BoJo The Clown Has Pie-In-Face Meltdown Over Being Outed As Washington’s Warmonger In Ukraine

I see BoJo The Clown is trying to wriggle out of taking responsibility for failing to stop the war in Ukraine back in April 22. fair play, the fat fool was only following orders from Washington, but as a previous revelation of this story leaked by David Arahamiya, the leader of Ukraine’s ruling party, who revealed that Johnson had scuppered a peace deal that would have put an end to hostilities just a few months after the Russian invasion, was corroborated by Russian President Vladimir Putin during the recent interview with Tucker Carlson.
People who read any on my blogs might recall that I reported this story back in September 2022 when it first leaked into the public domain.
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Boris Can’t Blame Ukraine War For Energy Crisis

Protestors in Berlin have been holding up placards suggesting they’d sooner shower in cold water than use Russian gas, others however are more concerned about how they will keep warm and cook their food while still others are wondering how they will for to fill their cars with fuel for the commute to work, or buy food with the prices of both fuel and food rocketing.

Meanwhile in Britain Boris Johnson has called on the public to make sacrifices, solemnly telling us that we need to drop cheap Russian energy and ‘accept that such a move will be painful’.

Telling voters that the spiralling inflation we are now experiencing, and the effect on living standards might sound like a politiian trying to be honest for once . Or might it be the case that Boris Johnson, never a man known for plain speaking, is preparing us to be told that Russia’s war against Ukraine, rather than the follies of ‘net zero’ policies and transitioning from fossil fuels to intermittent ‘sustainable’ energy sources are to blame for price rises that coming down the lione long before the first Russian boot stepped over ~Ukraine’s border?

Managing without Russia’s energy supplies will hit the Germany economy hard. German industry and domestic energy supplies have relied heavily on imported Russian natural gas since Germany’s influential but idiotic Green lobby pressured Angela Merkel into abandoning coal and nuclear in favour of wind and solar electricity generators. Germany imported 32 per cent of its gas from Russia in December and wants to reduce that by two-thirds over the next year but has no viable alternative and even Germany’s brilliant engineers cannot conjure current from wind turbines when the wind does not blow or from solar panels when the sun does not shine.

Energy prices throughout Europe were skyrocketing before any economic sanctions were impised on Russia. The energy crunch caused by the failure of green energy policies, and exacerbated by economies restarting after lockdowns, saw UK energy regulator Ofgem raise the energy price cap by 54 per cent, but oil and gas price increases throughout 2021 had already driven dozens of companies out of business by February, 2022.

Higher prices would normally be hard to explain for a governing party committed to the traditional Conservative principle of keeping living costs in check. ‘But the war has changed the narrative in a number of ways,’ says one Conservative lawmaker, ‘the cost of living crunch can also now be blamed on something out of our control.’

Debt servicing payments are increasing by billions of pounds month by month, as nations, already half buried under the mountain of debt they incurred in order to fund the insanity of their pandemic responses now have to flood their economies with even more fiat money to stave of the effects of global price inflation. That, for Johnson and Biden, has meant trying to blame their economic woes on Russia. It might work, but rising prices aren’t a recent phenomenon: they were being shaped by government decision-making long before sanctions hit.

In Britain, inflation has been outpacing official forecasts for months – and was expected to hit 7 per cent even before Ukraine was invaded. One Secretary of State expects the headline rate to hit double digits before the end of the year. In Joe Biden’s America runaway inflation is running even faster with the year on year increase in consumer prices having already topped 8 per cent.

Blaming their economic woes on Russia’s conflict in Ukraine probably seems an easy way out for political shtsters like Johnson and Biden. It would have worked too (to borrow a phrase from Scooby Doo villains,) but for that pesky virus interfereing. No doubt Russia’s war is a serious, and increasing, problem, prticularly when we consider the likely effect of the ban on Ammonium Nitrate (fertiliser) exports to the west. But two years of relentless scaremongering propaganda used to prop up the pandemic narrative have almost destroyed public trust in politics and the madia. Rising prices aren’t a recent phenomenon: they were being shaped by government decision-making, the economic damages caused by unnecessary and ineffective lockdowns and the suspension of commercial activity as entire nations were placed under house arrest, long before sanctions started to contribute to the latest spike in energy prices.


Russian Long Range Missile Test Fuels Nuclear War Fears As NATO Pushed Ukraine To Escalate Conflict
Russia tested its latest intercontinental ballistic missile yeserday, the Satan II has a range of 10,000 miles and can devastate an area of 250,000 square kilometers according to military experts. Bizarrely commentators in mainsteam and online news services portrayed this as a sign of weakness by Russia, though the same people cheered when Joe (Dementiaman) Biden threratened a nuclear response if Russia crossed his ‘red lines’ in Ukraine …

Europe’s biggest economy would suffer a 6.5pc contraction if Russian energy is suspended, experts warn 
Even though the sanctions already imposed on Russia in respondse to the invasion of Ukraine are hitting the nations that imposed then harder that their intended target, the EU is preparing to committ economic suicide in an orgy of virtue signalling …

Sanctions have failed, the Russian rouble is stronger than before the war
Looking at the financial data earlier today I noticed that the Russian rouble is now worth more against the US dollar than it was before conflict broke out in Ukraine. On the 22nd of February this year, one US dollar would exchange for just over 79 rubles. As of the time of writing, it is now 78 …

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Breaking: Corbynistas resort to fascist tactics to shut down opposition.

We are just learning that /Nasty, neo – Nazi supporters of the far – left, Jew hating Labour party, it’s Trotskyite leader Jeremy Corbyn and his propaganda chief, the Stalinist John McDonnell, have mobbed the market hall in the small Lancashire town of Westhoughton, where Boris Johnson was due to meet voters and traders today.

According to reports from local radio stations Johnson’s visit was cancelled at short notice due to what the Conservative Party describe police  “security concerns”.

A group of protesters had gathered before the Prime Minister’s arrival.

One witness tweeted: “The police have now arrived and Westhoughton Market is in lockdown after market traders say protestors tried to force their way in.”

There was a similar incident  in Rochester, Kent yesterday, when rabid, neo – fasist Labour supporters forced the cancellation of a walkabout after police fears that the feral hysterial that drives left wing hatred of anyone who disagrees with them would override civilised values and in their frenzied determination to tear the Prime Minister to sheds, the drug crazed, anti – Semitic crusties would injure or even kill members of the public.

Can any sane person believe a party that encourages such sociopathic paskudnyaks are fit to run the country?

As the loony left tried to claim Boris is chickening out of facing the people, but conservative sources say (correctly according to law,) that the police have the final say and that security considerations determine what happens.

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Parliamentary Report: No Evidence of Russia’s Alleged Interference in British Politics

Ever since Boris Johnson stepped up to the role of Prime Minister we have seen rabid lefties, Remainer MPs opportunistic media luvvies and showbiz wankers conducting a witch hunt, trying to make big deals out of everything Boris is alleged to have done or nor done. One aspect of that witch hunt that bore a remarkable similarity to the idiotic efforts of the US Democratic Party’s efforts to remove Donald Trump from office because of his alleged collaboration with Russian government agencies to steal the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton.

Yes our rabid lefties, media luvvies and general cunts tried to accuse Boris of collaborating with Russia (well nobody could ever accuse lefties of being imaginative or original, groupthink is an official policy of socialist movements, diversity is something that only relates to skin colour and sexual preference.

The allegation was that Bris was trying to block publication of a Parliamentary Security Committee report on Russian meddling in British politics. but was he and were they?


Boris Johnson came under scrutiny this week after he reportedly blocked the publication of a dossier cleared by British intelligence that looked into Russia’s alleged role in the 2016 Brexit referendum.

The UK Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee did not find any solid evidence of past Russian interference in British politics, but said that the risk of such meddling could still exist in the future, Bloomberg reported, citing two sources familiar with the findings of a secret report.

The committee conducted an inquiry into Moscow’s alleged meddling in Britain’s internal political process following the government’s repeated accusations that Russia was interfering in the UK’s 2016 Brexit referendum by providing misleading media coverage and resorting to fake social media accounts to influence the vote, but no “smoking gun” evidence of these allegations has been reported so far.


The committee’s report was rumoured to have been approved by intelligence agencies as the final step in a long process that began back in March 2019. Downing Street had been expected to approve the report’s final draft by the end of last week. However, the government insisted that the report was still in need of final clearance by the prime minister’s office, and therefore should not be published before the General  Election due on 12 December.

The delay caused some consternation in parliament on Tuesday (5bNovember), which was the final day before the legislative body was dissolved ahead of the election. The committee’s chairman, Dominic Grieve, an avid Europhile who has been deeply involved in several plots to thwart Brexit,   accused the Prime Minister of trying to prevent publication of the document because it contained revelations that would harm the Conservatives campaign, while rejecting the government’s claims that it needed “more time” to ensure that the sources of the information remained secret.

While the government officialy insisted that the report contained nothing that the Conservative government wished to hide, the report, which was commissioned to investigate concerns that Russia had played a part in influencing the outcome of the vote, but accordinto sources quoted bt BuzzFeed it failed to provide any solid evidence of collusion with foreign agencies.

So as was the case with the now notorious Mueller report into the Trump campaign’s alleged Russian collaboration, the allegations that Russia meddled in the Brexit vote and possibly changed the result are now proven to have no substance. Will the left ever learn that in this age of internet news and open journalism, it is not a good idea to try to win elections by telling lies about your opponents.

Don’t Pannick, Captain Johnson, Don’t Pannick
Farage Says New Brexit Party Will Spark “A Political Revolution” And Terrify The Tories
Dutch Referendum This Week Shows why We Should Leave The EU.

The Scottish Silliness

Forget what three Buckfast swilling, deep fried Mars Bar scoffing judges in chilly Jockoland said earlier in the week and whatever you have heard about Boris Johnson lying to the Queen (The Queen’s conversations with her Prime Ministers are confidential so nobody knows if Boris lied to our Betty or not, but if he did and anything he advised was illegal her own advisers would have warned her to withhold assent to the prorogation of parliament.

The Scottish court judgement is nothing but a cheap political stunt by a bunch of biased, SNP supporting bent lawyers aimed at giving The Mad Wee Hag Sturgeon ammunition for her next bid to make Scotland independent from the UK and thus the biggest economic basket case in Europe (if Scotland was an independent nation now they would be further up shit creek and even more bereft of paddles than Greece. .

And Boggart Blog is not the only digital news sheet that thinks so. We may be a scurrilous little blog, but look at what the highly respected, subscrioption only web news site for financial professionals, Eurointelligence has to say:

We expect this to be of more significance to the debate over Scottish independence than to Brexit. Legal commentators, including the retired Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption, expect the UK Supreme Court to side with the English ruling rather than the Scottish one.

Advantage Boris who is already one set up because the High Court in England ruled in his favour, as it should, while constitutionally Scottish courts cannot possibly have jurisdiction over the whole of the UK.

Eurointelligence continued:

If the Supreme Court, as we expect, does not intervene on prorogation, that leaves Hilary Benn’s legislation – requiring Johnson to seek an extension to the Art. 50 withdrawal period – as the main tactical approach left for Remainers.

But Johnson has the possibility of launching a legal challenge to Benns law, if he wants to.

The No No Deal law does nothing if such a challenge is upheld (as it should be), but the government team may have better ideas than issuing a challenge as Eurointelligence reports:

The act has been repeatedly and mistakenly described in the British media as “taking no deal off the table”, which illustrates how few journalists have bothered to even read the plain words of its text. Johnson is required by the act to send a letter to the European Council requesting an extension until 31st January 2020. But the act only requires that he send this letter on October 19. Even then, he only has to send the letter if parliament hasn’t agreed to either a deal or a no-deal exit by that date. Both scenarios being explicitly allowed by the legislation. Moreover, it allows Johnson to withdraw the letter if the House of Commons votes in favour of either a withdrawal agreement or of no-deal exit between 19th October and 31st October.
We think the Remainers committed a strategic error. It was a mistake to leave the machinery of government in Johnson’s hands between now and October 31. He will be the only person in the room negotiating and speaking to other heads of government. It also leaves plenty of avenues at his disposal for frustrating an extension request. However watertight Hillary Benn’s legislation might seem, one thing it cannot do is muzzle the prime minister or limit his right to make political statements, both within the House of Commons and at the European Council in October. It also means Johnson now has five more weeks to dominate the UK media agenda, unimpeded by parliamentary questioning thanks to prorogation.

So in the end whatever Remainers do, short of calling a vote of no confidence and forcing an election, which after their idiotic performance over the past few week the opposition will surely lose, they cannot stop no deal. Quite simply, so long as Boris can string things out until 31 October, no deal is the default legal position. All the Remainers antics and the bigoted Jock judges have achieved is to make anything but no deal almost impossible.

Good work, Remainers.

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Brexit court case

Corbyn’s failure of leadership


Court case over suspension of Parliament a blatant attempt to block Brexit’


Pro Brexit protestors outside parliament accuse Remainer MPs of teason (picture RT)

In the wake of a bunch of offal scoffing, Buckie swilling, ginger whinger judges in Chilly Jocko Land declaring Boris Johnson’s suspension of parliament illegal (like its anything to do with them,) we have more totally disgusting, anti – democratic shenanigans from rabid remainers in politics and the media today.

The Edinburgh establishment have always taken themselves too seriously of course, they were even delusional enough to believe their little country could be an independent nation. In fact Scotland is such an economic basket case, with only 1/12th of the total UK population it accounts for around half the deficit. And yet three old drunks in an Edinburgh court are upset at suggestions their decision to try and jerk their paymasters strings is politically motivated. Of course it was politically motivated, while most Scottish people are fine, the Edinburgh political set are obsessive haters of all things British, particularly our wealth on which their little country is dependent.

However the Buckie – soaked Jocks have managed to cause some trouble in London as their outlandish and totally unconstitutional ruling has given rabid Remainers in London an opportunity to try again to deny the democratically expressed will of the people.

The ruling has now been used to mount a challenge to the legality of PM Boris Johnson’s decision to suspend Parliament in the UK’s top courts. The case is not about the constitution or whether prorogation is legal, (it is, and is the only way to end a parliamentary session,) it is fundamentally about a group of British MPs who are hoping that when they are thrown outr of office by voters disgusted at their self interested behaviour, they can step up to lucrative EU jobs. And they believe that by reversing the result of the 2016 EU referendum they will curry favour with the EU bureaucracy, a Brexit analyst has said.

Alastair Donald, associate director of the Academy of Ideas, believes the court case against Johnson’s prorogation shows that pro-EU MPs who are upset at the prospect of the UK leaving the bloc are desperate to thwart the “democratic decision” of the British people.

Donald is also a contributor for BrexitCentral, an organization that is “unapologetically optimistic” about a post-Brexit Britain. He hit out at the decision made by the Scottish Court of Session on Wednesday that ruled Johnson’s prorogation of Parliament was “unlawful.”

The three judges at Scotland’s highest court in Edinburgh who ruled that the prorogation of parliament on Monday night by Johnson was unconstitutional denied their ruling was politically motivated and claimed that is is unacceptable to suggest judges may be biased. One of the judges, Lord Brodie, told the court that the “tactic to frustrate parliament, could legitimately be established as unlawful.”

All three are however known to be sympathetoc to the Srty’s obsessive pursuite of independence. And the pro – independence mob in Edinburgh are as blinkers as the far left loonies of Corbyn’s Labour Party. It is as unlikely that they are as incapable of being unbiased on matters pertaining to the English parliament as tortoise is of of playing a violin.

Johnson should be worried about the ruling although the High Court in England has already ruled the issue is not a matter for the courts but for parliament. This usurpation of parliamentary power should also concern British society at large, Donald insisted, because the “democratic process is being ripped up in front of our eyes.”

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Anarchy In The UK — and elsewhere. (An analysis of ANARCHISM: a much misunderstood political philosophy)

BoJo To Go For Election Again On Monday After Chlorinated Corbyn Chickens Out

In spite of The Labour Party rejecting Boris Johnson’s offer of the opportunity to challenge him in an election, the Prime Minister’s team of advisers believes the general election campaign underway despite Wednesday’s failure to in the required majority enabling an early election. Sources in Whitehall say the government is expected to try again on Monday after first allowing the opposition to pass a law to prevent britain leaving the EU without a deal which would make our country a vassal state of The Brussels Fourth Reich.

Traditionally the government of the day could call a general election at will, but a law introduced by the Conservative / Liberal Democrat coalition government in 2011 changed that arrangement, requiring a two-thirds majority in Parliament to bring an early election. With polling showing many anti-Brexit members of Parliament are likely to lose their seats when that vote comes, and Labour on track to be virtually anihilated outside Londonistan it is perhaps unsurprising the motion failed on Wednesday .

Now the government will bring the vote for a second time on Monday, top Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg announced Thursday. It is not presently clear what the prime minister will be able to change in terms of voting numbers in four days, given he was over 100 votes short on Wednesday night. However Corbyn and other Labour leaders have gone on record as saying Labour will support the vote for an election providing their bill to make a ‘no – deal Brext’ legally impossible is passed before te vote to call an election is held.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn laid an obligation on his MPs to abstain on the vote for a snap election, an incongruous position given his long-standing demands for the country to hold fresh elections, claiming he would not back an election while a full no-deal Brexit was still a possibility.

The Labour leader has made the call for an election near-daily for nearly two years; indeed, a quick search of Mr Corbyn’s official Twitter account — managed on his behalf by staffers and sharing his main talking points daily — shows hundreds of messages calling for an election. As recently as Monday, Mr Corbyn wrote: “We are ready for a General Election, which will be a once in a generation chance for a real change of direction for our country.”

The Daily Telegraph confirmed claims made by the prime minister that Mr Corbyn has become the first opposition leader in British history to block a general election.

With his conditions for supporting an election, Mr Corbyn has attempted to lay a trap for the government. If Mr Johnson accepted the Labour leader’s demands of blocking Brexit before the vote, he would enter a general election without his greatest electoral trump card — the promise to deliver a Brexit “do or die” by the end of October. This shows incredible naivete or perhaps it is just stupid arrogance on the part of Labour strategists.

With a good result at the ballot box and a majority in Parliament, Mr Johnson would leave him capable of simply repealing the anti-Brexit legislation presently being pushed through the House.


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