Heard In A British Court: Miss Trenchard Then Penetrated [the rape victim] With Her Lady Penis

For crying out loud, how can we put an end to this insanity.

via Armageddon Prose

A brave and stunning “trans femme” woman named Freddie raped a woman on an island in the English Channel with his lady penis, and then had his lawyers accuse the victim of something called “transphobia” for reporting his activities to the governing authorities.

Frankly, in this day and age, it’s a miracle they prosecuted the case against such a magnificent model of sacred diversity as Lady Freddie at all.

Via Reduxx (emphasis added):

“A 19-year-old trans-identified male broke down in tears after a Guernsey Royal Court jury unanimously found him guilty of rape on July 28. Despite the serious crime, Freddie Christian Trenchard, also known as Alyssa Christine Trenchard, was released on bail pending sentencing.

Trenchard, who was born male but identifies as a “trans femme,” was first reported to police in February of last year, though the crime occurred in the summer of 2021.

The assault is said to have been committed after Trenchard invited the victim to his home in the small island community.

Despite testimony from the victim in which she details crying throughout the attack and screaming “no,” Trenchard’s defense argued that no intercourse occurred and even accused the victim of being motivated by transphobia.

Trenchard was released into the community until sentencing, which will take place at a yet-unspecified date later this year.

A representative for Guernsey Women’s Rights Network (WRN) who attended the court proceedings told Reduxx that the sexual attack was described by legal professionals as having been committed by a “transgender female” with “her penis.”

Jane Roper explained how Trenchard was referred to with feminine pronouns and the honorific term “miss,” even on occasions where the crime was being referenced. Roper said it was “bizarre” to hear statements such as, “Miss Trenchard then penetrated [the complainant] with her penis,” and, “Miss Trenchard then ejaculated on [the complainant’s] back.”

No one apparently bothered to re-educate Jane Roper on the modern gender ideology that governs our Brave New World before she made such disgusting and hateful observations. Women absolutely have penises too, as explained by Newsweek via a thinkpiece titled “Why a Woman Can Have a Penis: Gender Identity Myths Explained“:

People’s bodies come in all sorts of configurations that don’t match up neatly with this division between male and female, and there’s no straightforward link between a person’s sexed body and their character traits. The system of social organisation based on sex limits people’s choices with no good reason. It ensures that men on the whole have greater power, opportunity and status compared to women.”

On top of this, many people have a subjective sense of themselves as men, women, some other gender, or none at all, known as gender identity.
Gender identity is not determined by a person’s body type, personality, or social role. Rather, it’s a matter of how someone feels most comfortable navigating our gendered society.”

Because Western civilization is now run by adult children who got a trophy at the end of every recreational soccer season no matter how bad they sucked (I got the trophies but that was because I was awesome), the emotional well-being of said adult children is now the paramount societal concern, even when they get a little rapey with their lady penises.

Nurses Started The Pushback Against Transgender Bullies?
Nurses and the nursing profession largely caved in over Covid-19 and turned on anyone—like yours truly and the remarkable Dr Niall McCrae—who dared to speak out against the prevailing narrative. Probably the profession saw its chance to bask in the ‘Save the NHS’ limelight, and seek a substantial pay rise […] As a Registered Nurse and Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing I largely despaired of my nursing colleagues.

Far-Left Group Successfully ‘Bullies’ Newspapers Over Migrant, Transgender Stories A group of left-wing extremists who have been active campaigners against democracy and free speech are attempting to use legal trickery to limit what newspapers report about immigration, Islam, and transgenderism. They have also been found to have successfully “bullied” business into withdrawing ads from publications that defy their diktat and published honest reports on … Continue reading 


I will get hate mail now’: Lord Robert Winston backs professor in trans row saying ‘you can’t change sex’
After making controversial comments on transgender issues during his appearance on BBC television’s Question Time last night, biologist and science broadcasdter Lord Robert Winston said today he fears he will be the subject of hate attacks from trans activists and the ‘woke’ brigade. Winston, not for the fgirst time, publicly backed a fellow academic scientist who triggered the trans – hate mob last wek by saying people “can’t change sex”.

Doctors Back NHS-Funded ‘Womb Transplants’ for Transgender People

Leading doctors working in the UK’s National Health Service have said they back taxpayer-funded womb transplants for biological males who identify as women and think a bit of surgery and a daily does of hormone tablets can turn them into real, child bearing women. Experts at parting the gullible and emotionally immature from their hard …

Transgenderism and The Left’s Stuggle Against Reality
‘People with penises are men’ – Lit Fic author Ian McEwan takes on The Politically Correct Though Police in the transgender debate. The much acclaimed and highly  respected British author was today facing calls to apologise to those precious little chick-with-dicks like Caitlyn Bruce Jenner after taking a sledgehammer to the politically correct left’s cause … Continue reading   

UK School that ‘canceled’ JK Rowling as a role model over transgender views replaces her with ex – Olympic athlete who has even stronger views
Managers and senior teachers at the exclusive Boswell’s School in Chelmsford, UK faced a wave of criticism after withdrawing from Harry Potter author JK Rowling the honour of having one of the school’s houses named after her and have now shot themselves in the foot again by naming as Rowling’s replacement a former Olympic athlete, Kelly Holmes, who won two gold medals and who has recently voiced some strong opinions on the policy of allowing formely male transgender athletes to compete in women’s events, ever though the athletes involved still have their male wedding tackle. Continue reading >>>

13-year-old fights school policy allowing ‘trans girls’ into girls’ changing room February 7, 2020 (Paul Smeaton, LifeSiteNews) – A 13-year-old UK girl is taking her local council to court after it issued guidance that would allow boys who identify as “transgender girls” to access girls’ bathrooms, changing rooms, and dormitory rooms on student trips.
The guidance was issued last year as part of the Oxfordshire County Council’s “Trans Inclusion Toolkit for School 2019” project.

London’s Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan Attacks Trump for LGBTQ Policies
London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan, said yesterday, for no good reason because Trump’s visit to the UK happened weeks ago and was successful despite the efforts of Khan and other left – wing nutters to disrupt it, (and the fact that most of us in Britain did not gove a flying fuck whether Trump was here or not,) his city should not roll out the red carpet for the U. S. president because of his LGBTQ policies …

Oxford Academics Turn On Gay BLT Propagandists For Pushing Unscientific Claims
‘More than 30 Oxford academics have blasted Stonewall for pushing ‘tendentious and antiscientific claims’ in the trans awareness training it gives to universities according to a report in The Sunday Times The professors and lecturers have taken issue with a compulsory training programme about permissible attitudes “towards Gay, Lesbian and especially Transgender rights …

Swedish professor branded a bigot for saying men and women are ‘biologically different.’ The first story of the week from The Daily Stirrer’s Politically Correct Insanities desk concerns Germund Hesslow, a university professor in Sweden (Where else? OK, could be California, but this is European insanity.) Hesslow, who works in neurophysiology at Lund University, has offended the wankerati by suggesting during one of his lectures there are biological differences between men and women. (Shock! Horror!)

Trannies and Feminists fall out over changes to UK’s Gender Recognition Act Gay Pride – not as united as they’s like you to think (Photo: Reuters) Proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) which would make transitioning from one gender to another easier, which will make lefties who claim gender is a social construct happy, and encourage fuckwit schoolteachers who want to teach … Continue reading

Gay Rights Lobby Calls for Ban on LGBT Therapy After Finding Hundreds of Health Workers Believe in a Cure The Daily Stirrer has noted many times that sheeple on the left of the political spectrum get very confused on finding not everybody agrees with their world view. but rather than accept they are bigots they turn on those who dissent. No surprise then that gay activist working in the NHS are turning on African, middle eastern and east Europan colleagues who believe homosexuality is a sin.

Bakery Sued For Refusing to Produce Pro-Gay Marriage Cake A Belfast bakery has been threatened with legal action after its owners refused to accept an order for a cake with the words “support gay marriage” on it. Ashers Baking Company staff at first accepted the order but it was later reviewed by the owners who deemed the cake against their Christian beliefs.

[ Transgender Ladies First ] … [ Gay – Trans agenda ] … [ Gender ender ] … [ Human rights dictatorship ]

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Scotland’s Woke Government First To Create An Orwelian Though Police Force

by Arthur Foxake

The Scottish Nation Party (or Scottish Nazi Party as I prefer to think of them,) which has enthusiastically embraced all the idiocies of the ‘woke’ left but has held on to power in Chilly Jocko Land through several elections may, by its electoral success, give the impression that trans-rights, open borders and abolition of personal liberty, free speech and the right to self determination are popular with the people of England’s northern neihbour. This impression is false, the SNP’s record is abysmal but Scoltald’s nationalist leaders have consistently deflected attention from Scotland’s economic and social woes by stirring up resentment against all things English. Thus the Scots now find themselves with the nastiest, most authoritarian and mos illiberal regime in the developed world implementing policies lifted straight from the obnoxious Big Brother regime in George Orwell’s dystopian novel ‘1984’. The policy in question is the Implementation of a Thought Police force, which like Orwell’s fictitious version is using surveillance technology and strongarm tactics to ensure citizens are not guilty of thinking thoughts the authoritarian regime has not approved.

Yesterday’s news broke a story about a woman named Nicola Murray, who runs a charity that supports women who have suffered domestic violence. Ms Murray was rather surprised when police officers arrived mob – handed at her home to inform her that something she tweetd had been “brought to their attention”. They then showed her a screen shot of the offending tweet.

In it Murray announced that the charity, Brodie’s Trust, would no longer refer clients to the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, because of “deeply concerning” comments made by the transgender female (i.e. chick with a dick) chief executive of the Rape Crisis Centre. This chief executive had said that victims of sexual violence should expect to be “challenged on their prejudices” if they expressed “bigoted” (i.e. transphobic) views. Ms Murray’s tweet said that, in light of this, Brodie’s Trust “cannot in all conscience send vulnerable women to the [ERCC] in its current state… We are a women-only service run by women for women and will not be intimidated into changing our stance on this matter.”

A statement from Brodie’s Trust pic.twitter.com/DmJjz9dWIs— Nicola Murray (@thatveganlass) September 16, 2021

According to Ms Murray, the Thought Police bully boys acknowledged that she had not committed any crime but warned her, “We need to speak to you to ascertain what your thinking was” behind the perfectly reasonable statement she’d tweeted. Ms Murray said she was shocked by the experience. “I don’t believe anyone who has read that statement could view it as hateful,” she said.

She is right of course, if anyone is guilty of being insensitive here it is the thick plods who haven’t the nous to resist this woke wankery and the politicians who would send vulnerable and emotionally damaged women who have suffered sexual violence at the hands of humans with penises, to a centre supposedly set up for the protection of such women that is run by some freak who pretends he’s a woman, possibly in order to get close to those women who least want a man anywhere near them

Many people in Scotland will understandably be troubled by this story, and fear that their freedom of speech and though is under threat, and we can only hope they will understand the biggest threat to these and other freedoms comes not from dear old England but from the extremists they keep electing on the basis of spurious and impossible promises to achieve independence from England. Do they really want to sacrifice all their personal freedoms for the sake of being able to stand on The Roman Wall and expose their ginger – haired arses at the people to the south.

Scottish government’s idea of an ideal candidate to run a Rape Crisis Centre for vulnerable women

UK School that ‘canceled’ JK Rowling as a role model over transgender views replaces her with ex – Olympic athlete who has even stronger views
Managers and senior teachers at the exclusive Boswell’s School in Chelmsford, UK faced a wave of criticism after withdrawing from Harry Potter author JK Rowling the honour of having one of the school’s houses named after her and have now shot themselves in the foot again by naming as Rowling’s replacement a former Olympic athlete, Kelly Holmes, who won two gold medals and who has recently voiced some strong opinions on the policy of allowing formely male transgender athletes to compete in women’s events, ever though the athletes involved still have their male wedding tackle. Continue reading >>>

I will get hate mail now’: Lord Robert Winston backs professor in trans row saying ‘you can’t change sex’
After making controversial comments on transgender issues during his appearance on BBC television’s Question Time last night, biologist and science broadcasdter Lord Robert Winston said today he fears he will be the subject of hate attacks from trans activists and the ‘woke’ brigade. Winston, not for the fgirst time, publicly backed a fellow academic scientist who triggered the trans – hate mob last wek by saying people “can’t change sex”.

Have You Committed Your Three Thought Crimes Today?
You’re a criminal. So am I. We all are, according to some legal experts there are now so many crimes, a lot of them loosely defined, it is impossible to get through the day without committing at least three crimes. In fac it is often the case that by obeying one law you are breaking another.

Tim Stanley, Daily Telegraph, 20 September 2021:

The cultural elite says our new culture secretary is uncultured, yet I’d wager she’s the first best-selling author to hold the job, and the only one I know of to have eaten an ostrich anus on TV, which sounds positively French. The appointment of Nadine Dorries – an outspoken former nurse, businesswoman and star of I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here – is not a two fingers up to the culture industry but the direction of travel. That’s what so terrifies the gatekeepers.

I will get hate mail now’: Lord Robert Winston backs professor in trans row saying ‘you can’t change sex’
After making controversial comments on transgender issues during his appearance on BBC television’s Question Time last night, biologist and science broadcasdter Lord Robert Winston said today he fears he will be the subject of hate attacks from trans activists and the ‘woke’ brigade. Winston, not for the fgirst time, publicly backed a fellow academic scientist who triggered the trans – hate mob last wek by saying people “can’t change sex”.

Doctors Back NHS-Funded ‘Womb Transplants’ for Transgender People

Leading doctors working in the UK’s National Health Service have said they back taxpayer-funded womb transplants for biological males who identify as women and think a bit of surgery and a daily does of hormone tablets can turn them into real, child bearing women. Experts at parting the gullible and emotionally immature from their hard …

Transgenderism and The Left’s Stuggle Against Reality
‘People with penises are men’ – Lit Fic author Ian McEwan takes on The Politically Correct Though Police in the transgender debate. The much acclaimed and highly  respected British author was today facing calls to apologise to those precious little chick-with-dicks like Caitlyn Bruce Jenner after taking a sledgehammer to the politically correct left’s cause … Continue reading   

Gay Rights Lobby Calls for Ban on LGBT Therapy After Finding Hundreds of Health Workers Believe in a Cure The Daily Stirrer has noted many times that sheeple on the left of the political spectrum get very confused on finding not everybody agrees with their world view. but rather than accept they are bigots they turn on those who dissent. No surprise then that gay activist working in the NHS are turning on African, middle eastern and east Europan colleagues who believe homosexuality is a sin.

White Privilege Now Inculdes The Privilege Of Being Fired For being White
Its should be obvious by now that the politically correct left, insaniac sociopaths that they are, have only one emotion at their disposal; hate. Bizarrely the hatered of these predominantly white, middle class people, while of themselves, is mostly racist in nature but directed at members of their own race.

Ugly Marxist Lesbians Demand Right To Menstruate In Public
The story of the militant femists munter who ran a marathon on the first day of her ‘monthlies’ without using a tampon or sanitary towel (they’re a sexist symbol or the oppressive patriarchy donchakow) is not new. The London Marathon was run back in April and the story of Kiran Gandhi’s brave stance against male oppression (along with pitures of the dark stain speading across the croth of her leggings) was ignored by mainsteam and alternative media alike.

Social Science Degrees Make Great Leaders? More Junk Science.
We’ve had junk science on climate change, genetically modified seeds, many types of medicines and social engineering. The junkiest of junk science however is always commissioned by public service organisations and is aimed at convincing the public that our public servants are doing a good job. Fortunately the public are not as gullible as our leaders suppose.

Adolescent Girl Raped By 60 Men In Asian Grooming Gang
A trial jury atThe Old Bailey, London, heard yesterday the harrowing ddetails of how two schoolgirls were groomed and raped by an paedophile gang based in Aylesbury, Bucks, while aged just 12 and 13. Eleven gang members, accused of carrying out the crimes between 2006 and 2012 face 49 criminal charges between them including statutory rape, child prostitution and creating child pornography, The Daily Mirror reports.

Poldark female star: Obsession with topless Aidan Turner is ‘sexist and undermines the show’
The latest outburst has come in response to a few tabloid stories of actor Aidan Turner’s ‘topless’ appearances in the BBC television series Poldark. The screeching sisters can’t really complain about male chauvinism as it is women who are lusting for Ross Poldark. So the ladies (?) are upset because they can’t go topless too.

More Swedish PC Madness. Art treasures declared pornographic and offensive to women and Muslims
Crazy California has for many years held the title of global capital of politically correct isanity, but recently Sweden, always a contender, has shown signs of taking the title. The latest example of PC fuckwittery from Sweden’s politically correct in their efforts to sacrifice western civilisation to feminist self righteousness and Muslim extremism left suggests they might be ready to assume the title, craziest place on earth.

Nineteen Eighty-Four: Sweden’s Ministry of Truth to ‘Gender-Adjust’ History Books

Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity.
As racial and sectarian tension increase on the streets of britain while politicians gear up for the election campaign, we take a look at the state of Britain today, Imigrant child abuse gangs, Clerics of alient faiths dictating moral strictures, and everywhere we look, foreigners being given provieged status. Is it any wonder the voters are angry?

Left-Wing Journalist on Sweden’s Migrant Suburbs: “Everyone Knew it Would End in Disaster”

A well known left-wing journalist in Sweden who has been one of the biggest advocates of uncontrolled mas immigration appears to have performed a U turn on the issue, or is at least endeacouring to achieve the impossible feat of riding two horses with one arse. Aftonbladet’s Lena Mellin is now admitting that when it came to Sweden’s crime-ridden no-go areas, “everyone knew it [the open doors immigrstion policy] would end in disaster.”

Mellin now acknowledges that the attempt by Sweden’s far left Social Democrat government to replace the ethnic Swede majority with third world migrants has failed. The forlon hope that huge numbers of migrants from Africa and the Middle East has failed. These people come from tribal and theocratic societies and have been at each other’ throts for thousands of years in their homelands, what kind of deluded, sociopathic fat left idiot do you have to be to think that dumping them in LiberalSweden where, by the standards of their homelands, they can live like kings on the free money the generous social welfare system grants them.

With no need to think about earning a living the migrants have occupied themselves with drug dealing, pimping, people trafficking and protection racketeering among other criminal activities.

“All parties, with the possible exception of the Left Party and the Sweden Democrats [SD], who hardly affected the reality on this point, should be ashamed,” writes 64-year-old Mellin. She accuses politicians of having “largely neglected the development in some of our suburbs” despite the fact that “everyone knew it would end in disaster.”

Numerous commentators called out Mellin’s hypocrisy in admitting she knew integration was failing yet still refusing to renounce her support for the government’s mass immigration program, which many leftists have admitted, aimes to make Sweden a migrant majority nation. It is likely that she would reply by complaining that the government did not throw enough money at the migrants in order to help them integrate.

“Incredible! Lena Mellin, of all journalists, one of the foremost advocates for mass immigration and multiculturalism, one of the worst SD-haters, claims that ‘one has known for years’ that it would go to hell,” tweeted Ted Ekeroth.

“For more than a decade Sweden’s ruling class — including political leaders and the media — has denied that there are any problems in the country’s banlieues caused by the mass importation of Third World immigrants. Except for problems caused by those WAYCIST Swedes, of course,” writes the Gates of Vienna blog.

“Now it seems that the truth about the ‘cultural enrichment’ (i.e. rape, sexual assault, people shitting in the stret, organised crime, gunfights,) has become so blatant that it can no longer be denied. The response of the Swedish media establishment? “We knew all along that things would end badly; we just forgot to tell you.” And they blame the politicians.”

Many on the right of the political spectrum are saying Sweden ought to follow the example srt by Norway and, in defiance of politiclly correct edicts from the EU, should begin gathering statistics on criminals’ ethnicity. Eurosceptic, anti – immigration party, The Sweden Democrats and the Conservatives have urged the government to dump its policy of not revealing the ethnic or religious background of criminals and crime suspects. However, Justice Minister Morgan Johansson of the ruling Socialist Democrat Party dismissed the demand as “poisonous rhetoric,” Swedish national broadcaster SVT reported.

Meanwhile several rapes of European women by “men of African or midddle eastern appearance are reported every day in thye once safe and peaceful nation.

Unlike Sweden, Norway never abandoned the practice of mapping out criminals’ ethnicity, reports indicate that migrants and their locally-born children are far more likely to perpetrate crimes than the rest of the population, and are also far more likely to be unemployed. In Sweden, no such study has been carried out since 2005, before the EU backed ‘open doors’ immigration policy and other virtue signalling policies such as not punishing immigrants for serious crimes, “because they don’t understand Swedish culture,” began to seriously disrupt the social nsystem in Swedish towns. Immigration into Scandinavia’s largest country country also accelerated to tens of thousands per year.

“People with backgrounds from Africa, parts of Asia and Latin America are most drastically overrepresented,” Synøve Andersen, researcher at Statistics Norway (SSB) told SVT, commenting on the latest crime report. Migrants show passports from Iraqi and Syrian fellow travellers they have to present to buy ferry tickets for their passage to Sweden

According to SSB, the proportion of the Norwegian population of European ethnicity suspected of crimes is 4.5 percent in a demographic representing the bulk of the population (i.e. those without immigrant background), 6.7 percent among immigrants and a staggering 11.3 percent among the children of immigrants, which astounded Norwegian researchers.

In terms of violent and domestic abuse, the differences between immigrants and others are still bigger: 11.2 permille for immigrants and 22.9 permille for children of immigrants versus 6.3 permille for the rest of the population, according to the Norwegian study. “This is a result that shows something we clearly need to learn more about,” Synøve Andersen told SVT.

The report also showed marked differences between various types of immigrants. The Authorities in Malmo responded by inviting local gang leaders for pizza, while the Swedish government recently announced it would commit $175,000 to funding Drag Queen Story Time events where men dressed as women read and perform to children.

Despite the remarkable findings from Norway and other neighboring countries, Denmark and Finland, Swedish Justice Minister Morgan Johansson dismissed the possibility of conducting a similar study in Sweden, amid its ever-changing ethnic landscape.

“It does not matter to me if you are black or white, once you commit a crime you should be punished, that’s my starting point,” Johansson told SVT. Johansson claimed previous surveys indicated that migrants’ overrepresentation disappeared once socio-economic factors and age are not taken into consideration. Statements from whistleblowers in Sweden’s Police Forces suggest morale amonmg officers is at an all time low because courts refuse to punish African and middle eastern criminals to “avoid creating inter – racial tensions”.

So the Justice Minister is talking bollocks, THE COLOUR OF A CRIME SUSPECTS SKIN DOES MATTER.

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Former Scania CEO Warns Sweden Heading For Civil War As Migrants Set Up State-Within-A-State

SOCOs inspect the scene of one of Stockholm’s recent explosions

Sweden is heading towards civil war due to uncontrolled mass immigration.The former CEO of truck maker Scania has warned that unless mass immigration is curbed and the far left government stops pussyfooting around the nation’s migrant related problems, Sweden could be in a state of civil war within a few years and lawless elements in migrant communities become more daring in showing their contempt for Swedish law and values and for the country’s people.

In an interview with Swebbtv, businessman Leif Östling argued that the rapid influx of new migrants from parts of the world where backward, patriarchal, theocratic cultures are the norm and women often have lower status than animals, and who have not attempted or even shown any interest in trying to integrate into Swedish society is creating violent unrest as increasingly unhappy Swedes turn to nationalist and far – right extremist movements in the hope that somebody can redress the balance after years of government’s favouring immigrants over ethnic Swedes.

“We’ve taken in far too many people from outside. And those who come from the Middle East and Africa live in a society that we left almost a hundred years ago,” Ostling said.

As well as ‘no go zones’ for police and other emergency services sprining up in many Swedish towns and cities, as rival gangs from various ethnic groups vie for control of the drug, contraband and sex trades. Gun fights and grenade attacks have rocketed in many cities, notably Gothenborg and Malmo, with much of the unrest being linked to migrant gangs. Sexual assaults and violent crime is also on the rise throughout Sweden.

Grenade attacks and fatal shootings in Sweden are now described as a “national emergency” according to a report. Not long ago reports of migrant related crime problems including gang wars, organised crime, violence and sex crimes derided as a a ‘far right’ conspiracy theory by mainstream media media, but now there is deathly silence from the politically correct, liberal and ‘progressive’ publications that dominate western media as denials become increasingly incredible.

Stockholm was shaken by three explosions in a single night last week, but these criminal outrages did not even make the front pages or main news bulletin. With violence rising, the country’s government seems more concerned with downplaying the problem and trying to maintain its image as a tolerant, liberal, socialist utopia rather than admitting there are problems and dealing with them.

Three explosions in one night ought to be front page news in any first-world national capital. But when Stockholm reverberated to the multiple blasts in the same night, national broadcaster SVT’s nightly main news broadcast made no mention of the incidents, relegating the news to its online news page instead. One of the targets, a Syriac Christian church, had already been bombed twice in the past year.

In Sweden, such terrorism is no longer news, so long as they are suspected to be the work of migrant groups that are not so much above suspicion as above the law. In 2018 there were 162 bombings reported to police, and 93 reported in the first five months of this year. The level of attacks is “extreme in a country that is not at war,” Crime Commissioner Gunnar Appelgren told SVT last year.

Östling underscored problems with integration by highlighting his own experience running Scania, where around 90 out of a hundred Somali migrants hired to work for the company were fired or left because they were unable to arrive on time or work in teams. Other Swedish companies have experienced problems with migrant workers refusing to work with women or non – Muslims, insisting on stopping production lines for prayers or refusing to lean Swedish. And those are the small minority of new migrants that condescend to work.

Östling believes the assimilation process needed before migrants are ready to live as members of Swedish society might take a generation to accomplish. The businessman said he hoped that the country’s problems could be fixed within 10 years, otherwise civil war could ensue, necessitating that the military be called out to deal with violent unrest in migrant areas. The far left socialist government’s refusal to abandon it’s ‘open doors’ immigration policy suggests the problem can only get worse over the next ten years.

In an article entitled It’s Time for Sweden to Admit Explosions Are a National Emergency, Quillette’s Paulina Neuding goes into detail;

“Sweden has experienced a sharp rise in explosions in recent years, predominantly related to conflicts between warring criminal gangs. The use of explosives in the Nordic country is now at a level that is unique in the world for a state not at war, according to police. In response, the government issued a first-ever ”amnesty for explosives” in the fall of 2018, allowing people in possession of such weapons to hand them over to police with immunity. But this didn’t stem the tide: some 50 explosions were reported in the first three months of 2019 alone—an average of more than one every other day and an increase over the same period in 2018, a year that saw a record number of more than three blasts per week.”

Deadly shootings in Sweden have also risen by a factor of 10 in one generation, exacerbated by witness intimidation and “a code of silence in the country’s socio-economically weak immigrant areas,” according to Neuding.

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Sweden dystopia omnibusSwedish Communist Party: The Left Has Abandoned the Working Class For Migrants & LGBT issues
Are the left getting it at last? Is the message sinking in that the grass roots movements have been infiltrated and hijacked by middle class intellectuals. Are they starting to realise that the obsession with identity politics has supplanted income inequality, housing availability, jobs and the cost of living … ?

Swedish Man Who Insulted Muslim For Threat to “Take Over Your Fucking Country” Charged With Hate Crime


The Daily Stirrer
Greenteeth Digital Publishing
Basil Hallward at Minds

Migrant who made 11-year-old pregnant twice sentenced to only three years

An adult migrant has been sentenced by a Swedish court to a mere three years prison time for repeatedly raping an 11-year-old girl and twice making her pregnant. In addition to the three-year prison sentence, the Swedish court also ruled that the migrant would be deported but would be able to return to Sweden after 10 years.

The man, whose ethnic origin, birth nation and religious background have not been releassed by the authorities, is reportedly in his twenties, and embarked on an abusive sexual relationship with the child im the summer of 2018, repeatedly raping her throughout the summer months after convincing her it was normal for girls of her age to have sex with adults, according to Nyheter Idag.

It wasn’t July of 2019, that the migrant was finally arrested by police although his illegal relationship with the girl had been reported almost a year earlier. In September 2019 Swedish prosecutors finally charged the man with four counts of rape. The court found him guilty of three.

During the time she was being raped, the child victim fell pregnant twice. Swedish media has not been able to determine whether any of the pregnancies were taken to term. However, SVT did report that medical evidence that the rapist was the father on both occasions.

Despite the rapist denying having known the girl’s age, the Blekinge District Court found the migrant guilty and sentenced him to three years in prison. Thank’s to the polititocally correct Swedish government’s policy of hhandling migrant crime with kid gloves only two years will be served. The court also ordered the migrant rapist to pay damages of 22,000 euros and expelled him from Sweden for ten years. And in view of Sweden’s open doors immigration npolicy what’s the betting he’ll be back and raping again within six months

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Pepper Spray Sales In Sweden Have “Exploded” After Spate Of Rape Attacks


Translated as literally as possible (with help from DeepL translator from a report in Swedish newspaper Expressen. No translation software is perfect and though my Swedish is rusty I get the sense of what is written and can improve the application’s clunky grammar. You may notice that the Expressen report is rather coy about the ethiic and religious background of the perpetrators in most of these attacks, that is because the paper would face legal sanctions in Sweden for reporting the facts. I am not so coy but chose not to interfere with the original content beyond making it read well — Ian Thorpe.

Following the summer’s attention-grabbing spate of rapes and sexual assaults, the sales of pepper spray for self defence have increased dramatically. The Kjell & Company retail chain believes that it will sell 90 percent more sprays in August than in June. One of the manufacturers, Plegium, has announced that sales this summer have “exploded”.

Sweden has been shaken this summer by a series of violent rapes. The most notable of these have taken place in the University city of Uppsala, where two completed rapes and two attempted rapes took place between 3 and 7 August. After the incidents, police called on the city’s women to avoid parks and alleys.

The sexual offences have provoked reaction from political reactions from political figures, most notably Christian Democrats Party (KD) leader Ebba Busch Thor, who herself is from Uppsala. “As insecurity grows, it is nothing but a welfare failure,” the KD leader wrote on Instagram.

Between March and July 2019, a suspected serial rapist attacked women in Rågsved in Stockholm. Two of the assaults ended with complete rape — and the events created terror among women in the area.

Other examples of the summer’s rape epidemic are the case of a teenage boy in Fagersta who was raped and detained by several masked men in June, the woman in central Stockholm who was raped outside her house in August, the assault on a 20-year-old woman in a park in Hällefors the same month, and so on.

Uppsala student Carolina Tuula, 23, bought a spray after the notable rape case in the city earlier in August. When asked did she feel safer with the spray she replied:

“Both yes and no, you never know. It can be difficult to get it fast enough, but you can’t go around worrying all the time. I wouldn’t say that I feel so much safer, but it does feel a little better to have a tool anyway.”

Carolina says she will soon be returning to Uppsala. The unrest in the student city has made her feel more afraid than at home in Gothenburg.

“I bought a spray for my girlfriend, because she will also move to Uppsala.

“- I wouldn’t say that I feel so much safer, but it feels a little better to have a defence weapon, anyway,” she says.

Carolina Tuula is not alone in worrying about assaults. Several retailers and manufacturers of self-defense spray tell Expressen that they have noted an explosive increase in sales.

The Bodyguard website reports that in July, it saw a 21 percent increase in sales compared to the previous year — despite the fact that more retailers are stocking self defence equipment since the market has grown.

Magnus Larsson is the chief forensic scientist in the chemistry and technology section of the National Forensic Center, which is branch of the police. He says that there is a risk people will buy an illegal spray — especially if the product is purchased abroad where the legislation may look different.

Examples of sprays that are illegal in Sweden are pepper spray and tear gas, but people should be aware that certain specific substances tht may be found in sprays are illegal in Sweden. Isopropyl alcohol and menthol are common ingredients. Then there are also colored sprays, whose purpose is to label the attacker. There are also smelly variants, says Magnus Larsson at the National Forensic Center.

According to Magnus Larsson, all of these eight substances have a tear-like effect.

Sweden’s Dystopia (omnibus)
Muslim migrants now such a threat to women in Sweden, armed police escorts accompany joggers on their runs
Migrants Rampage Through Sweden’s Second City
US Liberal Journalists Learn About Sweden’s Immigrant Violence First Hand

Muslim migrants now such a threat to women in Sweden, armed police escorts accompany joggers on their runs

Residents of the Swedish city of Oskarshamn will now have the option to be accompanied by armed police officers while out jogging.
The above comments made by a police inspector mirror a report from 2016 which acknowledged for the first time that the stratospheric rose in rape and other sex crimes was linked to the country’s policy of accepting all – comers, including hundreds of thousands of undocumented travellers, to claim residency, asylum or refugee status. The report also revealed that close to half of women in Sweden felt “very unsafe” at night alone in Swedish cities. According to the report, conducted by newspaper Aftonbladet, a further 43 per cent felt uncomfortable in Swedish cities even in the daytime.

Swedes protest against migrant crime -Picture: https://fabiusmaximus.files.wordpress.com



The issue has been particularly bad in heavily migrant-populated suburbs many of which have been designated no-go zones due to lawlessness among the migrants. Though Sweden was never quite the socialist utopia it is often presented as by leftist media figure, when this reporter worked there arounf twenty years ago it was one of the safest places in Europe. Now many of the cities and large towns are torn by turf wars between crime gangs from various ethnic groups vying for control of the drugs and sex trades.
A survey conducted by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) claimed that around half of the residents of problem areas were too afraid to leave their homes in the evenings. As Sweden’s violent crime rate has increasingly become the centre of national attention, more and more unorthodox solutions to the problems have been proposed. Last month, members of the Moderate Party even proposed deploying the military in no-go Muslim areas to aid police.

Sweden dystopia omnibus
The Daily stirrer
U.S Airlines forces American woman to change her seat because two Muslim men refused to sit next to an ‘unclean’ woman
More on Muslims and women:

Liberal Democrats suspend candidate for failing to support homophobia, rape, wife beating and FGM

The Liberal Democrats, if they were honest, ought to rebrand themselves The Liberal Hypocrites. After 30 years screeching in sheer horror about the way civilised societies treat women, homosexuals, criminals, and the absolute refusal of some immigrant groups to even tolerate let alone integrate with the laws and customs of liberal democracies. In short The Liberal Hypocrites have joied those political factions that, in an orgy of virtue signalling, have placed Islam beyond honest criticism. All the things the Liberal Hypocrites claim to hate in European and American societies are OK, or even to be celebrated when followers of Islam do them.

from Jihad Watch

However Dániel Tóth-Nagy doesn’t get it. The leaders of the Liberal Democrats, however, do get it: Islam is now supreme in Britain. The human rights abuses that are committed in accord with Sharia directives are never to be questioned. To question them is to render oneself “Islamophobic” and beyond the realm of acceptable discourse. Dániel Tóth-Nagy is claiming that he was simply exercising his “freedom of expression.” How quaint! There is no “freedom of expression” in Britain anymore. There is only Sharia-compliant refraining from all criticism of Islam, or else ostracism and vilification. Laggers such as Dániel Tóth-Nagy will learn the new rules before too long.

READ ALL at Jihad Watch


Illiberal Undemocrats Now Hate Catholics As Well As White People, Britain & Heterosexuals

UK Government Loves Extremists, bans Opponents Of Extremism
If it sometimes seems possible to the causual obsrver that the UK government has greater committment to Islam than to serving the interests of Christian and secular people who make up the vast majority of the population, it will seem blatantly obvious after you have read this article.

Extremist Muslim Group Influence Government Report On IslamophobiaControversial Muslim activist group MEND, which has ben involved in promoting extremism as well as lobbying the government in support of further Islamification of british institutions, has “exerted decisive intellectual influence” in the government’s first report from a think tank looking at Islamophobia in Britain, according to a research note.

Western Nations Are Not The Only Ones Having Problems With Islam
Late last month the European Court of Justice (ECJ), an offshoot of the Cultural Marxist empire known as the European Union ruled that a woman who had referred to Mohammed, the prophet of Islam as a paedophile was guilty of blasphemy under Sharia Law it was the most abject, snivelling surrender yet by any western … Continue reading

Leaked Document: United Nations Says Immigration Is Always Good And Should never Be Restricted
Only days after the European Court Of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled to reintroduce the notion of criminal blasphemy to Europe, but only for criticism of Islam, a news reporter for German independent TV station RTL reported on a leaked United Nations document which reveals that corrupt bunch of paskudniaks plan to use immigration from third world shithole countries to destroy western civilisation.

US Lobbying Group Accuses UK of ‘Attempting to Silence Criticism of Islamism
Tommy Robinson – picture: Huffington Post Controversial British activist Tommy Robinson was arrested on contempt of court charges earlier this year for filming inside Canterbury Crown Court while four suspected rapists were being tried. Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, has been invited to the USA to speak at a closed-door conservative event and publicly address Americans in Washington. The … Continue reading

‘Islamic State’ kidnaps dozens of women and children in Syria
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Bradford Abuser Gang Victim Claims Bradford, Rotherham, Rochdale Gangs ‘Linked’

One of the victims of a Bradford grooming gang has told the media that most of the girls at the children’s home where she was placed by local authority social workers were being sexually exploited by gangs of immigrant males. She called for a nationwide inquiry, alleging that numerous grooming and abuse gangs across the country — including the most notorious cases in Rochdale and Rotherham — are linked.

Fiona Goddard, 25, told BBC Look North regional news magazine, “I lived in a care home and I know that most of the girls, barring about three, were all getting sexually exploited as well.

“I also met numerous girls while we were out with other guys that maybe didn’t come from care homes, but came from broken backgrounds and they were all getting exploited.”

On the extent and organisation of the systematic abuse of vulnerable girls from borken homes, she said, “When I was at that house [where she was raped], people came from Birmingham, Rochdale, Rotherham, Blackburn, Glasgow, Oxford.

“It is widespread and they are all linked.”

“There definitely needs to be a public inquiry; it needs to be an independent one,” she added.

Bradford Council’s interim child services chief Gladys Rhodes White said of Ms Goddard’s call for an iquiry, “I’m not seeing evidence that there is a wide-scale, large issue specific to Bradford.

“I think if it did come to light that there were lots of victims that had been missed,” she added, it would be something the Safeguarding Board would want to “look at”. This is typical of the authorities complacent attitude when dealing with sex crimes committed by immigrants.

Ms Goddard came forward with her complaint in 2014, after seeing a report on the abuse of more than 1,500 girls in Rotherham, and warned that while some rape survivors had gone to the police, “there are girls that either lack the understanding or aren’t in the situation where they can [come forward].”

She gave evidence in a trial at Bradford Crown Court last month that resulted in the convictions of Parvaze Ahmed, 36, Naveed Akhtar, 43, Saeed Akhtar, 55, Zeeshan Ali, 32, Keiran Harris, 28, Izar Hussain, 32, Fahim Iqbal, 28, Basharat Khaliq, 38, and Mohammed Usman, 31.

The child rapists were found guilty of 22 offences including inciting child prostitution and rape, in abuse that began in 2008 when she and another unnamed victim were 14 years old; all nine were given terms of between 18 and 20 years — but will likely be released from prison much earlier.

The young woman waived her lifelong right to anonymity to discuss her case and reach out to other potential victims of grooming gangs.


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Rotherham; Rochdale; Oxford; London;
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Hijab wearing, Jihad supporting US Congresswoman refuses to condem stoning of gays

Oxford: Rape Gang Found Guilty of Sexually Abusing Oxford School Girl

the daily stirrer
Latest Oxford grooming gang to face justice, (Picture: Oxford Mail )

Following on from a previous report on this page, about an Oxford grooming gang that lured young girls to their “shag wagon”, three men have been now been found guilty of historic sexual offences against an Oxford school girl who was groomed and raped from the age of 14.

Anjum Dogar, 36, and brothers Mohammed Karrar, 44, and Bassam Karrar, 39, were all found guilty in a unanimous verdict by jury at Oxford Crown Court on Tuesday. on ten charges including indecent assault, conspiracy to rape, and rape, reports the Oxford Mail.

All three men were already serving prison senyences after being convicted in 2013 of similar crimes — being described as part of a “violent” sex grooming gang by the BBC — having abused six vulnerable Oxford girls over an eight-year period.

The victim of these crimes, now in her thirties, told jurors she was taken to different locations around the famous university city to be plied with drugs and alcohol, raped, and forced to perform sex acts on groups of men at parties.

While public opinion has been outraged by reports of similar crimes in industrial communities like Rotherham and Rochdale, cases in Oxford have an additional element as the city’s public image is of a genteel, academic community. In fact, in the 1950s government housing schemes built vast tracts of public housing around the outer suburbs to rehouse people displaced from larger cities in slum clearance schemes and these have become some of the most socially deprived areas in Britain.

The problems in Oxford are huge but as usual lettle is being done to address them due to the presence of immigrant communities and fears among local officials of being branded racist.


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