which has hit the U.S. states of Texas and Louisiana has shown characteristics never before observed in any hurricane or tropical storm since records began. Meteorological depressions (because that is what hurricanes, typhoons and other intense storms are,) move and once over land quickly weaken as air pressures become normalised. Harvey has stayed in the same area, dumping massive amounts of rain on the heavily populated coastal strip and causing $$$billionsworth of damage through flooding and high winds.

Trump Announces US To Quit The Paris Climate Accord
Fulfilling another campaign pledge, US President Donald Trump yesterday announced the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris climate pact and that he will work to renegotiate the international agreement in a way that treats American workers better. “So we are getting out, but we will start to negotiate and we will see if we can …

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling you for years …

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling …

Obama’s Climate Change Hypocrisy – The Arrogance Of The New Patricians
It is customary for US Presidents, when they leave office either having served two terms, been defeated in an election, or of their own volition, to fade quietly into the background. This is largely good manners, for an ex President to appear to be trying to intervene on political issues and influence events or public …

Big Business Joins Climate Change Scaremongers
The Paris summit on climate change approasches, which means the tree hugging fascist tendency are turning up the volume to eleven again. Trouble is they cannot produce a shed of evidence to back up their wild claims of imminent catastrophe because global warming only exists in their mathematical models, in the real world it is not happening/

Confusion Reigns As Paris Climate Conference Draws Near
The carbon dioxide driven climate change scam is back on the agenda as yet another monstrously expensive and fossil fulel gobbling jolly for politicians, scientists, freeloaders and general wankers gather to eat, drink, talk a lot and do nothing about a problem that exists in mathematical models but not in the real world.

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal – Is It The Tip Of The Iceberg?
The real problem here is that, driven by the hysterical warnings of self interested pseudo-scientists, politicians have set unachievable targets for reducing emissions while demanding that national economies keep growing.

Climate Denial Finally Pays Off
This blog has always been sceptical of the scientific case for climate change. And we admit that NO we are not climate scientists, NO we have not published research papers in ‘peer reviewed’ science journals. Of the three main contributors (all retired or semi retired) one is an engineer who still lectures in engineering and …

Nobel Laureate Smashes the Global Warming Hoax VIDEO
Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever’s speech at the Nobel Laureates meeting 1st July 2015. Ivar points out the mistakes which Obama makes in his speeches about global warming, and shares other not-well known facts about the state of the climate.

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