Beware of the Philanthropaths

Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

via Zero Hedge.

I think this made up word in the meme below perfectly captures the tyrannical billionaire psychopaths who seem to have gained control of the world using their billions, while portraying themselves as the saviors of humanity.

Whenever I see the term Foundation related to one of these psychopaths, I know that Foundation is nothing more than a front to achieve their evil agenda.

And if ever their was a poster boy for philanthropaths across the world, it would be Mister depopulation/vaccine pusher/farmer Bill Gates and his Gates Foundation.

Gates, Soros, Bloomberg and the Clintons represent the evil forces in this world, using their wealth, power, and control of the regime media to push their agenda of chaos, death, destruction, and depopulation. They all use their “Charitable” Foundations as a means to their evil ends, while being portrayed by the media they have bought off, as generous philanthropists improving the lives of the poor and downtrodden.

It is all a ruse, easily revealed to anyone willing to dig just below the surface of these Potemkin foundations.

Bill Gates has openly articulated his belief the world needs billions less people.

Everything he does, supports, and funds, actively promotes achieving his psychotic death wish for those he considers useless eaters. Gates funded Event 201 in October 2019, laying out the master plan for the Covid plandemic, while at the same time funding the vaccines for a disease that supposedly didn’t exist yet. … Continue reading >>>

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US Billionaires Wealth Grows 20% During Virus Lockdown

I told you way back in March that something stank about this COVID – 19 pandemic. As was obvious right from the off this disease, a close relative of the common cold was not the indiscriminate, wholesale killers the official narrative tried to tell us it was. I wrote then that the incipient crisis looked more like a massive grab for power and control by the global elites.

Now, two minths later, with the economies of the world’s must succesful democratic nations all but trashed, evidence is emerging that proves I was right. Anyone among the sheep who rushed to call me a conspiracy theorist want to apologise?
??????????????????????????? I’m waiting ??????????????????????????
Oh well suit yourselves. Fortunately I backed the same horses as Bezos, Gates, Buffet, Ellison and Zuckerberg – with a lot less money of course but I’ve done very nicely thank you.

from RT

US billionaire wealth skyrockets to over $3 TRILLION during pandemic


US billionaire wealth skyrockets to over $3 TRILLION during pandemic
Over the last two months unemployment in the United States has risen to levels not seen since the Great Depression. However, US billionaires got even richer during the same period of coronavirus pandemic.


A new report by Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) and the Institute for Policy Studies showed their fortunes soared by $434 billion or 15 percent during the nation’s lockdown between mid-March and mid-May. The billionaires’ combined net worth rose from $2.948 trillion to $3.382 trillion.

The top five US billionaires—Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett and Larry Ellison—saw their wealth grow by a total of $75.5 billion, or 19 percent. Together they captured 21 percent of the total wealth growth of all 600-plus billionaires in the last two months … (Continue reading >>> )

Living Within The Conspiracy

After Brexit and Trump, As They Gather In Davos The Normally Arrogant Elite Are Crapping Themselves.

Later this week representative of the finance, corporate, political and academic elites will gather in Davos, Switzerland, as they do at this time every year for the World Economic Forum. In previous years the mood had been upbeat, these people were confident that as they ate $40 hot dogs, sipped $20 coffee and knobbed $1000 an hour prostitutes all paid for one way or another by us poor schleppers who work our arses off just to keep rooves over our heads and food on the table, that their chit chat and shady deals would shape the future of the world.

This year they are not quite so cocky, in fact they are shitting themselves as they struggling to answer the question ‘where did it all go wrong’ and cower in “silent fear” as they face a force they have not previously encountered – populism, the will of the people, or rather the refusal of the people to bow to authority, to automatically defer to the dick who is waving a degree certificate in ancient history and claiming it qualifies him to pontificate on how a modern business should be run. The irresistible might of the popular voice was first demonstrated by the “unexpected” Brexit vote and subsequently by the “shocking” election of Trump. As Moises Naim of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace put it, “there is a consensus that something huge is going on, global and in many respects unprecedented. But we don’t know what the causes are, nor how to deal with it.”

Adding to the farcical nature of this year’s Davos shindig is that, while one of the main topics of discussion is “populism” and social and wealth inequality, overnight a new Oxfam study revealed that not only 8 people own the same amount of wealth as (the poorer) half of the world, but that since 2015, the richest 1% has owned more wealth than the rest of the planet. It is expected that many of the “eight people” highlighted by Oxfam will be present at Davos.

For all the pontificating of politicians, academics, religious leaders and media luvvies, in the decades since we started to hear the mantra that globalisation would make us all equal and propsperity, inequalities have grown exponentially and the gab between rich and poor has widened from a chasm until it is now an abyss.

One of the factors in the rise of populism and an acceptable type of nationalism is that trust in governments, companies, the media and the political establishment has evaporated almost completely as ballots from the United States to Britain to the Philippines have rocked political establishments and scandals hit business. Trust in the media itself, meant to be an objective and impartial observer of the Davos boondoggle, yet sadly captured, has likewise crashed to record lows across all age groups.

Thus the executives, bankers, professors and politicians present at the Forum find themselves in a totally unfamilar position. Some have made placatory noises about learning from past mistakes but it is not in their nature to admit mistakes let alone learn from them. They cannot bluff and bluster as they have in previous years when the difficult questions were raised. They know that nigel Farage or beppe Grillo, Marine Le Pen or Donald Trump, Geert Wilders or Bernie Sanders, Frauke Petry or Rodrigo Dutarte are going to keep on questioning.

As Bloomberg puts it, while “the top executives, financiers, academics and politicians making their way up the mountain to the World Economic Forum will be talking a lot about such non-establishment leaders as President-elect Donald Trump, France’s National Front chief Marine Le Pen and Italian populist Beppe Grillo of the Five Star Movement, they won’t be meeting them. Not one of the leaders bent on overturning the world order as Davos has designed it will be present.”

So much for Davos learning from its mistakes, or truly seeking to reach out to its sworn nemesis: those who have been elected because they represent everything Davos is not.


The Davosocracy Gang Gather As Globalism Goes Into Retreat Worldwide

As is usual at this point in January the world’s financial and political elite are assembling in the Davos – Kloisters ski resort in the Swiss Alps for the World Economic Forum. These people, who have travelled by private jet, often half way round the wold to get to the jolly, their vision of ever-closer commercial and political ties, i.e. a totalitarian world government made up of appointees from the political, business and academic elite…

Corporate Capitalism Has Replaced Democracy In Western Nations.
Although this is about the UK General Election in 2015 it has much wider relevance, concerning what is happening in the democratic societies of the developed nation. For that reason this look at how corporate capitalism is usurping democracy and individual freedom will also be relevant long after that election in May 2025.

Cultural Marxism Curriculum: The Frankfurt School

Western civilization at the present day is in a crisis different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies have changed their social or cultural values under the influence of external forces or by gradual development. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the beliefs and institutions on which the whole fabric of social life rests being imposed …

The Authoritarian Left And The Threat To Personal Liberty
Ian reflects on his political position, has he realy moved from near anarchist left to reactionary right on the political spectrum, or have authoritarians hijacked the language of liberal and libertarian philosophy and perverted it to serve a neo fascist, big government agenda?

The Mummers: The Controlling system And The Illusion Of Freedom
We live in a world of deception, where truth is an ephemeral thing, slippery as an eel and shadowy as a spectre. What we are expercted to perceive as reality is just spin and misinformation designed to ensure the elite maintain their control. There’s eff all you can do just get on with your life, say the shills for big government and authoritarianism. But are we really nothing more than slaves of the system?

Our New Unhappy Lords
The title, a line from a poem by G K Chesterton is explained in the article. Every year our new, unhappy lords meet at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland to plan the future of…

News From Davos: America Is Finished Global Governance And NWO To Rule
The World Economic Forum (or the junior Bilderberg Group as some call it) held their annual jolly conference at the exclusive Alpine resort of Davos-Klosters where it will cost you €20 (about$22) for a cup of coffee because the locals have to keep chavs out somehow. Two thousand five hundred politicians, celebrities, and business leaders from all over the world gather every year for this “Bilderberg style” meeting. The delegates include 53 people who own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world’s population and representatives of over 1,000 of the multinational corporate businesses

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Report Predicts Everyone Will Be a Sexy Millionaire by 2050

The Kinks one recorded a song titled ‘Everyone’s In Showbiz, Everyone’s a Star’ and the world’s greatest talentless wanker, Andy Warhol, predicted that ‘in the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes. History is full of failed predictions from the Oracle at Delphi through Nostradamus, Mother Shipton and just about every twentieth century stargazer and futurologist who ever found an audience.

It isn’t just psychics and fortune tellers of course. When I was young there was here in the UK a TV program titled Tomorrows World which looked at the latest technological advances and newly launched gadgets and predicted how we would live in the future. One famous prediction led us to believe by the trun of the millennium we would all be zooming around in private hovercraft.

Its 2016 now and I’m still waiting, where’s my fucking hovercraft?

“Britain and the World in 2050”, a report published by the Adam Smith Institute, predicts that teenagers will be millionaires in the future and will afford the same living standards that wealthy people do today. It also predicts everyone will be good looking.

Despite the growing gap between the rich and poor, Adam Smith Institute president Madsen Pirie predicts economic growth of two percent a year will leave the younger generation richer.

Machines will take over the production of food and clothes and will run households, suggest Pirie.

Look at the first syllable of Mr. Pirie’s forename and you get a clue as to the worth of this report. With central banks and increasingly the commercial banks looking at negative interests rates to restart the economies of the developed world we are looking at a modern version of serfdom as our financial future

I’m not a celebrity, throw me out of here

A bunch of self obsesses airheads only interested in publicity

Confiscate the right’s wealth but not mine, says billionaire leftie

An exclusive on the world’s greatest celebrity

Celebrity Love Island: Reality Rears Its Ugly Head

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Mind The Gap – Rich And Poor Drift Further Apart

mind the gap between rich and poor

Mind the gap, a phrase familiar to anyone who has used the London Underground system, a warning to passengers to take care else they might lip into the space between the platform’s edge and the carriage floor.

It isn’t that gap we are warning against however but the widening gap in the supposedly civilised nations between the wealth and lifestyles of rich and poor. For all the fine words of consensus politicians, all the talk of a fair society and redistribution of wealth, all the manipulated statistics that are supposed to tell us how well we are doing, but never match up to the reality of most people’s experience, as ever the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

And Ed Miliband’s “squeezed middle” are feeling more like a tube of toothpaste in the home of a dysfunctional family.

But is everything as it seems. There is evidence that the gap between those who actually have the balance of formal education and practical experience needed to operate effectively and live well and the disconnected elitists of the political, academic and corporate world is widening rapidly.

from The Guardian:

I want to know what’s to stop this revolution from turning into a violent, destructive mess. Steele is characteristically optimistic. “I have struggled with this question. What I see happening is an end to national dictat and the emergence of bottom-up clarity, diversity, integrity, and sustainability. Individual towns across the USA are now nullifying federal and state regulations – for example gag laws on animal cruelty, blanket permissions for fracking. Those such as my colleague Parag Khanna that speak to a new era of city-states are correct in my view. Top down power has failed in a most spectacular manner, and bottom-up consensus power is emergent. ‘Not in my neighborhood’ is beginning to trump ‘Because I say so.’ The one unlimited resource we have on the planet is the human brain – the current strategy of 1% capitalism is failing because it is killing the Golden Goose at multiple levels. Unfortunately, the gap between those with money and power and those who actually know what they are talking about has grown catastrophic. The rich are surrounded by sycophants and pretenders whose continued employment demands that they not question the premises. As Larry Summers lectured Elizabeth Warren, ‘insiders do not criticize insiders.’”

Read the full article: “The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% – ex CIA spy” in The Guardian

Conversely Niall Ferguson writing in American cybermag Liberty Blitzkrieg warns that the controlling hierarchies are not going to let go that easily:

from The American Interest

Networks are not planned by a single authority; they are the main source of innovation but are relatively fragile. Hierarchies exist primarily because of economies of scale and scope, beginning with the imperative of self-defense. To that end, but for other reasons too, hierarchies seek to exploit the positive externalities of networks. States need networks, for no political hierarchy, no matter how powerful, can plan all the clever things that networks spontaneously generate. But if the hierarchy comes to control the networks so much as to compromise their benign self-organizing capacities, then innovation is bound to wane.

Read full article Networks and Hierarchies on The American Interest Website

While Nafeez Ahmed for The Guradian has no doubt that a return to a system of city states loosely connected in a trading empire such as the Hellenic civilisations of Ancient Greece and Phoenicia or the medieval North European Hanseatic League, Ferguson questions whether networks will ultimately prove able to topple corporate and political hierarchies which currently hold a monopoly on economic and military power.

Clearly the growing gap between rich and poor suggests not, however a closer look at how fragile the global economic model really is and how desperate the elite and their useful idiots, the politically correct left are to suppress dissent and dilute democracy shows that not only is decentralization of power, and the return of regulatory authority to communities of a manageable size necessary, the longer the elite can resist it, the more bloody and painful the transition will be when it comes.

Its unlikely but I hope I’m around long enough to see the outcome


Casless Society – The Resistance Begins Here
The Elite’s global takeover
Elitist contempt for those who make their wealth
How elitists hijacked the Labour movement
Bilderberg Group Plan Total Control
The left believe they have a monopoly on goodness and truth
Nanny State menu
Left wing Intellectuals despise the masses

Latest neo-nazi-Liberal Outrage – The Criminalization Of Parenthood

Another Elitist Comes Out Of The Authoritarian Closet

In remarks this morning to the Clinton Global Initiative, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton proposed a radical idea: a global tax on rich people around the world.

“One of the issues that I have been preaching about around the world is collecting taxes in an equitable manner, especially from the elites in every country,” Clinton said to laughter from the audience. “You know I’m out of American politics, but – (applause) – it is a fact that around the world, the elites of every country are making money.”

Well that’s very true, according to figures obtained from the US Internal Revenue Service Hilly and hubby Slack Willy pulled in income of $109 million in the past decade.

Clinton (personal fortune $35 million, mostly her share of the Rodham family fortune) continued her assault on the rich. “There are rich people everywhere. And yet they do not contribute to the growth of their own countries.” So how much of her fortune is Hilly stupmping up? Well none actually, it is all tied up in trusts and legally protected from the taxman. Like most rich politicians Hillary is very enthusiastic about grabbing other peoples’ money.

Mrs. Clinton said that the rich around the world do not give back to their communities. “They don’t invest in public schools, in public hospitals, in other kinds of development internally,” said Clinton.

She continued, saying that it is up to foreign leaders to make the change. “And so it means for leaders telling powerful people things they don’t want to hear,” Clinton said.

Clinton’s boss, Barack Obama, has made raising taxes on the rich or at least, raising taxes on rich people who do not donate to his campaigns, a centerpiece of his reelection campaign. Little Black Bammy has made a big deal out of his opponent Mitt Romney’s wealth but is very coy about releasing his own tax returns. Could this be anything to do with the fact that he and Michy pulled in a couple of million each from various sources every year since he has been President? And that’s not counting Barry’s salary.

Effing hypocrites all of them.

When I hear about any of these people dissolving their trusts and giving their money to the poor I might start to take them seriously.

Don’t call me a conspiracy theorist

Confiscate The Right’s Wealth But Not Mine Says Millionaire Leftie

In her column in The Guardian today, hand wringer and bleeding heart in chief Polly Toynbee, the multimillionairess who lives in a mansion in West London and has holiday homes in Cornwall and Tuscany wrote:

To end this impasse [ in the Euro zone ], let us tap Europe’s vast wealth. Faced with a crisis almost as grave as war, social democrats must act in concert to end the toxic policies of austerity. [ … ]

Abolishing tax havens, co-ordinating fair tax instead of destructive competition, ending secrecy of wealth and property ownership: politically hard decisions are easier if social democrats can inspire people with the value of standing together, not falling apart.

Knowing something of how tax efficiently Polly, and her employers Guardian Media, use tax havens to protect their vast wealth from the attentions of the taxman I had to reply thus:

So when you, dear Pol, and all the other obscenely wealthy left wing elitists put your spare homes on the market and maybe even sell your main home, the London mansion and trade down to a modest two bed apartment, what do you think will happen to property prices in Tuscany, The Dordogne, Cornwall and the fashionable suburbs of London.

Same goes for art treaures and antiques and shares in all those ethical investments when the elitist left all dissolve their trust funds.

I’m not holding my breath waithing for it to happen of course.

Europe, Europe, uber alles
Rendering unto Caesar – Anna Raccoon
Those Poor, Hard Done By Politicians

Confiscate The Right’s Wealth But Not Mine Says Millionaire Leftie

In her column in The Guardian today, hand wringer and bleeding heart in chief Polly Toynbee, the multimillionairess who lives in a mansion in West London and has holiday homes in Cornwall and Tuscany wrote:

To end this impasse [ in the Euro zone ], let us tap Europe’s vast wealth. Faced with a crisis almost as grave as war, social democrats must act in concert to end the toxic policies of austerity. [ … ]

Abolishing tax havens, co-ordinating fair tax instead of destructive competition, ending secrecy of wealth and property ownership: politically hard decisions are easier if social democrats can inspire people with the value of standing together, not falling apart.

Knowing something of how tax efficiently Polly, and her employers Guardian Media, use tax havens to protect their vast wealth from the attentions of the taxman I had to reply thus:

So when you, dear Pol, and all the other obscenely wealthy left wing elitists put your spare homes on the market and maybe even sell your main home, the London mansion and trade down to a modest two bed apartment, what do you think will happen to property prices in Tuscany, The Dordogne, Cornwall and the fashionable suburbs of London.

Same goes for art treaures and antiques and shares in all those ethical investments when the elitist left all dissolve their trust funds.

I’m not holding my breath waithing for it to happen of course.


Report Predicts Everyone Will Be a Sexy Millionaire by 2050
History is full of failed predictions from the Oracle at Delphi through Nostradamus, Mother Shipton and just about every twentieth century stargazer and futurologist who ever found an audience.

Europe, Europe, uber alles
Rendering unto Caesar – Anna Raccoon
Those Poor, Hard Done By Politicians

.Things Must Be Pretty Bad When Primark Fakes Are Selling In Dubai

Fake Christian Louboutin shoes I can understand although those wanting to plug such crap in my comments thread can eff off, I’ll just delete you. Fake Louis Vuitton bags, Dolce and Gabbana wossits, Tommy Hilfiger hoodies, or Stella McCartney frocks I can understand, these high fashion brands are unaffordable for most people. But a store selling Primark fakes? Has it really come to this?

What is even more gobsmacking is the shop selling fake Primark stuff has opened in Dubai, world capital of obscene wealth, the domain of Sheik Phil T Lucre where people send their kids off to school with Pate de Fois Gras and white truffle sarnis for a packed lunch or bung said little darlings £4,200 for a caviar pizza drssed with gold flakes. Dubai is home to people who think nothing of paying £3,000 for a Kobe Beef sirloin steak or adding £1000 extra to their bill for a side order of Matsutake mushrooms grown on composted Unicorn shit. (world’s most expensive foods) Dubai it the place that is too expensive even for seriously rich people. Only the fuck off rich can afford to live in Dubai.

So WTF do they want with a budget clothing shop like Primark? And fake Primark stuff, even chavs would turn their noses up at that. What can we expect to see opining up in Accrington next month, a new shop selling fake poundstretcher stuff.

More posts on comedy and satire at Greenteeth Labyrinth

Blair 2 – Tony, The Papal Emmissary.

What have we learned recently about Tony Blair? Well, that he’s a c ….; yes but we’ve always known he’s one of those, I was going to say that he’s a Catholic. A very recent recruit to the Catholic Church in fact. So as most Catholics are still practising after half a lifetime we have a right to expect Tone would have spent a bit more time learning the ropes before he starts lecturing more experienced Catholics on how to be good members of their religion.

Ah but Tony Blair is no ordinary mortal, he is a one man insurgency, an agent of the Dark Lords of globalisation whose job is to work insidiously to subjugate our free will, inhibit our ability to think and act of our own volition and to control our thought processes.

Since he somewhat fell from grace in the wake of the debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan the festering gobshite has been working to convince us he is really one of the good guys and is on our side and not the kind of two faced, self adoring scum – sucker who would betray his people and his nation for a smidgin of personal glory. His latest ruse in furtherance of that aim is to blether on ad nauseum about his love affair with The Vatican.

“Catholics,” he told an audience of Catholics, “should not allow aggressive secularism to gain traction in the west but should stand up for justice and solidarity.”

This may sound a bit hypocritical coming from a man whose government created a debt fuelled boom by encouraging people to get in over their heads so they could enjoy cheap facsimiles of the lifestyles Blair’s billionaire buddies habitually enjoy. But if anybody was feeling a tad embarrassed there was more on the way.

“The role of faith,” continued Tone, “is to represent God’s truth, not limited by human frailty.”

Well he should know about human frailty having himself been addicted to wealth, fame and power.

The former Prime Minister also reminded his congregation on the poor Mediterranean island of Sardinia where he had a stopover while holidaying on the five decked luxury yacht of software billionaire and Bilderberger Larry Ellison, that their religion requires of them humility (sic), compassion, charity and a rejection of wealth and materialism.

If people can comply with these requirements, Blair said, they will be granted knowledge that passes all understanding.

Blair has certainly been granted arrogance and vanity that passes all understanding but does he really think people are too stupid to work our what he is really saying, that people should forego the benefits of living in an advanced society and give up all their money because his billionaire buddies need much much more. It costs plenty to keep a five decked luxury yacht on the ocean you know and the super rich elite deserve every penny they can steal from you.

Here’s an interesting post Obama’s Meaningless War As you read it, bear in mind the commenters on this blog who are singing Tony Blair’s praises for the good work he is doing in Afghanistan. These people either have PhDs in Stupid or are very very young because they seem oblivious to the fact that if the traitor and war criminal Blair had not agreed to support Bush’s invasion of Afghanistan, Bush would have hardly dared go in alone and the whole bloody (literally) mess would not have started. So rather than talking about what a wonderful dude Blair is for saying how we should all join hands and sing Kum-fucking-bya, thousands of Afghan men, women and children would not have died had that self serving piece of shit had shown the slightest trace of moral fibre.

People who come to this blog and post insuting comments should expect no mercy.


Engage With Tony Blair – No Thanks
Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Stop Hating Blair

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