Destroying The Planet To Save It

15 November 2023
In the unthinking stampede of politicians and ‘scientists’ towards achieving ‘Net Zero’ and thus ‘saving the planet’ from death by human civilisation, perhaps a reality check is long overdue for the delusional Green Blob and the virtue signalling politicians. In order to save the planet from a largely imaginary threat based on an ideology behind which there is very little scientific and absolutely zero empirical evidence.

And as if that was not enough to make any sane person stop and think, the solutions proposed by the Green Blob, apart from being so expensive they would destroy every functioning national economy on the planet, are going to be more damaging to the planet than continuing to burn coal and gas as our main source of energy and fuel out vehicles with oil.  The Blob propose abandoning this reliable, consistent source in favour of intermittent, unreliable sources, primarily wind and solar powered generators. The Boggart Bloggers have written on the shortcomings of these technologies many times.

A small, clean, green, and utterly reliant on the vagaries of the weather, 100-megawatt wind farm needs 30,000 tons of iron ore; 50,000 tons of concrete and 900 tons of non-recyclable plastic.

For the same power from an ever-so-green solar farm you need to increase those figures by 150 per cent.

An battery pack for a small electric car weighs half a ton, to make just one requires the mining of 250 tons of bedrock somewhere on the planet, and the smelting and refining processes consume vast amounts of energy mostly derived from oil, natural gas and coal.

All these ‘clean, green, renewable’ methods of generation require what are called ‘rare earth metals,’ which are actually quite plentiful but occur in such low concentrations that separating them from the ores in which they are found makes them phenomenally expensive, as well as resulting in vast quantities of toxic shite (including cyanide, arsenic, nitric and hydrochloric acid,) so a phenomenal 2000 tons of toxic waste is produced and most of it is dumped in the environment, just to produce one ton of the any of the rare earth metals needed to make wind turbines, solar panels or lithium ion batteries. On top of all this, processing and shipping is required to the developed nations, and this is usually provided from companies based in from unregulated regimes (e.g. Liberia,) with very lax environmental standards.

As mentioned above Solar and wind generation is limited by its dependence on weather conditions, another issue we have commented on many times, but we need energy ALL the time, so we have to have permanent back-up of a type that can kick in instantly because both cloud cover and wind speeds can change very quickly and it is not possible to turn a key or press a button and start a combined cycle gas generator they way we start our car or switch on the vacuum cleaner.

And then there is the land requirement because the amount of productive land lost to production of food due to the spread of ‘renewables’ is astounding.

To accommodate 2,000 MW of gas or nuclear power generation requires the same area of two 18-hole golf courses. Whereas, accommodating 2,000 MW of wind power requires an area the size of Belgium!

Then, of course, you still need 2,000 MW of gas or nuclear power to accommodate those hundreds of occasions each year when wind and solar power is producing absolutely nothing.

One of the proposed solutions is to build vast battery farms to store surplus energy when wind and sunshine give us a surplus, but apart from their not being enough known lithium reserves in the world to provide adequate backup for just on developed nation, a statistic I read recently claims the giant Tesla factory in Nevada would take 500 years to make enough batteries to supply the USA with electricity for 1 day!

After 30 years of development and countless billions of £$€ in grants, subsidies and incentive payments, wind and solar still supply less than 5 per cent of the world’s energy. You may have seen screaming headlines in mainstream media proclaiming that on a particular day ‘renewables’ generated over 50% of the UK’s consumed electricity, b.ut contrast that with the deafening silence when on cold, windless winter days when solar and wind between then provide less than 5%.

On top of that, in common with all technology, wind turbines and solar panels  are built from non-renewable materials, and they break down, parts wear out or break and have to be replaced time and time again, so installation is definitely not a one-off cost. Instead of ‘saving the planet’ the Green Blob and their rampaging renewables are actually devouring it!


Just When We Need It Most, Renewable Energy Disappears
In an encouraging sign of a great awakening, million of people in the UK are now, after a week of brutally cold, absolutely windless weather asking “Why have we wasted so much money on wind turbines and harvesting solar energy.”
  Yet when politicians are asked directly: “How do we keep the lights on and our homes warm when the wind does not blow and the sun is too low in the sky to make much impression on photovoltaic cells that do the business in solar panels?

Europe’s Cold Spell Exposes Green Energy Policy Failure
So far the autumn of 2022 has been unusually mild which has had eco-warriors getting worked up and gluing their arses to motorways and airport runways to demand that we stop using oil. However winter temperatures across Europe predictably dropped sharply in late November and through most of December to date have been positively arctic. Scientists have offered the opinion that the cold weather spell the ongoing European gas crisis is now “likely” to worsen significantly as usual seasonal weather spreads across the northern half of the continent, bringing with it an increased need for domestic heating.

Minister’s Claim That 40% UK Energy Comes From Renewables Is Technically Illiterate
Britain’s newly installed Secretary of State for Energy, Grant Shapps, is still learning the job so perhaps we should cut him some slack, but even so a statement he made on our energy supply today shows astounding ignorance of technical details relating to his portfolio.
Answering a question in Parliament this morning about Britain’s ability to reach its target of getting 40% of our energy needs from sustainable sources, Shapps sneered that it was not possible for us to reach 40% now as we already get 43% from wind. Unfortunately the sneering sarcasm was misplaced but served to reveal the man in charge of energy policy does not know the difference between energy and electricity.

Common Sense Prevails: Germany Is Dismantling Wind Turbines To Make Room For Coal Mining
We have learned vial a piece in that turbines at a wind farm in western Germany are being dismantled to allow for the expansion of open cast coal mining operations at an adjacent site. The propsal to increase output at the Garzweiler open-pit lignite coal mine has been described as a “paradoxical” situation given that in recent years the German government has been pushing ahead with the closure of coal and nuclear generating plant to appease its nutty but powerful Green party … Continue reading >>>

The True Cost Of The Green Energy Boom Is Now Being Realized
For four decades we have been fed a constant stream of propaganda assuring us that green energy was the only way forward if we wanted to secure supplies of the energy essential to a modern society while preventing the environmental catastrophes that would be the inevitable consequence of climate change caused by the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emitted by human industrial, commercial and social activity. … Continue reading >>>

Do We Have A Winter Of Civil Disobedience Ahead?
As many people in Britain slap on the apres sun gloop in the wake of what passes for a heatwave in these cool cloudy climes, our inept politicians caught with their pants down by unusual weather as usual have heard that that winter is coming and are making plans for a coldwave. We are in the grip of an energy crisis at the height of summer. Last week, it was reported that the UK government is laying down plans for a “reasonable worst-case scenario” including blackouts for industry and even households. And this is as energy prices spiral out of control to new records every day.

The Truth About Coal And The Lies Of The Elite
So much for all the COP 26 banter late last year. Let me remind you. The elites all flew in on their private jets and promptly told us we’re all (royal we) getting off fossil fuels and killing coal.So how’s that turning out? The usage of coal is now at record highs:

Official Advice – Prepare For Blackouts This Winter
The UK government is putting plans together for days of organised blackouts this winter, in what they call a “reasonable worst-case scenario” for energy shortages, according to reports in manstream media. Naturally they are blaming this on the embargo on importing gas from Russia but in reality Britain has never imported any more than a small amout of its gas from Russia. The real reason politicians and energy company CEOs are panicking is entirely due to their obession with obtaining all our energy from intermittent sources like wind and sunshine …

UK Households Are Paying Wind Turbine Owners To Not Generate Electricity
On another near windless day here in the United Kingdom, Boggart Blog came across a very interesting piece if news. According to figures published by the business and management consultancy LCP, british taxpayers have been paying operators of wind turbines farms for the time their windmills were NOT generating electricity increased to record levels last year …

“Our Country Is Facing The Biggest Crisis The Crisis We Ever Had”: German Employers’ Association Warns Over Russian Gas Cut
With the Nord Stream 1 pipeline closed for maintenance, with the possibility that President Putin will not allow it to reopen at the end of the scheduled 10 days downtime in retaliation for the EU’s continued support or Ukraine in their conflict with Russia, Germany is facing an unprecedented crisis that could erase the prosperity Germans have grown accustomed to, warned Rainer Dulger, head of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations.

Net Zero Is A Dangerous Fantasy, But Scientists Believe In Fairies It Seems
With oil and gas prices rocketing and the highly propted sustainable energy sources performing way befow expectations the energy crisis currently gripping Europe (with worse to come as food shortages start to bite, polticians still seem more intent on pandering to the green lobby and chasing the dream of a fossil fuel free world rather securing the energy and food supplies needed by the people they serve.

Shock for The Green Blob – Rewilding is to blame for Mediterranean forest fires
Or at least, to be acccurate, rewilding is partially to blame for Mediterranean forest fires. Which is darkly amusing as that man most insistent upon rewilding, George Monbiot, is trying to tell us that it’s all about climate change.

Climate Change Research Paper Censored by The British Hydrological Society For Telling The Truth

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling you for years …

America and UK Lead the World in Climate Scepticism Several times now it has looked as if the climate change scare was over as the enthusiasm of climate scitentists for changing real world data to fit in with the predictions of their mathematical models has been exposed. But as the scare was never about the environment, but was a scam to redistribute wealth from rich to poor countries, the politicians are throwing their propaganda budgets behind it again.

Global Warming Is Not Causing Any Polar Ice Cap Meltdown Says NASA
Updated data from NASA satellite instruments reveal the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since the satellite instruments began measuring the ice caps in 1979. Since the end of 2012, moreover, total polar ice extent has largely remained above the post-1979 average. The updated data contradict one of the most frequently asserted global warming claims – that global warming is causing the polar ice caps to recede.

Polar Temperature Data ‘Proving’ Climate Change Nothing More than a Guess
Dr Benny Peiser who heads up the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), has said temperature readings from the Arctic and Antarctic used to estimate the effects of global warming are nothing more than guesswork. GWPF last month announced its intention to carry out a wide-ranging review of the data underpinning claims on global warming.

Another Kick In The Bollocks For Warmageddonists And CAGWARTS
I’ve had many arguments with the Warmageddonists, the people who have been saying that the ‘scientific consensus’ had agreed if we did not shut down all coal, oil and gas related activites (that is, just about all human activities except unprotected sex and sleeping) the earth was going to turn into a giant furnace and we would all burn. Those of us audacious enough to ask when this was going to happen felt the horizon shifting.

U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare
We said it was a scam, now a United Nations official has admitted the whole climate change scare was really about destroying capitalism. But what doo the elites plan to replace it with, A Corporaite Global Dictator ship in which the world is run by unelected bureaucrats selected from withing a small, elite class? Actually we predicted that as well.

Green Energy & Net Zero: A Herd Of Elephants In The Room

The Cuadrilla Lancashire gas exploration wells yielded very high-quality natural gas from just a few fractures [ … ]Claims that less than 1\100th of the gas resource of 37.6 trillion m3 could be extracted has been shown to be false, no actual UK data on gas recovery is available the claim was based on pre-2010 US data. Just 10% gas recovery from Bowland shale could supply 50 years’ worth of current UK gas demand.

UK Energy Crisis Deepens as prices and demand skyrocket while supplies shrink to critical levels
It is ironic that in the week world leaders and flat faced Swedeish trolls are gathering in Glasgow for an orgy of virtue signalling that will inevitably drive millions of people in the developed world into fuel poverty and result in more industrial jobs being exported from the west to the world’s major produceres of Carbon Dioxide emissions, China and India, the energy crunch that is affecting the whole of Europe is about to hit the United Kingdom extremely hard. … Continue reading >>>

Shale Gas Salvation? Frack Off ….
A few months ago, before the June oil prices crash, the US oil industry was ebullient. “It is too late for OPEC to stop the shale revolution”, industry pundits squawked, “OPEC can’t stop the shale industry” – screamed banner headlines in the usually restrained financial press. But if a week is a lon=g time in politics, three months is eternity in the oil business.

House battery to store energy will ‘change entire infrastructure of the world’ – or maybe not
Another costly new product hailed as a breakthough in technology, this time a clutching-at-straws exercise from the failing electric car company Tesla, completely fails to live up to the hype under scrutiny. Hailed as a super battery, a mjor advance in battery technology that will change the world to store power for a household, it turns out to be nothing more than a streamined car battery. It will run the average home for about 2 hours.

Researchers Discover How to Use Living Plants to Generate Electricity.
Most of the hyped green energy solutions to generate electricity from wind or sunshine are so obviously flawed the only thing that makes them economically viable is that governments offer huge subsidies to generators. This in turn makes the sustainables so expensive that consumers cannot afford the intermittent energy they produce.

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So What Really Happened Under The Baltic Sea And Why?

Picture: Reuters

On September 26, engineers and seismologists in Germany, Sweden and Denmark were alerted by a dramatic drop in pressure in Nord Streams 1 & 2, pipelines through which Russian gas flows to Germany. Later that day, the same problem was reported on its older sister pipeline, Nord Stream 1, which runs nearby.

A Danish air force jet overflew the area where the events took place and found three huge gas leaks agitating the surface of the Baltic Sea, creating vast, bubbling cauldrons as if underwater volcanic eruptions were were in progress. Over the next few days, an estimated 350,000 tonnes of pure methane was released into the atmosphere. Residents of Bornholm, a Danish island nearby could smell it from and were warned to stay clear of the area.

Were it simply an industrial accident, the event would have been a catastrophe. but it quickly became clear the damage to the pipelines had been caused by deliberate acts of sabotage. The pipeline was rendered inoperable for the foreseeable future, a blow to Europe, which due to politicians having been sucked in by the climate change scam and committed their countries to intermittent and unreliable ‘renewable energy sources and ‘nat zero’ energy policies were facing a grim winter of power blackouts. The ‘net zero folly had made Europe, and especially Germany, which has by far the largest and most poweful economy in the EU, dependent on Russian gas.

Picturer: CBS News

Danish geologists noted two large spikes in the area that day on their seismographs, suggesting the pipelines had been hit by massive undersea explosions. A joint probe by Denmark and Sweden concluded that the blasts involved up to half a tonne of TNT planted 300 feet beneath the seabed – acts that only a nation-state could carry out. And since then, the accusations have flown.

Detectives look for strong and simple motives, and on this count it is not hard to see why so many internet sleuths are pointing their fingers at the United States. Washington has long opposed Nord Stream, fearing it leaves Europe far too dependent on Russian gas. Moreover, now that Russian gas no longer flows through the pipeline (and probably never will, after the explosions) the US is shipping hundreds of millions of tons of its own gas to Europe and making a lot of money in the process.

In February, Joe Biden told a news conference he “would bring an end” to Nord Stream 2 if Russia invaded Ukraine. Asked how he would do so, he stated cryptically: “We will – I promise you – be able to do it.”

This may have just been a polite way of saying Washington would bring behind-the-scenes diplomatic pressure on Germany to shut the pipeline. But, in the wake of the Nord Stream blasts, it has been interpreted by some as a coded warning that America would sabotage the pipeline. Since America is a major gas supplier itself, the argument goes, it has economic as well as political interests in the pipeline’s demise. 

While casually dismissed by most Russophobic trolls in mainstream media,, this theory has been siezed on by Tucker Carlson, whose Fox News talk show has one of America’s largest audiences. “If you are Vladimir Putin, you would have to be a suicidal moron to blow up your own energy pipeline,” he said recently. 

Carlson then pointed the finger directly at Biden for the Nord Stream sabotage, quoting him as saying in February 2022: “We will take it out. We will blow it up.” In fact, President Biden did not say “We will blow it up,” but “We will take it down, we have the means.”

Apologists for American warmongering claim the President meant the USA would use sanctions to stop gas flowing through the pipelines but by September it ought to have been clear to the handlers of America’s geriatric, demenia stricken leader that sanctions do not work so the remark must be considered open to interpretation.  

Other, more sombre commentators have shown an interest in the theory too – including Boris Johnson’s former aide, Dominic Cummings, who posted the clip of Biden’s cryptic warning to his 300,000 Twitter followers. He also tweeted a link to an objective and balanced article which suggested America could benefit economically from the Nord Stream blasts, and which described Biden’s denials of US involvement as “tepid”.

Polish politician Radek Sikorski, a former foreign minister and no fan of Vladimir Putin posted a photo of the Nord Stream methane bubbling to the Baltic’s surface, with the brief message: “Thank you, USA,” followed up by a direct accusation that the USA had planned, if not actually carried out the sabotage. Added to that, former White House Adviser Jeffrey Sachs, now a politics professor at Columbia University also unequivocally stated that based on available evidence he believes the USA was behind the sabotage.

To Western leaders and most serious analysts, the only possible culprit is Vladimir Putin although it is difficult to see how Russia could benefit from blowing up its own assets and damaging the interests of Germany, the European nation most sympathetic to Russia’s position.

Right now there is a state of near panic in the EU, while the world was wondering exactly who was responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines, the warmongers in washington and the neo – Nazi nutters in Kiev have continues on their path of provoking Russia into launching an attack on a NATO member state, thus kicking off World War 3. Yesterday an attack on The Crimean Bridge – also called Kerch Strait Bridge or Kerch Bridge – a structure 19 kilometers (12 miles) in length that passes across the Kerch Strait and links southern Russia to the Crimean Peninsula. If there was a lot of nervousness about what the Russians might do next before this attack, which Ukraine has indirectly claimed responsibility for, it is certainly squeaky bottom time on the capital of Europe now. Everyone with an oil rig will be checking the legs for bombs, everyone with a bridge will be upping security, but nobody knows how things will play out. Some say Russia will use nuclear weapons, some say the Russian deep state may bring down the internet (which could be done by hitting a few undersea cables,) thus bringing global financial systems, air and sea transport and virtually all trade to a standstill. 

Picture: The Independent

The Kremlin alleges that Nord Stream is Russian-owned and financed, cost £15 billion ($17 billion) to build. It supplies Europe with 35 per cent of its natural gas needs, earning Russia tens of billions of pounds a year. Why would Putin want to destroy it, just as Europe is heading into what is predicted to be a hard winter. Any winter would potentially make Europe and Germany especially, more vulnerable to energy blackmail? Why not simply shut off the valves instead, thus Moscow would retain bargaining power at no cost?

Those commentators who refuse to acknowledge there are any suspects other than Putin appeal to the investigative techniques of TV detectives, citing means, opportunity and motive, in relation to Russia after having condescendingly brushed aside far stronger and more convincing means, opportunity and motive on the part of the USA. Right… Do our political leaders and media editors really think the US,which at the moment has itself a vast surplus of Liquid Natural Gas to sell would consider ‘out of bounds’ a pipeline majority owned by Gazprom, that represents a key strategic threat to use as leverage should countries like Germany backslide under political pressure due to energy shortages?

The CIA and US military are fully aware that if there is no evidence, there is no foul. With the ever loyal members of the Big Media carte lending such uncritical support to the “It was Putin wot dunnit” narrative we see the perfect example of what that means. There is plenty of evidence, from Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan,Libya and Syria that they have operated in knowledge of how easy it is to misdirect the media narrative in the past. If you think they wouldn’t do it because the pipeline is supplying allies, I have a lovely historic bridge here to sell you.

I’m not saying I know the truth. Clearly few do. But it’s completely clear that mainstream media journalists and editors are incapable of objective analysis and try to cover their inadequacies as reporters and investigators by adopting a patronising and condescending attitude to anyone who is prepared to ask the difficult questions.


EU Vows To Retaliate if Nord Stream Gas Pipeline Blasts Were Sabotage – But against whom, the USA?
Yesterday’s shocking news that the Nord Stream 1 & 2 gas poipelines between Russia and Germany immediately triggered speculation about who is responsible, but as the facts emerge the knee jerk blaming of Russia has failed to convince because the attack bears all the halllmarks of a false flag event engineered by the usual suspects …

Who Blew Up The Nordstream Pipeline
So whodunnit? Sabotage of undersea gas pipe will escalate tension and move the world closer to nuclear war, but who is behind it, Russia in a bid to put more presure on Europe, Ukraine in an attempt to drag NATO into direct action, or the USA using a CIA false flag event to advance its own agenda.

Europe’s Economy And Living Standards Are Plummeting
As the multiple crises in Europe deepen with no sign of relief in sight, Oriental Review comments that the ill-considered sanctions against Russia, far from achieving their objective of pressuiring Moscow into ending its war in Ukraine, have exposed the deep rooted problems of the European Union which is rapidly approaching economic collapse. Without offering any evidence in support of its allegation the article states that a large number of businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy.

An Energy Crisis In Tandem With A Food Crisis On Top Of An Economic Crisis And A War. This Cannot End Well
As politicians in North America and Europe try to deflect from their own failure that have contributed to the current plethora of crises by blaming Russia and Vladmir Putin for all the current problems, while the war in Ukraine is a contributory factor in each, the real blame lies closer to home.

Swedish Media Outlet Publishes Leaked U.S. Document On How to CRUSH Europe Economy via Ukraine War Effort
Swedish news organisation Nya Dagbladet has published a leaked top secret US plans to use the war in Ukraine and an induced energy crisis to destroy European economies. The report claims the RAND Corporation a defence and foreign policy think tank founded by military aircraft maker Douglas has the official aim of improving policies and decision-making, is the source of its evidence.

Has Putin Has Pushed Europe Into Economic Depression, Hyperrinflation and Currency Collapse?
Though it was entirely predictable and indeed had been expected for some time, the news over the weekend that the Nord Stream 1 pipeline which feeds gas from Russia to northern Europe via The Baltic route had been shut down completely by The Kremlin in retaliation for the continued financial and military support given by NATO and EU member states to Ukraine in the conflict with Russia. The European Commission, governing body of the EU, immediately put the community on something close to a war footing, …
Continue reading >>>

Is Russia Selling Its Oil To The World Through An Obscure Egyptian Port?
As this blog predicted when NATO and EU member states shot themselves in the foot by reacting to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with sanctions that prevented Russia from selling oil, gas and vital raw materials to the countries that needed them most, the NATO and EU member states, the Russians have had no problems finding alternative customers for their gas and oil and no problem getting oil into the world’s commodity markets through the back door.

Jingoistic Western Triumphalism Will Not End The War In Ukraine Or Cripple Putin, But It Is Crippling Western Nations

As the war in Ukraine grinds on and Russia steps up its economic war against the west and in particular The European Union, claims made recently by the idiotically ‘woke’ leaders of Europe’s main economic and military powers that the West has a once-in-a–generation chance to severely weaken Russia’s capabilities, both militarily and geopolitically, look increasingly hollow. Putin’s critics have cited ‘Western unity’ as one of the main reasons why Russia will be economically destroyed and politically humiliated when the Ukraine’s military finally claim victory.

Are US Supplied Long Range Missiles Really Winning The War For Ukraine?
Since very soon after the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine western powers, USA, UK, EU and NATO have been doing everything possible to prolong and escalate the war. The latest move is to provide the Ukrainian military with long range HIMARS missile. Mainstream media are claiming this has tilted the balance in Ukraine’s favour. But for what? To prolong the slaughter? …

Russia and China announce a new global reserve currencyIt was always on the cards that Russia, China and rest of the BRICS countries would use the CIA / NATO engineered war in Ukraine to launch the main thrust of their economic war on the west, in fact after having written so much in our Currency Wars page about the inevitability of Russia and China challenging the US dollar’s global reserve status, now, it’s happening we can only say: “We Told You So”.

“Our Country Is Facing The Biggest Crisis The Crisis We Ever Had”: German Employers’ Association Warns Over Russian Gas Cut
With the Nord Stream 1 pipeline closed for maintenance, with the possibility that President Putin will not allow it to reopen at the end of the scheduled 10 days downtime in retaliation for the EU’s continued support or Ukraine in their conflict with Russia, Germany is facing an unprecedented crisis that could erase the prosperity Germans have grown accustomed to, warned Rainer Dulger, head of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations.

European Union Is Again Close To A Meltdown As Eurozone Economy Collapses
Once more we return to the political instability and economic fragility of the European Union as the conflict in Ukraine combined with loonytoons Climate Change mitigation policies, the failure of ‘sustainables’ to meet ever increasing demand for electricity, fod shortages and rampant price inflation put economic and social pressure on governments of member states …

We The Good Guys Versus They The Bad Guys Reporting Does Not Make Sense For The Ukraine Crisis
Mainstream media reporting of the conflict in Ukraine has disappointed. Perhaps I was naive to suppose that lessons might have been learned from the hits their print sales and online traffic rates took as a result of their handling the COVID pandemic But instead of focusing on the most obviously newsworthy aspect of the build up to and escalation of the war, Russia’s view of NATO expansion into Ukraine and even further to Georgia and Kazakhstan, news reports have simply demonised Russia and portrayed Ukraine as the good guys.

Even If The War In Ukraine Ends, Sanctions Will Stay – So How Bad Will The Food Crisis Get?
Western leaders, desperate to show their own countries they were taking a firm stance on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, were quick to impose economic sanctions … so quick in fact that they acted before they had though things through. While freezing Russia out of the global finance system they have exacerbated the wests energy crisis, while Russia’s retaliatory ban on raw materials (fertiliser) exports will create extra problems on top of those we already had …

While Crazy Joe Biden Claims Victory Over Russia, NATO’s Expansin Plans Have Been Derailed By PutinJoe Biden (or his handlers because we all know Joe’s mind is gone,) have been trying to spin reports of Russian troops withdrawing from positions close to the Ukraine border as a diplomatic victory for the USA over Putin but in the geopolitical game things are seldom what they seem to be …


Boris Can’t Blame Ukraine War For Energy Crisis

Protestors in Berlin have been holding up placards suggesting they’d sooner shower in cold water than use Russian gas, others however are more concerned about how they will keep warm and cook their food while still others are wondering how they will for to fill their cars with fuel for the commute to work, or buy food with the prices of both fuel and food rocketing.

Meanwhile in Britain Boris Johnson has called on the public to make sacrifices, solemnly telling us that we need to drop cheap Russian energy and ‘accept that such a move will be painful’.

Telling voters that the spiralling inflation we are now experiencing, and the effect on living standards might sound like a politiian trying to be honest for once . Or might it be the case that Boris Johnson, never a man known for plain speaking, is preparing us to be told that Russia’s war against Ukraine, rather than the follies of ‘net zero’ policies and transitioning from fossil fuels to intermittent ‘sustainable’ energy sources are to blame for price rises that coming down the lione long before the first Russian boot stepped over ~Ukraine’s border?

Managing without Russia’s energy supplies will hit the Germany economy hard. German industry and domestic energy supplies have relied heavily on imported Russian natural gas since Germany’s influential but idiotic Green lobby pressured Angela Merkel into abandoning coal and nuclear in favour of wind and solar electricity generators. Germany imported 32 per cent of its gas from Russia in December and wants to reduce that by two-thirds over the next year but has no viable alternative and even Germany’s brilliant engineers cannot conjure current from wind turbines when the wind does not blow or from solar panels when the sun does not shine.

Energy prices throughout Europe were skyrocketing before any economic sanctions were impised on Russia. The energy crunch caused by the failure of green energy policies, and exacerbated by economies restarting after lockdowns, saw UK energy regulator Ofgem raise the energy price cap by 54 per cent, but oil and gas price increases throughout 2021 had already driven dozens of companies out of business by February, 2022.

Higher prices would normally be hard to explain for a governing party committed to the traditional Conservative principle of keeping living costs in check. ‘But the war has changed the narrative in a number of ways,’ says one Conservative lawmaker, ‘the cost of living crunch can also now be blamed on something out of our control.’

Debt servicing payments are increasing by billions of pounds month by month, as nations, already half buried under the mountain of debt they incurred in order to fund the insanity of their pandemic responses now have to flood their economies with even more fiat money to stave of the effects of global price inflation. That, for Johnson and Biden, has meant trying to blame their economic woes on Russia. It might work, but rising prices aren’t a recent phenomenon: they were being shaped by government decision-making long before sanctions hit.

In Britain, inflation has been outpacing official forecasts for months – and was expected to hit 7 per cent even before Ukraine was invaded. One Secretary of State expects the headline rate to hit double digits before the end of the year. In Joe Biden’s America runaway inflation is running even faster with the year on year increase in consumer prices having already topped 8 per cent.

Blaming their economic woes on Russia’s conflict in Ukraine probably seems an easy way out for political shtsters like Johnson and Biden. It would have worked too (to borrow a phrase from Scooby Doo villains,) but for that pesky virus interfereing. No doubt Russia’s war is a serious, and increasing, problem, prticularly when we consider the likely effect of the ban on Ammonium Nitrate (fertiliser) exports to the west. But two years of relentless scaremongering propaganda used to prop up the pandemic narrative have almost destroyed public trust in politics and the madia. Rising prices aren’t a recent phenomenon: they were being shaped by government decision-making, the economic damages caused by unnecessary and ineffective lockdowns and the suspension of commercial activity as entire nations were placed under house arrest, long before sanctions started to contribute to the latest spike in energy prices.


Russian Long Range Missile Test Fuels Nuclear War Fears As NATO Pushed Ukraine To Escalate Conflict
Russia tested its latest intercontinental ballistic missile yeserday, the Satan II has a range of 10,000 miles and can devastate an area of 250,000 square kilometers according to military experts. Bizarrely commentators in mainsteam and online news services portrayed this as a sign of weakness by Russia, though the same people cheered when Joe (Dementiaman) Biden threratened a nuclear response if Russia crossed his ‘red lines’ in Ukraine …

Europe’s biggest economy would suffer a 6.5pc contraction if Russian energy is suspended, experts warn 
Even though the sanctions already imposed on Russia in respondse to the invasion of Ukraine are hitting the nations that imposed then harder that their intended target, the EU is preparing to committ economic suicide in an orgy of virtue signalling …

Sanctions have failed, the Russian rouble is stronger than before the war
Looking at the financial data earlier today I noticed that the Russian rouble is now worth more against the US dollar than it was before conflict broke out in Ukraine. On the 22nd of February this year, one US dollar would exchange for just over 79 rubles. As of the time of writing, it is now 78 …

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Russia-led Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline Nearing Completion

Here’s some news that is bound to piss off the american deep state which, as we’ve reported in the past has been a thorn in the side of successive American administrations.

Authored by Tsvetana Paraskova via,
picture: Oil

A Russian vessel capable of completing the pipelaying for the Gazprom-led Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline project left a German port on Wednesday and entered Danish waters where the last section of the controversial pipeline has yet to be completed.

According to vessel-tracking data from Refinitiv Eikon cited by Reuters, Russian ship Fortuna, sailing under a Russian flag, departed from the Mukran port in Germany on the Baltic Sea and moved into Danish territorial waters.

The move comes several days after the Danish Energy Agency allowed Nord Stream 2 AG to use pipelaying vessels with anchors for the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipelines. The Danish agency previously allowed self-positioning pipelaying vessels (DP pipe-laying vessels) in the construction permit for the Nord Stream 2 pipelines.

With an anchored Russian vessel, Gazprom could complete the construction of the pipeline in Danish waters. Because of the U.S. sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 project from December, Western vessel and technology providers pulled out of the project.

Following the announcement of the sanctions, Switzerland-based offshore pipelay and subsea construction company Allseas immediately suspended Nord Stream 2 pipelay activities …Continue reading >>>

Is The Russian Threat To Invade Ukraine Real Or A Globalist Conspiracy Theory?
While Joe Biden’s handlers in Washington and Boris Johnson In London talk up the threat of war should Russia invade Ukraine as they claim Moscow is preparing to do,Ukrainian leaders are dismissive, accusing the west of ramping up hysteria in a bid to divert attention from oither problems … Continue reading >>>

Worst polluting coal and wood fires banned in fight to cut emissions

Domestic coal and certain types of wood are to be banned from sale from next year in a bid to cut air pollution, ministers will announce on Friday.

Is Hatred Of Greta Thunberg Justified?
As the backlash against the Greta Thunberg cult gathers momentum a lot of lefties are asking why the little Climate Warriorette is so hated by so many people. As usual with the left, they are asking the wrong question. Just as they asked, “Why can’t you believe the scientists, when in fact not only is it always legitimate (and scientific,) to question and challenge scientific theory, so it is perfectly rational and logical to challenge the Cult of Saint Greta ….

Ruling Elites support Extinction Rebellion plan for Marxist world to ‘fight climate change’

Climate change: Electrical industry’s ‘dirty secret’ boosts warming

Scaremongering IPCC Pushes Climate Hysteria with New Doomsday Report

Billionaire Investor Erik Prince Launches Fund For Electric Car Metals

Why Are The World Government Schemes, Agenda 21 and Agends 30 blanked by big media?

Since the early days on the old platform we have from time to time raised the issues of Agenda 21 and Agenda 30, The New World Order, and the push for a global, authoritarian, socialist government. Any mention of these things in online forums is certain to get the author accused of being a conspiracy theorist, a right wing extremist, a nutcase, a young earth creationist and much worse.

MORE NEWS from Greenteeth Digital Publishing

Greta Thunberg Slams Australia for Coal Industry, Expands List of Climate Demands

Little Greta Thunberg, who was elected by nobody apparently now speaks for us all on matters relating to climate change. The Swedish climate change hustler who is making a fortune for her handlers from donations to her campaign, again castigated Australia for continuing to mine and export coal despite her previous complaints, adding a call for an end worldwide to the actibity to her list of climate demands to be delivered at the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos …

Another Kick In The Bollocks For Warmageddonists And CAGWARTS*

I’ve had many arguments with the Warmageddonists, the people who have been saying that if we did not shut down all coal, oil and gas related activites the earth was going to turn into a giant furnace and we would all burn. When the scaremongering first started, the deadline for frying was “after dinner”. Then it got to “Tomorrow …… or the day after tomorrow perhaps,” then “next year”, “before 2050,” and eventually “soon.”

What if man-made climate change is all in the mind?

If our view of reality is shaped by the mind and our perceptions of information, how successful are attempts to manipulate the perceptions of the whole populations through manipulated data, spin and assertions of authority likely to be. As scientists and politicians moan that the public no longer take sertiously climate change scare stories, we have to conclude, not very.

Meteorologists Begin To Admit To Climate Engineering

The freethinkers and Libertarians of New Media have been questioning the pseudoscientific certainties of the global warming lobby for a long time. During that often acrimonious process (because the Global Warming lobby are ever bit as organised and as driven by blind hatred of those who question them as the Bearded Queens In Bridal Gowns lobby) and most of us have been accused of infanticide, genocide and worse. At last the respectable climate scientists (the ones who didn’t sell their arse for the corporate dollar) are speaking, and the media are listening.

Mad Scientists Now In A Race To Create Human – Animal Hybrids

Scientists all over the world are busy creating extremely bizarre human-animal chimeras. Once again The Daily Stirrer has to say “We told you so”. There is something very creepy and sinister embedded in the typical scientists desire to play God. It is a complete, psychopathic disregard for moral boundaries. If we can do it that …

UK Offshore Windfarms Produce More Rust and CO2 Than Electricity
A private case going through a British court of arbitration at the moment involves two very large supply organisations.
Unfortunately the case is being heard away from the prying eyes and radar like ears of the media. A 1996 Act Of Parliament enabled such things as a way to free up Court time taken up by complex technical disputes…. And, perhaps, to keep embarrassing truths away from …

A deadly sickness is sweeping across Ethiopia – and no one knows how or why it came to be

For most of this month the news has been full of the coronavirus outbreak in China, and the possibility this will turn into a pandemic like the Spanish flu’ outbreak in 1919 which killed millions of people worldwide. First we need to allay freas spread by scaremongering propaganda aimed at diverting public scrutiny for several very unpleasant and undemocratic agendas currently being implemented by the ruling elites. We are talking about the cashless society, the mass migration policy and the suppression of free speech amongst other attacks on individual liberty. Spanish ‘flu, occuring as it did in the wake of World War One rampaged through European societies in which many people were poorly nourished, in which standards of food hygiene, public sanitation and healthcare, which a century ago were poor by modern standards anyway, were still recovering from a destructive war, and when people were much less well educated on how to deal with illness or take steps to avoid catching it.

Coronavirus is not likely to wipe out millions of people in the developed world, if people like you and I take sensible precautions, should we be unfortunate enough to develop the disease we are unlikely to experience effects worse than a heavy cold. It is in third world nations where the infection, aidfed by poor nutrition, overcrowded living arrangements, poor sewerage systems etc. is likely to wreak havoc. And coronavirus is not the only health threat the third world is currently facing.

A “mystery” disease is currently epidemic in rural communities across eastern Ethiopia’s Somali region. A report published in The Guardian reveals locals and officials believe that this deadly mystery disease may be linked to a nearby Chinese natural gas project. Though this claim has been repudiated by government officials in Addis Ababa they have also denied the existence of a health and environmental crisis, as well as issues with large-scale energy projects, in the region.

The natural gas extraction project in question is operated by Poly-GCL, a Chinese oil and gas company that has been investing heavily in East Africa for some time. The company has been involved in talks with Ethiopia and Djibouti government agencies to build a 767-kilometer (or 476-mile) gas pipeline that will run between the two countries. In the region of Ogaden Basin, the Chinese engineers have been prospecting for oil and gas since 2014 and are planning to start commercial production soon.

Something in the water?

For local community leader Khadar Abdi Abdullahi and many other people the disease can be traced back to hazardous chemical waste that has contaminated their water supply and is linked to the gas extraction project.

“It is the toxins that flow in the rainfall from Calub [gas field] that are responsible for this epidemic,” Khadar told The Guardian. He had been discharged from hospital shortly before the report was published, after collapsing from a fever. Before that, his eyes and his palms first turned yellow, he was bleeding from his nose and mouth, and he was swollen all over. By the time he was released, his doctors said there was nothing they can do for him.

Khadar died shortly after his release from hospital.

In a statement, Ketsela Tadesse of the federal ministry of mines and petroleum said that the government is unaware of any reports of spillages in the Ogaden Basin, adding that, in any case, there were “there are no permanent settlers” in nearby areas.

An adviser to the Somali regional government says otherwise. In the report, he said the region is now experiencing new diseases “that have never been seen before in this area.”

“Without any public health protection, it is very clear that Poly-GCL uses chemicals that are detrimental to human health,” he added, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Khadar wasn’t the first in his neighbourhood to succumb to the mystery disease. Other locals in the area have died from the same symptoms – swelling, fever, sleeplessness, yellowing eyes and palms, and lack of appetite. According to Xuseen Sheekh Siraad, the chairman of Dhoobaweyn district (where Ogaden Basin is located), there have been at least 2,000 similar deaths since 2014. At the time of writing the cause of the disease has not been identified.


Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon
The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about

Mother jailed for child cruelty after rejecting NHS care to seek treatment at foreign clinic for teenager’s hormone therapy

from: The Ledbury Reporter:
“A MOTHER took her daughter for medical tests for conditions she didn’t have and gave her medication that would not have been prescribed by doctors in the UK, a jury has been told. Health professionals, police and social services became involved after an article written by the girl’s mother was seen by her father, Worcester Crown Court heard.

NHS Money Wasting Machine And The One Budget That Is Never Cut
After the usual empty promises made at the annual conferences of the three main political parties – all three party leaders swore that only their party can save the National Heath Service (NHS) eternally a key isue in UK politics, we decided it was time our we too a close look at why NHS finances are always in a mess. We assigned the task to our team of old gits with a vast store of business experience behind them and no fears of suffering career damage as the Politically Correct Thought Police exact retribution for the crime of being ‘off message’.

Evil Labour Government Helped Private Companies Profit From NHS
If you live in Heywood and Middleton and were thinking of voting for the greedy, paedophile loving, elitists’ party, Labour because you have been taken in by the lies peddled at the Labour conference that the wicked Tories plan to privatize the NHS, think again.

UK Health Watchdog: Studies Show Mobile Phones Cause Brain Tumours
Over the past last two years, following publication of metastudies like World Health Organisation’s International Agency For Research On Cancer report on the effects of radio frequency electromagnetic waves, there is new evidence that mobile phones use can be dangerous to our health. A less technical summary of that is available from Cancer Research UK. Wireless phones, even those DECT systems you use with your landline so you can wander around with the handset, emit radio-frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) when in use…

UK Health Watchdog: Studies Show Mobile Phones Cause Brain Tumours
Over the past last two years, following publication of metastudies like World Health Organisation’s International Agency For Research On Cancer report on the effects of radio frequency electromagnetic waves, there is new evidence that mobile phones use can be dangerous to our health. A less technical summary of that is available from Cancer Research UK. Wireless phones, even those DECT systems you use with your landline so you can wander around with the handset, emit radio-frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) when in use…

India To Prosecute Bill Gates For His Vaccine Crimes
It’s about time someone prosecuted him, every version of Windows has been a crime against humanity. The man who made “Not fit for purpose” marketable quality, the man who made it possible for the NSA to spy on us all, has been protected for far to long by the US Government. Someyhing to do with his father having been a director of the CIA perhaps? …You may say that, I couldn’r possibly comment.

US Centre for Disease Control Opposes Blocking Air Travel from West Africa to Stop Ebola
Right of return and gender dimension more important than stopping spread of disease? Well that sounds about right for the admistration of The Rent Boy President. Always put acting in a politically correct way before common sense. How about this for a totally fickwitted attempt to deal with a crisis (or mayve a smart but totally evil way to create a crisis.

The science of saturated fat: A big fat surprise about nutrition?
After years of being told saturated fat is a killer and we should avoid it in favour of Big Food products that are the nearest modern chemistry can get to packaging arterial plaque, yet another scientific meta analysis shows the sat fat scare was based of fraudulent science and there is no evidence your steak is harming you.

Ebola and the Absent “Humanitarians”
When the FUKUS axis leaders, France, United Kingdom and the Unites States of America were calling for approval to intervene in Libya, Yemen, Syria and Ukraine, they justified their lust for war by claiming that bombing the crap out of those counties was necessary on humanitarian grounds. And the member of the FUKUS axis and their allies spent billions of $£€ on humanitarian bombs that wreaked hiumanitarian havoc among the innocent poor and middle class citizens of those nations. Now they have work out their ‘The Jihad Is Coming’ scare but have a new weapon Ebola …

Why Does The US Government Hold A Patent On The Ebola Virus? Just Askin’
The outbreak of Ebola fever in west Africa has been making headlines since January this year, but as usual we are only being told half the story by mainstream media. It took a lot of digging by myself and colleagues in the blogosphere to dig up this pile of dirt which suggests the “new strain” of Ebola faver that has killed far more people than previous outbreaks may have resulted from attempts to weaponise the virus. And guess which national government is allegedly responsible.

A Message For Nanny State
Nanny State is on the warpath, admonishing finger wagging furiously, lips compressed into a thin line, she is launching another determined effort to make sure we are all too scared to think for ourselves or make our own choices, Nanny is now warning, with the usual threats of early and painful death is we disobey, that we should …

Zika Virus Outbreak Centred On Area Where GM Mosquitos Were Released In 2015 – Why Are We Not Surprised
just as it was new media that broke the story of the Ebola / US Department of Defense link last year (Why does the DARPA bological Warfare Agency need a patent on the virus and why did The Pentagon and a US University have a research team in Africa working on genetically modifying the virus? – links below this article) so a link between american GM scientists and Zika has been exposed.

Docors, Scientists Greased by Big Pharma? Told You So.
The Physician Payments Sunshine Act, which was passed by the US Senate with the help of an extensive investigation led by Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), provisions that doctors who receive payoffs from drug or vaccine companies must disclose this when pushing new therapies or medical procedures from what would otherwise appear to be unbiased intentions. (It happens in Europe too, see links in article)

GM insects for disease control should be trialled in the UK, says House of Lords Committee

Cracks In EU Unity Facade Are Beginning To Show

Coincidental with the bizarre events in the UK’s Supreme Coirt, where judges tried to usurp the power of parliament to themselves in a globaloist bid to stop Brexit, the economic situation in Europe, which as we have reported many times is dire, has entered into a critical period.  With one of the two net contributors o the EU treasury about to leave,Germany, which for decades has propped up the bloc financially as more and more economic basket cases were absorbed into Brussels’ wannabe empire, has stumbled into if not actually a recession then something very like one

Year on Year (YoY) growth in the German economy, from July 2018, July 2019 is 0.4% – what you would expect in the middle of a depression, and significantly less than the official inflation rate (while the real rate of inflation is, predictably, higher still. UK growth figures are slightly better coming in at 1.2%. Poor old Italy recorded a GDP growth of -0.1% YoY, (that’s a minus sign by the way).

Italy has a Debt-to-GDP ratio of 132% and finally France with a growth rate of 1.4% and a debt-to-GDP of 97% is effectively broke. That’s the big four in the EU/Eurozone.

So, the biggest economies in EU/Eurozone have a growth rate ranging from -0.1% to 1.4%. Oh, and I almost forgot negative interest rates are now becoming the norm in The Eurozon and 85% of German Bunds are non-performing and/or at negative interest rates.

Inexplicably the ECB is getting geared up for another round of QE, which means that the euro is going to be devalued. Of course, the Americans aren’t going to be best pleased with this turn of events but doubling down on the policy that failed is par for the course with the EU. Only a few years ago they decided the way to resolve the problem of mass immigration was ………… more mass immigration, and are currently proposing more politicalintegration of member states to counter the resurgence in nationalism triggered by …………….. wait for it ………………. forcing political integration on member states.

By failing to support US trade tariffs on nations that have pissed off Washington, the EU has involved itself peripherally in the US tade war with the world. but this can onlu=y increase problems. Germany in its present economic travails, and lined up to take the biggest economic hit from Brexit, is not going to welcome any increased costs for its export industries.

Most importantly this includes the cost of the raw material essential to Germany’s manufacturing/export sector. Natural Gas and oil are piped to Germany from Russia and the construction the of Nordstream 2 pipeline, which the US wants to alt to put Putin in his place, is crucial to the German economy. America wants to force Germany to buy more expensive, less reliable, Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) by taking alternative suppliers out of the picture and is threatening to impose sanctions on any company and/or state to get their own way.


This is a clearly a case of “deja vu all over again” and a moment of truth for the Germans. Do they do what the Americans tell them, which would be economic suicide, or will they pursue their national interests and give Uncle Sam the finger. This was precisely the setting in 1985 though with Japan then the object of US financial and economic destabilisation.

The Plaza Accord was a joint-agreement, signed on 22 September 1985, at the Plaza Hotel in New York City, between France, West Germany, Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom, to devalue the U.S. dollar in relation to the Japanese yen and German Mark. The resulting recessionary impact which pushed up the value of the Yen against the dollar in Japan’s export-dependent economy.

This created an incentive for the expansionary monetary policies that led to the Japanese investment bubble of the late 1980s. The Plaza Accord triggered the Japanese asset price bubble, which progressed into a protracted period of deflation and low growth in Japan known as the first Lost Decade. Has Germany, and by implication Europe learned the lesson one wonders?

Bearing this in mind it should also be noted that Germany is a big investor in Russia.

Europe Unglues

Europe’s Nationalists Unite Behind Salvini Ahead Of EU Elections
Yanis Varoufakis warns EU disintegration is coming
Germany slips into economic meltdown as US-China trade war escalates

Climate change: Electrical industry’s ‘dirty secret’ boosts warming

by <a href=""Matt McGrath,

It’s the most powerful greenhouse gas known to humanity, and emissions have risen rapidly in recent years, the BBC has learned.

Sulphur hexafluoride, or SF6, is widely used in the electrical industry to prevent short circuits and accidents.

But leaks of the little-known gas in the UK and the rest of the EU in 2017 were the equivalent of putting an extra 1.3 million cars on the road.

Levels are rising as an unintended consequence of the green energy boom. Cheap and non-flammable, SF6 is a colourless, odourless, synthetic gas. It makes a hugely effective insulating material for medium and high-voltage electrical installations. It is widely used across the industry, from large power stations to wind turbines to electrical sub-stations in towns and cities. It prevents electrical accidents and fires.

So why are we using more of this powerful warming gas? The way we make electricity around the world is changing rapidly. Where once large coal-fired power stations brought energy to millions, the drive to combat climate change means they are now being replaced by mixed sources of power including wind, solar and gas.

This has resulted in many more connections to the electricity grid, and a rise in the number of electrical switches and circuit breakers that are needed to prevent serious accidents. Collectively, these safety devices are called switchgear. The vast majority use SF6 gas to quench arcs and stop short circuits.

Lovely thing, irony, isn’it?

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Clean Green Power Sucks – China Goes All Out For Coal

The lying leftie paskudnyaks clean, green, save the planet machine and the worshippers of Greta Thunberg are always eager to tell us that China is the world’s biggest investor in sustainable energy and has more wind turnbines installed than any other nation on earth. It is the worst kind of lie because it is true, but only tells half the story. And sometimes being told half the story creates completely the wrong impression in the mind of the audience.

Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Interfered In Irish Abortion Vote
After three years of Facebook campaigning for the impeachment and firing of Trump because of alleged cooperation with the government of Russia in the 2016 US election, the Social Media giant’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg has at last admitted what many of us suspected all along, that it is Facebook, rather that hostile governments which interferes in the political processes of democratic nations.

Macron Threatens G20 On Climate Then Backs Off
France’s boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth’s soliloquy in Shakespeare’s play turned out to signify nothing.France’s boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth’s soliloquy in Shakespeare’s play turned out to signify nothing.

War and Politics Behind Mass Displacement in Africa, Not Climate Change – UCL
A report from a new study conducted by University College London’s may cause a stir in the climate scaremongering industry. The report challenges the academic establishment’s standard narrative of mass displacement in Africa being principally responsible for the creation of refugees in Africa and casts doubt on a number of other assumptions about global problems.

Hurricane Harvey Climate Catastrophe Man Made?As we reported last week the Hurricane Harvey disaster which has hit the U.S. states of Texas and Louisiana has shown characteristics never before observed in any hurricane or tropical storm since records began. Meteorological depressions (because that is what hurricanes, typhoons and other intense storms are,) move and once over land quickly weaken as air pressures become normalised. Harvey has stayed in the same area, dumping massive amounts of rain on the heavily populated coastal strip and causing $$$billionsworth of damage through flooding and high winds.

Trump Announces US To Quit The Paris Climate Accord
Fulfilling another campaign pledge, US President Donald Trump yesterday announced the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris climate pact and that he will work to renegotiate the international agreement in a way that treats American workers better. “So we are getting out, but we will start to negotiate and we will see if we can …

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling you for years …

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling …

Obama’s Climate Change Hypocrisy – The Arrogance Of The New Patricians
It is customary for US Presidents, when they leave office either having served two terms, been defeated in an election, or of their own volition, to fade quietly into the background. This is largely good manners, for an ex President to appear to be trying to intervene on political issues and influence events or public …

Big Business Joins Climate Change Scaremongers
The Paris summit on climate change approasches, which means the tree hugging fascist tendency are turning up the volume to eleven again. Trouble is they cannot produce a shed of evidence to back up their wild claims of imminent catastrophe because global warming only exists in their mathematical models, in the real world it is not happening/

Confusion Reigns As Paris Climate Conference Draws Near
The carbon dioxide driven climate change scam is back on the agenda as yet another monstrously expensive and fossil fulel gobbling jolly for politicians, scientists, freeloaders and general wankers gather to eat, drink, talk a lot and do nothing about a problem that exists in mathematical models but not in the real world.

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal – Is It The Tip Of The Iceberg?
The real problem here is that, driven by the hysterical warnings of self interested pseudo-scientists, politicians have set unachievable targets for reducing emissions while demanding that national economies keep growing.

Climate Denial Finally Pays Off
This blog has always been sceptical of the scientific case for climate change. And we admit that NO we are not climate scientists, NO we have not published research papers in ‘peer reviewed’ science journals. Of the three main contributors (all retired or semi retired) one is an engineer who still lectures in engineering and …

Nobel Laureate Smashes the Global Warming Hoax VIDEO
Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever’s speech at the Nobel Laureates meeting 1st July 2015. Ivar points out the mistakes which Obama makes in his speeches about global warming, and shares other not-well known facts about the state of the climate.

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Busted: Official Propaganda Photo Of Skripal Suspects Photoshopped.

Call me a conspiracy theorist if you like (possums), but I have never bought into the official narrative surrounding the Skripal poisoning case in Salisbury earlier this year.
Six months down the line, after we had heard many ludicrous accusations from western politicians but not a single shred of credible evidence linking the poisoning to the Russian government had been produced, the case burst back into life as Teresa May, who in April said she had irrefutable evidence The Kremlin had ordered the botched assassination attempt.
When she was challenged it turned out her evidence was that she’d read it on the internet. Now, conveniently timed to whip up a bit of much needed Russophobia as the Russia / Syria / Iran alliance prepare to mop up resistance in Idlib, the last ISIS stronghold in Syria, Theresa May has suddenly produced a couple of suspects

With Trump threatening terrible retribution for another gas attack that has not yet taken place (but the US / NATO / EU sponsored Islamic extremist rebels told him Assad was preparing one and what more reliable evidence can you have than the word of a terrorist,) it looks as if the trigger happy Deep State lunatics are pushing for war again, well why not – it must be all of three months since Putin last made them back down.

The previous alleged gas attacks by Assad have been exposed by independent inspectors from the Orgamisation for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) as false flag incidents, and the latest and reportedly most serious yet was found by British reporter Robert Fisk to have been fake news. So naturally public opinion is not wildly enthusiastic about a shooting war with Russia, which would almost certainly bring China in on their side.

But as before, Prime Minister May’s suspects, produced with the aim of demonizing Russia to justify Britain’s joining a military intervention in Syria in support of a bunch of head amputating, sex slave owning, journalist burning savages is simply ridiculous. The two men in the pictures she produced could have been anybody, the picture of them in the street outside Sergei Skripal’s could have been anywhere and was definitely photoshopped as I will show you in a moment.

And while the interview with the suspects was risible as both men gave the impression they were third rate actors who had been given too little time to learn their lines, we must not forget no real evidence of their involvement has been produced. My overall impression on seeing the interview was that Putin was taking the piss.


Look at this picture (Used by The Guardian, Express, BBC and Yahoo News,) of the alleged poisoners, who according to British intelligence services managed to contaminate their hotel room and half of Salisbury with the highly potent nerve agent used in the assassination attempt, but did not suffer any ill effects and failed to kill their targets. Do you see a white halo around their bodies. This is not an indication that they had divine protection, but that their images were either pasted or cloned rather amateurishly into a shot of an unidentifiable street.

Britain Should Be Facing Global Outrage Over Skripal Saga, Not Russia

Some people may believe it is mere coincidence that in the week The UK, France and the USA (the FUKUS axis) discussed plans for appropriate measures, which would involve bombs and possibly a military incursion, in retaliation for a chemical weapon attack in Syria that has not taken place yet, the increasingly ludicrous story of the assassination attempt on former Russian agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia has come to the top of the news again.

Obviously the fires of Russophobia need to be stoked to get voters in any of the nations involved in the frustrated bit to overthrow the Assad government in Syria on board for a military intervention that could easily escalate into armed conflict between the western power and Russia, which will likely be supported by Iran and China.

Last week’s  announcement by the British government that two named Russian suspects were being sought in connection with the alleged poisoning of a former Russian spy turned double agent, who after his release from prison in an exchange deal between the US and Russia may have been involved in private intelligence work for some very dodgy characters is more absurd drama in a long-running tawdry saga.

Skripal assassination suspects (they could be anybody) Picture:

As in all previous developments in this case, no verifiable evidence that these two ordinary looking men work for the Russian secret service, or even that they are Russian. News of their involvement has been presented, with more lurid innuendo against the Russian state and the usual refusal by the British authorities to abide by any due process and international norms of diplomacy. It is all scurrilous sound and fury aimed at smearing Russia.

This week, Britain’s Metropolitan Police released video shots of the alleged assassains, purporting to show them, each alone, walking down a corridor at London’s Gatwick airport on March 2.They were not together but according to the timestamp on the CCTV still has arrived  in the exact same spot at the exact same time. When sharp eyed bloggers and alt_media journalists pointed this out, the government quickly claimed there are parallel corridors. That’s possible, but to be at the same point, marching in lockstep, not even a a yard apart should stretch our credulity.

Call me a conspiracy theorist if you like, but consider this thought from the conspiracy theorist in chief:


Other video shots produced as evidence of their involvement show the same men walking the streets of a town that might be Salisbury. There’s no reason to believe it isn’t, but with no distinguishing landmarksthe street could be almost anywhere.

Still from I?TV news via The Daily Mail online

On March 3, the day before former Russian Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were apparently stricken with a powerful nerve agent. The two would-be assassins then allegedly flew back to Moscow from London late on March 4.

One of the most preposterous claim made by British security services, is that traces of the Novichok nerve agent used to poison the Skripals were found in the London hotel room where the alleged Kremlin agents stayed. The incompetence of these two supposedly highly trained super assassins is beyond belief . If the official narrative is correct, they seem to have spilled this stuff everywhere they went. Yet, we are told, it is one of the most potent nerve agents known and contact with a miniscule amount can be fatal. Leaving aside the potency of Novichok which seems to be in some doubt, it is amazing that of the five people affected by the poison as the Russian assassins splashed it about randomly throughout southern England, the two who have died were not the targets of this clowninsh operation.

More realistically clumsy, however, is the attempt by the British to lay an incriminating trail and now to name and blame two Russians who we are told were back in Russia or at least on their way back when the first victims were affected by the poison.

Former British ambassador Craig Murray and other astute observers have noted that the latest video shots released by Britain’s counter-terrorism police are highly questionable. The images could have been easily fabricated with modern digital methods. They are not evidence of anything. Yet, suspiciously, the British authorities are in unseemly haste to make their sensational charges of Russian state culpability.

The day after the Met police announcement implicating the two Russian culprits, Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May stood up in front of her parliament and claimed that the two individuals were members of Russian military intelligence, the GRU. Rather predicably the Russian government denied ever having heard of them. UK government Home Office security  minister, Ben Wallace, then accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of having personal responsibility for ordering the alleged assassination plot although there is no evidence for that and at a time of heightened tensions such outbursts are never going to be helpful.

Then on Thursday Britain summoned a meeting of the United Nations Security Council to reiterate its claims against Russia without providing any further substantiating details to back up the sensational accusations which are based on the belief that creating a bogeyman will swing public opinion in favour of military action against. The credulous British news media have obedienly pimped up the accusations giving the claims a veneer of credibility, holding the warmongers and military – industrial complex salesmen in government to account over the numerous irregularities in this narrative.

Vasily Nebenzia, Russia’s envoy to the United Nations commented that the whole aim of  Britain’s accusations is to whip up more anti-Russian feeling in the international community. As envoy Nebenzia pointed out, it is entirely unreasonable for the British prime minister to make the categorical claim that the two allegedly Russian men in the video shots released this week are members of the GRU? Typically, she made the claim without providing any substantiating information as she has previously accused Russia of hostile acts without citing any evidence.

The British government is also teetering on political implosion from the Brexit debacle and growing public contempt for Prime minister May’s amateurish incompetence and lack of leadership qualities.

This was the same kind of plucking from thin air that Theresa May performed only days after the Skripals were apparently poisoned in Salisbury on March 4. Again, back then, May stood in front of parliament and dramatically accused Russia of a state-sponsored assassination attempt. The British authorities have cast, and continue to cast, a verdict without any legal case. That verdict relies entirely on Russophobia and prejudice of Russian malfeasance.

No sooner had Britain unleashed its latest allegations, than a joint statement was released by the United States, Canada, Germany and France supporting the British claims. All this comes at a time when it is widely known the Assad government, backed by Russia and Iran, is preparing an all – out assault on Syria’s Idlib province, the last stronghold of the various Islamic extremist groups that with the backing of the USA’s Obama administration, (Trump ordered the US to cease funding and supplying arms to the rebels,) the EU, NATO and Saudi Arabia, have been trying to overthrow Assad for four years.  As I reported in mid August the Russian government predicted a false flag chemical weapon incident was being prepared to justify military intervention to prevent the final defeat of Islamic State.

Britain is now, stupidly, calling for more punitive economic sanctions against Moscow as it did earlier this year when the Skripals apparently fell ill on a park bench in Salisbury, a quiet Cathedral city in southern England. Russian diplomats have  now been expelled from twenty eight nations over earlier and similarly unsubstantiated claims about Russian malfeasance. More sanctions are likely, with the intended effect of framing Russia as a pariah state only resulting in economically harming EU and NATO members that trade with Russia more that Russia itself.

The timing of this latest development in the Skripal saga is probably significant. As reported in my opening paragraphs, the US, Britain and France are threatening to launch military strikes on Syria just as the Syrian army and its Russian ally move to defeat the last-remaining stronghold of weatern-backed terror groups formed to effect regime change in that country.

The defeat of IS would bring to an ignominious end the  criminal war against the Assad government in Damascus, a war which, according to very real evidence available in the public domain, was intended to impose a puppet regime in Damascus and facilitate the building of oil and gas pipelines from Saudi Arabia and the gulf states to the Easter Mediterranean, thus undermining Russia’s oil and gas trade with Europe.

Last month Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel held a productive, cordial summit with President Putin near Berlin, where the two leaders appeared to solidify a rapprochement over a crucial energy project between Russia the European Union. This news was not well received in Washington or Riyadh where the US government fears moves to dump the US dollar as global reserve currency, while the Saudis sense their ability to control the global trade in oil slipping away.


Police can’t say Skripal & Amesbury cases linked, or that those responsible will be caught

Russia Accuses US Of White Phosphorus Attack In Syria

Completely unsubstantiated allegations to the effect that President Assad of Syria has already authorised the use of illegal weapons (poison gas) in the coming assault on Idlib, continue to proliferate in western media (the fake news industry,) and are repeated by talking heads on TV and radio. Idlib province in north west Syria borders Turkey and is the last stronghold of the ISIS / Al Nusra rebels who, armed, trained and funded by Washington and its NATO allies and The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, have been trying to ovrthrow the Assad regime for the past four years. In a last desperate attempt by the US Deep State to prevent the total defeat of it’s proxy war on Russia and Iran, the US appears to be trying once more to justify direct intervention in the Syrian war.

Unfortunately all the previous allegations of illegal weapons use by the Assad regime, made by Trump and his predecessor, the mass murderer and war criminal Barack Hussein Obama, have been proved to be false flag events or simply fake news.

President Trump has threatened Syrian and Russian forces currently preparing to take back the terrorist-controlled stronghold in northwestern Syria, potentially bringing the world to the brink of World War III, because Russian President Vladimir Putin has previously demonstrated he will not allow Assad to fall. But Trump’s tweets about the potential “humanitarian catastrophe” and what the US response might be have exposed a guiding principle of the US’s involvement in Syria (and indeed across the Middle East): Use of illegal weapons attack is only a humanitarian “catastrophe” if it’s carried out by opponents of US geopolitical hegemony.

In what Russian officials have been warning of since mid August, Washington officials are already blaming Assad for an attack that has not taken place yet. Russia’s foreign ministry has claimed several times its sources in Syria knew  another US-approved false flag attack was being prepared to justify direct military action.

Today we learn from independent sources that on Saturday US F15 jets reportedly dropped white phosphorus (an illegal weapon,) on Hajin, a Syrian town in the Deir Ez-Zor province. When it comes in contact with oxygen, white phosphorus can cause massive fires. Because of this, it’s banned by the Geneva Convention for use in combat. Russian officials said they’re still waiting for information on casualties.

Here’s more from RT:

Two F-15 jets on Saturday bombed the town of Hajin with white phosphorus incendiary munitions, banned under the Geneva Convention, according to the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria.

“Following the strikes, large fires were observed in the area,” Lieutenant-General Vladimir Savchenko said Sunday. There’s still no information on casualties caused by the bombing run, he added.

The US promptly denied responsibility for the attack and expects the world to believe its denials. Yet when Washington accuses Syria or Russia of war crimes, their denials are met with derision. Well we would be foolish to believe without question anything Russia or the Assad government said, which is who independent inspectors from the Organisation for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons hve visited sites of alleged chemical weapon attacks and found no evidence to link the assad regime to the use of poison gas.

A Pentagon spokesperson denied the allegations of dropping white phosphorus bombs. “At this time, we have not received any reports of any use of white phosphorous,” Commander Sean Robertson told the media on Sunday. “None of the military units in the area are even equipped with white phosphorous munitions of any kind.”

Despite these outraged denials by US military and Department of Defense officials, photos of the attack have emerged on social media. Note the bright white flames of the incendiary mareial, an indicator that the substance is phosphorous :

Islamic State still controls a pocket of territory in Deir Ezzor between the Euphrates River and the Iraqi border, and also has scattered bases across Syrian’s eastern desert desert. The use of any incendiary munitions in populated civilian areas was banned by Protocol III of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, which the US signed the protocol back in 2009.


Obama Admin Denies Saying “No Boots on the Ground” in Syria After Saying It 16 Times
This is our second report today that catches Barack Obama and his administration of ‘homies’ in a blatant lie. The first related to the TTIP trade treaty, this one concerns the decision to deploy American ground troops in Syria, after Obama had repeatedly stated there would never be any US soldiers on the ground in Syria

Europe Rejects Obama Doctrine – US Exceptionalism Is Not Acceptable
With a backlash against his efforts to bully Britons into voting to remain in the EU pushing the leave campaign into a narrow lead in opinion polls Obama’s vistit to Europe last week could hardly be described as a success. And now he has been told a foreign policy based on ‘American Exceptionalism’ is not acceptable and the USA must abide by the same international law as the rest of the world

The Final Curtain For Hillary’s Presidential Dream
The Obama Administration helped ignite the civil war in Syria as “the best way to help Israel,” a newly-released Hillary Clinton email published by Wikileaks has confirmed. Silly Hilly, then Secretary Of State wrote: “The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad.”

Russia’s Surprise Withdrawal From Syria? “If We Don’t Go Away, We Can’t Come back Again.
There is no doubt that the withdrawal is not quite what it seems to be, but more likely a tactical move by the Russians. The Kremlin feels it has done enough to secure the regime of President Assad, the remnants of the Sunni Muslim Free Syrian Army are no longer capable of mounting a challenge and the Syrians, along with Shi’ite militias in Iraq and Kurdish irregulars, backed by Iranian Republic an Guard troops ought to be capable of dealing with ISIS

Propaganda War: US Officials Working to Keep Russia, Europe at Odds
Speaking to the US Senate Armed Services Committee this month, Breedlove said that ” Russia and the Assad regime are deliberately weaponizing migration from Syria in an attempt to overwhelm European structures and break European resolve.” These irrational remarks, and the mainstream media’s ability to convey them with a straight face, are an indication of a broken system, experts suggest.

Fear and Panic: EU Defence Budgets Boom Amid ‘Russian Threat’ Paranoia
Sssssh. Do you hear that? The sound of two horses, their firey hooves drumming on the ground, eyes glowing like embers as at full gallop they draw the chariot of Mars, the war god. Their names are Phobos and Deimos, Fear and Panic. Paranoia over a supposed “Russian threat” and the fear of terrorism following the Paris attacks are causing panic among NATO and EU nations, causing governments to vastly increase their defense budgets:

The Business of War: Defense Sales Keep Economies Of Manufacturing Nations Afloat
Tens of thousands have been killed and millions displaced due to ‘humanitarian’ interventions by the developed nations (led by the USA, France and the UKm the FUKUS axis) in the domestic politics of third world nation. Usually the interventions support rebel groups who if they came to power would be far more oppressive and brutal regime than the one they replaced.

Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday’s bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds

Road To World War III: Turkey Shells Syria For Second Day As Saudi Warplanes Arrive
The geopolitical world was rocked yesterday when Turkey began shelling Syria’s second largest city, Aleppo, where the Syrian opposition has its back against the wall in the face of an aggressive advance by the forces of President Assad’s government and the Iranian Republican Guard supported, of course, by Russian airstrikes.

‘I’m back from Syria. The media are lying to you.’ Eva Bartlett
Eva Bartlett is a Canadian activist/freelance journalistst. Eva has lived cumulative 3 years in Gaza, spent time in Lebanon and visited Syria 3 times since April 2014. Anti-zionist, anti-imperialist, pro-justice. Find out more about Eva’s trips to Syria on her Websites: InGaza and Syria Solidarity Movement or watch the embedded video from YouTube at the web page linked above …

US Allies Now Fighting CIA-Backed Terror Groups In Syria
The idea that ISIS has very close links with the USA has gone beyond conspiracy theory, or anti US propaganda, the proof is out there. We have previously reported on the US government’s links to ISIS and revealed the vital role of NATO member Turkey in supporting the terrorists in their campaign which aims to create an Islamic Caliphate stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf

Turkey and Sadui Arabia Already Have Troops Fighting In Syria
Even mainstream media has been forced to concede that Turkey and Saudi Arabia are apparently ready to send ground forces to the Syrian battlefield as Assad’s forces, backed by Russian air power and Iranian elite troops but continue to grind down ISIS forces equipped with US made arms and ammunition via Saudi Arabia and funded by Turkey’s illegal oil trade with the terrorist group.

Crazy Obama Administration Claims It Brought Peace And Security To Syria In 2015
As fighting intensifies between ISIS, The Assad regime and its Russian, Iranian and Chinese allies and the FUKUS axis (France, UK, US) with support from Turkey as that rogue state wages a genocial campaign against the Kurds, the increasingly insane warmongers of the Obama administration is telling US voters they have brought peace and security to Syria Fortunately for Americans with enough nous to question the official narrative, new media is getting the truth out to ever increasing audiences.

Captured ISIS fighter says ‘trained in Turkey, ISIS thinks it’s safer than Syria’
Yet another report from the middle east offering more evidence that Turkey is supporting ISIS in every possible way and acting as the USA’s proxy in the Obama administration’s efforts to depose the regime of President Assad in Syria.

ISIS: Know Your Enemy – Who Of Those We Think Are On Our Side Is Helping ISIS
Who is funding ISIS, how has the terror group managed to assemble such a large, well equipped and (apparently) well fed fighting force and been able to wage a two year war against the Assad regime in Syria, the forces of the autonomous Kurds and the army of the Iraqi government, such as it is? Who is facilitating their illegal oil trade that is keeping Islamic State afloat.

World war 3 ISIS and Turkey is the problem Russia will blow them up
Turkey is a rogue state, Washington and NATO must have known Edrogan was dealing oil and brokering weapons and ammo for ISIS for a long time. Whatever Russia does is justified.

To Join Obama’s Proxy War Against Russia In Syria Would Be Cameron’s Greatest Folly
A look at our prospects should tway – boy Cameron succeed in obtaining parliament’s approval for his wish to join Obama’s coalition ofg dodgy political opportunists in their attempt to overthrow Syria’s President Assad. Given that Putin has said many times, Assad stays, our outdated war planes don’t stand an ice cube in hell’s chance against Russian S34s and Growler Surface to Air missiules (SAMs). And that’s without factoring in China’s pledge to support it’s allies Putin and Assad.

ISIS: Know Your Enemy – Who Of Those We Think Are On Our Side Is Helping ISIS

Here at last is the story behind the shooting down of a Russian military jet by Turkey’s air force. It will also answer questions about how ISIS can afford all those Toyota pick up trucks, but it is not pleasant reading for people in the west who just want to hear that the good guys are winning

Turkish Warplanes Shoot Down Russian Su24 Near Syrian Border
Hot news from the middle east all day today, it looks like what we all feared is about to happen as Turkish and Russian warplances clash, with Turkey shooting down a Russian fighter and then a gang of insane religious fantatics (or moderate Syrian rebels as Barack Obama calls them) shoot down the helicopter Russian officers sent to rescue their downed planes crew.

Russian Pilots shot By Syrian Rebels While Parachuting To Safety
Hot news from the middle east all day today, it looks like what we all feared is about to happen as Turkish and Russian warplances clash, with Turkey shooting down a Russian fighter and then a gang of insane religious fantatics (or moderate Syrian rebels as Barack Obama calls them) shoot down the helicopter Russian officers sent to rescue their downed planes crew.